13 research outputs found

    Circulating β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone and cortisol levels of stallions before and after short road transport: stress effect of different distances

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since transport evokes physiological adjustments that include endocrine responses, the objective of this study was to examine the responses of circulating β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels to transport stress in stallions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-two healthy Thoroughbred and crossbred stallions were studied before and after road transport over distances of 100, 200 and 300 km. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein: first in a single box immediately before loading (pre-samples), then immediately after transport and unloading on arrival at the breeding stations (post-samples).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An increase in circulating β-endorphin levels after transport of 100 km (<it>P </it>< 0.01), compared to basal values was observed. Circulating ACTH levels showed significant increases after transport of 100 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001) and 200 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001). Circulating cortisol levels showed significant increases after road transport over distances of 100, 200 and 300 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001). An effect of transport on β-endorphin, ACTH and cortisol variations was therefore evident for the different distances studied. No significant differences (<it>P </it>> 0.05) between horses of different ages and different breeds were observed for β-endorphin, ACTH and cortisol levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results obtained for short term transportation of stallions showed a very strong reaction of the adrenocortical system. The lack of response of β-endorphin after transport of 200–300 km and of ACTH after transport of 300 km seems to suggest a soothing effect of negative feedback of ACTH and cortisol levels.</p

    Efeito do estresse térmico e do exercício sobre parâmetros fisiológicos de cavalos do exército brasileiro Effect of heat stress and exercise on physiological parameters of horses of the Brazilian army

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    Os cavalos do exército brasileiro são usados em dias de exposição e, muitas vezes, submetidos a exercício intenso, que, aliado às condições climáticas do cerrado do Centro-Oeste brasileiro, resulta na necessidade de extrema aclimatação dos mesmos. O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar o efeito do estresse térmico e do exercício a que estão submetidas às raças de eqüinos estudadas. Foram utilizados 40 cavalos adultos (4 a 13 anos) do 1º Regimento de Cavalaria de Guarda (10 animais de cada uma das raças Puro Sangue de Corrida - PSC, Mestiço <FONT FACE=Symbol>&frac34;</FONT> M e Brasileiro de Hipismo - BH) e do 32º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha (10 animais da raça Bretã), localizado no Setor Militar Urbano do Distrito Federal. Foram realizadas três medidas das freqüências cardíaca e respiratória, da temperatura retal e colhidas amostras de sangue quatro vezes por dia, de manhã e à tarde, antes e depois dos animais terem sido submetidos a exercício. A raça afetou todas as características exceto VCM, HCM e CHCM. Animais da raça PSC tiveram médias mais altas para leucócitos (7,83 &plusmn; 1,59), hemácias (9,21 &plusmn; 1,27), VG (40,75 &plusmn; 4,58) e hemoglobina (14,34 &plusmn; 1,67), enquanto os mestiços tiveram médias mais altas para proteína plasmática total (6,93 &plusmn; 0,66). Na raça Bretã foram observados níveis mais baixos para a maioria das características examinadas. O exercício afetou todas as características exceto VCM, HCM e CHCM com o nível das características aumentando em todos os casos. As correlações entre as características investigadas variam muito, sendo que entre hemácias, hemoglobina, VG foram em geral altas e positivas (>0,58), enquanto com a proteína plasmática total foram de médias a baixas (<0,26). O presente experimento nos permite concluir que os animais da raça PSC são os mais susceptíveis e os da raça Bretã os melhores adaptados às condições do clima do DF.<br>The horses of the Brazilian army are used for expositions, and frequently subjected to intense exercise. This, together with environmental conditions of the Central west savanna result in the need for acclimatization. The objective of this study was to determine what is the effect of thermal and exercise stress on four groups of stabled horses in the savanna region. 40 Adult horses (4 to 13 years of age) from the 1st Mounted Guard Regiment (10 of each breed Thoroughbred <FONT FACE=Symbol>&frac34;</FONT> PSC, Crossbred <FONT FACE=Symbol>&frac34;</FONT> M and Brazilian Showjumper <FONT FACE=Symbol>&frac34;</FONT> BH) as well as 10 Bretãs from the 32nd Campaign Artillery Group, were used. All horses were kept in the Urban Military Sector in the Federal District. The measurements made on the animals included heart and respiratory rates, rectal temperature and blood samples were taken at four opportunities during the day, in the morning and afternoon, before and after exercise. Genetic group influenced all traits except VCM, HCM e CHCM. Animals of the PSC group had higher means for leukocytes (7.83 &plusmn; 1.59), hematocytes (9.21 &plusmn; 1.27), VG (40.75 &plusmn; 4.58) and hemoglobin (14.34 &plusmn; 1.67), while crossbreds had higher total plasmatic protein levels (6,93 &plusmn; 0,66). The Breton breed had lowest levels for the majority traits examined. Exercise increased all traits except VCM, HCM and CHCM. The correlations between traits vary greatly, the highest being between hematocytes, hemoglobin and VG (>0.58), while with total plasma protein they were low (<0.26). The present work allows us to conclude that in terms of exercise of horses of the Brazilian army PSC are worst adapted and Bretã best adapted to the conditions of this study