89 research outputs found

    Convergence of IP-based and optical transport networks

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    Today Network and Service Providers are aware of the increasing data traffic volumes and as such they are strategically moving investigations toward a single integrated voice and data infrastructure. In this context IP is gaining the role of the integration layer for multiple services. Nevetheless incumbent NSPs that build a multi-service IP network are going to need connectivity to its preexisting legacy networks (e.g. ATM. SONET, SDH). This reason motivates the introduction of a client-independent Optical Transport Network (OTN) as a missing link to guarantee a smooth evolution from legacy networks to a data-centric OTN. The scope of this paper is to give some guidelines about the definition of functionality and architectures of a multilayers infrastructure supporting the transport of data and circuit-based services. Particularly, the identification of the different service requirements, as well as the understanding of the allowed degradation, provide a picture of the needed survivability mechanism of IP over OTN scenarios

    Stability of the Cachtice Underground Corridors

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    At the beginning of the 16th century, the original inhabitants of Cachtice built a large complex of tunnels and cellars under the village, today called the Cachtice underground. The underground protected people from war conflicts, most recently during World War II, as anti-aircraft shelters. Over time, the underground lost its significance. The corridors were walled up, covered with rubble, and collapsed due to construction work. Later, a part of the underground was repaired, and historical events occurred in such a preserved part. Due to a lawsuit, the Cachtice underground was eventually closed to the public, and it was necessary to test the stability of the walls of the Cachtice underground. A 3D model of the underground was created, and three areas were identified in which numerical calculations were performed in Plaxis 2D software. The whole underground is located in loess soil. The Cachtice underground is stable if the conditions do not change diametrically. The calculated factors of safety support this assumption

    Review of the cedar and oak forest-associated Epuraea latipes species group (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae, Epuraeinae), with description of a new species from southern Turkey

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    A new species of Epuraea, Epuraea sutcuimamun Avgin, Lason & Audisio sp. n., from southern Turkey (Taurus Chain) was identified using morphological analyses. This species is a member of a circum-Mediterranean endemic group of sap beetles, the Epuraea latipes species group of the Dadopora lineage, which are mostly associated with cedar (Cedrus spp.) forests. Herein, the new species is described, the previously unknown association of the little-known Epuraea subparallela Grouvelle 1896 with meso-xerophilous oaks is reported, and some new records from southern Turkey (Taurus Chain) are listed for the latter species (previously only known from the Nur Mts. in SE Turkey, Osmaniye and Iskenderun provinces). An identification key to species of Dadopora lineage is also provided. Finally, the main palaeogeographic events affecting the Miocene to Holocene dispersal and evolution of species/populations of the Dadopora lineage on cedars and oaks, and the coincident distributional dynamics of Western Palaearctic Cedrus populations throughout the Mediterranean Basin, are discussed