28,226 research outputs found

    Tool provides constant purge during tube welding

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    Tool provides a constant purge of inert gas during in-place welding of tubular components to prevent contamination and oxidation. It also permits self-jiggings of the tube and sleeve to be welded

    Pre-shuttle lidar system research

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    Included are the results of the initial phase of a simulation study in connection with photomultiplier tubes (PMT) and associated networks and an analytical study of atmospheric physics (including multiscattering) leading to modeling studies in connection with differential absorption lidar (DIAL) observations. This effort was in support of the ER-2 aircraft DIAL projects

    Remote Stratigraphic Analysis: Combined TM and AIS Results in the Wind River/bighorn Basin Area, Wyoming

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    An in-progress study demonstrates the utility of airborne imaging spectrometer (AIS) data for unraveling the stratigraphic evolution of a North American, western interior foreland basin. AIS data are used to determine the stratigraphic distribution of mineralogical facies that are diagnostic of specific depositional environments. After wavelength and amplitude calibration using natural ground targets with known spectral characteristics, AIS data identify calcite, dolomite, gypsum and montmorillonite-bearing strata in the Permian-Cretaceous sequence. Combined AIS and TM results illustrate the feasibility of spectral stratigraphy, remote analysis of stratigraphic sequences

    Cleaning the USNO-B Catalog through automatic detection of optical artifacts

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    The USNO-B Catalog contains spurious entries that are caused by diffraction spikes and circular reflection halos around bright stars in the original imaging data. These spurious entries appear in the Catalog as if they were real stars; they are confusing for some scientific tasks. The spurious entries can be identified by simple computer vision techniques because they produce repeatable patterns on the sky. Some techniques employed here are variants of the Hough transform, one of which is sensitive to (two-dimensional) overdensities of faint stars in thin right-angle cross patterns centered on bright (<13 \mag) stars, and one of which is sensitive to thin annular overdensities centered on very bright (<7 \mag) stars. After enforcing conservative statistical requirements on spurious-entry identifications, we find that of the 1,042,618,261 entries in the USNO-B Catalog, 24,148,382 of them (2.3 \percent) are identified as spurious by diffraction-spike criteria and 196,133 (0.02 \percent) are identified as spurious by reflection-halo criteria. The spurious entries are often detected in more than 2 bands and are not overwhelmingly outliers in any photometric properties; they therefore cannot be rejected easily on other grounds, i.e., without the use of computer vision techniques. We demonstrate our method, and return to the community in electronic form a table of spurious entries in the Catalog.Comment: published in A

    Precision CW laser automatic tracking system investigated

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    Precision laser tracker capable of tracking a low acceleration target to an accuracy of about 20 microradians rms is being constructed and tested. This laser tracking has the advantage of discriminating against other optical sources and the capability of simultaneously measuring range

    Discovery of a Non-Thermal Galactic Center Filament (G358.85+0.47) Parallel to the Galactic Plane

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    We report the discovery of a new non-thermal filament, G358.85+0.47, the ``Pelican'', located ~225 pc in projection from SgrA, and oriented parallel to the Galactic plane. VLA continuum observations at 20 cm reveal that this 7' (17.5 pc) structure bends at its northern extension and is comprised of parallel strands, most apparent at its ends. Observations at 6 and 3.6 cm reveal that the Pelican is a synchrotron-emitting source and is strongly linearly polarized over much of its extent. The spectral index of the filament changes from alpha(20/6)=-0.8 to alpha(6/3.6)=-1.5. The rotation measures exhibit a smooth gradient, with values ranging from -1000 rad/m2 to +500 rad/m2. The intrinsic magnetic field is well-aligned along the length of the filament. Based on these properties, we classify the Pelican as one of the non-thermal filaments unique to the Galactic center. Since these filaments (most of which are oriented perpendicular to the Galactic plane) are believed to trace the overall magnetic field in the inner Galaxy, the Pelican is the first detection of a component of this field parallel to the plane. The Pelican may thus mark a transition region of the magnetic field orientation in the inner kiloparsec of the Galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in ApJ Letters; Figs. 2 & 3 are color .ps files and best viewed in colo

    Determining ethylene group disorder levels in κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br

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    We present a detailed structural investigation of the organic superconductor κ\kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2_2Cu[N(CN)2_2]Br at temperatures TT from 9 to 300 K. Anomalies in the TT dependence of the lattice parameters are associated with a glass-like transition previously reported at TgT_g = 77 K. From structure refinements at 9, 100 and 300 K, the orthorhombic crystalline symmetry, space group {\it Pnma}, is established at all temperatures. Further, we extract the TT dependence of the occupation factor of the eclipsed conformation of the terminal ethylene groups of the BEDT-TTF molecule. At 300 K, we find 67(2) %, with an increase to 97(3) % at 9 K. We conclude that the glass-like transition is not primarily caused by configurational freezing-out of the ethylene groups