321 research outputs found

    L’aisthesis di Aristotele. Analisi della teoria della sensazione nel De Anima

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    La trattazione della facoltà dell’aisthesis nel De Anima si sviluppa in modo assolutamente singolare e necessita di essere analizzata con cura, proprio perché, come è stato fatto opportunamente notare, Aristotele ne ha «ridisegnato la mappa» rispetto a quanto fatto dai suoi predecessori.[Segue nel testo...] * Presentato dal Dipartimento di Filosofia

    The Enviromental Sustainability from a Building Projects to the Urban Plan: Integration of the Energy Component in the Land Planning

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    La questione energetica ha assunto, negli ultimi anni, un ruolo centrale nel dibattito mondiale in relazione a quattro fattori principali: la non riproducibilità delle risorse naturali, l’aumento esponenziale dei consumi, gli interessi economici e la salvaguardia dell'equilibrio ambientale e climatico del nostro Pianeta. E’ necessario, dunque, cambiare il modello di produzione e consumo dell’energia soprattutto nelle città, dove si ha la massima concentrazione dei consumi energetici. Per queste ragioni, il ricorso alle Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili (FER) si configura ormai come una misura necessaria, opportuna ed urgente anche nella pianificazione urbanistica. Per migliorare la prestazione energetica complessiva del sistema città bisogna implementare politiche di governo delle trasformazioni che escano da una logica operativa “edificio-centrica” e ricomprendano, oltre al singolo manufatto, le aggregazioni di manufatti e le loro relazioni/ interazioni in termini di input e output materico-energetiche. La sostituzione generalizzata del patrimonio edilizio esistente con nuovi edifici iper-tecnologici, è improponibile. In che modo quindi, è possibile ridefinire la normativa e la prassi urbanistica per generare tessuti edilizi energeticamente efficienti? La presente ricerca propone l’integrazione tra la nascente pianificazione energetica del territorio e le più consolidate norme urbanistiche, nella generazione di tessuti urbani “energy saving” che aggiungano alle prestazioni energetico-ambientali dei singoli manufatti quelle del contesto, in un bilancio energetico complessivo. Questo studio, dopo aver descritto e confrontato le principali FER oggi disponibili, suggerisce una metodologia per una valutazione preliminare del mix di tecnologie e di FER più adatto per ciascun sito configurato come “distretto energetico”. I risultati di tale processo forniscono gli elementi basilari per predisporre le azioni necessarie all’integrazione della materia energetica nei Piani Urbanistici attraverso l’applicazione dei principi della perequazione nella definizione di requisiti prestazionali alla scala insediativa, indispensabili per un corretto passaggio alla progettazione degli “oggetti” e dei “sistemi” urbani.The energy issue has recently become crucial in the global debate in relation to four main factors: the non-reproducibility of natural resources, the exponential increase in consumption, the economic interests and the preservation of the environment and climate of our Planet. It is therefore necessary to change the pattern of production and consumption of energy, especially in cities where the highest consumption of energy is concentrated. For these reasons, the use of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) is now beginning to look as essential, appropriate and urgent even in urban planning. To improve the overall energy performance of the city system the government policies should come out of a "building-centric" operative logic covering, in addition to individual estates, the aggregations of buildings and their relationships/interactions in terms of input and output of matter-energy. The widespread replacement of existing estates with new hyper-technology buildings, is unlikely. So how, can we redefine rules and practices to create energetically efficient urban fabric building? This research proposes the integration of the emerging territorial energy planning and the more established zoning in the generation of the urban fabric "energy saving", adding to the energy and environmental performance of individual buildings those of the context, in a global energy balance. This study, describing and comparing the main RES available today, suggests a methodology for preliminary assessment of the mix of technologies and RES best suited for each site, configured as a "district energy". The results of this process provide the basics to prepare the necessary actions related to the integration of the energy efficiency in Town Planning through the application of the principles of equalization in the definition of performance requirements to the scale of settlements, which are essential for a correct transfer in the design of the urban "objects" and “systems"

    Comparación entre técnicas bilaminares y regenerativas para recubrir las raíces

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    El objetivo de este artículo en relación con los estudios publicados en la literatura internacional consiste en comparar las posibilidades terapéuticas que ofrecen las técnicas bilaminares y las de regeneración hística guiada (RHG) para recubrir las superficies radiculares expuestas a causa de las recesiones gingivales. La experimentación se ha realizado con 20 pacientes, 13 hombres y 7 mujeres, con edades de 25/39 años. Se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos, A y B, según las técnicas quirúrgicas, bilaminar y regenerativa, respectivamente. Los sujetos con recesiones múltiples y adyacentes se asignaron al grupo A. Al considerar los datos de este estudio clínico, coincidentes con los de la literatura internacional, se puede afirmar que el injerto de tejido conectivo es una alternativa válida para la RHG en el tratamiento de las recesiones gingivales. De hecho, las técnicas bilaminares permiten aumentar la cantidad y el espesor de la encía insertada, tratar varias recesiones adyacentes y garantizar una gran predicibilidad en recubrimiento radicular

    A neural network based technique for short-term forecasting of anomalous load periods

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    The paper illustrates a part of the research activity conducted by authors in the field of electric Short Term Load Forecasting (STLF) based on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) architectures. Previous experiences with basic ANN architectures have shown that, even though these architectures provide results comparable with those obtained by human operators for most normal days, they evidence some accuracy deficiencies when applied to ''anomalous'' load conditions occurring during holidays and long weekends. For these periods a specific procedure based upon a combined (unsupervised/supervised) approach has been proposed. The unsupervised stage provides a preventive classification of the historical load data by means of a Kohonen's Self Organizing Map (SOM) The supervised stage, performing the proper forecasting activity, is obtained by using a multi-layer perceptron with a backpropagation learning algorithm similar to the ones above mentioned. The unconventional use of information deriving from the classification stage permits the proposed procedure to obtain a relevant enhancement of the forecast accuracy for anomalous load situations

    Diventare ingegnere un gioco da ragazze

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    La mancanza di ragazze nelle facoltà tecnico-scientifiche ha un costo economico e sociale molto alto, questo è ormai un dato di fatto di cui sono consapevoli anche i governi. Alla Sapienza alcune donne hanno cercato di capire cosa c'è che non va e cosa si può fare per cambiar

    Influence of kNN-Based Load Forecasting Errors on Optimal Energy Production

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    This paper presents a study of the influence of the accuracy of hourly load forecasting on the energy planning and operation of electric generation utilities. First, a k Nearest Neighbours (kNN) classification technique is proposed for hourly load forecasting. Then, obtained prediction errors are compared with those obtained results by using a M5’. Second, the obtained kNN-based load forecast is used to compute the optimal on/off status and generation scheduling of the units. Finally, the influence of forecasting errors on both the status and generation level of the units over the scheduling period is studied

    Dalla realizzazione dello spazio europeo della ricerca allo sviluppo economico. Verso il superamento degli squilibri di genere: il caso dell’Università La Sapienza

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    La realizzazione dell’European Research Area (ERA) si basa su cinque priorità, interrelate e interdipendenti e che dovrebbero essere implementate in maniera sinergica sia a livello di Stati membri sia di singola istituzione in ciascun Paese. Per le singole università o centri di ricerca, le priorità richiedono l’allocazione dei fondi su base competitiva, trasparente e basata su peer-review internazionale, la pubblicizzazione delle open position a livello internazionale, l’accesso, lo sviluppo e il trasferimento di conoscenza attraverso strumenti digitali e l’implementazione di un Gender Equality Plan (GEP) di ateneo. Il lavoro richiama brevemente le interrelazioni esistenti tra superamento degli squilibri di genere e sviluppo economico. Delinea le caratteristiche di genere di Sapienza Università di Roma, il più grande ateneo d’Europa, che rappresenta circa il 7% del sistema universitario italiano, anche in relazione alle medie Europea e Italiana. Propone alcune misure per incrementare l'accesso delle ragazze alle facoltà scientifiche e tecnologiche e mitigare gli effetti della segregazione orizzontale. Presenta infine le principali misure di policy che potrebbero favorire l’implementazione dell’ERA, delineando un GEP adeguato a far convergere le strategie di un grande ateneo con quelle indicate dall’ERA, per generare occupazione e crescita in un Paese con ancora troppo bassi livelli di investimento in Ricerca e Sviluppo e senza slanci per il futuro, come dimostra il modesto obiettivo del 1.5% per il 2020 (Comunicazione della Commissione Europea COM 2014 339 del 10 giugno 2014)

    Bending properties in oxidized porous silicon waveguides

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    The greatest limit in high-speed communications between different circuit blocks is due to the delays introduced by metal interconnections. Knock-down wire communication bottleneck is, therefore, one of the best goals that current research could reach in the held of fast electronics. A possible solution is to build fast optical links and even better if the technology is based on silicon. To attain these ends, we have made studies into possibility to fabricate optical waveguide based on oxidized porous silicon. In the last few years, such a device: was realized and characterized. Waveguiding in the visible and in the near infrared was demonstrated, With propagation losses of about 3-5 dB/cm for a light with a wavelength of 632.8 nm. Moreover, a design feature of an integrated waveguide based on oxidized porous silicon is that it offers a spontaneous bending of the waveguiding layer at its ends. The edge bending is provided by a convex camber of a leading edge of forming porous silicon. This bending can be exploited to promote a vertical light output with no use of any additional devices. The paper discusses the properties of edge bending, evaluation of the light losses depending on the radius of curvature, and analysis of possibilities to reduce these losses. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Er-doped Oxidized Porous Silicon Waveguides

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    The present work reports Er-doped channel oxidized porous silicon waveguides (OPSWG) formed from n+-type Si by the two-step anodisation process. Er has been introduced into porous silicon before oxidation by a cathodic treatment in 0.1 M Er (NO3)3 aqueous solution. A correlation between Er concentration and refractive index profiles has shown dominant core doping with Er relative to cladding regions. Reported Er concentration of 0.8 at.% in the OPSWG is large enough to attain the amplification effect

    Optimal energy management system based on stochastic approach for a home microgrid with integrated responsive load demand and energy storage

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    In recent years, increasing interest in developing small-scale fully integrated energy resources in distributed power networks and their production has led to the emergence of smart Microgrids (MG), in particular for distributed renewable energy resources integrated with wind turbine, photovoltaic and energy storage assets. In this paper, a sustainable day-ahead scheduling of the grid-connected home-type Microgrids (H-MG) with the integration of non-dispatchable/dispatchable distributed energy resources and responsive load demand is co-investigated, in particular to study the simultaneously existed uncontrollable and controllable production resources despite the existence of responsive and non-responding loads. An efficient energy management system (EMS) optimization algorithm based on mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) (termed as EMS-MILP) using the GAMS implementation for producing power optimization with minimum hourly power system operational cost and sustainable electricity generation of within a H-MG. The day-ahead scheduling feature of electric power and energy systems shared with renewable resources as a MILP problem characteristic for solving the hourly economic dispatch-constraint unit commitment is also modelled to demonstrate the ability of an EMS-MILP algorithm for a H-MG under realistic technical constraints connected to the upstream grid. Numerical simulations highlights the effectiveness of the proposed algorithmic optimization capabilities for sustainable operations of smart H-MGs connected to a variety of global loads and resources to postulate best power economization. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and show a reduction in the generated power cost by almost 21% in comparison with conventional EMS