5,672 research outputs found

    The study of crystals for space processing and the effect of o-gravity

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    The mechanism of crystal growth was studied by solution technique and how it was affected by space environment. Investigation was made as to how space processing methods are used to improve the promising candidate materials for different devices

    A study of crystal growth by solution technique

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    The mechanism of crystal growth by solution technique was studied. A low temperature solution crystal growth setup was developed. Crystals of triglycine sulfate (TGS) were grown using this arrangement. Some additional tasks were performed toward fabrication of experiments for future space flight

    The study of single crystals for space processing and the effect of zero gravity

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    A study was undertaken to analyze different growth techniques affected by a space environment. Literature on crystal growth from melt, vapor phase and float zone was reviewed and the physical phenomena important for crystal growth in zero-gravity environment was analyzed. Recommendations for potential areas of crystal growth feasible for space missions are presented and a bibliography of articles in the area of crystal growth in general is listed

    Growth and characterization of crystals for room temperature I.R. detectors and second harmonic generation devices

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    One of the major objectives of this program was to modify the triglycine sulfate (TGS) crystals with suitable dopants and variants to achieve better pyroelectric properties and improved infrared detectivities (D(sup *)), and higher Curie transition temperature compared to undoped TGS crystals. Towards these objectives, many promising dopants, both inorganic and organic, were investigated in the last few years. These dopants gave significant improvement in the D(sup *) value of the infrared detectors fabricated from the grown crystals with no significant increase in the Curie temperature (49 C). The IR detectors were fabricated at EDO/Barnes Engineering Division, Shelton, CT. In the last one year many TGS crystals doped with urea were grown using the low temperature solution crystal growth facility. It is found that doping with urea, the normalized growth yield increased significantly compared to pure TGS crystals and there is an improvement in the pyroelectric and dielectric constant values of doped crystals. This gave a significant increase in the materials figure of merits. The Vicker's hardness of 10 wt percent urea doped crystals is found to be about three times higher in the (010) direction compared to undoped crystals. This report describes in detail the results of urea doped TGS crystals

    A study of TRIGLYCINE SULFATE (TGS) crystals from the International Microgravity Laboratory Mission (IML-1)

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    Preliminary evaluation of the data was made during the hologram processing procedure. A few representative holograms were selected and reconstructed in the HGS; photographs of sample particle images were made to illustrate the resolution of all three particle sizes. Based on these evaluations slight modifications were requested in the hologram processing procedure to optimize the hologram exposure in the vicinity of the crystal. Preliminary looks at the data showed that we are able to see and track all three sizes of particles throughout the chamber. Because of the vast amount of data available in the holograms, it was recommended that we produce a detailed data reduction plan with prioritization on the different types of data which can be extracted from the holograms

    Study of materials for space processing

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    Materials were selected for device applications and their commercial use. Experimental arrangements were also made for electrical characterization of single crystals using electrical resistivity and Hall effect measurements. The experimental set-up was tested with some standard samples

    A study of crystal growth by solution technique

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    The advantages and mechanisms of crystal growth from solution are discussed as well as the effects of impurity adsorption on the kinetics of crystal growth. Uncertainities regarding crystal growth in a low gravity environment are examined. Single crystals of triglycine sulfate were grown using a low temperature solution technique. Small components were assembled and fabricated for future space flights. A space processing experiment proposal accepted by NASA for the Spacelab-3 mission is included

    Study of materials for space processing

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    A handbook is presented of materials feasible for growth in space in future NASA Missions. Major emphasis was placed on a literature survey concerned with promising materials. Equipment for resistivity and hall effect set-up was procured