2,786 research outputs found

    Detection of Contact Binaries Using Sparse High Phase Angle Lightcurves

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    We show that candidate contact binary asteroids can be efficiently identified from sparsely sampled photometry taken at phase angles >60deg. At high phase angle, close/contact binary systems produce distinctive lightcurves that spend most of the time at maximum or minimum (typically >1mag apart) brightness with relatively fast transitions between the two. This means that a few (~5) sparse observations will suffice to measure the large range of variation and identify candidate contact binary systems. This finding can be used in the context of all-sky surveys to constrain the fraction of contact binary near-Earth objects. High phase angle lightcurve data can also reveal the absolute sense of the spin.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Detection of Additional Members of the 2003 EL61 Family via Infrared Spectroscopy

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    We have acquired near-infrared spectra of Kuiper belt objects 2003 UZ117, 2005 CB79 and 2004 SB60 with NIRC on the Keck I Telescope. These objects are dynamically close to the core of the 2003 EL61 collisional family and were suggested to be potential fragments of this collision by Ragozzine and Brown (2007). We find that the spectra of 2003 UZ117 and 2005 CB79 both show the characteristic strong water ice absorption features seen exclusively on 2003 EL61, its largest satellite, and the six other known collisional fragments. In contrast, we find that the near infrared spectrum of 2004 SB60 is essentially featureless with a fraction of water ice of less than 5%. We discuss the implications of the discovery of these additional family members for understanding the formation and evolution of this collisional family in the outer solar system.Comment: 9 Pages, 2 figure

    The formation of the solar system

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    The solar system started to form about 4.56 Gyr ago and despite the long intervening time span, there still exist several clues about its formation. The three major sources for this information are meteorites, the present solar system structure and the planet-forming systems around young stars. In this introduction we give an overview of the current understanding of the solar system formation from all these different research fields. This includes the question of the lifetime of the solar protoplanetary disc, the different stages of planet formation, their duration, and their relative importance. We consider whether meteorite evidence and observations of protoplanetary discs point in the same direction. This will tell us whether our solar system had a typical formation history or an exceptional one. There are also many indications that the solar system formed as part of a star cluster. Here we examine the types of cluster the Sun could have formed in, especially whether its stellar density was at any stage high enough to influence the properties of today's solar system. The likelihood of identifying siblings of the Sun is discussed. Finally, the possible dynamical evolution of the solar system since its formation and its future are considered.Comment: 36 pages, 7 figures, invited review in Physica Script

    Deposition of conductive materials on textile and polymeric flexible substrates

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    This paper describes the study, analysis and selection of textile and similar materials to be used as flexible substrates for thin conductive film deposition, in the context of integrating electronics into textiles. Kapton® polyimide was chosen as reference substrate material, was characterized regarding mechanical and electrical properties and was used as a basis for a comparison with several textile substrates. Samples were fabricated using physical vapour deposition (thermal evaporation) to deposit a thin layer of aluminium on top of Kapton and textile substrates. The measurement of electrical resistance of the thin aluminum films was carried out using the Kelvin method. To characterize the mechanical behaviour of the substrate and aluminum film, several mechanical tests were performed and results were compared between Kapton and these textile materials. The chemical composition of the textile substrates and aluminum films as well as the continuity of the films was characterized. This selection process identified the material that was closer to the behaviour of polyimide, a flexible, but non-elastic woven textile coated on both sides with PVC.FEDER funds in COMPETE program and by FCT, in the project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-02267

    Caracterização de amido de pinhão modificado com soluções de ácido clorídrico 0,1 e 0,2M em presença de etanol e metanol.

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    O amido de pinhão possui propriedades interessantes, porém pouco foi estudado até o momento. Proveniente do Sul do Brasil, a semente da Araucária angustifolia serve de alimento para diversas culturas da região. Os amidos nativos de diversas fontes botânicas possuem características de interesse industrial, porém algumas só são adquiridas ou melhoradas mediante a aplicação de agentes que modifiquem as estruturas originais dos grânulos, como ácidos e oxidantes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar propriedades do amido de pinhão nativo e este modificado, utilizando ácido clorídrico 0,1M e 0,2M, em meio etanólico e metanólico. Pelas curvas DSC foi possível determinar as temperaturas ?onset?, de pico e de conclusão do processo de gelatinização das amostras, além de se determinar a entalpia envolvida no processo. Pelas imagens NC-AFM pode-se medir o tamanho dos grânulos dos amidos e a rugosidade dos mesmos antes e após as modificações. Por meio da técnica TG-DTG, foi possível observar um perfil de perda de massa semelhante para todas as amostras, com 3 etapas definidas, sendo a 1ª referente à desidratação da amostra e a 2ª e 3ª referente à decomposição da matéria orgânica à cinzas. Através da análise de propriedade de pasta (RVA) se observou o perfil reológico das amostras, podendo determinar temperatura de pico, viscosidade final e retrogradação.CBRATEC

    Atributos do solo impactados por cultivos sucessivos de arroz de terras altas.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar, utilizando esse tipo de análise, quais atributos de um Latossolo Vermelho de Cerrado são mais impactados por cultivos sucessivos de arroz de terras altas sob semeadura direta

    Prevalencia y factores asociados con actividad física insuficiente de tiempo libre de adolescentes: resultados de un estudio transversal basado en la población escolar

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    [EN] Purpose: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors with insufficient leisure-time physical activity (ILPA) among adolescents from a medium-sized city in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Methods: Data from the ACtVU cross-sectional survey (Uberaba - MG, Brazil) conducted between May and October 2015. High school students of both sexes (14 to 18 years old) comprised the sample. ILPA (< 300 minutes/week) was the dependent variable and sociodemographic, behavioral and health indicators were the independent variables evaluated through questionnaires. Binary logistic regression was used to estimate the Odds Ratio (OR). BMI was used as control variable. Results: 984 students participated in this study. The percentage of ILPA was 44.9% (95% CI 41.7; 48.1) and was higher among girls (57.1% vs. 29.3% in boys). Increased chance for ILPA was found in: the grade for both sexes (OR = 2.23 boys, OR = 2.28 girls), weekday screen time (OR = 1.29), excessive use of smartphone during the week (OR = 1.54) and at the weekend (OR = 1.22) among boys, studying tonight (OR=1.80), having a work (OR = 1.24), family income (OR = 1.41 for 3 to 5 minimum wages and OR = 1.65 for ≥ 6 minimum wages), weekday screen time (OR = 1.87) and dissatisfaction with the own weight (OR = 1.32) among girls. Conclusion: The prevalence of ILPA was high. Most of the associated factors were different in boys and girls.[ES] Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con una actividad física insuficiente (AFI) en el tiempo libre entre los adolescentes de una ciudad mediana en el estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Métodos: Los datos de la encuesta transversal ACtVU (Uberaba - MG, Brasil) realizada entre mayo y octubre de 2015. Los estudiantes de secundaria de ambos sexos (de 14 a 18 años) comprendieron la muestra. AFI (<300 minutos/semana) fue la variable dependiente y los indicadores sociodemográficos, de comportamiento y de salud fueron las variables independientes evaluadas mediante cuestionarios. Se utilizó la regresión logística binaria para estimar la Odds Ratio (OR). El IMC se utilizó como variable de control. Resultados: 984 estudiantes participaron en este estudio. El porcentaje de AFI fue del 44,9% (IC95%: 41,7; 48,1) y fue mayor entre las niñas (57,1% frente al 29,3% en los niños). Se encontró una mayor probabilidad de AFI en: la calificación para ambos sexos (OR = 2.23 niños, OR = 2.28 niñas), tiempo de pantalla entre semana (OR = 1.29), uso excesivo de teléfonos inteligentes durante la semana (OR = 1.54) y los fines de semana (OR = 1.22) entre niños, que estudian esta noche (OR = 1.80), que tienen un trabajo (OR = 1.24), ingresos familiares (OR = 1.41 para 3 a 5 salarios mínimos y OR = 1.65 para ≥ 6 salarios mínimos), tiempo de pantalla entre semana (OR = 1.87) e insatisfacción con el propio peso (OR = 1.32) entre las niñas. Conclusión: la prevalencia de AFI fue alta. La mayoría de los factores asociados fueron diferentes en niños y niñas.This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001Lourenço, CLM.; Da Silva, VD.; Mendes, EL. (2020). 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    Análise da expressão diferencial de fatores de elongação e transerição de tomateiros resistentes e suscetíveis infectados com Tomato chlorotic mottle virus.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a expressão de genes da família dos fatores de elongação e de transcrição do hospedeiro durante a infecção viral por tomato chlorotic mottle virus (ToCMoV) em isolinhas de tomateiros resistentes (LAM157) e suscetíveis (Santa Clara).Resumo 253-1