1,374 research outputs found

    Integration, Information Thresholds, and Arrangement in\ud Mindamic: A Probabilistic Causation Analysis

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    The objective of the research was to scrutinize probabilistic\ud causalities between integration, information thresholds, and\ud arrangement in mind dynamic. Data obtained from videotaped\ud sessions with structured observation. The participants had to\ud accomplish four tasks. The participants were 39 females, and 83\ud males. Reliability and validity assessed as probabilities. The\ud frequencies converted into probability matrices, and sampling\ud without replacement was necessary. Thereafter, a causal state\ud space originated, and maintained through Householder matrices.\ud The Bayes formula with joint distributions in a matrix form\ud applied to result in the start matrix for the causal dynamic.\ud The reduced start array matrix powered from 1 to 6. There are\ud the probabilistic causalities between the integration, the\ud thresholds, and the arrangement. Theoretic results show. It is\ud the entire mind of the persons strives to form patterns for the\ud causal functioning, continuously. Furthermore, the whole mind\ud conveys mental contents under the same patterns. The patterns\ud remain but the contents of the processes differ during the\ud mindamic

    On Causal Relations between Mental Organizer, Action under Mental Processes, and Social Environment

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    The purpose of the research was to study the relationships between mental organizers, action under mental process, and social environment through observation. A category system for each behavior was constructed and data were analyzed with matrices to find out kinds of root causes in causal dynamic. Reliability, subjectivity, and validity of observation were assessed. The coefficient of reliability was 0.937. The observation had about 11% subjectivity, and the frequencies were in the categories where they should be, mainly. Results indicate that there occurs causal variety. The causes are not stable. As an entity, the results show that it is possible to tackle mind processes through the causation. Furthermore, the processes are in series but they drop by in a parallel mode when the task becomes more difficult. However, the mindamic seems to have the greatest possible number of the degrees of freedom, simultaneously

    An Empirical Test of a Postulate of a Mediating\ud Process between Mind Processes

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    The objective of the research was to verify a\ud postulate of a theory of mind processes. The\ud postulate stated that the mediating process of the\ud mind processes comprises of diffusion, absorption,\ud and assimilation through bursts of information. The\ud data were obtained from videotaped sessions. The\ud number of subjects was 78. Reliability of\ud observation was assessed with the help of the\ud coefficients of determination and alienation in\ud comparison with the randomized variables. The proper\ud analysis device was conditional probability.\ud Patterns occurred that enabled to indicate that\ud diffusion, absorption, and assimilation are real\ud processes between other mind processes; such as the\ud initial form, the mental shape, the mindy, and the\ud configuration. Thus the postulate has a high\ud probability of verification that makes it needless to\ud patch the wholes of the preliminary theory,\ud logically. The next phase is to find out the\ud associations of the entire preliminary construction\ud or the 8 processes with adult data.\u

    Emergence of Orderliness in Mind: A Probabilistic Causal Approach

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    The current study concentrates to figure out how orderliness emerges possibly in the\ud mind. A research emulation with random data was usable for generation of the hypothesis. The\ud resulted hypothesis assumed that in a novel situation, quality of a stimulus evokes what kinds of\ud flip-flop dynamic persons generate, and the flip-flop dynamic results in what kind of overt\ud orderliness the persons produce. The variables between were the imaginary word, the concrete\ud word, and the abstract word; planning, organizing, and arranging; the sentence without a regular\ud arrangement, the deficient sentence, and the proper sentence. Structured observation was the\ud method to obtain data. The number of the participants was 100 (53 men, 47 women). Matrix\ud calculus was applicable to research causation with probabilities. Reliability was assed with\ud Cronbach’s α-coefficient, and validity with χ2-test. The hypothesis corroborated, and the causal\ud flip-flop dynamic referred to the direction that the same causal system dynamic deals with\ud dissimilar referents in the mind, and results in different outputs. The essential result of the\ud research was the causal flip-flop where after the inputs the process causes the process, and back\ud again to the modified absorption before the outputs

    On Probabilistic Causalities between Activities, Obvious Social Stimuli, Inferences, and\ud Behavioral Outcomes

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    The objective of the research was to answer the question: What kinds of causal relationships do\ud persons construct to figure out another person based on minimal information?\ud A theoretical, and a corresponding empirical research were done. The theoretical research\ud produced a hypothesis: Persons, who have an analytic approach to obvious social stimuli, infer\ud more correctly activities of other persons than persons, who have a holistic approach. The\ud hypothesis corroborated. Factor Analysis was applicable to the influence of the researcher and,\ud Householder method, Bayes matrices to the probabilistic causalities. Time reliability was α-\ud reliability, and the coefficients of nondetermination laid foundation to the validity of the\ud observation. The theoretic results indicated. If the persons are able to use the whole outer set of\ud the stimuli available, and case study like deduction, and induction they have the resolution level\ud of the inference that enables them to figure out other persons, more probably. Quite the reverse,\ud if the persons apply to the outer set of stimuli available, partially, employ false generalizations,\ud and agree deeds with persons without reasoning, they have the resolution level that disables them\ud to figure out others persons, more probably

    Endothenia oblongana and E. marginana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) in Finland, with description of a new subspecies

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    The Finnish Endothenia sp. called E. gentianaeana (Hübner) for more than a hundred years is shown to be E. oblongana (Haworth), a species occurring also in the other Nordic countries. To our knowledge, E. marginana (Haworth) has a discontinuous distribution in Finland, Sweden, and East Karelia. On the basis of the distribution and differences in appearance a new subspecies Endothenia marginana tarandina ssp. n. is described, with data on its biology

    Habitual differences of Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller, 1846 ) and P. heringiella ( Grönlien, 1932) (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) in two Finnish materials; a problem pair

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    From Phyllonorycter salictella (Zeller,1846) a sister species P. heringiella (Grönlien, 1932) is here extracted on the basis of the number and colour of costal strigulae at the tip of the wing and the brightness of the golden coloration of the forewing. P. salictella is reported from the Finnish biogeographical provinces AI, Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Kl, Oa, Tb, Om, Oba, and Obb and P. heringiella from Al, Ab, N, Ka, Ta, Sa, and Oba. It is assumed that the golden hue, which sometimes covers the normally white strigulae of the forewing, occurs in freshly emerged moths and disappears after first flying efforts

    Trichoptera in Finnish biogeographical provinces

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    The sum of Trichoptera found in Finland is 208 species, after we here report both Crunoecia irrorata (Curtis, 1834) and Apatania stylata Navas, 1916 as new for the country. Out of the 21 biogeographical provinces there is now altogether 2520 finds, an increase of + 40.1% since the earlier paper dealing with the subject (Nybom 1960). Putting into a graph the latitude of the weighted geographical centre of a biogeographical province, and the sum of Trichopteran species found in it, and calculating a regression line, it comes up that in the north of Finland about 50 species less are found than in the south. In addition, when comparing the actual sums with this regression line, the three provinces with most incomplete investigation work are AI = Aland Islands, Oba = northern Ostrobothnia, southern part, and Ka = southern Karelia, in which the sum of finds are - 32%,- 21%, and - 19% below the regression line, respectively. Recently, the only determination key to Finnish caddisflies built up by the late J. Kyrki, Oulu University, was published in a book for fly fishers (Rinne et at. 1995)

    Severe osteoarticular involvement in isotretinoin-triggered acne fulminans: two cases successfully treated with anakinra.

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    Acne fulminans (AF) is a severe form of inflammatory and ulcerated acne associated with fever, malaise, joint swellings and polyarthralgia.1 Osteoarticular lesions are often described and can be radiologically indistinguishable from those observed in synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis and osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome.2,3 SAPHO is an autoinflammatory disease characterized by osteoarticular and cutaneous manifestations, the latter including nodular and fulminans acne, hidradenitis suppurativa and palmoplantar pustulosis.3 Thus, AF is considered part of the SAPHO spectrum.

    Methane mitigating feed additives in future dairy production

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    Enteric methane emitted from ruminant metabolism is the most prominent greenhouse gas produced in livestock production. Mitigation strategies in the form of different types of methane reducing feed additives are approaching the market in near future. The effects of implementing the feed additives into the dairy sector was evaluated in this study. The chemical synthesized compound 3-Nitrooxypropanol and the algae Asparagopsis taxiformis are the most prominent methane reducing feed additives with the potential of reducing enteric methane production up to 30% without reducing milk yield or nutrient utilization. Effects on volatile fatty acids, protein profile, and fatty acid composition observed encourage further studies on milk quality to ensure that dairy products are not affected. The concentration of different fatty acids and protein shifted, while the total concentration of fat and protein in the milk was unaffected. Compounds deriving from methane mitigating additives in the form of bromoform and nitrites have known health concerns in larger quantities. Accumulation and excretion of these compounds is an area of research needed to ensure a safe long-term usage. The possibility of economic foundation, and survey results showing optimism amongst both consumers and producers support further studies for implementation of methane reducing feed additives into the dairy production.Metan som bildas och släpps ut från idisslarens metabolism är den mest framträdande växthusgasen som produceras i nötkreaturproduktion. En ny strategi för att minska metanutsläpp är i form av metanreducerande fodertillsatser som i olika form närmar sig marknaden inom en snar framtid. Effekterna av att införa fodertillsatserna i mejerisektorn utvärderades i denna studie. Den kemiskt syntetiserade föreningen 3-Nitrooxipropanol och algen Asparagopsis taxiformis är de mest framträdande metanreducerande fodertillskotten med potential att minska metanproduktion med upp till 30 % utan att minska mjölkutbytet eller näringsutnyttjandet. Effekter på flyktiga fettsyror, proteinprofil och fettsyrasammansättning har observerats och uppmuntrar ytterligare studier på mjölkkvalitet för att säkerställa att mejeriproduktionen inte påverkas. Koncentrationen av olika fettsyror och protein skiftade, medan den totala koncentrationen av fett och protein i mjölken var opåverkad. Föreningar som härrör från metanreducerande tillsatser i form av bromoform och nitriter har kända hälsoproblem i större mängder. Ackumulering och utsöndring av dessa föreningar är ett fortsatt forskningsområde som behövs för att säkerställa en säker långtidsanvändning. Möjligheten till ekonomiskt stöd för dessa tillskott samt enkätresultat som visar optimism bland både konsumenter och producenter stödjer ytterligare studier för införande av metanreducerande tillsatser i mejeriproduktionen