98 research outputs found

    Sequestrati dalla vendetta: “rimanere chiusi fuori dall’oggetto”

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    RiassuntoA partire dal loro lavoro di psicoterapeute e attraverso alcuni frammenti clinici che si riferiscono ad un gruppo di adolescenti svoltosi in un quartiere a rischio di Palermo, le Autrici analizzano la dimensione mafiosa non restringendola al solo comportamento criminale; piuttosto declinandola lungo alcuni significanti: non identità e gruppo mafioso che colonizza e sottomette lo psichismo del singolo; fantasmi familiari potenti e spietati che impediscono il costituirsi di sé originali e autonomi; personalità impastate di indifferenza emotiva e vendicatività. Significanti che rendono conto delle vaste aree di desertificazione e pietrificazione – resistenza al cambiamento – avvertita dagli psicoterapeuti che prendono in carico giovani di famiglie mafiose. Parole chiave: mafia, psicoterapia, gruppo, vendetta, identità, resistenza, cambiamentoKidnapped by revenge: “being locked out of the object”Abstract Starting from their work as psychotherapists and by means of some clinical fragments which refer to a group of teenagers of a neighbourhood at risk in Palermo, the Authoresses analyze the Mafia dimension not limiting it to a criminal behaviour only. They rather decline it along some signifiers: non identity and mafia group which colonizes and subjugates the indi-vidual’s psychism. Powerful and merciless family ghosts who prevent from building original and autonomous selves. Personalities kneaded with emotional indifference and vindictiveness. Signifiers which account for the large desertification and petrification areas – resistance to change – that psychotherapists, who deal with young people belonging to Mafia families, are able to feel. Key word: mafia, psychotherapy, group, revenge, identity, resistance, chang

    L'alessitimia come disturbo della regolazione affettiva

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    Alexithymia is a theoretical construct concerning the ability to contact our feelings and the ability to describe them in words. It is very useful in clinical experience and also in empirical research for its operationalization and applicability possibility. After more than 40 years from its original definition, with clinical observation of patients defined “psychosomatics” according a classic definition, alexithymia has become one of the most investigated disease in the last decades. This paper aims to explore etiopathogenetic hypotheses and contemporaneous prospective within which it is possible to understand the relevance of the construct both in clinical experience and in empirical research. Furthermore, the paper examines alexithymia assessment methods to provide a complete and updated description of tools now available for clinical research. We also wish to underline the fundamental limit in a detailed study on alexithymia: the absence of psychometric tools to assess the disease in developmental age. This limit is related to the difficulty of building research tools able to understand the developmental movement in emotional processing capacity during childhood. However, there are recent preliminary studies on children/teens and preteens which pave the way for research in this direction

    The Rorschach method for obesity assessment: clinical study on a group of obese women

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    SUMMARY. Aim. The purpose of this study is to explore through the Rorschach method the psychological and personological profile of the woman with obesity. Methods. The Rorschach test was administered to 10 women with body mass index of 41.86±9.9 kg/m2 at the clinic for obesity surgical treatment at the University Hospital “Paolo Giaccone” of Palermo. Results. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the Rorschach responses detected in the study show: limited practical and creative sense in managing daily life situations, rigid control of emotions, affective turmoil, sense of inadequacy; sufficient examination of reality and adaptation social. Conclusion. The Rorschach method can be the privileged instrument for obesity, for its remarkable projective value, because it allows to capture the psychic suffering of the obese person, the representation and the image of the self, to identify the interaction between psycho-physical state and emotional investments

    Acceptance of non-invasive computed tomography coronary angiography: for a patient-friendly medicine

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    PURPOSE: This study was done to evaluate the psychological state and anxiety of patients undergoing computed tomography coronary angiography (CTCA), and assess their acceptance and satisfaction compared to invasive conventional coronary angiography (CCA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 442 consecutive patients (282 male; mean age 57.7 ± 9.5 years) who underwent CTCA for suspected or known coronary artery disease were evaluated with the Endler Multimodality Anxiety Scales (EMAS) before and after the scan, and a questionnaire administered after the scan. Among the 442 patients, 181 had a history of CCA. Two radiologists assessed the image quality of CTCA. RESULTS: Anxiety was more intense prior to the scan (EMAS score 51.7 vs. 46.7, p < 0.01) and in patients with a history of CCA (EMAS score 55.5 vs. 49.1, p < 0.01). Women presented more intense anxiety (EMAS score 59.5 vs. 47.3, p < 0.01), higher mean heart rate (63.5 ± 7.6 vs. 60.7 ± 7.3 beats per minute, p < 0.01) and a lower image quality than men (p < 0.0001). CTCA proved to be more acceptable than CCA because of accurate preparation, lower concern prior to the examination, negligible pain, higher comfort, and greater overall satisfaction (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Computed tomography coronary angiography is a patient-friendly imaging method because of the minimal perceived discomfort. Anxiety may affect CTCA image quality in women

    Sturge-Weber syndrome: a report of 14 cases

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    Sturge-Weber-Krabe syndrome (SWS), also known as encephalotrigeminalangiomatosis and named the forthfacomatosis, recall the names of the authors who first describedit in its basic clinical, radiological andanatomopathological aspects. We report here 14 cases of Sturge-Weber disease. In 6 of these, despite what had been previously described in literature, an extension of the angioma has been noted in other parts of the body. The study of these subjects stresses not only the need for a pharmacological/neuropsychomotor intervention, but alsothe need of a psychotherapeutic approach, for the emotional and affective implications thatcould derive from this syndrome. The reported cases are similar to those presented in literature for their main features. In particular, two elements are interesting: i) the exceptional diffusion of the red nevousto the whole hemicorpo; and ii) the evaluation of the way the patients live the disease, which has not beenpreviously considered in literature. We can conclude that SWS is a multisystem disorder that requires the neurologist to be aware of the possible endocrine, psychiatric, ophthalmological, and other medical issues that can arise and impact on the neurological status of the patients. and neuropsychomotor therapies, but also a psychotherapeutic support to patients. It should be noted that the literature does not take psychotherapeutic support into consideration

    The relationship between knowing sign language and quality of life among Italian people who are deaf : a cross-sectional study

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    Deafness is a medical condition with important relational implications. This condition could affect well-being and self-esteem and cause social anxiety. Sign language is not only a simple mimic but can be considered as a different kind of communication that could be protective for those who have learned it. However, some people do not use sign language because they think it can be marginalizing. The present study aimed to compare the quality of life (QoL) between people who learned Italian sign language as their first language with those who had never learned it or learned it later. This cross-sectional study involved 182 deaf Italian adults (70.3% females) who were recruited from Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS) and by the main online deafness groups. The present results suggest that the deaf condition does not seem to significantly affect the dimensions of QoL pertaining to satisfaction and self-esteem, while it could have an effect on preventing high levels of social anxiety and in particular, the group who learned Italian sign language showed significantlyless social anxiety than those who had never learned it

    Hopelessness and burnout in Italian healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic: the mediating role of trait emotional intelligence

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    Objective: The study aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers’ work-related stress during the first wave of the pandemic in Italy. The main objective is to investigate the existence of a positive correlation between hopelessness and burnout, assuming that burnout may be&nbsp; a riskfactor for the development of hopelessness, and to analyze the role thattrait Emotional Intelligence (TEI) and changes in workload could have in this relationship. Furthermore, evaluate any significant differences in burnoutand hopelessness levels in the function of some demographic variables, such as gender, professional profiles, and different working zones of Italy, tobetter understand how the diverse diffusion of the pandemic had affected Italian healthcare workers. Methods: An online survey was used to collect data between April and June,2020, with 562 responses among nurses (52.1%) and physicians (47.9%).Demographics and changes in workload and work conditions were collectedthrough an ad hoc questionnaire. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form (TEIQue-SF), The Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and the Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ) were used to assess Trait Emotional Intelligence(TEI), hopelessness, and burnout, respectively. Results: Correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship betweenhopelessness and each burnout dimension. TEI showed negative correlations both with burnout dimensions and hopelessness. Significant differences in burnout and hopelessness levels emerged as a function of some demographic variables such as gender, professional profiles (nurses or physicians), and different working zone of Italy (northern or southern). Results showed that TEI partially mediated the relationship between hopelessness and every burnout dimension,while the interaction of changes in workload was non-significant.Discussion: The mediating role of TEI in the burnout-hopelessness relationship partly explains the protective role that individual factors had on healthcareworkers mental health. Our findings support the need to integrate considerations on both psychological risk and protective factors into COVID-19 care, including the monitoring of psychological symptoms and social needs, especially among healthcare workers

    I disturbi della nutrizione e dell\u2019alimentazione nei maschi: una panoramica sulle ricerche nel periodo 2007-2017 = Eating disorders in males: An overview of research over the period 2007-2017

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    Introduction. Despite the extensive literature, the gender differences in eating disorders (ED) have been poorly investigated. Most of the studies, in fact, have been conducted so far on female samples, emphasizing the misleading belief that such disorders are of exclusive relevance of women. Aim. The review aim at highlighting as this preconception is still widespread among the male patients and the clinicians and as it represents an impediment to a correct diagnosis and a proper treatment planning. Method. Included studies were selected in the scientific literature published between January 2007 and December 2017 through the main databases, combining the words: \u201cmales\u201d, \u201ceating disorder\u201d, \u201canorexia nervosa\u201d, \u201cbulimia nervosa\u201d, \u201cbinge eating disorder\u201d. Results. Fifty-four studies have been selected in accordance with the followed methodological criteria. Discussion. Only recently, the attention of researchers have been also focused on male population: many differences between genders have emerged in prevalence, onset, phenomenology, diagnosis, comorbidity and outcomes of ED. The studies on risk factors have also pointed out significant differences between males and females, especially in relation to the different weight exerted by psychological variables involved in the aetiology of eating disorders. Conclusions. Compared with a little knowledge of ED in the male population, it is important to widespread the comprehension taking into account the gender perspective. The attention must be paid particularly to critical developmental periods, such as puberty and adolescence, where early detection and prevention of these disorders is of greatest importance, inside a conceptual framework which considers the mutual influence between biological and psychological vulnerability, and sociocultural factors

    Hopelessness and Burnout in Italian healthcare workers during Pandemic: the mediating role of emotional intelligence

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    Objective: The study aims to assess the impact of COVID-19 on healthcare workers’ work-related stress during the first wave of the pandemic in Italy. The main objective is to investigate the existence of a positive correlation between hopelessness and burnout, assuming that burnout may be a risk factor for the development of hopelessness, and to analyze the role that trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI) and changes in workload could have in this relationship. Furthermore, evaluate any significant differences in burnout and hopelessness levels in the function of some demographic variables, such as gender, professional profiles, and different working zones of Italy, to better understand how the diverse diffusion of pandemic had affected Italian healthcare workers. Methods: An online survey was used to collect data between April and June, 2020, with 562 responses among nurses (52.1%) and physicians (47.9%). Demographics and changes in workload and work conditions were collected through an ad hoc questionnaire. The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire- Short Form (TEIQue-SF), The Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS), and the Link Burnout Questionnaire (LBQ) were used to assess Trait Emotional Intelligence (TEI), hopelessness, and burnout, respectively. Results: Correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship between hopelessness and each burnout dimension. TEI showed negative correlations both with burnout dimensions and hopelessness. Significant differences in burnout and hopelessness levels emerged as a function of some demographic variables such as gender, professional profiles (nurses or physicians), and different working zone of Italy (northern or southern). Results showed that TEI partially mediated the relationship between hopelessness and every burnout dimension, while the interaction of changes in workload was non-significant. Discussion: The mediating role of TEI in the burnout-hopelessness relationship partly explains the protective role that individual factors had on healthcare workers’ mental health. Our findings support the need to integrate considerations on both psychological risk and protective factors into COVID-19 care, including the monitoring of psychological symptoms and social needs, especially among healthcare workers

    The quality of life in developing age children with celiac disease

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    Aim. The moments that follow thè diagnosis of celiac disease and thè early stages of thè gluten-free diet are extremely difficult and complex for parents and child, because they face an important change punctuated by selfdenial and deprivation. The mairi objective of this research is to assess thè impact of celiac disease on quality of life in subjects in developmental age, taking into account thè perceptions of parents about thè child's illness, •with thè aitn to highlight thè effect of disease on thè child and thè entire family. Methods. The study included both parents of 45 children aged between 2 and 10 years, with established celiac disease. To evaluate thè effect of celiac disease on thè lifestyle of affected children and their families has been used, after having adapted to thè Italian context, thè Impact Scale of Childhood Diseases of Hoare and Russell (1995). This study shows that celiac disease is a conditìon that has a significant impact on both thè child and his family. Results and conclusion. The results obtained by administration of Impact Scale of Childhood Diseases to parents showed that subjects in developmental age with celiac disease could have difficulty on emotional level that affect child development and thè whole family context. Acceptance of thè illness by thè child depends mainly by how muc
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