368 research outputs found

    Place of the internal communications in the industrial enterprises common functioning system

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    The article analyzes the internal communications importance from the perspective of the company development assistance, particular their influence on economic performance through the implementation of business processes is given. There are defined the aims of internal communications depending on the stage of its life cycle and the place of internal communications in the total management

    Erythropoietin in patients with type 1 diabetes (review)

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    The article analyzes the literature on the issue of regulation of erythropoietin in patients with type 1 diabetes. The connection between the secretion of erythropoietin disturbance with the development and progression of diabetes complications has been observed. Various pleiotropic effects of erythropoietin have been considere

    Decomposition of directed graphs and the Turán problem

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    We consider vertex decompositions of (di)graphs appearing in the automata theory and establish some properties of these decompositions. These decompositions are applied to the problem of forbidden subgraphs.Розглянуто вершинні декомпозиції (di)графiв, що виникають у теорії автоматів, встановлено деякі їх властивості, а також наведено застосування їх до задачі про заборонені підграфи


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    In this article it is theoretically grounded the structure model of pedagogical raining the students ’ preventive activity with the pupils of the primary school and rended concrete its structure components of, realization of which positively gives influence on the quality of preparation of the pedagogical specialists


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    The possibilités of the humanistic approach to the organization of pedagogikal process in overcoming the conflict relations between the teacher and tne pupil are considered in this article

    The methodic approach to the diagnostics of internal communications at the industrial enterprise

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    The aim of an article. The aim of an article is to develop methodic approach to diagnostics of internal communications within business-processes management at the industrial enterprise considering all elements in the interior communicational processes. The results of the analysis. Owing the differing character of approaches to estimate internal communications state, study their separate constituents and necessity to form the only approach to diagnose internal communicational processes (ICP) at the enterprise, and considering its all constituents, internal communication diagnostics procedure at the enterprise is suggested to conduct by the investigated diagnostics algorithm. According to the algorithm, the object of diagnostics is ICP system with the following components: organizational, informational, technical and technological, social and psychological subsystems. In these four areas the classification of indicators of internal communications effectiveness evaluation was formed. However, having regard to gravity of availability interrelated indicators and a high degree of probability of occurrence duplication settlement we propose narrow down the number of components to two diagnostic groups of indicators: 1) social and organizational (a combination of organizational, social and psychological components). This component is provided for the calculation of such indicators as: coefficient of management reliability, staff loyalty, cohesion in the group, the index productivity growth. 2) technical and informational: the information processing reliability, completeness of the information, software workload coefficient, coefficient of computer using. The received values of the generalized integral factors by the social and organizational and technical and informational components concerning enterprise interior communications are put to the summery table. To estimate enterprise interior communications it is proposed to form matrix of their state diagnostics. It has 9 quadrants, received after division of quadrant 1х1 into equal parts. The values of social and organizational component are put on the vertical axis, technical and informational ones – on the horizontal axis. The enterprise is positioned on the matrix depending on integral factors values in the mentioned components. Matrix has three zones: “involving” zone, “variable communications” zone, “communicative gap” zone. Due to the positioning enterprise appears in one of quadrants. It allows to imagine and evaluate interior communication state at the enterprise. Getting businesses to a certain area of the matrix shows the future strategic directions managing internal communications. Conclusions and perspectives for further researches. Thus, the existing approaches to estimate and diagnose enterprise IC state are analyzed. It makes possible to determine advantages and disadvantages of the existing methodic. The conducted analysis provides system of interior communications estimation factors, which consider author’s approach to distinguish in enterprise ICP a few constituents. Separate factors (quantitative and qualitative) are suggested to use for every structural element. Quantitative factors are indexes, measured from 0 to 1. Qualitative factors are transferred into relative estimations, through division of concrete enterprise factor by maximal value of the factor. It makes possible to calculate integral factors for every constituent element in the interior communications system (interior communications subsystems). Integral factors take into account factors weight, defined by expert method, considering calculation of the experts’ thoughts agreement degree. The expert method helps to consider enterprise branch specifics, and concrete enterprise features. Based on the suggested system of factors it is proposed to build enterprise positioning matrix depending on enterprise interior communications state. It takes into account socio-organizational and technical and informational constituents state. The proposed matrix helps visually to evaluate interior communications at the enterprise, to distinguish and to estimate variants crossing between quadrants with purpose to increase interior communications level. In future it gives chance to develop further strategic actions to improve interior communications system management and to calculate prognosticated value of the business-process economic effect, considering interior communications processes state at the enterprise

    Characteristics of pain syndrome in children with a combined pathology of the gastroduodenal area and vegetovascular dysfunction

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    Diseases of the gastroduodenal tract occupy a leading place among the general morbidity of the children's population. In recent years, a steady trend towards an increase in the frequency of this pathology has been established. Vegetovascular dysfunction remains a frequent companion of gastrointestinal tract pathology. It acts both as a trigger and as a cause of the poor state


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    The article is dedicated pecularietes of pedagogical support and priventive activity to avoid unsocial tanager's behavior