386 research outputs found

    Time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation for composite bosons as the strong-coupling limit of the fermionic BCS-RPA approximation

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    The linear response to a space- and time-dependent external disturbance of a system of dilute condensed composite bosons at zero temperature, as obtained from the linearized version of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation, is shown to result also from the strong-coupling limit of the time-dependent BCS (or broken-symmetry RPA) approximation for the constituent fermions subject to the same external disturbance. In this way, it is possible to connect excited-state properties of the bosonic and fermionic systems by placing the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in perspective with the corresponding fermionic approximationsComment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Momentum distribution of a trapped Fermi gas with large scattering length

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    Using a scattering length parametrization of the BCS-BEC crossover as well as the local density approximation for the density profile, we calculate the momentum distribution of a harmonically trapped atomic Fermi gas at zero temperature. Various interaction regimes are considered, including the BCS phase, the unitarity limit and the molecular regime. We show that the relevant parameter which characterizes the crossover is given by the dimensionless combination N1/6a/ahoN^{1/6}a/a_{ho}, where NN is the number of atoms, aa is the scattering length and ahoa_{ho} is the oscillator length. The width of the momentum distribution is shown to depend in a crucial way on the value and sign of this parameter. Our predictions can be relevant for experiments on ultracold atomic Fermi gases near a Feshbach resonance.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Added reference

    Superfluid transition temperature in a trapped gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance

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    We investigate strong coupling effects on the superfluid phase transition in a gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance. The Feshbach resonance describes a composite quasi-Boson, which can give rise to an additional pairing interaction between the Fermi atoms. This attractive interaction becomes stronger as the threshold energy of the Feshbach resonance two-particle bound state is lowered. In a recent paper, we showed that in the uniform Fermi gas, this tunable pairing interaction naturally leads to a BCS-BEC crossover of the Nozi`eres and Schmitt-Rink kind, in which the BCS-type superfluid phase transition continuously changes into the BEC-type as the threshold energy is decreased. In this paper, we extend our previous work by including the effect of a harmonic trap potential, treated within the local density approximation (LDA). We also give results for both weak and strong coupling to the Feshbach resonance. We show that the BCS-BEC crossover phenomenon strongly modifies the shape of the atomic density profile at the superfluid phase transition temperature Tc, reflecting the change of the dominant particles going from Fermi atoms to composite Bosons. In the BEC regime, these composite Bosons are shown to first appear well above Tc. We also discuss the "phase diagram" above Tc as a function of the tunable threshold energy. We introduce a characteristic temperature T* describing the effective crossover in the normal phase from a Fermi gas of atoms to a gas of stable molecules.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures (submitted to PRA

    Low Density Limit of BCS Theory and Bose-Einstein Condensation of Fermion Pairs

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    We consider the low density limit of a Fermi gas in the BCS approximation. We show that if the interaction potential allows for a two-particle bound state, the system at zero temperature is well approximated by the Gross-Pitaevskii functional, describing a Bose-Einstein condensate of fermion pairs.Comment: LaTeX2e, 17 page

    Pairing of fermions in atomic traps and nuclei

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    Pairing gaps for fermionic atoms in harmonic oscillator traps are calculated for a wide range of interaction strengths and particle number, and compared to pairing in nuclei. Especially systems, where the pairing gap exceeds the level spacing but is smaller than the shell splitting ω\hbar\omega, are studied which applies to most trapped Fermi atomic systems as well as to finite nuclei. When solving the gap equation for a large trap with such multi-level pairing, one finds that the matrix elements between nearby harmonic oscillator levels and the quasi-particle energies lead to a double logarithm of the gap, and a pronounced shell structure at magic numbers. It is argued that neutron and proton pairing in nuclei belongs to the class of multi-level pairing, that their shell structure follows naturally and that the gaps scale as A1/3\sim A^{-1/3} - all in qualitative agreement with odd-even staggering of nuclear binding energies. Pairing in large systems are related to that in the bulk limit. For large nuclei the neutron and proton superfluid gaps approach the asymptotic value in infinite nuclear matter: Δ1.1\Delta\simeq 1.1 MeV.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Shrinking of a condensed fermionic cloud in a trap approaching the BEC limit

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    We determine the zero-temperature density profile of a cloud of fermionic atoms in a trap subject to a mutual attractive interaction, as the strength of the interaction is progressively increased. We find a significant decrease of the size of the atomic cloud as it evolves from the weak-coupling (BCS) regime of overlapping Cooper pairs to the strong-coupling (Bose-Einstein) regime of non-overlapping bound-fermion pairs. Most significantly, we find a pronounced increase of the value of the density at the center of the trap (even by an order of magnitude) when evolving between the two regimes. Our results are based on a generalized Thomas-Fermi approximation for the superfluid state, that covers continuously all coupling regimes.Comment: 5 pages, 3 postscript figure