12 research outputs found

    Isoflavone intake in four different European countries : The VENUS approach

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    The aim of this study was to identify the level of isoflavone intake (total isoflavones, daidzein and genistein) in four European countries: Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and the UK. For this purpose national food composition databases of isoflavone content were created in a comparable way, using the Vegetal Estrogens in Nutrition and the Skeleton (VENUS) analytical database as a common basis, and appropriate food consumption data were selected. The isoflavone intake in Ireland, Italy, The Netherlands and the UK is on average less than 1 mg/d. Small groups of consumers of soya foods could be identified in Ireland, The Netherlands and the UK. The estimated intake levels are low compared with those found in typical Asian diets (∼20-100 mg/d) and also low compared with levels where physiological effects are expected (60-100 mg/d). The results (including a subgroup analysis of soya product consumers) showed that such levels are difficult to achieve with the European diets studied here. Chemicals/CAS: daidzein, 486-66-8; genistein, 446-72-0; isoflavone, 574-12-9; daidzein, 486-66-8; Genistein, 446-72-0; Isoflavone

    Identifying sources of measurement error in assessing dietary intakes – Results of a multi-country ring-trial

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    Background and aims: Epidemiological investigations include dietary intakes as primary exposures or potential confounders. To reduce bias, data collection protocols include the administration of questionnaires together with measurements of biomarkers. Some error, however, remains and needs to be considered in the analysis and interpretation of results. The European Food Safety Authority supported a ring-trial to compare the precision and reproducibility of dietary assessment methods applied in Europe. Methods and results: Software applications used to collect 24-hour recalls and food records in six countries (Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden) were assessed. The intake of 256 foods was identically reported to each method. Experienced interviewers participated and were instructed to repeat national protocols closely. The error in recording quantities, compared with reference values, was variable but in about 60% of recorded quantities was in the range of ±20%. Errors were however unsystematic and independent of the food type or quantification method used - although food pictures performed better. The reproducibility of some tools was limited. The methods generally captured additional ingredients (usually flavoring agents), but not sweetening agents or fortification and failed to record packaging information in about 60% of the cases. Conclusion: In a design that eliminated respondent bias, this study indicates that softwares, supporting databases and interviewers generally introduce random error in dietary assessments. The inclusion of large sample sizes and food pictures to quantify portions, together with enhanced attention on interviewers’ training, standardisation of procedures and regular tool upgrades are essential in assuring a study's quality and comparability. © 2018 The Italian Society of Diabetology, the Italian Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, and the Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, Federico II Universit

    Dose-Dependent Associations of Dietary Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load, and Fiber With 3-Year Weight Loss Maintenance and Glycemic Status in a High-Risk Population: A Secondary Analysis of the Diabetes Prevention Study PREVIEW

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    OBJECTIVE To examine longitudinal and dose-dependent associations of dietary glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), and fiber with body weight and glycemic status during 3-year weight loss maintenance (WLM) in adults at high risk of type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS In this secondary analysis we used pooled data from the PREVention of diabetes through lifestyle Intervention and population studies in Europe and around the World (PREVIEW) randomized controlled trial, which was designed to test the effects of four diet and physical activity interventions. A total of 1,279 participants with overweight or obesity (age 25-70 years and BMI &gt;= 25 kg . m(-2)) and prediabetes at baseline were included. We used multiadjusted linear mixed models with repeated measurements to assess longitudinal and dose-dependent associations by merging the participants into one group and dividing them into GI, GL, and fiber tertiles, respectively. RESULTS In the available-case analysis, each 10-unit increment in GI was associated with a greater regain of weight (0.46 kg . year(-1); 95% CI 0.23, 0.68; P &lt; 0.001) and increase in HbA(1c). Each 20-unit increment in GL was associated with a greater regain of weight (0.49 kg . year(-1); 0.24, 0.75; P &lt; 0.001) and increase in HbA(1c). The associations of GI and GL with HbA(1c) were independent of weight change. Compared with those in the lowest tertiles, participants in the highest GI and GL tertiles had significantly greater weight regain and increases in HbA(1c). Fiber was inversely associated with increases in waist circumference, but the associations with weight regain and glycemic status did not remain robust in different analyses. CONCLUSIONS Dietary GI and GL were positively associated with weight regain and deteriorating glycemic status. Stronger evidence on the role of fiber is needed.</p

    Tools to evaluate estrogenic potency of dietary phytoestrogens: A consensus paper from the eu thematic network "Phytohealth" (QLKI-2002-2453)

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    Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring plantderived polyphenols with estrogenic potency. They are ubiquitous in diet and therefore, generally consumed. Among Europeans, the diet is rich in multiple putative phytoestrogens including flavonoids, tannins, stilbenoids, and lignans. These compounds have been suggested to provide beneficial effects on multiple menopause-related conditions as well as on development of hormone-dependent cancers, which has increased the interest in products and foods with high phytoestrogen content. However, phytoestrogens may as well have adverse estrogenicity related effects similar to any estrogen. Therefore, the assessment of estrogenic potency of dietary compounds is of critical importance. Due to the complex nature of estrogenicity, no single comprehensive test approach is available. Instead, several in vitro and in vivo assays are applied to evaluate estrogenic potency. In vitro estrogen receptor (ER) binding assays provide information on the ability of the compound to I) interact with ERs, II) bind to estrogen responsive element on promoter of the target gene as ligand-ER complex, and III) interact between the co-activator and ERs in ligand-dependent manner. In addition, transactivation assays in cells screen for ligand-induced ERmediated gene activation. Biochemical in vitro analysis can be used to test for possible effects on protein activities and E-screen assays to measure (anti)proliferative response in estrogen responsive cells. However, for assessment of estrogenicity in organs and tissues, in vivo approaches are essential. In females, the uterotrophic assay is applicable for testing ERa agonistic and antagonistic dietary compounds in immature or adult ovariectomized animals. In addition, mammary gland targeted estrogenicity can be detected as stimulated ductal elongation and altered formation of terminal end buds in immature or peripubertal animals. In males, Hershberger assay in peri-pubertal castrated rats can be used to detect (anti)androgenic/ (anti)estrogenic responses in accessory sex glands and other hormone regulated tissues. In addition to these short-term assays, sub-acute and chronic reproductive toxicity assays as well as two-generation studies can be applied for phytoestrogens to confirm their safety in long-term use. For reliable assessment of estrogenicity of dietary phytoestrogens in vivo, special emphasis should be focused on selection of the basal diet, route and doses of administration, and possible metabolic differences between the species used and humans. In conclusion, further development and standardization of the estrogenicity test methods are needed for better interpretation of both the potential benefits and risks of increasing consumption of phytoestrogens from diets and supplements