1,565 research outputs found

    Spin scattering of a particle for periodic boundary conditions

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    We have studied anomalous diffusion of a particle in a random medium in which the passage of the particle may modify the state of the visited sites. The simplicity of the dynamics allows analytic solution. Interesting propagation and organization behaviors will be reported.Comment: pdf fil

    Self-Trapped Exciton Defects in a Charge Density Wave: Electronic Excitations of BaBiO3

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    In the previous paper, it was shown that holes doped into BaBiO3 self-trap as small polarons and bipolarons. These point defects are energetically favorable partly because they undo locally the strain in the charge-density-wave (Peierls insulator) ground state. In this paper the neutral excitations of the same model are discussed. The lowest electronic excitation is predicted to be a self-trapped exciton, consisting of an electron and a hole located on adjacent Bi atoms. This excitation has been seen experimentally (but not identified as such) via the Urbach tail in optical absorption, and the multi-phonon spectrum of the ``breathing mode'' seen in Raman scattering. These two phenomena occur because of the Franck-Condon effect associated with oxygen displacement in the excited state.Comment: 5 pages with 7 embedded figures. See also cond-mat/0108089 on polarons and bipolarons in BaBiO3 contains background informatio

    Flavor symmetry analysis of charmless B --> VP decays

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    Based upon flavor SU(3) symmetry, we perform global fits to charmless B decays into one pseudoscalar meson and one vector meson in the final states. We consider different symmetry breaking schemes and find that the one implied by na{\"i}ve factorization is slightly favored over the exact symmetry case. The (ρˉ,ηˉ)(\bar\rho,\bar\eta) vertex of the unitarity triangle (UT) constrained by our fits is consistent with other methods within errors. We have found large color-suppressed, electroweak penguin and singlet penguin amplitudes when the spectator quark ends up in the final-state vector meson. Nontrivial relative strong phases are also required to explain the data. The best-fit parameters are used to compute branching ratio and CP asymmetry observables in all of the decay modes, particularly those in the BsB_s decays to be measured at the Tevatron and LHC experiments.Comment: 23 pages and 2 plots; updated with ICHEP'08 data and expanded in discussions and reference

    11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 regulates glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle

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    OBJECTIVE: Glucocorticoid excess is characterized by increased adiposity, skeletal myopathy, and insulin resistance, but the precise molecular mechanisms are unknown. Within skeletal muscle, 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) converts cortisone (11-dehydrocorticosterone in rodents) to active cortisol (corticosterone in rodents). We aimed to determine the mechanisms underpinning glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and indentify how 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors improve insulin sensitivity. \ud RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Rodent and human cell cultures, whole-tissue explants, and animal models were used to determine the impact of glucocorticoids and selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibition upon insulin signaling and action. \ud RESULTS: Dexamethasone decreased insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, decreased IRS1 mRNA and protein expression, and increased inactivating pSer307^{307} insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1. 11beta-HSD1 activity and expression were observed in human and rodent myotubes and muscle explants. Activity was predominantly oxo-reductase, generating active glucocorticoid. A1 (selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor) abolished enzyme activity and blocked the increase in pSer307^{307} IRS1 and reduction in total IRS1 protein after treatment with 11DHC but not corticosterone. In C57Bl6/J mice, the selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor, A2, decreased fasting blood glucose levels and improved insulin sensitivity. In KK mice treated with A2, skeletal muscle pSer307^{307} IRS1 decreased and pThr308^{308} Akt/PKB increased. In addition, A2 decreased both lipogenic and lipolytic gene expression.\ud CONCLUSIONS: Prereceptor facilitation of glucocorticoid action via 11beta-HSD1 increases pSer307^{307} IRS1 and may be crucial in mediating insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibition decreases pSer307^{307} IRS1, increases pThr308^{308} Akt/PKB, and decreases lipogenic and lipolytic gene expression that may represent an important mechanism underpinning their insulin-sensitizing action

    The parallel lives of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies

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    We compare all the available observational data on the redshift evolution of the total stellar mass and star formation rate density in the Universe with the mass and accretion rate density evolution of supermassive black holes, estimated from the hard X-ray selected luminosity function of quasars and active galactic nuclei. We find that on average black hole mass must have been higher at higher redshift for given spheroid stellar mass. Moreover, we find negative redshift evolution of the disk/irregulars to spheroid mass ratio. The total accretion efficiency is constrained to be between 0.06 and 0.12, depending on the exact value of the local SMBH mass density, and on the critical accretion rate below which radiatively inefficient accretion may take place.Comment: 5 pages, 2 color figures. To appear in the proceedings of "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy" (Eds.: B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, and B. Leibundgut), 7 - 11 November 2005, Munich, German

    Nonresonant Three-body Decays of D and B Mesons

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    Nonresonant three-body decays of D and B mesons are studied. It is pointed out that if heavy meson chiral perturbation theory (HMChPT) is applied to the heavy-light strong and weak vertices and assumed to be valid over the whole kinematic region, then the predicted decay rates for nonresonant charmless 3-body B decays will be too large and especially B^- --> pi^- K^+ K^- greatly exceeds the current experimental limit. This can be understood as chiral symmetry has been applied there twice beyond its region of validity. If HMChPT is applied only to the strong vertex and the weak transition is accounted for by the form factors, the dominant B^* pole contribution to the tree-dominated direct three-body B decays will become small and the branching ratio will be of order 10^{-6}. The decay modes B^- --> (K^- h^+ h^-)_{NR} and bar{B}^0 --> (bar{K}^0 h^+h^-)_{NR} for h = pi, K are penguin dominated. We apply HMChPT in two different cases to study the direct 3-body D decays and compare the results with experiment. Theoretical uncertainties are discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. New experimental results of direct 3-body D decays as Reported at ICHEP2002 are included. To appear in Phys. Re

    Parton Saturation-An Overview

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    The idea of partons and the utility of using light-cone gauge in QCD are introduced. Saturation of quark and gluon distributions are discussed using simple models and in a more general context. The Golec-Biernat W\usthoff model and some simple phenomenology are described. A simple, but realistic, equation for unitary, the Kovchegov equation, is discussed, and an elementary derivation of the JIMWLK equation is given.Comment: Cargese Lectures, 34 pages, 19 figure

    Orientational pinning and transverse voltage: Simulations and experiments in square Josephson junction arrays

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    We study the dependence of the transport properties of square Josephson Junctions arrays with the direction of the applied dc current, both experimentally and numerically. We present computational simulations of current-voltage curves at finite temperatures for a single vortex in the array (Ha2/Φ0=f=1/L2Ha^2/\Phi_0=f=1/L^2), and experimental measurements in 100×1000100\times1000 arrays under a low magnetic field corresponding to f0.02f\approx0.02. We find that the transverse voltage vanishes only in the directions of maximum symmetry of the square lattice: the [10] and [01] direction (parallel bias) and the [11] direction (diagonal bias). For orientations different than the symmetry directions, we find a finite transverse voltage which depends strongly on the angle ϕ\phi of the current. We find that vortex motion is pinned in the [10] direction (ϕ=0\phi=0), meaning that the voltage response is insensitive to small changes in the orientation of the current near ϕ=0\phi=0. We call this phenomenon orientational pinning. This leads to a finite transverse critical current for a bias at ϕ=0\phi=0 and to a transverse voltage for a bias at ϕ0\phi\not=0. On the other hand, for diagonal bias in the [11] direction the behavior is highly unstable against small variations of ϕ\phi, leading to a rapid change from zero transverse voltage to a large transverse voltage within a few degrees. This last behavior is in good agreement with our measurements in arrays with a quasi-diagonal current drive.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Relativistic Structure of the Deuteron: 1.Electro-disintegration and y-scaling

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    Realistic solutions of the spinor-spinor Bethe-Salpeter equation for the deuteron with realistic interaction kernel including the exchange of pi, sigma, omega, rho, eta and delta mesons, are used to systematically investigate relativistic effects in inclusive quasi-elastic electron-deuteron scattering within the relativistic impulse approximation. Relativistic y-scaling is considered by generalising the non relativistic scaling function to the relativistic case, and it is shown that y-scaling does occur in the usual relativistic scaling variable resulting from the energy conservation in the instant form of dynamics. The present approach of y-scaling is fully covariant, with the deuteron being described by eight components, viz. the 3S_1^{++}, 3S_1^{--}, 3D_1^{++}, 3D_1^{--}, 3P_1^{+-}, 3P_1^{-+}, 1P_1^{+-}, 1P_1^{-+} waves. It is demonstrated that if the negative relative energy states 1P_1, 3P_1 are disregarded, the concept of covariant momentum distributions N(p_0,p), with p_0=M_D/2-\sqrt{p^2+m^2}, can be introduced, and that calculations of lectro-disintegration cross section in terms of these distributions agree within few percents with the exact calculations which include the 1P_1, 3P_1 states, provided the nucleon three momentum |p|\<= 1 GeV/c; in this momentum range, the asymptotic relativistic scaling function is shown to coincide with the longitudinal covariant momentum distribution.Comment: 32 LaTeX pages, 18 eps-figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Quasicondensate and superfluid fraction in the 2D charged-boson gas at finite temperature

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    The Bogoliubov - de Gennes equations are solved for the Coulomb Bose gas describing a fluid of charged bosons at finite temperature. The approach is applicable in the weak coupling regime and the extent of its quantitative usefulness is tested in the three-dimensional fluid, for which diffusion Monte Carlo data are available on the condensate fraction at zero temperature. The one-body density matrix is then evaluated by the same approach for the two-dimensional fluid with e^2/r interactions, to demonstrate the presence of a quasi-condensate from its power-law decay with increasing distance and to evaluate the superfluid fraction as a function of temperature at weak coupling.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure