86 research outputs found

    Overlapping Schwarz methods for Fekete and Gauss-Lobatto spectral elements

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    The classical overlapping Schwarz algorithm is here extended to the triangular/tetrahedral spectral element (TSEM) discretization of elliptic problems. This discretization, based on Fekete nodes, is a generalization to nontensorial elements of the tensorial Gauss–Lobatto–Legendre quadrilateral spectral elements (QSEM). The overlapping Schwarz preconditioners are based on partitioning the domain of the problem into overlapping subdomains, solving local problems on these subdomains, and solving an additional coarse problem associated with either the subdomain mesh or the spectral element mesh. The overlap size is generous, i.e., one element wide, in the TSEM case, while it is minimal or variable in the QSEM case. The results of several numerical experiments show that the convergence rate of the proposed preconditioning algorithm is independent of the number of subdomains NN and the spectral degree pp in case of generous overlap; otherwise it depends inversely on the overlap size. The proposed preconditioners are also robust with respect to arbitrary jumps of the coefficients of the elliptic operator across subdomains

    Overlapping schwarz methods with a standard coarse space for almost incompressible linear elasticity

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    Low-order finite element discretizations of the linear elasticity system suffer increasingly from locking effects and ill-conditioning, when the material approaches the incompressible limit, if only the displacement variables are used. Mixed finite elements using both displacement and pressure variables provide a well-known remedy, but they yield larger and indefinite discrete systems for which the design of scalable and efficient iterative solvers is challenging. Two-level overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for the almost incompressible system of linear elasticity, discretized by mixed finite elements with discontinuous pressures, are constructed and analyzed. The preconditioned systems are accelerated either by a GMRES (generalized minimum residual) method applied to the resulting discrete saddle point problem or by a PCG (preconditioned conjugate gradient) method applied to a positive definite, although extremely ill-conditioned, reformulation of the problem obtained by eliminating all pressure variables on the element level. A novel theoretical analysis of the algorithm for the positive definite reformulation is given by extending some earlier results by Dohrmann and Widlund. The main result of the paper is a bound on the condition number of the algorithm which is cubic in the relative overlap and grows logarithmically with the number of elements across individual subdomains but is otherwise independent of the number of subdomains, their diameters and mesh sizes, the incompressibility of the material, and possible discontinuities of the material parameters across the subdomain interfaces. Numerical results in the plane confirm the theory and also indicate that an analogous result should hold for the saddle point formulation, as well as for spectral element discretizations

    A numerical study of scalable cardiac electro-mechanical solvers on HPC architectures

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    We introduce and study some scalable domain decomposition preconditioners for cardiac electro-mechanical 3D simulations on parallel HPC (High Performance Computing) architectures. The electro-mechanical model of the cardiac tissue is composed of four coupled sub-models: (1) the static finite elasticity equations for the transversely isotropic deformation of the cardiac tissue; (2) the active tension model describing the dynamics of the intracellular calcium, cross-bridge binding and myofilament tension; (3) the anisotropic Bidomain model describing the evolution of the intra- and extra-cellular potentials in the deforming cardiac tissue; and (4) the ionic membrane model describing the dynamics of ionic currents, gating variables, ionic concentrations and stretch-activated channels. This strongly coupled electro-mechanical model is discretized in time with a splitting semi-implicit technique and in space with isoparametric finite elements. The resulting scalable parallel solver is based on Multilevel Additive Schwarz preconditioners for the solution of the Bidomain system and on BDDC preconditioned Newton-Krylov solvers for the non-linear finite elasticity system. The results of several 3D parallel simulations show the scalability of both linear and non-linear solvers and their application to the study of both physiological excitation-contraction cardiac dynamics and re-entrant waves in the presence of different mechano-electrical feedbacks

    Role of infarct scar dimensions, border zone repolarization properties and anisotropy in the origin and maintenance of cardiac reentry

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    Cardiac ventricular tachycardia (VT) is a life-threatening arrhythmia consisting of a well organized structure of reentrant electrical excitation pathways. Understanding the generation and maintenance of the reentrant mechanisms, which lead to the onset of VT induced by premature beats in presence of infarct scar, is one of the most important issues in current electrocardiology. We investigate, by means of numerical simulations, the role of infarct scar dimension, repolarization properties and anisotropic fiber structure of scar tissue border zone (BZ) in the genesis of VT. The simulations are based on the Bidomain model, a reaction-diffusion system of Partial Differential Equations, discretized by finite elements in space and implicit-explicit finite differences in time. The computational domain adopted is an idealized left ventricle affected by an infarct scar extending transmurally. We consider two different scenarios: i) the scar region extends along the entire transmural wall thickness, from endocardium to epicardium, with the exception of a BZ region shaped as a central sub-epicardial channel (CBZ); ii) the scar region extends transmurally along the ventricular wall, from endocardium to a sub-epicardial surface, and is surrounded by a BZ region (EBZ). In CBZ simulations, the results have shown that: i) the scar extent is a crucial element for the genesis of reentry; ii) the repolarization properties of the CBZ, in particular the reduction of IKs and IKr currents, play an important role in the genesis of reentrant VT. In EBZ simulations, since the possible reentrant pathway is not assigned a-priori, we investigate in depth where the entry and exit sites of the cycle of reentry are located and how the functional channel of reentry develops. The results have shown that: i) the interplay between the epicardial anisotropic fiber structure and the EBZ shape strongly affects the propensity that an endocardial premature stimulus generates a cycle of reentry; ii) reentrant pathways always develop along the epicardial fiber direction; iii) very thin EBZs rather than thick EBZs facilitate the onset of cycles of reentry; iv) the sustainability of cycles of reentry depends on the endocardial stimulation site and on the interplay between the epicardial breakthrough site, local fiber direction and BZ rim

    Parallel multilevel solvers for the cardiac electro-mechanical coupling

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    We develop a parallel solver for the cardiac electro-mechanical coupling. The electric model consists of two non-linear parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs), the so-called Bidomain model, which describes the spread of the electric impulse in the heart muscle. The two PDEs are coupled with a non-linear elastic model, where the myocardium is considered as a nearly-incompressible transversely isotropic hyperelastic material. The discretization of the whole electro-mechanical model is performed by Q1 finite elements in space and a semi-implicit finite difference scheme in time. This approximation strategy yields at each time step the solution of a large scale ill-conditioned linear system deriving from the discretization of the Bidomain model and a non-linear system deriving from the discretization of the finite elasticity model. The parallel solver developed consists of solving the linear system with the Conjugate Gradient method, preconditioned by a Multilevel Schwarz preconditioner, and the non-linear system with a Newton\u2013Krylov-Algebraic Multigrid solver. Three-dimensional parallel numerical tests on a Linux cluster show that the parallel solver proposed is scalable and robust with respect to the domain deformations induced by the cardiac contraction

    A comparison of coupled and uncoupled solvers for the cardiac Bidomain model

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    The aim of this work is to compare a new uncoupled solver for the cardiac Bidomain model with a usual coupled solver. The Bidomain model describes the bioelectric activity of the cardiac tissue and consists of a system of a non-linear parabolic reaction-diffusion partial differential equation (PDE) and an elliptic linear PDE. This system models at macroscopic level the evolution of the transmembrane and extracellular electric potentials of the anisotropic cardiac tissue. The evolution equation is coupled through the non-linear reaction term with a stiff system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs), the so-called membrane model, describing the ionic currents through the cellular membrane. A novel uncoupled solver for the Bidomain system is here introduced, based on solving twice the parabolic PDE and once the elliptic PDE at each time step, and it is compared with a usual coupled solver. Three-dimensional numerical tests have been performed in order to show that the proposed uncoupled method has the same accuracy of the coupled strategy. Parallel numerical tests on structured meshes have also shown that the uncoupled technique is as scalable as the coupled one. Moreover, the conjugate gradient method preconditioned by Multilevel Hybrid Schwarz preconditioners converges faster for the linear systems deriving from the uncoupled method than from the coupled one. Finally, in all parallel numerical tests considered, the uncoupled technique proposed is always about two or three times faster than the coupled approach

    Overlapping schwarz methods for isogeometric analysis

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    We construct and analyze an overlapping Schwarz preconditioner for elliptic problems discretized with isogeometric analysis. The preconditioner is based on partitioning the domain of the problem into overlapping subdomains, solving local isogeometric problems on these subdomains, and solving an additional coarse isogeometric problem associated with the subdomain mesh. We develop an hh-analysis of the preconditioner, showing in particular that the resulting algorithm is scalable and its convergence rate depends linearly on the ratio between subdomain and \u201eoverlap sizes\u201d for fixed polynomial degree pp and regularity kk of the basis functions. Numerical results in two- and three-dimensional tests show the good convergence properties of the preconditioner with respect to the isogeometric discretization parameters h,p,kh, p, k, number of subdomains NN, overlap size, and also jumps in the coefficients of the elliptic operator

    Adaptive selection of primal constraints for isogeometric BDDC deluxe preconditioners

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    Isogeometric analysis has been introduced as an alternative to finite element methods in order to simplify the integration of computer-aided design (CAD) software and the discretization of variational problems of continuum mechanics. In contrast with the finite element case, the basis functions of isogeometric analysis are often not nodal. As a consequence, there are fat interfaces which can easily lead to an increase in the number of interface variables after a decomposition of the parameter space into subdomains. Building on earlier work on the deluxe version of the BDDC (balancing domain decomposition by constraints) family of domain decomposition algorithms, several adaptive algorithms are developed in this paper for scalar elliptic problems in an effort to decrease the dimension of the global, coarse component of these preconditioners. Numerical experiments provide evidence that this work can be successful, yielding scalable and quasi-optimal adaptive BDDC algorithms for isogeometric discretizations

    Domain decomposition methods with small overlap for Qn 12Qn 122 spectral elements

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    An indefinite overlapping Schwarz method is introduced and studied for Stokes problems discretized with Qn 12Qn 122 spectral elements. This results in a parallel and scalable preconditioner for the iterative solution of the discrete system of equations. The preconditioner is based on the solution of local Stokes problems on overlapping subregions and a coarse Stokes problem with Q2 12Q0 elements. The efficiency of the method is based on using a nodal basis and quadrature rules associated with Gauss\u2013Lobatto\u2013Legendre nodes. As for h-version finite elements, a small overlap between subregions seems to be the most efficient choice
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