22 research outputs found

    Reaching the continuum limit in lattice gauge theory - without a computer

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    The scaling slope of the anti-symmetric mass gap M of compact U(1)_{2+1} lattice gauge theory is obtained analytically in the Hamiltonian formalism using the plaquette expansion. Based on the first four moments of the Hamiltonian with respect to a one-plaquette mean field state the results demonstrate clear scaling of M at and beyond the transition from strong to weak coupling. The scaling parameters determined agree well with the range of numerical determinations available.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    An algorithm for simulating the Ising model on a type-II quantum computer

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    Presented here is an algorithm for a type-II quantum computer which simulates the Ising model in one and two dimensions. It is equivalent to the Metropolis Monte-Carlo method and takes advantage of quantum superposition for random number generation. This algorithm does not require the ensemble of states to be measured at the end of each iteration, as is required for other type-II algorithms. Only the binary result is measured at each node which means this algorithm could be implemented using a range of different quantum computing architectures. The Ising model provides an example of how cellular automata rules can be formulated to be run on a type-II quantum computer.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    The Coupled Cluster Method in Hamiltonian Lattice Field Theory

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    The coupled cluster or exp S form of the eigenvalue problem for lattice Hamiltonian QCD (without quarks) is investigated. A new construction prescription is given for the calculation of the relevant coupled cluster matrix elements with respect to an orthogonal and independent loop space basis. The method avoids the explicit introduction of gauge group coupling coefficients by mapping the eigenvalue problem onto a suitable set of character functions, which allows a simplified procedure. Using appropriate group theoretical methods, we show that it is possible to set up the eigenvalue problem for eigenstates having arbitrary lattice momentum and lattice angular momentum.Comment: LaTeX, no figur

    Nonperturbative aspects of the quark-photon vertex

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    The electromagnetic interaction with quarks is investigated through a relativistic, electromagnetic gauge-invariant treatment. Gluon dressing of the quark-photon vertex and the quark self-energy functions is described by the inhomogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation in the ladder approximation and the Schwinger-Dyson equation in the rainbow approximation respectively. Results for the calculation of the quark-photon vertex are presented in both the time-like and space-like regions of photon momentum squared, however emphasis is placed on the space-like region relevant to electron scattering. The treatment presented here simultaneously addresses the role of dynamically generated qqˉq\bar{q} vector bound states and the approach to asymptotic behavior. The resulting description is therefore applicable over the entire range of momentum transfers available in electron scattering experiments. Input parameters are limited to the model gluon two-point function, which is chosen to reflect confinement and asymptotic freedom, and are largely constrained by the obtained bound-state spectrum.Comment: 8 figures available on request by email, 25 pages, Revtex, DOE/ER/40561-131-INT94-00-5

    Chiral Behaviour of the Rho Meson in Lattice QCD

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    In order to guide the extrapolation of the mass of the rho meson calculated in lattice QCD with dynamical fermions, we study the contributions to its self-energy which vary most rapidly as the quark mass approaches zero; from the processes ρωπ\rho \to \omega \pi and ρππ\rho \to \pi \pi. It turns out that in analysing the most recent data from CP-PACS it is crucial to estimate the self-energy from ρππ\rho \to \pi \pi using the same grid of discrete momenta as included implicitly in the lattice simulation. The correction associated with the continuum, infinite volume limit can then be found by calculating the corresponding integrals exactly. Our error analysis suggests that a factor of 10 improvement in statistics at the lowest quark mass for which data currently exists would allow one to determine the physical rho mass to within 5%. Finally, our analysis throws new light on a long-standing problem with the J-parameter.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Full analytic forms of the self-energies are included and a correction in the omega-pi self-energ

    Nonequilibrium stabilization of charge states in double quantum dots

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    We analyze the decoherence of charge states in double quantum dots due to cotunneling. The system is treated using the Bloch-Redfield generalized master equation for the Schrieffer-Wolff transformed Hamiltonian. We show that the decoherence, characterized through a relaxation τr\tau_{r} and a dephasing time τϕ\tau_{\phi}, can be controlled through the external voltage and that the optimum point, where these times are maximum, is not necessarily in equilibrium. We outline the mechanism of this nonequilibrium-induced enhancement of lifetime and coherence. We discuss the relevance of our results for recent charge qubit experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    The Quark-Photon Vertex and the Pion Charge Radius

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    The rainbow truncation of the quark Dyson-Schwinger equation is combined with the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation for the dressed quark-photon vertex to study the low-momentum behavior of the pion electromagnetic form factor. With model gluon parameters previously fixed by the pion mass and decay constant, the pion charge radius rπr_\pi is found to be in excellent agreement with the data. When the often-used Ball-Chiu Ansatz is used to construct the quark-photon vertex directly from the quark propagator, less than half of rπ2r_\pi^2 is generated. The remainder of rπ2r^2_\pi is seen to be attributable to the presence of the ρ\rho-pole in the solution of the ladder Bethe-Salpeter equation.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Coulomb correlations effects on localized charge relaxation in the coupled quantum dots

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    We analyzed localized charge time evolution in the system of two interacting quantum dots (QD) (artificial molecule) coupled with the continuous spectrum states. We demonstrated that Coulomb interaction modifies relaxation rates and is responsible for non-monotonic time evolution of the localized charge. We suggested new mechanism of this non-monotonic charge time evolution connected with charge redistribution between different relaxation channels in each QD.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    The Hamiltonian limit of (3+1)D SU(3) lattice gauge theory on anisotropic lattices

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    The extreme anisotropic limit of Euclidean SU(3) lattice gauge theory is examined to extract the Hamiltonian limit, using standard path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) methods. We examine the mean plaquette and string tension and compare them to results obtained within the Hamiltonian framework of Kogut and Susskind. The results are a significant improvement upon previous Hamiltonian estimates, despite the extrapolation procedure necessary to extract observables. We conclude that the PIMC method is a reliable method of obtaining results for the Hamiltonian version of the theory. Our results also clearly demonstrate the universality between the Hamiltonian and Euclidean formulations of lattice gauge theory. It is particularly important to take into account the renormalization of both the anisotropy, and the Euclidean coupling βE \beta_E , in obtaining these results.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure