689 research outputs found

    Effect of transmission setting and mixed species infections on clinical measures of malaria in Malawi

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    <p>Background: In malaria endemic regions people are commonly infected with multiple species of malaria parasites but the clinical impact of these Plasmodium co-infections is unclear. Differences in transmission seasonality and transmission intensity between endemic regions have been suggested as important factors in determining the effect of multiple species co-infections.</p> <p>Principal Findings: In order to investigate the impact of multiple-species infections on clinical measures of malaria we carried out a cross-sectional community survey in Malawi, in 2002. We collected clinical and parasitological data from 2918 participants aged >6 months, and applied a questionnaire to measure malaria morbidity. We examined the effect of transmission seasonality and intensity on fever, history of fever, haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) and parasite density, by comparing three regions: perennial transmission (PT), high intensity seasonal transmission (HIST) and low intensity seasonal transmission (LIST). These regions were defined using multi-level modelling of PCR prevalence data and spatial and geo-climatic measures. The three Plasmodium species (P. falciparum, P. malariae and P. ovale) were randomly distributed amongst all children but not adults in the LIST and PT regions. Mean parasite density in children was lower in the HIST compared with the other two regions. Mixed species infections had lower mean parasite density compared with single species infections in the PT region. Fever rates were similar between transmission regions and were unaffected by mixed species infections. A history of fever was associated with single species infections but only in the HIST region. Reduced mean [Hb] and increased anaemia was associated with perennial transmission compared to seasonal transmission. Children with mixed species infections had higher [Hb] in the HIST region.</p> <p>Conclusions: Our study suggests that the interaction of Plasmodium co-infecting species can have protective effects against some clinical outcomes of malaria but that this is dependent on the seasonality and intensity of malaria transmission.</p&gt

    The Effects of Breastfeeding on Childhood BMI: A Propensity Score Matching Approach

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    Background Many studies have found a statistical association between breastfeeding and childhood adiposity. This paper investigates whether breastfeeding has an effect on subsequent childhood body mass index (BMI) using propensity scores to account for confounding. Methods We use data from the Millennium Cohort Study, a nationally representative UK cohort survey, which contains detailed information on infant feeding and childhood BMI. Propensity score matching is used to investigate the mean BMI in children breastfed exclusively and partially for different durations of time. Results We find statistically significant influences of breastfeeding on childhood BMI, particularly in older children, when breastfeeding is prolonged and exclusive. At 7 years, children who were exclusively breastfed for 16 weeks had a BMI 0.28 kg/m 2 (95% confidence interval 0.07 to 0.49) lower than those who were never breastfed, a 2% reduction from the mean BMI of 16.6 kg/m 2 . Conclusions For this young cohort, even small effects of breastfeeding on BMI could be important. In order to reduce BMI, breastfeeding should be encouraged as part of wider lifestyle intervention. This evidence could help to inform public health bodies when creating public health guidelines and recommendations

    The effects of breastfeeding on childhood BMI: a propensity score matching approach

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    This paper investigates the effect of breastfeeding on childhood body mass index (BMI). We use data from the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS), a nationally representative UK cohort survey, containing detailed infant feeding information, which allow us to explore the effects of a range of breastfeeding variables on the mean BMI of children breastfed for different durations and for exclusive and partial breastfeeding. Using propensity score matching, we find statistically significant influences of breastfeeding on childhood BMI, particularly in older children and when breastfeeding is prolonged and exclusive. The effects of breastfeeding on BMI are small in magnitude but large relative to the mean BMIs of children this age. At this young age, there is not a large difference in BMI between children who are identified as obese and those who are identified as normal weight, so even a small difference in BMI could mean the difference between children being overweight or a healthy weight. We suggest that breastfeeding should be encouraged as part of wider lifestyle interventions in order to help reduce BMI as well as improve other childhood outcomes. This could be important evidence for public health bodies when creating public health guidelines and recommendations

    Family Lifestyle Dynamics and Childhood Obesity: Evidence from the Millennium Cohort Study

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    Using data from the Millennium Cohort Study, we investigate the dynamic relationship between underlying family lifestyle and childhood obesity during early childhood. We use a dynamic latent factor model, an approach that allows us to identify family lifestyle, its evolution over time and its influence on childhood obesity and other observable outcomes. We find that family lifestyle is persistent and has a significant influence on childhood weight status as well as other outcomes for all family members. Interventions should therefore be prolonged and persuasive and target the underlying lifestyle of a family as early as possible during childhood in order to have the greatest cumulative influence. Furthermore, the results indicate that to reduce inequalities in childhood obesity, policy makers should target disadvantaged families and design interventions specifically for these families

    Inter-specific variation in the potential for upland rush management advocated by agri-environment schemes to increase breeding wader densities

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    Encroachment of rush Juncus spp. in the United Kingdom uplands poses a threat to declining wader populations due to taller, denser swards that can limit foraging and breeding habitat quality for some species. Rush management via cutting, implemented through agri-environment schemes (AESs), could thus increase wader abundance, but there is insufficient assessment and understanding of how rush management influences upland waders. Across two upland regions of England [South West Peak (SWP) and Geltsdale nature reserve, Cumbria], we surveyed waders over four visits in fields where rush was managed according to AES prescriptions (treatment; n = 21) and fields without rush management that were otherwise ecologically similar (control; n = 22) to assess how the densities of breeding wader pairs respond to rush management in the short-term. We find evidence for regional variation in the response of waders to rush management, with densities of Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago significantly higher in treatment than control fields in the SWP, but not Geltsdale. There were no statistically significant responses to treatment on densities of Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata or Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. The 95% confidence intervals for the treatment parameter estimates suggest that this may be due to limited statistical power in the case of Lapwing. For Curlew, however, any potential increases in densities are negligible. There was no evidence that variation in rush cover, which ranged from 10 to 70%, influenced densities of any of our three focal species. Our results suggest that rush management through AES prescriptions delivered in isolation of other interventions may not lead to general increases in breeding wader densities in the short-term, but benefits may arise in some situations due to regional and inter-specific variation in effectiveness. Rush management supported with interventions that improve soil conditions and thus food availability, or reduce predation pressure, may enable AES rush management to generate benefits. Additional research is required to maximise the potential benefits of rush management for each species through the development of prescriptions that tailor to individual species’ optimum sward structure

    Upland rush management advocated by agri‐environment schemes increases predation of artificial wader nests

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    Farmland birds, including breeding waders, have declined across Europe. One frequently advocated strategy to facilitate population recovery is using agri-environment schemes (AES) to improve vegetation structure. A key example is cutting dense rush Juncus to open the sward which aims to increase the abundance of wading birds, for example by improving foraging conditions. Effects on breeding success are, however, unknown. This is a critical knowledge gap as high nest and chick predation rates are a key driver of wader declines. For wader species that nest across a range of sward structures, for example Eurasian curlew Numenius arquata and common snipe Gallinago gallinago, converting denser swards to more open ones may reduce opportunities for nest concealment and thus increase predation risk. Due to the difficulties of locating large numbers of wader nests, we assess rush management impacts on nest predation risk using artificial wader nests (n = 184) in two upland areas of England, using fields in which rush is managed according to AES prescriptions (treatment; n = 21) or un-managed (control; n = 22) fields. Daily nest predation rates (DPRs) were twice as high in treatment (0.064 day−1) than control fields (0.027 day−1). Within treatment fields, DPRs were twice as high for nests in cut rush patches (0.108 day−1) than in uncut rush (0.055 day−1). Modelling links higher DPRs associated with rush cutting to the resultant shorter and less dense vegetation. Our results highlight the need to assess how AES prescriptions that alter vegetation structure impact all aspects of the target species’ fitness and thus determine population recovery. Studies using real wader nests should test whether AES rush management inadvertently creates an ecological trap by altering vegetation structure, and identify the sward structure and configuration that optimizes trade-offs between foraging conditions and nest predation risk

    Assessing the risk of rabies re-introduction into the United Kingdom from Eastern European countries

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    There is a public concern of rabies re-introduction to the UK, given the recent changes in pet trade with parts of Eastern Europe and an increase in the movement of puppies. A previously developed quantitative risk assessment (QRA) for rabies introduction into the UK was modified in order to assess the risk from only Eastern European Union member states. The model estimates the annual probability of rabies entering the UK and also the expected number of years between rabies introductions. The change in risk between the original model and the updated model is then assessed. While the risk has increased compared to the previous assessment, the risk still remains low, with a case expected every 317 years (5th and 95th percentile, 193 and 486 years, respectively) and an annual risk of 3.41×10−3 (5th and 95th percentile, 2.05×10−3 and 5.17×10−3, respectively)

    A flexible, open, and interactive digital platform to support online and blended experiential learning environments: Thinglink and thin sections

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    Abstract. This study investigates the potential value of, and provides a method for, the creation of flexible, digital, and asynchronous platforms to create student-centred materials for use in an online and/or blended learning environment. We made use of Thinglink to create a “virtual microscope” resource for geology and associated courses in higher education. This is achieved through the dissemination of a simple learning resource comprising interactive imagery and audio. The visual analysis of rocks under the microscope, termed thin-section petrography, is a fundamental component in geology programmes in higher education, with key skills which are transferable with other fields such as material science, biology, and forensic science. However, learning environments and activities in this field are often dictated by the requirement for access to microscope facilities and supplementary resources which are highly variable in their academic level, availability, design, and scale, ranging from traditional textbooks to online resources. A resource was created which allows individuals to experience some of the aspects of petrographic microscopy in a digital manner. In particular, specific features of the materials observed and how microscopes work were included. The resource was disseminated to a population of learners and educators, who provided responses to a questionnaire. Responses were overwhelmingly positive and indicate considerable interest from learner and teacher alike. Critical areas for improvement include the need for clarity in the user interface and the inclusion of a recorded human voice rather than automated text narration. This study highlights the need for, and benefits of, interactive online learning resources in petrology and associated fields. This type of resource has positive implications for the flexibility, inclusivity, and accessibility of teaching materials. Such resources may prove particularly valuable when distance learning is unavoidable (e.g. the COVID-19 crisis) and/or hybrid, blended learning environments are being deployed. The method and platform used in this study are highly transferable to other subject areas (or other areas of the geosciences)

    The effects of aerobic and resistance exercise on state anxiety and cognitive function

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    Background: There is a paucity of data directly comparing the effects of aerobic versus resistance exercise within a single cohort. Objective: The study aimed to investigate the effects of an acute bout of aerobic and resistance exercise on state anxiety and cognitive function. Equipment and methods: Participants completed three laboratory visits randomized between aerobic exercise (cycling at a self-selected intensity), resistance exercise (three sets; 10 repetitions; six exercises), and a control condition (seated rest). State anxiety and cognitive function were assessed before and after each condition. Results: Reductions in state anxiety that approached significance were seen immediately following aerobic exercise yet were non-significant in the resistance and control conditions. Cognitive function significantly improved following aerobic exercise yet this was not evident in the resistance or control conditions. Conclusion: Acute aerobic exercise at a self-selected intensity may be an effective way of reducing state anxiety and improving cognitive function, when compared to seated rest or resistance training