162 research outputs found

    Técnicas terapéuticas endovasculares

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    Percutaneous and endovascular techniques have shown their efficacy in the treatment of a great variety of pathologies. The advances in diagnostic imaging as well as the development of new materials have made it possible to carry out new procedures that were unthinkable not many years ago. The irruption of this new form of treating patients has had, is having, and will have a clear impact on the multidisciplinary approach to numerous diseases

    Nefrectomía parcial laparoscópica. Análisis de los primeros 30 casos de nuestra serie y revisión de la literatura

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    Objective: Our goal is to analyze the surgical and clinicopathological results of our first 30 laparoscopic partial nephrectomies (LPN) performed consecutively and correlate the results with the literature. Material and methods: This is a cases series, with 30 patients (20 men and 10 women) operated between 2006 and 2008. We assessed the clinicopathological factors and complications. The mean and median follow-up was 25 and 5 months. Results: Resected tumors had an average size of 2.4 cm. 60% of the tumors were malignant. The pathological stage was pT1 in 100% of cases (47% grade I, 53% Fuhrman grade II). Surgical margins were positive in 3 cases, switching to open surgery. Intraoperative bleeding was 74.66 cc (35.7±SD) and 70 cc of mean and median. The mean operative time was 214.4min (±69) and ischemia time of 31.3min (±13.8). Conclusions: Our results are similar to those reported in the literature, except for positive margins and conversion attributable to the learning curve

    Respuesta y supervivencia libre de progresión en tumores vesicales en estadiosT2-T4 tratados con tratamiento trimodal de conservación vesical

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    Objective: Toevaluatetheresponseandthefree-survivalprogressioninpacientsdiagnosed of invasivebladdercancerwhohavebeentreatedwithtransurethralresection, chemotherapyandradiotherapy.Thismultimodaltreatmentiscomparedwithanot random serieofpatientstreatedbyradicalcistectomy. Material andmethods: Retrospectiveanalysisof43casesofinvasivebladdercancertreated with twoschemesofbladderpreservationbetween1994–2007.Theyarecomparedwith145 cases treatedwithradicalcistectomyinthesameperiodoftime. Pronosticvariablesincludedinthestudyareclinicalstage,gradeofdifferentiation, presence ofureteralobstruction,chemotherapymodality,radiotherapydosesandp53and ki-67 expression. Results: Meanandmediantimeare51and39monthsinpatientswithmultimodal treatment.Completeresponseisachievedin72%ofcasestreatedwithbladder preservation.Ureteralobstructionisaprognosticfactor(OR:7,3;p:0,02).72%patientswith complete responsemantainitattheendofthestudy.Noneofanalyzedvariablesare predictors ofmaintenanceoftheresponse. Survivalrateswithaintactbladderwere6977% and6177% atthreeandfiveyears. Radiotherapydosesgreaterthan60Gy(OR:6,1;po0,001) andtheabsenceofureteral obstruction (OR:7,5;po0,002) werepronosticvariables. Free-survivalinpatientswithcompleteresponsewas8077% and58710% atthreeand five years. At theendofthestudy,53,5%ofpatientshadaintactbladderandfree-disease. Inthesameperiodoftime,145radicalcistectomieswereperformedduetomuscleinvasive bladdercancer.Meanandmediantimeinthisgroupwere29and18monthsrespectively. Stadisticalanalysisrevealsaworseclinicalstageinthegroupofpatientstreatedwith multimodaltreatment(p:0.01). Free-survivalwas7275% and6377%at3and5yearsinthegroupofradical cistectomies.Therewasnotstadisticalsignificantdifferencesbetweencistectomiesand bladderpreservation. Conclusions: Patientstreatedwithbladderpreservationhaveafree-survivalsimilartothose tretedwithradicalcistectomy.Radiotherapy doses greaterthan60Gyandabsenceofureteral obstructionwerefree-survivalprognosticvariables

    Impact of renal retransplantation on graft and recipient survival

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of retransplantation in graft and recipient survival. METHODS: We carried out a retrospective study in 419 renal transplants and studied the influence of retransplantation in graft and patient survival. A homogeneity study was performed between the two groups with a Student`s T and a chi-square tests. Graft survival analysis was performed with Kaplan-Meyer and log rank tests. RESULTS: Of 419 transplants, 370 (88.3%) were first transplantations, 45 (10.7%) second transplantations and 4(1%) third ones. Mean follow-up of the whole group was 72.5 months (+/-54.1 SD). There were no differences in follow-up between groups (Mean Follow-up 73.1 months +/-54.4 SD in first transplantations vs. 61.6 months +/-51.2 SD in repeat transplantation. p >0.05). The actuarial graft survival showed no differences between patients with first transplantation and those with a repeat one. [3 and 5 year SV of 89% (95% CI: 87-91%) and 84%(95% CI: 82-86%) Vs 88% (95% CI; 83-93%) and 85% (95% CI:i; 80-90%) respectively]. After adjusting for all the heterogeneity variables we still did not find differences on graft survival. The actuarial recipient survival showed no differences between patients with first transplantation and those with a repeat one. [3 and 5 year SV of 98% and 96% Vs.97%]. CONCLUSIONS: There are no differences of graft and recipient survival between patients with a first transplantation and those with a repeat one

    Factores influyentes en el tiempo hasta la progresión bioquímica después de prostatectomía radical

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    INTRODUCTION: We assessed the time-influencing clinical-pathological factors for biochemical progression of an equal series of patients from a single institution. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Retrospective analysis of 278 patients with biochemical progression following prostatectomy. We considered biochemical progression to be PSA>0.4 ng/ml. We performed the trial using the Cox model (univariate and multivariate) and using the Student's t-test to compare averages. RESULTS: With a mean follow-up of 4 (±3 DE) years, the univariate study showed a mean until progression for the Gleason score 2-6 in the biopsy of 824 days and 543 for the Gleason score 7-10 (p=0.003). For negative surgical margins, the mean was 920 days and 545 for positive margins (p=0.0001). In the case of a Gleason score 2-7 in the specimen, the mean was 806 days and 501 for a Gleason score 8-10 (p=0.001). Lastly, the mean for the cases with Ki-67 negative in the specimen ( 10%) (p=0.003). In the multivariate study, Ki-67 (OR 1.028; IC 95% 1-1.01; p=0.0001) and Gleason score 8-10 (OR 1.62; IC 95% 1.5-2.45; p=0.026) in the specimen, and initial PSA >10 ng/ml (OR 1.02; IC 95% 1.01-1.04; p=0.0001) were independent variables. Using these variables, we designed a predictive model with three groups. The time until the progression of each group was 1,081, 551 and 218 days respectively. CONCLUSION: The Gleason score 7-10 in the prostate biopsy, the presence of Ki-67, the positive margins and the Gleason score 8-10 in the specimen, and the initial PSA > 10 ng/ml are time-influencing factors until biochemical progression. Pathological Gleason score 8-10, PSA > 10 ng/ml and Ki-67 are independent factors

    Complicaciones quirúrgicas en el trasplante renal y su influencia en la supervivencia del injerto

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    Objectives: To analyze surgical complications in kidney transplantation and their influence on graft survival. Materials and methods: A retrospective analysis was made of the early and late surgical complications occurring in 216 consecutive kidney transplants performed at our institution and their influence on graf tsurvival. Results: At least one surgical complication occurred in 82(38%)of the 216 transplantations, and 68(31%)required some type of repeat surgery,23 in the early post operative period and 45 more than 3 months after surgery. Mean follow–up was 48 months(SD þ/ 33.4), and median follow–up 48 months(range,0–166months). No recipient or donor factor spredisposing to surgical complications were found. Graft survival was significantly shorter in patients with surgical complications [3-and 5-year survival rates of 86%(95%CI83%–89%)and 78%(95%CI73%–82%)as compared to 92% (95%CI90%–94%)and 88%(95%CI85%–91%),p:0.004].Early repeat surgery, venous thrombosis, and wound infection were among the complications having an independent influence on graft survival. A multivariate analysis of graft survival in the whole groups howed early repeat surgery to bea factor with an independent prognostic value (OR:4.7;95%CI2.2–10,po0.0001). Delayed function and donor age older than 60 years were the other independent influential factors. Conclusion: Surgical complications have an influence on graft survival.Then eed for early repeat surgery, delayed function, and donor age older than 60 years are independent predictors of graft survival

    Comparative genomic hybridization and amplotyping by arbitrarily primed PCR in stage A B-CLL

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    Cytogenetic analysis is useful in the diagnosis and to assess prognosis of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (B-CLL). However, successful cytogenetics by standard techniques has been hindered by the low in vitro mitotic activity of the malignant B-cell population. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has become a useful tool, but it does not provide an overall view of the aberrations. To overcome this hurdle, two DNA-based techniques have been tested in the present study: comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) and amplotyping by arbitrarily primed PCR (AP-PCR). Comparative genomic hybridization resolution depends upon the 400-bands of the human standard karyotype. AP-PCR allows detection of allelic losses and gains in tumor cells by PCR fingerprinting, thus its resolution is at the molecular level. Both techniques were performed in 23 patients with stage A B-CLL at diagnosis. The results were compared with FISH. The sensitivity of AP-PCR was greater than CGH (62% vs. 43%). The use of CGH combined with AP-PCR allowed to detect genetic abnormalities in 79% (15/19) of patients in whom G-banding was not informative, providing a global view of the aberrations in a sole experiment. This study shows that combining these two methods with FISH, makes possible a more precise genetic characterization of patients with B-CLL
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