236 research outputs found

    Changes in the spectrum of protein components and the concentration of phospholipids of the erythrocyte membrane in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease with unclear etiology. An insufficient amount of data on the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of the disease creates opportunities to research them at the cellular level, including the membrane level. Since the functional state of the cytoplasmic membrane largely depends on protein-lipid interactions, we studied the effect of the proportional ratio of three proteins (glucose transporter, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST)) on the level of phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine in the erythrocyte membrane of patients with ulcerative colitis during an acute attack. The study involved 51 patients with ulcerative colitis during the acute attack and 26 clinically healthy individuals. The groups are comparable by gender and age to study the proteins of the cytoplasmic membrane, Laemmli electrophoresis technique in polyacrylamide gel was used, followed by an assessment of the intensity of protein bands staining on electropherograms. Phospholipid fractions were obtained using thin-layer chromatography and their content was assessed using the Mathcad 2001 Professional system. Statistical processing was carried out by the program Statistica 10.0 for Windows. Changes of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolcholine levels in patients and healthy individuals are not of the same type and are interrelated with changes in the proportion of membrane proteins of the glucose transporter, GAPDH and GST. The proportions of proteins that affect the level of phospholipids have calculated. In patients with ulcerative colitis, a decrease in the level of the studied membrane lipids have revealed in comparison with the clinically healthy group, in addition, an increase in the proportion of the glucose transporter and a decrease in the proportion of GST have noted. In addition, the relationship between an increase in the level of the cytoplasmic membrane phospholipids in ulcerative colitis and a change in the proportion of GAFDH in a smaller direction, which slows down the process of glucose oxidation, was determined. The obtained data confirm the strengthening of the processes of antioxidant protection and the increased need for energy supply of the cell membrane in patients with ulcerative colitis during an acute attack

    Effects of Interaction of Protein Components of erythrocyte Membrane in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Background. It is known that in ulcerative colitis there is a violation of the barrier function of the colon mucosa, which can lead to pathological changes inside cells, including in the membranes of red blood cells. The stability of the erythrocyte membrane and its ability to deform largely depends on the composition and interaction of protein structures inside it. A significant decrease in the content of the main protein components of the erythrocyte membrane in ulcerative colitis was found in comparison with healthy people.Aim of the research. Taking into account the available data, we conducted an additional study to analyze the effects of the relationship between the protein components of the cytoplasmic membrane of erythrocytes in patients with ulcerative colitis and clinically healthy people.Materials and methods. The study involved men and women with ulcerative colitis in the period of exacerbation (n = 51) and clinically healthy individuals matched by sex and age (n = 30). The analysis of the interaction effects of ten main protein components of the erythrocyte membrane was carried out. For each protein under study, its average value was determined, and within the studied groups all proteins were divided into two categories – above and below their average level. Analysis of variance was used to quantify the contribution of each identified factor.Results. It was found that the effect of the relationship is not inherent in all categories of protein components. In ulcerative colitis, the effects of interaction with such important structural proteins as spectrins and ankyrin disappear. In the effect of band 4.1 protein, in contrast to clinically healthy individuals, a new independent factor appears – glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, and in the effect on actin – an anion-transport protein.Conclusion. In ulcerative colitis, significant changes occur in the membrane of red blood cells, leading to a violation of the relationships between proteins, a decrease in the total content of the studied proteins and the loss of some of the effects of independent factors on the level of certain protein structures. Based on the findings, adjustments can be made to the treatment of ulcerative colitis in order to strengthen the erythrocyte membrane


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    The ground of model of formation of psychosomatic diseases which are directly related to the protective mechanisms of personality is resulted in the article. The process of origin of emotions and their subsequent development in ontogenesis with denotation of age group is described.В статье приведено обоснование модели образования психосоматических заболеваний, которые непосредственно связаны с защитными механизмами личности. Описан процесс возникновения эмоций и последующее их развитие в онтогенезе с обозначением возрастной группы.В статті наведене обґрунтування моделі виникнення психосоматичних захворювань, що безпосередньо пов’язані із захисними механізмами особистості. Описаний процес виникнення емоцій та подальший їх розвиток в онтогенезі із зазначенням вікової групи

    Electron-Electron scattering and resistivity of ballistic multimode channels

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    We show that electron--electron scattering gives a positive contribution to the resistivity of ballistic multimode wires whose width is much smaller than their length. This contribution is not exponentially small at low temperatures and therefore may be experimentally observable. It scales with temperature as T2T^2 for three-dimensional channels and as T5/2T^{5/2} for two-dimensional ones.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Aromaticity in a Surface Deposited Cluster: Pd4_4 on TiO2_2 (110)

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    We report the presence of \sigma-aromaticity in a surface deposited cluster, Pd4_4 on TiO2_2 (110). In the gas phase, Pd4_4 adopts a tetrahedral structure. However, surface binding promotes a flat, \sigma-aromatic cluster. This is the first time aromaticity is found in surface deposited clusters. Systems of this type emerge as a promising class of catalyst, and so realization of aromaticity in them may help to rationalize their reactivity and catalytic properties, as a function of cluster size and composition.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Age and metamorphic conditions of the granulites from Capral-Jegessky synclinoria, Anabar shield

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    The paper presents the results of the isotope, geochemical and thermobarometric study of plagio-crystalline schist containing in the Upper Anabar series of the Anabar Shield. Granulite complexes of the paleoplatforms are the most important issue in addressing the fundamental problem of the Earth's crust origin and its composition. The early stages of crust formation which correspond to the deeply metamorphosed rocks of the platform basements, available for study within the shields, are of particular interest. The study of the age and metamorphic conditions of granulites by the case of the Upper Ananbar series allows specifying the stages the Anabar Shield's ancient crust formation. Isotope-geochemical (U-Pb geochronology for zircon and Sm-Nd for garnet-amphibole-WR) and thermoba-rometric (Theriak-Domino) studies of plagio-crystalline schist allowed to identify two Paleoproterozoic metamorphism stages within the territory of the Anabar Shield with an age of about 1997 and 1919 million years. The peak conditions of granulite metamorphism are determined as 775±35 С and 7.5±0.7 kbar, the parameters of the regressive stage are 700 C and 7 kbar. The sequence of the rocks metamorphic transformations can be assumed: high-thermal metamorphism of the granulite facies (T ≤ 810 C) and subsequent sub-isobaric (about 7 kbar) cooling to 700 C with a water activity increase and formation of Grt-Amp paragenesis corresponding to the transition from the granulite to amphibolite facies. Data on the REE and other trace elements distribution in zircon and rock-forming minerals obtained by the ion microprobe analysis contribute significantly to the isotope-geochemical data interpretation

    Effect of Antioxidant Preparation «Mexidol» on the Protein Components of the Erythrocyte Cytoplasmic Membrane in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

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    Background. Ulcerative colitis is a colon disease accompanied by a systemic inflammatory response with the development of oxidative stress, which leads to structural and functional changes in cell membranes. There are no data on the qualitative and quantitative changes in the protein components of the cytoplasmic membrane in ulcerative colitis under the influence of the antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing drug Mexidol.The article presents the data of our own research, the purpose of which is to study the nature of changes in protein components in the erythrocyte membrane in vitro when exposed to Mexidol (the active substance is oxymethylethyl peridine succinate) in patients with ulcerative colitis during an acute attack.Materials and methods. The study involved 51 patients with ulcerative colitis during the exacerbation period and 30 clinically healthy individuals comparable by sex and age. Ten major protein components of the erythrocyte membrane were evaluated.Results. As a result of the regression analysis, it was shown that in the group of clinically healthy individuals, almost all structural proteins are to varying degrees linked to proteins by glucose transporters and the enzyme glutathione-S-transferase and in patients with ulcerative colitis, the connection of protein components of membrane channels with spectrines is lost. Incubation of red blood cells of patients with ulcerative colitis in a solution of Mexidol in vitro did not affect the protein components of the erythrocyte cytoplasmic membrane. At the same time, in ulcerative colitis patients there was a restoration of spectrin connections with anion transport proteins and a glucose transporter, which were not detected in the initial state. Conclusion. The effect of Mexidol in vitro on the erythrocyte membranes of patients with ulcerative colitis was accompanied by the restoration of structural and functional protein bonds, which can be considered as a beneficial effect of this drug on the erythrocyte membrane under the conditions of the studied pathology

    Разработка комплекса метрологического обеспечения пищевой промышленности

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    The paper considers the contribution of experts from the Laboratory of Metrology of Moisture Measurement and Reference Materials to the improvement of the food industry metrological assurance system. The information on the results of the development of forty types of reference materials (RM) for the composition of various nutrition, food staples and nutritional supplement in the period 2008-2020 is generalized. The development of each new RM type included preparation of the material, research for its stability and homogeneity, and determination of certified value with the appliance of State primary (GET 173) and secondary (GVET 176-1) standards, as well as primary reference measurement procedures and conducting the interlaboratory experiment for checking the applicability of the RM. The creation in 2008 of GET 173 was accompanied by the development of RMs for the composition of grains and dry milk product. The approval in 2010 of GVET 176-1 allowed to add in the RM the certified value for the mass fraction of nitrogen (protein). As a result of successful participation in comparisons, UNIIM got 6 items of calibration and measurement capabilities on measurements of mass fraction of nitrogen in glycine, milk powder, grain, egg powder, cereal and feed-stuff in the BIPM database. 35 types of RM for the composition of dairy and meat products, egg powder, infant food, oil and starch products together with the development of primary reference measurement procedures for measurement of fat, crude fat, ash and carbohydrates mass fraction were created between 2016 and 2019. Moreover, the RM for the composition of nutritional supplement (glycine, melamine, cystine) and dairy products for metrological assurance of IR-analysers as well as RM for the composition of reconstituted milk were developed for the control of measurement results by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Developed RM were systemized on fields of the appliance of Technical regulations of Customs Union and the sectors of the international food triangle model. These RMs allow providing the measurement uniformity of the identification indicators and the nutritional value of food products and food staples.Статья посвящена рассмотрению вклада специалистов лаборатории метрологии влагометрии и стандартных образцов в совершенствование системы метрологического обеспечения пищевой промышленности. В статье обобщены результаты разработки более 40 типов стандартных образцов (СО) состава пищевых продуктов, продовольственного сырья и пищевых добавок в период с 2008 по 2020 г. Разработка каждого нового типа СО включала подготовку материала СО, исследование его стабильности и однородности, установление аттестованного значения с применением Государственных первичного (ГЭТ 173) и вторичного (ГВЭТ176-1) эталонов, первичных референтных метоДик измерений (ПРМИ), проведение межлабораторного эксперимента для проверки применимости СО. Создание ГЭТ 173 в 2008 г. сопровождалось разработкой СО состава зерна и сухих молочных продуктов. Утверждение ГВЭТ 176-1 в 2010 г. позволило добавить в СО аттестованное значение массовой доли азота (белка). По результатам успешного участия в сличениях УНИИМ получил 6 строчек калибровочных и измерительных возможностей в базе данных Международного бюро мер и весов по измерению массовой доли азота в глицине, сухом молоке, зерне, яичном порошке, зерновых кашах и кормах. В период 2016-2019 гг. вместе с разработкой ПРМИ массовой доли жира, сырого жира (масличности), золы и углеводов было создано 35 типов СО состава молочных и мясных продуктов, яичного порошка, детского питания, масличных культур и продуктов на их основе, крахмалопродуктов. Кроме того, были разработаны СО состава пищевых добавок (глицин, меламин, цистин) и молочных продуктов для метрологического обеспечения инфракрасных анализаторов, а также СО состава восстановленного молока для контроля результатов измерений методом иммуноферментного анализа. Разработанные СО были систематизированы по областям применения Технических регламентов Таможенного союза и секторам международной модели пищевого треугольника. Разработанные СО позволяют обеспечить единство измерений показателей идентификации и пищевой ценности пищевых продуктов и продовольственного сырья


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    Aim: to evaluate the biomechanical remodeling of polymer grafts modified with vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) after implantation into rat abdominal aorta.Materials and methods. Vascular grafts of2 mmdiameter were fabricated by electrospinning from polycaprolactone (PCL) and a mixture of poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and PCL. The grafts were modified with VEGF by biphasic electrospinning. Morphology of the grafts was assessed by scanning electron microscopy. Physico-mechanical properties of PCL and PHBV/PCL grafts were estimated using uniaxial tensile test and physiological circulating system equipped with state-of-theart ultrasound vascular wall tracking system. Physico-mechanical testing of PCL/VEGF and PHBV/PCL/VEGF was performed before and after implantation into rat abdominal aorta for 6 months. The modeling of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) was performed by finite element analysis for modified grafts.Results. Durability of PCL and PHBV/PCL grafts did not differ from that of human internal mammary artery; however, elasticity and stiffness of these grafts were higher compared to internal mammary artery. Viscoelastic properties of the grafts were comparable to those of native blood vessels. Modification of the grafts with VEGF reduced material stiffness. Six months postimplantation, PCL/VEGF and PHBV/PCL/VEGF were integrated with aortic tissue that induced changes in the physico-mechanical properties of the grafts similar to the native vessel. Biomechanical modeling confirmed the functioning of modified grafts in bypass position for CABG.Conclusion. PCL/VEGF and PHBV/PCL/VEGF grafts have satisfactory physico-mechanical properties and can be potentially used in the reconstruction of blood vessels

    Steps Toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. XV. Long-Term Optical Monitoring of NGC 5548

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    We present the results of three years of ground-based observations of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548, which combined with previously reported data, yield optical continuum and broad-line H-beta light curves for a total of eight years. The light curves consist of over 800 points, with a typical spacing of a few days between observations. During this eight-year period, the nuclear continuum has varied by more than a factor of seven, and the H-beta emission line has varied by a factor of nearly six. The H-beta emission line responds to continuum variations with a time delay or lag of 10-20 days, the precise value varying somewhat from year to year. We find some indications that the lag varies with continuum flux in the sense that the lag is larger when the source is brighter.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ (1999 Jan 10