32 research outputs found

    Corpora as open educational resources for language teaching

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    Corpora, large electronic collections of texts, have been used in language teaching for several decades. Also known as Data‐Driven Learning (DDL), this method has been gaining popularity because empirical research has consistently shown its effectiveness for learning. However, corpora are still underutilized, especially with learners of languages other than English, at lower proficiency levels, and in non‐university contexts. This is regrettable because DDL has a great potential for developing modular flipped content, especially for hybrid, remote, and online courses. This article first provides an overview of DDL applications and findings of empirical research. Next, it outlines obstacles to wider DDL implementation as well as available and possible solutions. Corpus user guides and exercise collections tied to specific corpora are discussed as one promising direction, and an example of such new open educational resources for teaching German is presented. The article concludes with a discussion of implications and future directions


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    Magnesium is one of the important elements, necessary for the most of biochemical reactions, including those in nerve tissue. Magnesium insufficiency takes a leading position in the structure of elemental status pathology. 20-63 % of females of 18-45 years have borderline or moderate magnesium deficiency. Earlier conducted studies showed decreased level of magnesium in blood serum of women using combined oral contraceptive pills (COCP). We examined 137 young females of reproductive age (average age -19,1 ± 1,1 years) and defined the level of magnesium in blood serum and 24-hour urine at the background of taking COCP. Depending on the level of magnesium in blood serum all women were divided into 2 groups. Females who planned to use COCP and had initially normal level of magnesium in blood serum (n = 88) were randomized to form groups of observation and prophylaxis (with the use of magnesium preparations). All women with reduced level of magnesium (n = 49) together with hormonal contraceptive were prescribed magnesium preparation in combination with pyridoxine. The women with preventive use of magnesium-containing preparation had no significant reduction of magnesium level either in blood or in urine. And the women with reduced Mg level who were taking COCP and received magnesium-containing preparation in combination with pyridoxine had increased level of magnesium in blood serum and 24-hour urine. Thus, prescription of magnesium preparations in combination with pyridoxine to young women of reproductive age using combined oral contraceptive pills has been proved reasonable for reducing the risk of magnesium deficiency

    The Influence of Design and Intrernet Technologies on Increasing the Effectiveness of Advertising

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    В статье рассматривается взаимосвязь дизайна и интернет-технологий в рекламе. Авторы анализируют применение технологий дизайна в таргетированной рекламе и виртуальной среде.The article examines the relationship between design and Internet technology in advertising. The authors analyze the application of design technologies in targeted advertising and virtual environments

    Marketing analysis of the range in the group of non-steroidal anti–inflammatory drugs in a segment of drugstores of Yekaterinburg

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    The article presents the data of marketing analysis NSAIDs range. Analyzed consumer behavior in this group of drugs. The recommendations for overcoming both the price and assortment unavailability of highly COX‑2 inhibitors.В статье изложены данные маркетингового анализа ассортимента НПВП. Проанализировано потребительское поведение в данной группе препаратов. Изложены рекомендации для преодоления как ценовой, так и ассортиментной недоступности высокоселективных ингибиторов ЦОГ‑2

    Prospects of implementing integrated information systems in the preferential drug provision of patients with copd on the territory of Sverdlovsk region

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    Analysis of prospects of implementation and functionality of information systems in preferential drug provision, a review of the regulatory framework in the system of preferential provision of medicines.Анализ перспективы внедрения и функциональных возможностей информационных систем в льготном лекарственном обеспечении, обзор нормативной базы в системе льготного лекарственного обеспечения


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    The aim of the study was to compare the efficacy of the optimized ultrasound technique with the use of additional methods (change in the patient’s body position, forced type of breath and abdominal scanning with high-frequency probes) for assessing the preoperative staging in 47 patients with primary epithelial ovarian cancer. It was shown that the optimized ultrasound technique, especially in cases with low-volume ascites, allowed improvement in preoperative staging of ovarian cancer, with sensitivity of 87%. Проведена сравнительная оценка эффективности разработанной оптимизированной методики УЗИ с применением дополнительных приёмов (с переменой положения тела пациентки, с форсированным типом дыхания и сканированием брюшной полости линейным датчиком высоких частот) в оценке дооперационного стадирования у 47 больных с первичным диагнозом эпителиального рака яичников. Показано, что оптимизированная методика УЗИ, особенно при минимальном количестве асцитической жидкости, позволяет с чувствительностью метода 87 % повысить эффективность дооперационного стадирования рака яичнико

    Assessment of Seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 in Various Population Cohorts Using Logit Regression Models During Initial Period of Herd Immunity Formation

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    The aim of the study was to assess the dynamics of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 in various population groups during the initial period of herd immunity formation based on multivariate analysis using logit regression models.Materials and methods. The study involved 1561 individuals divided into three population cohorts: people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA), healthy blood donors, medical workers. The presence of antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 was determined in blood serum through ELISA using commercial reagent kits. Multivariate analysis of the dynamics of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 was carried out using logistic regression models.Results and discussion. It has been revealed that probability of detecting IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 significantly increased among the donors and medical workers in the spring-autumn 2020 series (p=0.005 и p<0.001, respectively), which corresponds to seroprevalence shift in the general population. Groups of donors and medical workers can be considered as indicator groups that characterize the herd immunity in reference to SARS-CoV-2, as well as the intensity of COVID-19 epidemic process. Seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2 in PLHA group was at a consistently high level throughout the observation period. The generated logistic regression models made it possible to determine the trends in the development of the epidemic situation based on multifactorial analysis of the dynamics of seroprevalence to SARS-CoV-2