515 research outputs found


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    The aim of this work was to identify an accurate method to evaluate the variability of the carrying angle during the flexion extension of the elbow and to define a mathematical description of this movement applicable in sport and rehabilitation field. In order to develop this objective, we marked the arm and the forearm by six reflective markers of six healthy subjects performing the flexion extension movement and acquired the coordinates using six infrared cameras (VICON Motion System). Five repeated measures were performed for each subject in order to verify the reliability of the measures. Our results demonstrated that this movement can be easily modelled as a linear variation of the carrying angle in function of the flexion angle. The reliability between repeated measures was high and adopting a linear fit the accuracy was more than 94% in all cases. This is the first study to compute the flexion-extension movement by a carrying angle evaluation

    Grasping the semantic of actions: a combined behavioral and MEG study

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    There is experimental evidence that the brain systems involved in action execution also play a role in action observation and understanding. Recently, it has been suggested that the sensorimotor system is also involved in language processing. Supporting results are slower response times and weaker motor-related MEG Beta band power suppression in semantic decision tasks on single action verbs labels when the stimulus and the motor response involve the same effector. Attenuated power suppression indicates decreased cortical excitability and consequent decreased readiness to act. The embodied approach forwards that the simultaneous involvement of the sensorimotor system in the processing of the linguistic content and in the planning of the response determines this language-motor interference effect. Here, in a combined behavioral and MEG study we investigated to what extent the processing of actions visually presented (i.e., pictures of actions) and verbally described (i.e., verbs in written words) share common neural mechanisms. The findings demonstrated that, whether an action is experienced visually or verbally, its processing engages the sensorimotor system in a comparable way. These results provide further support to the embodied view of semantic processing, suggesting that this process is independent from the modality of presentation of the stimulus, including language

    Near-resonant nuclear spin detection with high-frequency mechanical resonators

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    Mechanical resonators operating in the high-frequency regime have become a versatile platform for fundamental and applied quantum research. Their exceptional properties, such as low mass and high quality factor, make them also very appealing for force sensing experiments. In this Letter, we propose a method for detecting and ultimately controlling nuclear spins by directly coupling them to high-frequency resonators via a magnetic field gradient. Dynamical backaction between the sensor and an ensemble of nuclear spins produces a shift in the sensor's resonance frequency, which can be measured to probe the spin ensemble. Based on analytical as well as numerical results, we predict that the method will allow nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging with a range of realistic devices. At the same time, this interaction paves the way for new manipulation techniques, similar to those employed in cavity optomechanics, enriching both the sensor's and the spin ensemble's features.Comment: Includes Supplemental Materia

    Magnetic breakdown in a normal-metal - superconductor proximity sandwich

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    We study the magnetic response of a clean normal-metal slab of finite thickness in proximity with a bulk superconductor. We determine its free energy and identify two (meta-)stable states, a diamagnetic one where the applied field is effectively screened, and a second state, where the field penetrates the normal-metal layer. We present a complete characterization of the first order transition between the two states which occurs at the breakdown field, including its spinodals, the jump in the magnetization, and the latent heat. The bistable regime terminates at a critical temperature above which the sharp transition is replaced by a continuous cross-over. We compare the theory with experiments on normal-superconducting cylinders.Comment: 7 pages Revtex, 3 Postscript figures, needs psfig.te

    Paramagnetic reentrant effect in high purity mesoscopic AgNb proximity structures

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    We discuss the magnetic response of clean Ag coated Nb proximity cylinders in the temperature range 150 \mu K < T < 9 K. In the mesoscopic temperature regime, the normal metal-superconductor system shows the yet unexplained paramagnetic reentrant effect, discovered some years ago [P. Visani, A. C. Mota, and A. Pollini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 1514 (1990)], superimposing on full Meissner screening. The logarithmic slope of the reentrant paramagnetic susceptibility chi_para(T) \propto \exp(-L/\xi_N) is limited by the condition \xi_N=n L, with \xi_N=\hbar v_F/2 \pi k_B T, the thermal coherence length and n=1,2,4. In wires with perimeters L=72 \mu m and L=130 \mu m, we observe integer multiples n=1,2,4. At the lowest temperatures, \chi_para compensates the diamagnetic susceptibility of the \textit{whole} AgNb structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (color


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    The aim of our work was to examine whether age and hand grip strength are correlated with 50m, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m swimming performance times in Master swimmers and how correlation varies considering short, middle or long distances. The main finding of this work was that hand grip strength and age correlated significantly at each distance. Hand grip strength showed a relevant influence on performance time and explained 52% of variance of performance time in 50m race freestyle and only 15% in 800m race. Increasing age was a disadvantageous factor for performance time, and explained 45% of variance of performance time in 800m race freestyle and only 20% in 50 m race

    Supplier's total cost of ownership evaluation: a data envelopment analysis approach

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    Supplier Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is a widely-known approach for determining the overall cost generated by a supplier relationship, but its adoption is still limited. The complex calculations involved - and in particular the activity-based costing procedure for computing the cost of managing the relationship - pose a major obstacle to widespread TCO implementation. The purpose of this work is to formulate a Data Envelopment Analysis application (denoted 'TCO-based DEA') that can act as a proxy for TCO, and to test its ability to approximate the results of TCO with less effort. The study is based on the analysis of two categories of suppliers (74 in total) of a medium-sized Italian mechanical engineering company. The results show that TCO-based DEA is able to significantly approximate the outcomes of TCO, for both the efficiency indexes and rankings of suppliers, whilst requiring substantially less effort to perform the analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first study to develop a DEA-based tool for approximating TCO and to test it in a real-world setting. The research shows significant potential within the supply chain management field. In particular, TCO-based DEA can be used for analysing suppliers' performance, rationalising and reducing the supplier base, assisting the negotiation process

    Quasiclassical theory of superconductivity: a multiple interface geometry

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    The purpose of the paper is to suggest a new method which allows one to study multiple coherent reflection/transmissions by partially transparent interfaces (e.g. in multi-layer mesoscopic structures or grain boundaries in high-Tc's) in the framework of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. It is argued that typically the trajectory of the particle is a simply connected tree (no loops) with knots, i.e. the points where interface scattering events occur and ballistic pieces of the trajectory are mixed. A linear boundary condition for the 2-component trajectory "wave function" which factorizes matrix (retarded) Green's function, is formulated for an arbitrary interface, specular or diffusive. To show the usage of the method, the current response to the vector potential (the total superfluid density rho_s) of a SS' sandwich with the different signs of the order parameter in S and S', is calculated. In this model, a few percent of reflection by the SS' interface transforms the paramagnetic response (rho_s < 0) created by the zero-energy Andreev bound states near an ideal interface (see Fauchere et al. PRL, 82, 3336 (1999), cond-mat/9901112), into the usual diamagnetic one (rho_s >0).Comment: Extended abstract submitted to "Electron Transport in Mesoscopic Systems", Satellite conference to LT22, Goteborg, 12-15 August, 1999. 2 pages Minor changes + the text height problem fixe

    Rough Surface Effect on Meissner Diamagnetism in Normal-layer of N-S Proximity-Contact System

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    Rough surface effect on the Meissner diamagnetic current in the normal layer of proximity contact N-S bi-layer is investigated in the clean limit. The diamagnetic current and the screening length are calculated by use of quasi-classical Green's function. We show that the surface roughness has a sizable effect, even when a normal layer width is large compared with the coherence length ξ=vF/πTc\xi =v_{\rm F}/\pi T_{\rm c}. The effect is as large as that of the impurity scattering and also as that of the finite reflection at the N-S interface.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.71-
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