44 research outputs found
Поширення Potentilla Erecta (L.) Raeusch. в умовах Закарпатського передгір'я
The sustainable forest management involves comprehensive and non-exhaustive use and reproduction of forest resources, including non-wood. Non-wood forest resources include mushrooms, fruits, medicinal plants, birch and maple sap, honey, etc. The Potentilla erecta is a valuable medicinal plant that has been used in medicine since the times of Hippocrates. The purpose of the work is to identify the places for harvesting, depending on the forest conditions and types of forest in the Transcarpathian foothills. In the course of research, the sample plots were carried out according to the methodology in the forest taxation. Types of forest vegetation conditions were determined according to the methodology of Z. Gerushinsky (1981), V. Sviridenko (2004), the degree of abundance on a five-point scale. The results of the Potentilla erecta distribution on the territory of forest enterprises in the Transcarpathian region are presented. It is established that the most massive growth of calgan is in Irshava, Vynohradiv, Khust, Tyachiv, Rakhiv and Mizhhirsky districts in the following types of forest conditions: B3-C2-C3-D2-D3. In order to identify potential places for harvesting, 16 sample plots were planted in different forest-based conditions and forest types. It is found that the species grows on the edges, lawns, open places, rarely under an unbreakable wooden tent, and prefers edges and lawns formed with the participation of such species as beech, European fir, fir, oak, ash, and hornbeam. The herbaceous cover of sample plots areas has been characterized, and 60 species of plants are formed, and from 13 to 23 species of plants, mainly meso- and megatrophs, occur on one test area. It is also revealed that the greatest abundance is observed in beech, spruce, beech-spruce-fir and beech-fir-spruce forests. The greatest density was observed in beech, spruce, beech-spruce-fir and hornbeam-oak forests.Наведено результати дослідження поширення Potentilla erecta на території лісогосподарських підприємств у районі Закарпатського передгір'я. Встановлено, що найбільш масово росте калган у таких типах лісорослинних умов: В3-С2-С3-D2-D3. Для виявлення перспективних місць для заготівлі лікарської сировини калгану закладено 16 пробних площ у різних лісорослинних умовах і типах лісу. Встановлено, що вид росте на узліссях, галявинах, відкритих місцях, рідше під незімкненим деревним наметом, які сформовані з участю таких порід, як: бук лісовий, ялина європейська, ялиця біла, дуб скельний, дуб звичайний, ясен звичайний, граб звичайний. Охарактеризовано трав'яне видове різноманіття цих рослинних угруповань, його утворюють 60 видів рослин, на одній пробній площі трапляється від 13 до 23 видів рослин, переважно мезо- та мегатрофи. Виявлено, що найбільшим показником рясності виду відзначалися букові, ялинові, буково-ялиново-ялицеві та буково-ялицево-ялинові лісові угруповання. Найбільшою абсолютною чисельністю особин серед досліджених характеризуються популяції в букових, ялинових, буково-ялиново-ялицевих та грабово-дубових лісових угрупованнях
Параметры периферической крови как маркеры неспецифического адаптационного ответа при острых инфекционных заболеваниях с синдромом тонзиллита
Evaluation of nonspecific adaptive response of the body in children with acute infectious diseases associated with tonsillitis syndrome was the aim of this research. This prospective study included clinical, anamnestic and laboratory examination of children with acute infectious diseases with tonsillitis syndrome. A systemic multiple factor analysis was conducted (significance level р<0.05). The evaluation of peripheral blood parameters (specific gravity of lymphocytes and indices of reactive protective potential (RPP) - specific immune lymphocytic-monocytic parameter (SILMP) and coefficient of phagocytic defense (CPD)) gives the possibility to determine the condition of nonspecific adaptation in children with acute infectious diseases associated with tonsillitis syndrome. Children with tonsillitis syndrome show significant increase of integral RPP parameters, i.e. decrease of RPP, which is more pronounced on discharge (on admission - in 57% of children, on discharge - in 87%). The most unfavourable initial nonspecific adaptative body response (NABR) (according to the percentage of lymphocytes) is the reaction of increased activation, as it is associated with the transition to the overactivation by the time of discharge (37% of children). Systemic multiple factor analysis determined which peripheral blood parameters have more influence on children’s adaptation during the course of infectious disease: RPP indices showed high influence coefficients in all diseases (CPD was the highest in bacterial infection - Рi 198.3; SILMP was the highest in viral infection - Рi 147.81; in mixed infection CPD and SILMP were roughly the same - Рi – 107.25 and Рi - 78.11, respectively), which proves the feasibility of RPP evaluation for prognostic purposes in the treatment of this category of patients.Целью настоящего исследования явилась оценка неспецифической адаптационной реакции организма у детей с острыми инфекционными заболеваниями, ассоциированными с синдромом тонзиллита. Данное проспективное исследование включало клинико-анамнестическое и лабораторное обследование детей с острыми инфекционными заболеваниями с синдромом тонзиллита. Проведен системный многофакторный анализ (уровень значимости р<0,05). Оценка показателей периферической крови (удельного веса лимфоцитов и показателей реактивно-протективный потенциал (РПП) - специфического иммунного лимфоцитарно-моноцитарного параметра (ИЛМП) и коэффициента фагоцитарной защиты (КФЗ) дает возможность определить состояние неспецифической адаптации у детей с острыми инфекционными заболеваниями, ассоциированными с синдромом тонзиллита. У детей с синдромом тонзиллита отмечается достоверное повышение интегральных показателей РПП, т. е. снижение РПП, которое более выражено при выписке (при поступлении - у 57% детей, при выписке - у 87%). Наиболее неблагоприятной исходной неспецифической адаптационной реакцией организма (по проценту лимфоцитов) является реакция повышенной активации, так как она связана с переходом к гиперактивации к моменту выписки (37% детей). Системный многофакторный анализ определил, какие показатели периферической крови оказывают большее влияние на адаптацию детей в течение инфекционного заболевания: показатели РПП показали высокие коэффициенты влияния при всех заболеваниях, что доказывает целесообразность оценки РПП в прогностических целях при лечении данной категории больных
Semen quality and diversity of morphological sperm abnormalities in bulls: breed and strain effects
At present great attention is paid to studying genetic regulation of farm animal adaptations to environmental conditions. This problem is very important due to a wide expansion of highly productive cattle breeds created in Europe and North America. However, until the present no investigation of changing semen quality in bulls of imported breeds during their adaptations to environmental conditions of Western Siberia has been conducted. The aim of this study was to investigate semen quality peculiarities and the diversity of morphological sperm abnormalities in bulls of imported and local breeds kept in the environmental conditions of the southern part of Western Siberia. We determined sperm concentration, sperm count, and rate of sperm with progressive motility and percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa. The rate of sperm abnormalities according to Blome’s classifcation was determined too. It was found that the mean values of sperm concentration, sperm motility and percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa in the bulls investigated were similar to those in bulls kept in European countries. Interbreed differences in these parameters were not found. However, bulls of the Red Danish, Angler, and Simmental breeds had a higher percentage of misshapen sperm head and pyriform sperm head than bulls of the BlackWhite breed. An interstrain difference in sperm motility in bulls of the BlackWhite breed was observed. It was found that bulls of Reflection Sovereign 198998 strain had lover sperm motility than bulls of Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 strain. No interstrain differences in sperm production, percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa and rate of main sperm abnormalities were found. Thus, it has been found that the environmental conditions of the southern part of Western Siberia do not seriously affect the sperm production, sperm motility or percentage of morphologically normal spermatozoa in bulls. However, the increased rate of misshapen and pyriform sperm heads in the bulls of the foreign breeds points to a need to study sperm DNA fragmentation
Biochemical markers of vital biodestruction in common oak (Quercus robur)
The wood of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) has high mechanical strength, elasticity and resistance to fracture. However, constitutional stability is not always able to provide the plants with reliable protection from wood-decay fungi, and the initial stages of biodegradation are difficult to determine. Therefore, this study concerns research on appropriate biochemical markers for early diagnostics of wood defects. The total content of phenolic compounds in leaves and wood was determined by a spectrophotometer Optizen Pop using Folin & Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent; the flavonoid content in leaves – by adding solutions of aluminum chloride and sodium acetate to methanolic extracts; catechins content – by the reaction with vanillin reagent; the concentration of phenolic antioxidants – by Brand Williams; chlorophyll and carotenoids’ contents in leaves – by the formula for methanol extracts; the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds – by high performance liquid chromatography and highly effective thin-layer chromatography. During the planned felling of oak trees on the territory of the Boyar Forest Research Station, trees were found with signs of brown streak and biodestruction of wood. Brown streak in wood is caused by a polycondensation of phenolic compounds, which are deposited on the internal surfaces of tracheal elements. In cases of an increase in the total amount of oxidized polyphenols, the cell walls are also stained. Active oxidation processes in wood have a systemic nature for the plants and affect the physiological state of the assimilation apparatus. We determined that in leaves of the trees with signs of brown streak the total phenol content increases in comparison with the control by 1.6 times, as well as flavonoid and catechin content. Our research has shown that the complex of plastid pigments in common oak leaves does not significantly change in the early stages of destructive processes. Increase of brown streak and appearance of rot in wood are associated with slight increase in chlorophyll a to b ratio in leaves. Chromatographic profiling of the leaves showed that the presence of brown streak changes the content of individual phenolic compounds. The trees with brown rot have more substances with UV spectrum characteristic for kaempferol glycosides compared to the control. The results have shown that the biochemical profiles of the trees with signs of brown streak and brown rot differ from the control by the composition of low and medium polar compounds. The absence or presence of some individual phenolic components and their ratio in the leaves are considered as biochemical markers of hidden wood defects
The reproductive health of young Buryat and Russian somatically healthy male residents from the Ulan-Ude city was estimated and the results are given in the article. The diseases and anomalies of the reproductive organs were revealed in more than 50 % of examined men on the base of physical examination and. main indices of male fertility. Additionally the decrease of fertility in the form of oligospermia and. pathozoospermia is noted in men without anomalies in this sphere
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of herbal means «kardekaim» on indicators of physical endurance. Actoprotective activity was determined by the general models, high-speed and power of physical endurance in experiments on white mice. Overall physical endurance was determined by the duration of the swimming pool in mice with a load, speed of physical endurance was assessed by running the length of the mice in the 10-track treadmill, strength endurance were evaluated by retention time on a pole mice. Found that the introduction of rnurse «kardekaim» increases overall, speed and power physical endurance of laboratory animals against peace. On the model of single-and multiple-dose exercise kardekaim increases the potential for physical performance, prevents fatigue and speeds up recovery of physical endurance of animals undergoing high intensity exercise. The most effective kardekaim shows at course introduction. It is proved that the effect of the introduction at course «kardekaim» superior product comparison - Eleutherococcus extract
Catatonia is a psychopathological syndrome displayed as a motor disorder. Catatonia is a sign of many menthal disorders, particularly schizophrenia and depression, with a wide disrtibution in the human population. The GC (“genetic” and “catatonia”) rat strain was obtained from the Wistar rat strain by a long selection (78 generations) for the catatonic type of reaction and is a model of schizophrenic and depressive disorders in humans. It is known that selection for behavior including catatonic reactions results in neuroendocrine, reproductive and morphological changes in animals. However, the influence of selection for a catatonic reaction on the spermatogenic function of testes had not been studied. The aim of this study was to conduct a comparative investigation of sperm quality in rats of the GC and the Wistar strain. The epididymal sperm parameters (sperm count, sperm motility, sperm morphology) were measured, and body, testes and epididymal weight were determined at puberty (50 day of life) and at adulthood (90 day of life). The litter size of the GC and Wistar rats was determined. It was found that adult GC rats had a lower sperm count, sperm motility, testis weight, epydidymal weight and litter size compared to adult Wistar rats. However, at puberty, GC rats had a higher sperm count than the Wistar strain. Interstrain differences in sperm morphology were not found. It has been assumed that the changes of spermatogenic parameters in response to selection for catatonia are caused by changing the ontogenic pattern of testosterone secretion. In conclusion, the hereditary predisposition to catatonic reaction is associated with impaired sperm parameters in adult rats that reduces their chance to reproduction. The GC rat strain can be a perspective model for investigation of the relationship between the hereditary predisposition to catatonia and spermatogenesi
Шляхи профілактики тромбоемболічних ускладнень у травматологічних хворих
The aim of the work: to analyze the prevention of thromboembolic complications in trauma patients who underwent surgery.Materials and Methods. Patients were examined in the Traumatology Department of Ternopil City Municipal Emergency Hospital. In 2016 1410 patients of different ages, who were divided into 3 groups had been hospitalized. The first group – 263 men (18.6 %) consisted of patients with polytrauma and unsatisfactory outlook to life and disease severity. The second group included patients with combined trauma – 462 people. (32.8 %) – with a doubtful prognosis for life. The third group – 685 people (48.6 %) – patients with isolated trauma and pleasant good-effects of treatment. All patients, besides addition to general clinical examination, determine the number of platelets, clotting time, duration of bleeding and studied coagulation (prothrombin index, prothrombin activity trombotest, total fibrinogen, fibrinogen, fibrinogen A, activated recalcification time). State of the venous system of the lower limbs studied using distal ascending phlebography, color Doppler and duplex ultrasonography using SIMENS ACUSSON X 300.Results and Discussion. All patients in full volume underwent prevention of thromboembolic complications through the use of anticoagulants low-molecular weight and required necessary complex kinetic treatment. Cybor in medical dose was administered from the first day of patient’s stay in the hospital for 10–14 days postoperative once a day subcutaneously in the abdominal area. For patients with moderate risk and high operational risk (major surgery, age over 40, obesity, serious comorbidities), cybor was administered 5000–7500 IU per day during the patient's stay in the hospital. If you suspect or changes in the availability of venous leg, in patients with a history burdened, conducted dressing elastic stockings and elastic bandaging. Movements during surgery in ankle joints, early activation of patients after surgery, physiotherapy were carried out in all patients. Medicines, that increase venous tone used in the treatment of patients with chronic venous insufficiency. In individuals with subacute and chronic thrombophlebitis of subcutaneous veins performed surgical prophylaxis of thromboembolic complications. Сrossectomy performed in 9 (1.9 %) patients, as a first step before surgery.Цель работы: проанализировать эффективность профилактики тромбоэмболических осложнений у травматологических больных, перенесших оперативные вмешательства.Материалы и методы. Обследовались пациенты травматологического отделения Тернопольской городской коммунальной больницы скорой помощи. В2016 г. поступило 1410 больных разных возрастных категорий, которые были разделены на 3 группы. Первую группу – 263 человека (18,6 %) – составили больные с политравмой и неблагоприятным прогнозом для жизни из-за тяжести заболевания. Во вторую группу входили пациенты с сочетанной травмой – 462 больних (32,8 %) – с сомнительным прогнозом для жизни. Третья группа – 685 пациентов (48,6 %) – больные с изолированной травмой и благоприятным исходом лечения. Всем пациентам, кроме общеклинических обследований, определяли количество тромбоцитов, время свертываемости крови, длительность кровотечения и у всех изучали коагулограмму (протромбиновый индекс, протромбиновую активность, тромботест, общий фибриноген, фибриноген В, фибриноген А, активированное время рекальцификации). Состояние венозной системы нижних конечностей исследовали с помощью дистальной восходящей флебографии, цветной допплерографии и дуплексной ультрасонографии аппаратом SIMENS ACUSSON X 300.Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Всем больным в полном объеме была проведена профилактика тромбоэмболических осложнений путем применения антикоагулянтов с низкой молекулярной массой и обязательным комплексом кинетерапии. Цибор в лечебной дозе назначали с 1-х суток пребывания пациента в стационаре по 10–14-е сутки послеоперационного периода один раз в сутки подкожно в область живота. Для пациентов с умеренным риском и высоким операционным риском (большие вмешательства, возраст старше 40 лет, ожирение, серьезные сопутствующие заболевания) цибор назначали по 5000–7500 МЕ сутки в течение пребывания пациента в стационаре. При подозрении или наличии изменений со стороны венозного русла ног у больных с отягощенным анамнезом проводилось одевание эластичных чулок и эластичное бинтование. Субоперационные движения в голеностопных суставах, ранняя активизация больного после операции, лечебная физкультура осуществлялись во всех пациентов. Венотоники (детралекс, флебодиа и др.) применяли в комплексном лечении пациентов с хронической венозной недостаточностью. У лиц с подострым и хроническим тромбофлебитом подкожных вен осуществляли хирургическую профилактику тромбоэмболических осложнений. Кроссэктомию выполнено у 9 (1,9 %) пациентов как первый этап перед оперативным вмешательством.Мета роботи: проаналізувати ефективність профілактики тромбоемболічних ускладнень у травматологічних хворих, які перенесли операційні втручання.Матеріали і методи. Обстежували пацієнтів травматологічного відділення Тернопільської міської комунальної лікарні швидкої допомоги. У 2016 р. госпіталізовано 1410 хворих різних вікових категорій, які були поділені на 3 групи. Першу групу – 263 чоловіки (18,6 %) – склали хворі із політравмою та несприятливим прогнозом для життя через тяжкість захворювання. У другу групу входили пацієнти із поєднаною травмою – 462 хворих (32,8 %) – із сумнівним прогнозом для життя. Третя група – 685 пацієнти (48,6 %) – хворі з ізольованою травмою і сприятливими наслідками лікування. Усім пацієнтам, крім загальноклінічних обстежень, визначали кількість тромбоцитів, час згортання крові, тривалість кровотечі і в усіх вивчали коагулограму (протромбіновий індекс, протромбінову активність, тромботест, загальний фібриноген, фібриноген В, фібриноген А, активований час рекальцифікації). Стан венозної системи нижніх кінцівок досліджували за допомогою дистальної висхідної флебографії, кольорової доплерографії і дуплексної ультрасонографії апаратом SIMENS ACUSSON X 300.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Усім хворим у повному об’ємі було проведено профілактику тромбоемболічних ускладнень шляхом застосування антикоагулянтів sз низькою молекулярною масою і обов’язковим комплексом кінетерапії. Цибор у лікувальній дозі призначали з 1-ї доби перебування пацієнта в стаціонарі до 10–14-ї доби післяопераційного періоду один раз на добу підшкірно в ділянку живота. Для пацієнтів із помірним ризиком та високим операційним ризиком (великі втручання, вік, старший 40 років, ожиріння, серйозні супутні захворювання) цибор призначали по 5000–7500 МО на добу протягом перебування пацієнта в стаціонарі. При підозрі чи наявності змін з боку венозного русла ніг у хворих із обтяженим анамнезом проводили одягання еластичних панчіх та еластичне бинтування. Субопераційні рухи у гомілковостопних суглобах, рання активізація хворого після операції, лікувальна фізкультура здійснювались у всіх пацієнтів. Венотоніки (детралекс, флебодію та ін.) застосовували у комплексному лікуванні пацієнтів із хронічною венозною недостатністю. В осіб із підгострим і хронічним тромбофлебітом підшкірних вен здійснювали хірургічну профілактику тромбоемболічних ускладнень. Кросектомію виконано у 9 (1,9 %) пацієнтів як перший етап перед операційним втручанням.
Candidate SNP-markers altering TBP binding affinity for promoters of the Y-linked genes CDY2A, SHOX, and ZFY are lowering many indexes of reproductive potential in men
Reproductive potential is the most important conditional indicator reflecting the ability of individuals in a population to reproduce, survive and develop under optimal environmental conditions. As for humans, the concept of reproductive potential can include the level of the individual’s mental and physical state, which allows them to reproduce healthy offspring when they reach social and physical maturity. Female reproductive potential has been investigated in great detail, whereas the male reproductive potential (MRP) has not received the equal amount of attention as yet. Therefore, here we focused on the human Y chromosome and found candidate single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers of MRP. With our development named Web-service SNP_TATA_Z-tester, we examined in silico all 35 unannotated SNPs within 70-bp proximal promoters of the three Y-linked genes, CDY2A, SHOX and ZFY, which represent all types of human Y-chromosome genes, namely: unique, pseudo-autosomal, and human X-chromosome gene paralogs, respectively. As a result, we found 11 candidate SNP markers for MRP, which can significantly alter the TATA-binding protein (TBP) binding affinity for promoters of these genes. First of all, we selectively verified in vitro the values of the TBP-promoter affinity under this study, Pearson’s linear correlation between predicted and measured values of which were r = 0.94 (significance p < 0.005). Next, as a discussion, using keyword search tools of the PubMed database, we found clinically proven physiological markers of human pathologies, which correspond to a change in the expression of the genes carrying the candidate SNP markers predicted here. These were markers for spermatogenesis disorders (ZFY: rs1388535808 and rs996955491), for male maturation arrest (CDY2A: rs200670724) as well as for disproportionate short stature at Madelung deformity (e. g., SHOX: rs1452787381) and even for embryogenesis disorders (e. g., SHOX: rs28378830). This indicates a wide range of MRI indicators, alterations in which should be expected in the case of SNPs in the promoters of the human Y-chromosome genes and which can go far beyond changes in male fertility
A bioinformatic search for correspondence between differentially expressed genes of domestic versus wild animals and orthologous human genes altering reproductive potential
One of the greatest achievements of genetics in the 20th century is D.K. Belyaev’s discovery of destabilizing selection during the domestication of animals and that this selection affects only gene expression regulation (not gene structure) and influences systems of neuroendocrine control of ontogenesis in a stressful environment. Among the experimental data generalized by Belyaev’s discovery, there are also findings about accelerated extinction of testes’ hormonal function and disrupted seasonality of reproduction of domesticated foxes in comparison with their wild congeners. To date, Belyaev’s discovery has already been repeatedly confirmed, for example, by independent observations during deer domestication, during the use of rats as laboratory animals, after the reintroduction of endangered species such as Przewalski’s horse, and during the creation of a Siberian reserve population of the Siberian grouse when it had reached an endangered status in natural habitats. A genome-wide comparison among humans, several domestic animals, and some of their wild congeners has given rise to the concept of self-domestication syndrome, which includes autism spectrum disorders. In our previous study, we created a bioinformatic model of human self-domestication syndrome using differentially expressed genes (DEGs; of domestic animals versus their wild congeners) orthologous to the human genes (mainly, nervous-system genes) whose changes in expression affect reproductive potential, i.e., growth of the number of humans in the absence of restrictions caused by limiting factors. Here, we applied this model to 68 human genes whose changes in expression alter the reproductive health of women and men and to 3080 DEGs of domestic versus wild animals. As a result, in domestic animals, we identified 16 and 4 DEGs, the expression changes of which are codirected with changes in the expression of the human orthologous genes decreasing and increasing human reproductive potential, respectively. The wild animals had 9 and 11 such DEGs, respectively. This difference between domestic and wild animals was significant according to Pearson’s χ2 test (p < 0.05) and Fisher’s exact test (p < 0.05). We discuss the results from the standpoint of restoration of endangered animal species whose natural habitats are subject to an anthropogenic impact