24 research outputs found

    Clinical and Epidemiological Features of Hepatitis C in Adults and Children in the City of Tomsk and Tomsk Area for 1994-2009

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    Epidemiological features of acute HCV infection were studied in adults and children in Tomsk and Tomsk area for the period 1994-2009. The statistics of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor (Federal service on customers' rights protection and human well-being surveillance) for Tomsk area as well as our own research data such as analysis of the epidemiological anamnesis of medical history and epidemiological survey questionnaires, retrospective, dynamic (longitudinal) analysis were used at carrying out of this epidemiological study. The following conclusions are drawn by the team of authors as a result of the study: the severe forms of HCV infection weren’t found in adults and children; hepatomegaly, jaundice, and intoxication were the main clinical symptoms, and splenomagaly was met rarely regardless of age. Intensive morbidity with HCV often exceeds the average for Russia; the incidence in senior age groups with predominance of males among those infected has increased; the proportion of women has increased too; HCV infection in children was more frequently detected in the school-age children of 7-14 years; the predominance of non-working population including socially maladjusted and students at the beginning of the study period; an increase of the proportion of working population, a decrease of infection through intravenous drug use, the increase of nosocomial infection, as well as household and sexual ways of transmission in recent years. HCV infection in children was detected more frequently in school-age children of 7-14 years. The rise of HCV infection both in adults and children was marked at the initial stage of the study.Изучены эпидемиологические особенности острой и хронической HCV инфекции на территории г. Томска и Томской области у взрослого населения и детей за период 1994-2009 гг.. При проведении данного эпидемиологического исследования использовались статистические данные Управления Роспотребнадзора по Томской области, данные собственных исследований: анализ эпидемиологического анамнеза по историям болезней и анкетам эпидемиологического обследования: ретроспективный, динамический (продольный) анализ. В результате проведенного анализа коллективом авторов были сделаны следующие выводы: при 0ВГС у взрослых и детей не встречались тяжелые формы; основными клиническими симптомами были гепатомегалия, желтуха и интоксикация, а спленомегалия встречалась редко независимо от возраста. Интенсивные показатели заболеваемости ОВГС часто превышают среднероссийские; увеличилась заболеваемость в старших возрастных группах, с преобладанием лиц мужского пола среди инфицированных, но возросла и доля женщин; у детей чаще HCV инфекция регистрировалась в школьном возрасте 7-14 лет. преобладание в начале исследуемого периода неработающего населения, в том числе социально не адаптированных и студентов с увеличением доли работающих в последние годы со снижением заражения при внутривенном введении наркотиков и увеличением числа внутрибольничного инфицирования, контактно-бытового и сексуальных путей передачи. У детей чаще HCV инфекция регистрировалась в школьном возрасте 7-14 лет. Как у взрослых, так и у детей подъем заболеваемости ОВГС был отмечен в начальном периоде исследования

    Assessment of the condition of bone tissue respointment by orthopantographic data and cone-spiritual computer tomography

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    Рання діагностика пародонтальних ускладнень - один із факторів, які зумовляять можливістьзабезпеченнѐ довготривалого позитивного результату стоматологічної реабілітації. Адже навіть після успішно проведеного лікування розвиваються низка ускладнень, які важко виявити клінічно. Порівняння даних КТ і ортопантомографії показало, що об'юмне зображеннѐ значно об'юктивізую рентгенологічну картину при захворяваннях пародонту за рахунок виѐвленнѐ стану вестибулярної і оральної кортикальних пластинок в будьѐкому відділі зубного ряду. При цьому лише за даними КПКТ вірогідна об'юктивна оцінка резорбції кісткової тканини у вестибуло-оральному напрямку; Ранняя диагностика пародонтальных осложнений - один из факторов, обусловливаящих возможность обеспечения длительного положительного результата стоматологической реабилитации. Ведь даже после успешно проведенного лечения развивается ряд осложнений, которые трудно обнаружить клинически. Сравнение данных КТ и ортопантомографии показало, что объемное изображение значительно объективизирует рентгенологическуя картину при заболеваниях пародонта за счет выявления состояния вестибулярной и оральной кортикальных пластинок в лябом отделе зубного ряда. При этом только по данням КПКГ вероятно объективная оценка резорбции костной ткани в вестибуло-оральном направлении. Это позволяет не только оценить качественные изменения в кортикальных пластинках, но и проанализиро- вать толщину и плотность межзубных альвеолѐрных перегородок; Early diagnosis of periodontal complications is one of the factors, facilitating the promotion of the long-lasting positive outcomes of dental rehabilitation. Eventually, a range of complications develop regardless the successful treatment, which are difficult to detect clinically. Orthopantomography can be considered the most effective technique for the diagnosis of periodontal tissue diseases, since it provides with a complete view of the entire dentoalveolar system, enables simultaneous imaging of both dental arches and alveolar ridges, as well as defines the nature of the interdental contacts. Noteworthy, the structure of the osseous tissue, boundaries of the destructive foci and sites of osteoporosis are detected quite clearly. However, the degree of enlargement of the image on orthopantomograms in the central and lateral sections of the jaws is not the same. The equipment of different design shows distortion in the range from 7 to 32% while, vertically, the investigated objects are enlarged less significantly than horizontally. The image of the investigated object demonstrates not only the enlargement but also deformation of the anatomical structures. The initial stages of alterations in the osseous tissue of the cortical plate prior to its complete destruction cannot be detected by the orthopantomogram, and lesions are seen mainly in the mesiodistal sections of the interdental.Currently, at he most advanced and objective method of obtaining a panoramic image of the bone structure is the computed tomography. This method is based on the computer processing of the X-ray data and uneven absorption of tissues when passing through an X-rays scanning beam. The advantages of the computed tomography involve the densitometric examination of the investigated object, the obtaining of two- and three-dimensional images, as well as the possibility of studying the density of the osseous and connective tissues in the studied area (histogram analysis). Quantitative tomography allows estimating the density of spongy or cortical matter in isolation, while the surrounding tissues do not influence on the result of the study. The comparison of the CT data and orthopantomography showed that the panoramic image significantly objectifies the X-ray pattern in periodontal diseases by detecting the state of the vestibular and oral cortical plates in any part of the dentition. At the same time, the tomograms of the frontal and lateral parts demonstrated better detection of destruction zones in the cortical plates in the frontal and oblique views, respectively. This allows not only to evaluate the qualitative changes in the cortical plates, but also to analyze the depths and density of the interdental alveolar septa


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    The aim of the present study is to obtain the adjusted current coordinates of the rotation pole of artificial satellite Ajisai and the up-to-date sidereal period of its rotation. To do that, the light curves obtained in Odessa during 2009-2010 are considered. Using both the Ajisai pole’s coordinates and the reduced null point of the hardware-based time scale, has made it possible to improve the timing of the observed flashes of its brightness. By the accurate timing of the simultaneous photometric observations of Ajisai satellite the photometric channels synchronization at the stations in Odessa and Eupatoria is accomplished. The further photometric observations of that satellite are necessary to construct a theory of its rotation about the centre of mass; that will allow of its using as a reference source of the time-calibrated optical signals for any ground-based observatories

    Polymorphic variants of the cholecystokinergic system genes: associations with panic disorders

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    Panic disorder is a widespread socially significant disease, which genetic nature is extremely poorly known. The gene of this neuropeptide (CCK) and its receptors (CCKAR, CCK2R) have being actively studied since the discovery of panicogenic properties of cholecystokinin. The purpose of this work was to estimate the degree of incidence of seven single nucleotide substitutions in the CCK, CCKAR and CCKBR genes in the population of patients diagnosed with panic disorder and a control population consisting of unexamined residents of the Moscow region. A significant increase in the degree of incidence of the T allele of the single nucleotide substitution 109C/T (rs1805000) in the CCKBR gene was identified in the patient population as compared with the controls, prompting suggestions that this substitution is involved in the aetiology of panic disorder. It also demonstrated the association of the combination of alleles -36T CCK, -128T CCKAR (rs11571842 and rs1800908, respectively) with the development of a panic disorder

    Google cloud services as a way to enhance learning and teaching at university

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    The article is devoted to the issue of a cloud-based learning system implementation as a powerful strategy for future specialists’ training at higher educational establishments. Using cloud computing in self-work management of the university courses is essential to equip students with a workload of appropriate educational materials and variable activities for professional training. Theoretical and empirical research methods were applied to select the appropriate services and tools for organizing students’ self-work at university. Critical analysis of scientific literature, synthesis of the data, didactic observation of the educational process, designing of the skeleton for university courses, questionnaires enabled to facilitate the study of the issue. G Suite has been chosen to enhance the quality of training of prospective specialists at a higher educational establishment. This paper introduces the outcomes of the project on applying Google Classroom in the management of students’ self-work while studying university courses. The focus of the first stage of the project was on testing pilot versions of the courses with the aim to work out the requirements and recommendations for incorporation general blended learning model of university courses. Particular attention is drawn to the designed model of the university course based on the curriculum with the necessary components of blended learning in the G Suite virtual environment. Cloud-based higher education is considered as a prospective tool for design of university courses with the need for further research and implementation

    Molecular mechanisms of environmental pollutant-induced cartilage damage: from developmental disorders to osteoarthritis

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    The objective of the present study was to review the molecular mechanisms of the adverse effects of environmental pollutants on chondrocytes and extracellular matrix (ECM). Existing data demonstrate that both heavy metals, including cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and arsenic (As), as well as organic pollutants, including polychlorinated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), bisphenol A, phthalates, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), pesticides, and certain other organic pollutants that target cartilage ontogeny and functioning. Overall, environmental pollutants reduce chondrocyte viability through the induction apoptosis, senescence, and inflammatory response, resulting in cell death and impaired ECM production. The effects of organic pollutants on chondrocyte development and viability were shown to be mediated by binding to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) signaling and modulation of non-coding RNA expression. Adverse effects of pollutant exposures were observed in articular and growth plate chondrocytes. These mechanisms also damage chondrocyte precursors and subsequently hinder cartilage development. In addition, pollutant exposure was shown to impair chondrogenesis by inhibiting the expression of Sox9 and other regulators. Along with altered Runx2 signaling, these effects also contribute to impaired chondrocyte hypertrophy and chondrocyte-to-osteoblast trans-differentiation, resulting in altered endochondral ossification. Several organic pollutants including PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PAHs, were shown to induce transgenerational adverse effects on cartilage development and the resulting skeletal deformities. Despite of epidemiological evidence linking human environmental pollutant exposure to osteoarthritis or other cartilage pathologies, the data on the molecular mechanisms of adverse effects of environmental pollutant exposure on cartilage tissue were obtained from studies in laboratory rodents, fish, or cell cultures and should be carefully extrapolated to humans, although they clearly demonstrate that cartilage should be considered a putative target for environmental pollutant toxicity

    Progress in Mirror-Based Fusion Neutron Source Development

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    The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in worldwide collaboration has developed a project of a 14 MeV neutron source for fusion material studies and other applications. The projected neutron source of the plasma type is based on the gas dynamic trap (GDT), which is a special magnetic mirror system for plasma confinement. Essential progress in plasma parameters has been achieved in recent experiments at the GDT facility in the Budker Institute, which is a hydrogen (deuterium) prototype of the source. Stable confinement of hot-ion plasmas with the relative pressure exceeding 0.5 was demonstrated. The electron temperature was increased up to 0.9 keV in the regime with additional electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) of a moderate power. These parameters are the record for axisymmetric open mirror traps. These achievements elevate the projects of a GDT-based neutron source on a higher level of competitive ability and make it possible to construct a source with parameters suitable for materials testing today. The paper presents the progress in experimental studies and numerical simulations of the mirror-based fusion neutron source and its possible applications including a fusion material test facility and a fusion-fission hybrid system

    Substantiation of use of nanopreparation in complex treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of I-II degree

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    Захворювання пародонту займають одне з перших місць серед стоматологічних захворювань в наш час. Серед усіх відомих методів лікування, в комплексній терапії, ведучим є терапевтичне місцеве лікування із застосуванням різноманітних препаратів, вибір яких повинен ґрунтуватись на ступені і формі патології та тяжкості перебігу хронічного генералізованого пародонтиту (ХГП). В нашій роботі ми застосовували нанопрепарат фулерен С60. Гарна переносимість та безпека препарату фулерен С60 при лікуванні ХГП, дозволяє розглядати його як безін’єкційну альтернативу загальноприйнятим методам лікування. Застосовували нанопрепарат у ірригаторі та у вигляді інстиляцій/аплікацій (або їх поєднання) у кожен пародонтальний карман. Вивчали площу білкових фракталів до та після використання препарату фулерен С60. В результаті дослідження виявлено, що показник площі білкових фракталів в двох групах знизився в середньому на 2,480%. Використовуючи препарат фулерен С60 у вигляді іригацій та інстиляцій/аплікацій, визначено чітке зменшення площі білкових фракталів у тізіографічниїх зразках, що доводить доцільне викристання данного нанопрепарату.Заболевания пародонта занимают одно из первых мест среди стоматологических заболеваний в современном мире. Среди всех известных методов лечения, в комплексной терапии, ведущим является терапевтическое местное лечение с применением различных препаратов, выбор которых должен основываться на степени и форме патологии и тяжести течения хронического генерализованного пародонтита (ХГП). В нашей работе мы применяли нанопрепарат фуллерен С60. Хорошая переносимость и безопасность препарата при лечении ХГП, позволяет рассматривать его как безинъекционнаю альтернативу общепринятым методам лечения. Применяли нанопрепарат в ирригаторе и в виде инстилляций / аппликаций (или их сочетание) в каждый пародонтальный карман. Изучали площадь белковых фракталов до и после использования препарата фуллерен С60. В результате исследования выявлено, что показатель площади белковых фракталов в двух группах снизился в среднем на 2,480%. Используя препарат фуллерен С60 в виде ирригаций и инстилляций / аппликаций, определено четкое уменьшение площади белковых фракталов в тизиографических образцах, что доказывает целесообразное использование данного нанопрепарата.Currently, periodontal disease is rating first among dental diseases. Among all known treatment methods, in complex therapy the leading one is local therapeutic treatment with various preparations, the choice of which should be based on the degree and form of the pathology and severity of the course of chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP). In our study we used nanopreparation called Fullerene-C60. Good tolerability and safety of the preparation in treatment of CGP allows us to consider it as a non-injectable alternative to conventional methods of treatment. The nanopreparation was used in the irrigator and in the form of instillations / applications (or their combination) in each periodontal pocket. The area of protein fractals before and after administration of FullereneC60 has been studied. The findings of the study showed that the protein fractal area in two groups decreased on the average by 2.480%. The use of Fullerene-C60 in the form of irrigation and instillation / applications showed a clear decrease in the area of protein fractals in tiziographic samples, which proves the rational use of this nanopreparation