22 research outputs found

    Discursive Semantics: Ontological Foundations and the Experience of Reconstruction

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    В статье рассматриваются онтологические аспекты дискурсивной семантики, которые создают теоретические предпосылки для ее реконструкции.The article considers the issue of essential features and ways of describing the semantics of discourse understood as an array of texts, which is formed by the value-based (ideological in a broad sense) positionof the speaking subject

    Retrospective Analysis of Enterovirus Infection Morbidity Rate in the Territory of the Amur Region and Peculiarities of Epidemic Process in the Period of Large-Scale Flood

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    There has been observed a tendency to increment of enterovirus morbidity rate over the past seven years. Foci of this infection have been formed in the area from time to time, with minor forms of the disease being predominant in clinical findings. Genetically enteroviruses circulating in the Amur Region have been characterized as homogenous; however there is a genetic relation among them with and, consequently, epidemiologic connection to enteroviruses originated from China. However, since May, 2013 there has been detected a boost activation of epidemic process as regards enteroviral infection, followed by the formation of two major foci with clustered infection, due to importation from Thailand as well. Emergency situation under conditions of flood (August-September, 2013) has contributed to aggravation of epidemiological situation on enteroviral infection. It has led to the increase in numbers of the exposed up to the maximum level for the past few years. In the territory of the temporal accommodation sites, where affected by high water and exposed to the infection population was placed, registered have been the cases of clustered enterovirus infection

    Epidemiological Features of Enterovirus Infection during Flood on the Territory of Jewish Autonomous Region

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    Long-term manifestations of epidemiological process of enterovirus infection in the Jewish Autonomous Region were similar to those in the Khabarovsk Territory, though with a lower intensity. After establishment of emergency situation regime, in view of the rainfall flooding in 2013, enterovirus morbidity rate had been increasing within three weeks duration, then started to fall rapidly. Clustered cases of enterovirus infection were not registered. Viral serous meningitis ratio was insignificant as minor forms of the disease prevailed; coxsackie virus A-9 and echovirus-6 dominated. During the flood period isolated from samples of patients with minor forms of enteroviral disease were three enterovirus strains, type 71, sub-genotype C4a, possessing a high degree of genetic similarity to the Chinese ones, 2010-2011. All in all impact of the natural disaster on the epidemiological situation on enteroviral infection in the Jewish Autonomous Region turned to be insignificant


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    The article presents the results of etiological diagnostics of cases of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children during the epidemic periods of 2014—2017, the material sampling was carried out at the Children's regional clinical hospital named after A.K. Piotrovich. Comparative material on the three seasons: 2014—2015, 2015—2016 and 2016—2017 years. The features of the annual dynamics of the frequency of allocation of various respiratory viruses are revealed. The most numerous group of patients was children first year of life (infants) — 154 (35.6 ± 2.3%). Among the hospitalized children prevailed patients with moderate severity (of 90.9 ± 1.3%). The causative agent was determined in 307 of 432 observed patients (71 ± 2.1%). It is shown that the predominant viral pathogen in all seasons is the rhinovirus. Among cases of community-acquired pneumonia the dominant pathogen is respiratory syncytial virus. Bocaviruses, metapneumoviruses and coronaviruses were more often found in the form of association with other viruses. The circulation of the influenza virus was accompanied by a decrease in the attention of other respiratory viruses.В работе представлены результаты этиологической расшифровки острых респираторных вирусных инфекций у детей методом ПЦР в эпидемические периоды 2014—2017 гг. Забор материала (смывы из носоглотки) производился у детей, госпитализированных в Детскую краевую клиническую больницу им. А.К. Пиотровича (г. Хабаровск) по клиническим показаниям. Представлен сравнительный материал по трем сезонам: 2014—2015 гг., 2015—2016 гг. и 2016—2017 гг. Выявлены особенности ежегодной динамики частоты выделения различных респираторных вирусов. Самой многочисленной группой пациентов были дети первого года жизни — 154 человека (35,6 ± 2,3%). Среди госпитализированных детей преобладали больные со средней степенью тяжести (90,9 ± 1,3%). Возбудитель был установлен у 307 из 432 обследованных больных (71 ± 2,1%). Показано, что преобладающим вирусным патогеном во все сезоны является риновирус. Среди случаев внебольничной пневмонии доминирующим патогеном является респираторно-синцитиальный вирус (РС-вирус). Бокавирусы, метапневмовирусы и коронавирусы чаще встречались в виде ассоциации с другими вирусами. Циркуляция вируса гриппа сопровождалась снижением выделения других респираторных вирусов

    Multiannual Analysis of Epidemiological Process Manifestations as Regards Enteroviral Infection in the Khabarovsk Territory, and the Key Factors that Predetermine Aggravation of Epidemiological Situation under the Terms of Flood

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    Carried out has been retrospective analysis of epidemiological process manifestations as regards enteroviral infection in the Khabarovsk Region over the period of 7 years, prior to rainfall floods in 2013. Revealed is the possibility of aggravation of epidemiological situation during hydrological emergency situation. The premises are as follows: persistent due to specific climate conditions prevalent in the Khabarovsk Territory (high air and surface water temperatures, and high humidity rates) unfavorable epidemiological situation on enteroviral infections, virus-carriage in “healthy” people and extensive dissemination of enteroviruses in the water bodies of ambient environment. Moreover, widespread circulation of different enterovirus genotypes, including the isolates with high genetic similarity to the strains identified earlier in the adjoining People’s Republic of China, takes place

    Epidemiological Characteristics of Enterovirus Infection in the Khabarovsk Territory under Hydrologic Emergency Situation

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    The paper contains the data on the role of high waters (2013) in changing epidemiological situation on enterovirus infections in the Khabarovsk Territory. The incidence rate in the region was characterized by the significant increase even before the flood, 2013. Thus, two peaks of enterovirus morbidity curve were identified for the period of a week: one - more intensive, another - coincident with flood outbreak. Enterovirus epidemiological process was notified by the changes in clinical picture among the infected population and cohort age-related structure. The percentage of the patients with enterovirus infections in the foci clusters and the index of people infected due to possible exposure to shattering impact of the flood, turned out to be low. However, revealed was high rate of heterogeneity of the circulating enterovirus strains, non-specific for the Khabarovsk territory and mostly originating from countries of Asia-Pacific region - coxsackie A viruses, which might stand for a possible cause of unfavorable epidemiological situation in 2013


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    The article presents the results of etiological diagnostics of cases of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children during the epidemic periods of 2014—2017, the material sampling was carried out at the Children's regional clinical hospital named after A.K. Piotrovich. Comparative material on the three seasons: 2014—2015, 2015—2016 and 2016—2017 years. The features of the annual dynamics of the frequency of allocation of various respiratory viruses are revealed. The most numerous group of patients was children first year of life (infants) — 154 (35.6 ± 2.3%). Among the hospitalized children prevailed patients with moderate severity (of 90.9 ± 1.3%). The causative agent was determined in 307 of 432 observed patients (71 ± 2.1%). It is shown that the predominant viral pathogen in all seasons is the rhinovirus. Among cases of community-acquired pneumonia the dominant pathogen is respiratory syncytial virus. Bocaviruses, metapneumoviruses and coronaviruses were more often found in the form of association with other viruses. The circulation of the influenza virus was accompanied by a decrease in the attention of other respiratory viruses

    Characteristics of Bacterial Microflora Isolated from Sputum of Patients with Pneumonia Registered in Khabarovsk City and Khabarovsk Territory in the Initial Period of COVID-19 Pandemic in May–June, 2020

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    Objective: to study the bacterial microflora in the sputum of patients with pneumonia caused by SARSCoV-2 or other pathogens.Materials and methods. The bacterial microflora of sputum of 173 patients with pneumonia admitted to hospitals in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory in May – June 2020 was examined. Detection of RNA of the SARS-CoV-2 virus was carried out by PCR with the Vector-PCRRV-2019-nCoV-RG test system (manufactured by the State Scientific Center of VB “Vector”, Koltsovo). Determination of the DNA of mycoplasmosis agents and chlamydia was carried out with the test system “AmpliSens® Mycoplasma pneumoniae/Chlamydophila pneumonia” (manufactured by CRIE). Statistical data processing was performed using the Excel program. Results and discussion. Both groups of patients (Covid-19+ and Covid-19–) had high levels of bacterial flora isolation (81.4 and 74.7 %) including common pathogens for community-acquired pneumonia as well as notable detection frequency of Candida spp. and microbial associations. The group of Covid-19+ patients demonstrated a wider range of detected pathogens, was positive for poly-resistant gram-negative Enterobacteriaceae, non-fermenting gram-negative poly-resistant bacteria, with more expressed manifestation of microbial associations. In the group of Covid-19– participants drug-resistant microflora was presented only by MRSA and MRSE  staphylococci