121 research outputs found

    Drastically suppressing the error of ballistic readout of qubits

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    The thermal jitter of transmission of magnetic flux quanta in long Josephson junctions is studied. While for large-to-critical damping and small values of bias current the physically obvious dependence of the jitter versus length σL\sigma\sim\sqrt{L} is confirmed, for small damping starting from the experimentally relevant α=0.03\alpha=0.03 and below strong deviation from σL\sigma\sim\sqrt{L} is observed, up to nearly complete independence of the jitter versus length, which is exciting from fundamental point of view, but also intriguing from the point of view of possible applications.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure


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    Tuberculosis incidence among those, expecting kidney transplantation or after kidney transplantation is 10 times higher than the one in the general population, which is related to the development of drug-induced immune deficiency. So far there is no universal approach to treatment of such patients since numerous factors are to be taken into account: drug resistance of mycobacteria, the interaction of anti-tuberculosis drugs and immunosuppressive agents, development of adverse reactions and toxic effect on the kidney. The article presents a clinical case of diagnostics and successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of chest lymph nodes and bronchi in the patient with chronic renal failure in the terminal stage after the kidney transportation.Заболеваемость туберкулезом среди лиц, ожидающих трансплантацию почки или живущих с трансплантированной почкой, превышает таковую в общей популяции в десятки раз, что связано с формированием медикаментозного иммунодефицита. Пока не существует единого подхода к лечению туберкулеза у таких пациентов, так как следует учитывать многие факторы: лекарственную устойчивость возбудителя, взаимодействие противотуберкулезных и иммуносупрессивных препаратов, развитие нежелательных побочных реакций и токсическое воздействие на почку. Приводится клинический случай диагностики и успешного лечения туберкулеза легких, внутригрудных лимфатических узлов и бронхов у пациента с хронической болезнью почек в терминальной стадии после трансплантации почки

    Role of apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) in programmed nuclear death during conjugation in Tetrahymena thermophila

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Programmed nuclear death (PND), which is also referred to as nuclear apoptosis, is a remarkable process that occurs in ciliates during sexual reproduction (conjugation). In <it>Tetrahymena thermophila</it>, when the new macronucleus differentiates, the parental macronucleus is selectively eliminated from the cytoplasm of the progeny, concomitant with apoptotic nuclear events. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these events are not well understood. The parental macronucleus is engulfed by a large autophagosome, which contains numerous mitochondria that have lost their membrane potential. In animals, mitochondrial depolarization precedes apoptotic cell death, which involves DNA fragmentation and subsequent nuclear degradation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We focused on the role of mitochondrial apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) during PND in <it>Tetrahymena</it>. The disruption of <it>AIF </it>delays the normal progression of PND, specifically, nuclear condensation and kilobase-size DNA fragmentation. AIF is localized in <it>Tetrahymena </it>mitochondria and is released into the macronucleus prior to nuclear condensation. In addition, AIF associates and co-operates with the mitochondrial DNase to facilitate the degradation of kilobase-size DNA, which is followed by oligonucleosome-size DNA laddering.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that <it>Tetrahymena </it>AIF plays an important role in the degradation of DNA at an early stage of PND, which supports the notion that the mitochondrion-initiated apoptotic DNA degradation pathway is widely conserved among eukaryotes.</p


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    Infections caused by the Coxsackie and ECHO enteroviruses is a group of acute diseases with a variety of clinical forms: from virus bearing and light feverish conditions to manifestations in the form of an enteroviral exanthema, serous meningitis, myalgia etc. Manifestations are polymorphic, and are often combined with a lesion of the central nervous system, muscles, myocardium, and skin. Epidemic outbursts and/or increases in morbidity are being registered in different regions of Russia and other countries worldwide. The article highlights the special features of the infection’s pathogenesis, as well as the ways of its transmission and peculiarities of prophylaxis. Taking into account its prevalence, peculiarities of the course and seasonal character, an awareness of specialists is needed in relation to the causative agents.Инфекции, вызываемые энтеровирусами Коксаки и ECHO, — группа острых заболеваний, характеризующихся многообразием клинических форм: от вирусоносительства и легких лихорадочных состояний до манифестных проявлений в виде энтеровирусной экзантемы, серозного менингита, миалгий и т. д. Проявления отличаются полиморфизмом, ≤нередко связаны с поражением центральной нервной системы, мышц, миокарда и кожных покровов. В разных регионах Российской Федерации и странах ближнего и дальнего зарубежья регистрируются эпидемические вспышки и/или подъемы заболеваемости. В статье освещены особенности патогенеза инфекции, рассмотрены пути ее передачи и особенности профилактики. Учитывая распространенность, особенности течения и сезонность, необходима настороженность специалистов в отношении данных возбудителей

    The Structural and Functional State of Soil Microbiota in a Chemically Polluted Environment

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    The structural and functional diversity of the main ecological trophic groups of soil microorganisms in meadow soils of the Central Urals anthropogenically contaminated with heavy metals was studied. The increase in the total numbers of these microorganisms in technozems, in comparison with those in agrozems, is due to the higher abundance of iron-reducing, denitrifying, nitrogen-fixing, and sulfate-reducing bacteria, an increase in cellulolytic activity, and the dependence of these characteristics on the toxic load of the soil. A reductive structure of the microbial community with the predominance of r-strategists, which reflects earlier stages of microbiocenoses succession under soil contamination, is formed under soil pollution with heavy metals. © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Inc.Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences: 12-I-4-2051ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Government of Sverdlovsk oblast, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 13-04-96056-r_ural_a), and a Program of the Presidium of the Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences (project no. 12-I-4-2051)


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    Tuberculosis incidence among those, expecting kidney transplantation or after kidney transplantation is 10 times higher than the one in the general population, which is related to the development of drug-induced immune deficiency. So far there is no universal approach to treatment of such patients since numerous factors are to be taken into account: drug resistance of mycobacteria, the interaction of anti-tuberculosis drugs and immunosuppressive agents, development of adverse reactions and toxic effect on the kidney. The article presents a clinical case of diagnostics and successful treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of chest lymph nodes and bronchi in the patient with chronic renal failure in the terminal stage after the kidney transportation

    Study of relationships between taste receptor gene (<i>TAS1R2</i>) polymorphism rs4920566 and sugar sensitivity and food preference of sweet products

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    BACKGROUND: Increased consumption  of sweet and high-calorie foods leads to weight gain in humans and the development of metabolic syndrome. Great attention is given to a personalized approach to nutrition correction based on genetic testing. The genetic basis for human taste sensitivity to sweet stimuli remains is understudied. The role of the g.18853330 A&gt;G (rs4920566) polymorphism of the TAS1R2 gene in preference for sweets has not been fully studied.AIM: To investigate the possible relationship between rs4920566 polymorphism  in TAS1R2 gene and sensitivity to natural sugars and food preference of high-calorie sweet foods in humans.MATERIALS AND METHODS: A single-sample experimental study was carried out. The study participants were conditionally healthy students who voluntarily agreed to conduct it. Sugar sensitivity was assessed in two tasting tests. Sucrose sensitivity thresholds (STS) were determined by staircase procedure (solutions: 8.0 to 500 mM/l). To assess food preferences for sweet foods, specially designed questionnaires with a checklist of products were used. Genomic DNA samples from all study participants were obtained from buccal epithelial cells. Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal epithelial cells using the adsorption of DNA with an inorganic sorbent in the presence of a chaotropic agent. Typing of the rs4920566 polymorphism in TAS1R2 gene was performed using asymmetric real-time PCR.RESULTS: The study included  26 young  men and 110 young  women which the average age was 20.8±4.8 (SD) years. Gender  was  a  significant  factor  affecting  the  taste  perception  of  the  sweetness  sugars  (maltose,  glucose,  sucrose and fructose) in students. Young  men more often than young  women  could  not distinguish  the taste of four sugars (β=-2.93(0.99), p=0.003). The rs4920566 polymorphism in TAS1R2 gene did not affect the ability of students to distinguish the taste of four natural sugars. It was found that the variation series of STS values for sucrose in young women with the A allele (16.0[16.0–31.0] versus 16.0[8.0–16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.002) and A/G genotype  (16.0[16.0–31.0] vs. 16.0[8.0–16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.010) were significantly  lower compared to young men. Separately, in young women with the G/G genotype the range of STS is shifted towards higher concentrations of sucrose compared with women with the A/G genotype (16.0[16.0–31.0] vs. 16.0[8.0 -16.0] mmol/l, pcor=0.039). Testing the hypothesis about the randomness of the relationship between the rs4920566 genotypes  of the TAS1R2 gene and the liking rating of foods with a sweet taste using Kruskal-Wallis test did not allow us to conclude that the A/A, A/G and G/G genotypes of the TAS1R2 gene influence the choice of sugary high-calorie foods in students.CONCLUSION: Our results are consistent with the literature data and confirm that rs4920566 polymorphism of TAS1R2 gene cannot be an informative marker for the diagnosis of metabolic conditions associated with the consumption of high-calorie sweet foods. Likely, its functions are related to the mechanisms of neurotransduction of the sweet taste signal