13 research outputs found


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    The aim of the work – to analyze the attitude of students of the institution of higher medical education to the independent study of a certain part of the educational material at the Department of Hygiene and Ecology. The main body. Recent reforms in higher medical education which initiated a dramatic increase in hours for self-training students at higher education institutions gradually begin to be perceived by the student community. The results of the questionnaires of students of the higher medical institution – the students of secondary and post-graduate students are considered. The obtained data testify to a gradual change in the attitude of contemporary students to the need for self-mastering of a part of professional knowledge as a traditional component of the educational process. Most of the polled second-year students, both Ukrainians and foreign English-speaking, are self-employed not less than 50 % and 40 % of the time, respectively. Conclusions. Independent work of students in medical institutions of higher education is not only a way of obtaining specific professional knowledge, but also to a greater extent, an indicator of the readiness of the future doctor for continuous professional growth, a sense of social and corporate responsibility, the ability to make decisions in complex life and work situations. Analysis of the data of questioning of students of different courses about their relation to independent non-auditing work showed that these features are more inherent in a new generation of both domestic and foreign English-speaking students.Мета роботи – проаналізувати ставлення студентів закладу вищої медичної освіти до самостійного вивчення певної частини навчального матеріалу на кафедрі гігієни та екології. Основна частина. Останні реформи вищої медичної освіти, що започаткували кардинальне збільшення годин для самостійної підготовки студентів закладів вищої освіти, починають потроху усвідомлюватися студентською громадою. Розглянуто результати анкетування студентів вищого медичного закладу – другокурсників та випускників. Отримані дані свідчать про поступову зміну ставлення сучасних студентів до необхідності самостійного опанування частини професійних знань як традиційної складової навчального процесу. Більшість опитаних студентів-другокурсників, як вітчизняних, так і іноземних англомовних, ­готові займа­тися самостійно не менше 50 % та 40 % часу відповідно. Висновки. Самостійна робота студентів у медичних закладах вищої освіти є не тільки способом отримання специфічних професійних знань, але й, більшою мірою, індикатором готовності майбутнього лікаря до безперервного професійного зростання, відчуття соціальної та корпоративної відповідальності, вміння самостійно приймати рішення у складних життєвих та виробничих випадках. Аналіз даних анкетування студентів різних курсів про їх ставлення до самостійної позааудиторної роботи показав, що ці риси більш притаманні новій генерації як вітчизняних, так і іноземних англомовних студентів


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    Abstract. Endometriosis is a disease accompanied by development of heterotopic endometrial foci at the peritoneum, proliferation of endothelial cells, and inflammatory reaction. Aiming to specify the dynamics of inflammatory process in endometriosis of different severity, as well as significance of chemokines and cytokines in angiogenesis and inflammation, we determined concentrations of RANTES, IL-8, IP-10, MIG, MCP-1 chemokines, as well as IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 cytokines in peritoneal fluid from patients by endometriosis. Forty women at reproductive age with an endometriosis have been observed. Among them, endometriosis grade I-II was registered in 20 cases, whereas grade III-IV has been confirmed in 20 women. Twenty-two women without evidence of endometriosis referred to diagnostic laparoscopy for pregnancy planning, comprised a control group. Diagnosis of endometriosis was based upon endoscopic findings and results of histological research. Severity grade of endometriosis was estimated according to R-AFS classification. Sampling of peritoneal fluid was carried out when performing surgical laparoscopies. Concentrations of chemokines and cytokines were determined by flow cytometry techniques, using BD Cytometric Bead Array test kits and FACStrack flow cytometer. The amounts of RANTES in peritoneal fluid were higher in grade I-II endometriosis, in comparison with grade III-IV endometriosis and control samples. Concentrations of IP-10, IL-8, МСР-1, MIG, IL-6, and IL-4 were higher than in control group and correlated with severity of the disease. IL-10 was not detectable in peritoneal fluid of the patients with endometriosis. These results suggest a significant role of the mentioned cytokines and chemokines that may promote invasion of endometrial cells, growth of heterotopic endometrioid locuses, development of vascular bed and induction of inflammatory processes, in development and progression of endometriosis

    Cryogelation of Chitosan Using Noble-Metal Ions: In Situ Formation of Nanoparticles.

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    One of the purposes of the project was to develop the method of preparation of 3D macroporous hydrogel with a structure of interconnected pores by the use of noncovalent interactions. The combination of chitosan and noble-metal complexes was investigated as cross-linking agents for the preparation of ionic cryogels (ICs). Furthermore, the treatment of the ICs containing gold complex by glutaraldehyde results in spontaneous formation of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and chemical cross-linking of the cryogel. The characterization of prepared macroporous materials was carried out by the use of FTIR, SEM, TEM techniques, and texture analyzer. A new strategy for control of size distribution of AuNPs was suggested. The size distribution of obtained AuNPs and their population inside of walls of cryogels was estimated. A method for quantifying unreacted chloroauric acid in the presence of acetic acid was proposed. The possibility of use of prepared cryogels with immobilized AuNPs as a catalytic flow through reactor is shown