20 research outputs found

    “Lives of Others”: Phenomenon of Simulated Reality in Contemporary Popular Literature

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    The corpus of modern Russian and foreign popular texts is analyzed, in which the simulative space is considered and the question of simulative reality as a manifestation of escapism is raised. The theoretical basis of the work was the works of M. A. Chernyak, M. A. Litovskaya, N. A. Kupina, V. I. Mildon and other researchers devoted to popular literature in the broadest aspect. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that today the corpus of such texts is a promising social project that claims to be one of the dominant positions in the modern cultural context. The experience of many years of work of the authors in the field of modern mass culture is reflected in the article. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the nature of such a phenomenon as the phenomenon of simulated emigration in modern popular literature is considered. It is shown that works about travels recreate the national picture of the world, broadcast national specifics and acquaint the reader with the peculiarities of human life in a different geographical space. It is noted that the mass text is designed to immerse the recipient in a state of escapism, forcing them to master, among other things, a mentally alien reality. It is argued that popular travel texts tend to create a more eventful realit

    Возвращение жанра: тенденции развития современного травелога

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    Travelogue as a personal journey suggests a high degree of reflection. The writers have re­ferred to this genre at all times. However, at the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries, it has become extremely popular due to its transformation into a multi-level, syncretic genre. A travelogue author fixes his personal experience of movements in the external space, creates the model of the world and broadcasts an individual concept of the spiritual journey. The genre of travelogue gets definite ethnic and gender-related overtones in much of today's Russian-language literature, helping the latter get across to a wider range of readers and transforming it into a mass culture phenomenon.В статье рассматривается жанр травелога и его становление в современной русской литературе

    TV Series in a Big City: Geo-Poetics of Telenovelas 1980s—2020s

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    The article explores the influence of toponymic images on the aesthetics of popular foreign and Russian television Series. The television series is a specific artistic model, the transformation and functioning of which is the result of significant television influence on the audience. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, being a key genre of contemporary mass culture on one hand, and a multimedia text on the other, the series allows visual content to displace verbal content and constructs a certain reality in the minds of viewers. Within the framework of the geopoetic approach, the authors of the article examine the image of the city in television projects from different years, analyze the functions of urban signs and symbols, and identify various artistic techniques used to characterize characters and represent national-cultural spaces. Special attention is given to the role of the city as a setting and a tool for plot development in TV shows. The result of the study is the identification of the dynamics of the city image in television projects from the 1980s to the 2020s, which allows us to characterize television Series not only as a source of entertainment, but also as a social and national project that claims one of the dominant positions in contemporary culture

    The Trojan Cycle of Myths in Modern Dramaturgy: Problems of Interpretation

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    The newest dramatic texts, which interpret the subjects of the Trojan cycle of myths in various ways, are examined in this article. The appeal of modern dramatists to the theme of Troy is evident through the anthropocentricity of the Trojan cycle, which organically enters the outer literary space. The newest plays accomplish a distinct demythologization of the phenomenon of the Trojan war, a change of mythological context and replacement of traditional sacral sense connected with that cult event

    Photovoltaic and photoelectric response of Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric films

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    In the present work, the comparative study of the electric response of Sn2P2S6 films to the visible light action was carried out without and under external electric field. The light flux modulated by a chopper induces the integral response comprising time-dependent photoelectric and photovoltaic components. It was shown that spontaneous polarization influences the electric response characteristics