923 research outputs found

    Single leg drop jump is affected by physical capacities in male soccer players following ACL reconstruction

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    Single leg drop jump (SLDJ) assessment is commonly used during the later stages of rehabilitation to identify residual deficits in reactive strength but the effects of physical capacity on kinetic and kinematic variables in male soccer players following ACL reconstruction remains unknown. Isokinetic knee extension strength, kinematics from an inertial measurement unit 3D system and SLDJ performance variables and mechanics derived from a force plate were measured in 64 professional soccer players (24.7 ± 3.4 years) prior to return to sport (RTS). SLDJ between-limb differences were measured (part 1) and players were divided into tertiles based on isokinetic knee extension strength (weak, moderate and strong) and reactive strength index (RSI) (low, medium and high) (part 2). Moderate to large significant differences between the ACL reconstructed and uninjured limb in SLDJ performance (d = 0.92 – 1.05), kinetic (d = 0.62 – 0.71) and kinematic variables (d = 0.56) were evident. Stronger athletes jumped higher (p = 0.002; d = 0.85), produced greater concentric (p = 0.001; d = 0.85) and eccentric power (p = 0.002; d = 0.84). Similar findings were present for RSI, but the effects were larger (d = 1.52 – 3.84). Weaker players, and in particular those who had lower RSI, displayed landing mechanics indicative of a “stiff” knee movement strategy. SLDJ performance, kinetic and kinematic differences were identified between-limbs in soccer players at the end of their rehabilitation following ACL reconstruction. Players with lower knee extension strength and RSI displayed reduced performance and kinetic strategies associated with increased injury risk

    Spacecraft Materials in the Space Flight Environment: International Space Station - May 2002 to May 2007

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    The performance of ISS spacecraft materials and systems on prolonged exposure to the low-Earth orbit (LEO) space flight is reported in this paper. In-flight data, flight crew observations, and the results of ground-based test and analysis directly supporting programmatic and operational decision-making are presented. The space flight environments definitions (both natural and induced) used for ISS design, material selection, and verification testing are shown, in most cases, to be more severe than the actual flight environment accounting for the outstanding performance of ISS as a long mission duration spacecraft. No significant ISS material or system failures have been attributed to spacecraft-environments interactions. Nonetheless, ISS materials and systems performance data is contributing to our understanding of spacecraft material interactions in the spaceflight environment so as to reduce cost and risk for future spaceflight projects and programs. Orbital inclination (51.6o) and altitude (nominally near 360 km) determine the set of natural environment factors affecting the functional life of materials and systems on ISS. ISS operates in an electrically conducting environment (the F2 region of Earth s ionosphere) with well-defined fluxes of atomic oxygen, other charged and neutral ionospheric plasma species, solar UV, VUV, and x-ray radiation as well as galactic cosmic rays, trapped radiation, and solar cosmic rays (1-4). The LEO micrometeoroid and orbital debris environment is an especially important determinant of spacecraft design and operations (5, 6). The magnitude of several environmental factors varies dramatically with latitude and longitude as ISS orbits the Earth (1-4). The high latitude orbital environment also exposes ISS to higher fluences of trapped energetic electrons, auroral electrons, solar cosmic rays, and galactic cosmic rays (1-4) than would be the case in lower inclination orbits, largely as a result of the overall shape and magnitude of the geomagnetic field (1-4). As a result, ISS exposure to many environmental factors can vary dramatically along a particular orbital ground track, and from one ground track to the next, during any 24-hour period

    Are spherulitic lacustrine carbonates an expression of large-scale mineral carbonation? : A case study from the East Kirkton Limestone, Scotland

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    BP Exploration Co. is thanked for funding, and particularly the Carbonate Team for supporting this research and for fruitful discussions. West Lothian Council and Scottish Natural Heritage are thanked for allowing access and permission for sampling the site. The Core Store Team at BGS Keyworth is particularly acknowledged for their assistance. Mark Anderson, Tony Sinclair (University of Hull), and Bouk Lacet (VU University Amsterdam) are thanked for technical support. Anne Kelly (SUERC) for carrying out the Strontium Isotope analyses. Mark Tyrer is thanked for his advice on PHREEQC modelling.Peer reviewedPostprin

    The heats of formation of the haloacetylenes XCCY [X, Y = H, F, Cl]: basis set limit ab initio results and thermochemical analysis

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    The heats of formation of haloacetylenes are evaluated using the recent W1 and W2 ab initio computational thermochemistry methods. These calculations involve CCSD and CCSD(T) coupled cluster methods, basis sets of up to spdfgh quality, extrapolations to the one-particle basis set limit, and contributions of inner-shell correlation, scalar relativistic effects, and (where relevant) first-order spin-orbit coupling. The heats of formation determined using W2 theory are: \hof(HCCH) = 54.48 kcal/mol, \hof(HCCF) = 25.15 kcal/mol, \hof(FCCF) = 1.38 kcal/mol, \hof(HCCCl) = 54.83 kcal/mol, \hof(ClCCCl) = 56.21 kcal/mol, and \hof(FCCCl) = 28.47 kcal/mol. Enthalpies of hydrogenation and destabilization energies relative to acetylene were obtained at the W1 level of theory. So doing we find the following destabilization order for acetylenes: FCCF >> ClCCF >> HCCF >> ClCCCl >> HCCCl >> HCCH. By a combination of W1 theory and isodesmic reactions, we show that the generally accepted heat of formation of 1,2-dichloroethane should be revised to -31.8±\pm0.6 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with a very recent critically evaluated review. The performance of compound thermochemistry schemes such as G2, G3, G3X and CBS-QB3 theories has been analyzed.Comment: Mol. Phys., in press (E. R. Davidson issue

    Fractionated 131I anti-CEA radioimmunotherapy: effects on xenograft tumour growth and haematological toxicity in mice

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    Dose fractionation has been proposed as a method to improve the therapeutic ratio of radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study compared a single administration of 7.4 MBq 131I-anti-CEA antibody given on day 1 with the same total activity given as fractionated treatment: 3.7 MBq (days 1 and 3), 2.4 MBq (days 1, 3, and 5) or 1.8 MBq (days 1, 3, 5, and 8). Studies in nude mice, bearing the human colorectal xenograft LS174T, showed that increasing the fractionation significantly reduced the efficacy of therapy. Fractionation was associated with a decrease in systemic toxicity as assessed by weight, but did not lead to any significant decrease in acute haematological toxicity. Similarly, no significant decrease in marrow toxicity, as assessed by colony-forming unit assays for granulocytes and macrophages (CFUgm), was seen. However, there was a significant depression of CFUgm counts when all treated animals were compared with untreated controls, suggesting that treatment did suppress marrow function. In conclusion, in this tumour model system, fractionated RIT causes less systemic toxicity, but is also less effective at treating tumours

    Dosimetric evaluation and radioimmunotherapy of anti-tumour multivalent Fab́ fragments

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    We have been investigating the use of cross-linked divalent (DFM) and trivalent (TFM) versions of the anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody A5B7 as possible alternatives to the parent forms (IgG and F(ab́)2) which have been used previously in clinical radioimmunotherapy (RIT) studies in colorectal carcinoma. Comparative biodistribution studies of similar sized DFM and F(ab́)2 and TFM and IgG, radiolabelled with both 131I and 90Y have been described previously using the human colorectal tumour LS174T nude mouse xenograft model (Casey et al (1996) Br J Cancer 74: 1397–1405). In this study quantitative estimates of radiation distribution and RIT in the xenograft model provided more insight into selecting the most suitable combination for future RIT. Radiation doses were significantly higher in all tissues when antibodies were labelled with 90Y. Major contributing organs were the kidneys, liver and spleen. The extremely high absorbed dose to the kidneys on injection of 90Y-labelled DFM and F(ab́)2 as a result of accumulation of the radiometal would result in extremely high toxicity. These combinations are clearly unsuitable for RIT. Cumulative dose of 90Y-TFM to the kidney was 3 times lower than the divalent forms but still twice as high as for 90Y-IgG. TFM clears faster from the blood than IgG, producing higher tumour to blood ratios. Therefore when considering only the tumour to blood ratios of the total absorbed dose, the data suggests that TFM would be the most suitable candidate. However, when corrected for equitoxic blood levels, doses to normal tissues for TFM were approximately twice the level of IgG, producing a two-fold increase in the overall tumour to normal tissue ratio. In addition RIT revealed that for a similar level of toxicity and half the administered activity, 90Y-IgG produced a greater therapeutic response. This suggests that the most promising A5B7 antibody form with the radionuclide 90Y may be IgG. Dosimetry analysis revealed that the tumour to normal tissue ratios were greater for all 131I-labelled antibodies. This suggests that 131I may be a more suitable radionuclide for RIT, in terms of lower toxicity to normal tissues. The highest tumour to blood dose and tumour to normal tissue ratio at equitoxic blood levels was 131I-labelled DFM, suggesting that 131I-DFM may be best combination of antibody and radionuclide for A5B7. The dosimetry estimates were in agreement with RIT results in that twice the activity of 131I-DFM must be administered to produce a similar therapeutic effect as 131I-TFM. The toxicity in this therapy experiment was minimal and further experiments at higher doses are required to observe if there would be any advantage of a higher initial dose rate for 131I-DFM. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Interplay between geometry and flow distribution in an airway tree

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    Uniform fluid flow distribution in a symmetric volume can be realized through a symmetric branched tree. It is shown here, however, that the flow partitioning can be highly sensitive to deviations from exact symmetry if inertial effects are present. This is found by direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations in a 3D tree geometry. The flow asymmetry is quantified and found to depend on the Reynolds number. Moreover, for a given Reynolds number, we show that the flow distribution depends on the aspect ratio of the branching elements as well as their angular arrangement. Our results indicate that physiological variability should be severely restricted in order to ensure uniform fluid distribution in a tree. This study suggests that any non-uniformity in the air flow distribution in human lungs should be influenced by the respiratory conditions, rest or hard exercise