6,483 research outputs found

    Inertia and chiral edge modes of a skyrmion magnetic bubble

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    The dynamics of a vortex in a thin-film ferromagnet resembles the motion of a charged massless particle in a uniform magnetic field. Similar dynamics is expected for other magnetic textures with a nonzero skyrmion number. However, recent numerical simulations revealed that skyrmion magnetic bubbles show significant deviations from this model. We show that a skyrmion bubble possesses inertia and derive its mass from the standard theory of a thin-film ferromagnet. Besides center-of-mass motion, other low energy modes are waves on the edge of the bubble traveling with different speeds in opposite directions.Comment: updated simulation detail

    Adiabatic radio frequency potentials for the coherent manipulation of matter waves

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    Adiabatic dressed state potentials are created when magnetic sub-states of trapped atoms are coupled by a radio frequency field. We discuss their theoretical foundations and point out fundamental advantages over potentials purely based on static fields. The enhanced flexibility enables one to implement numerous novel configurations, including double wells, Mach-Zehnder and Sagnac interferometers which even allows for internal state-dependent atom manipulation. These can be realized using simple and highly integrated wire geometries on atom chips.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure

    Strong plasmonic fluorescence enhancement of individual plant light-harvesting complexes

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    Plasmonic coupling of metallic nanoparticles and adjacent pigments can dramatically increase the brightness of the pigments due to the enhanced local electric field. Here, we demonstrate that the fluorescence brightness of a single plant light-harvesting complex (LHCII) can be significantly enhanced when coupled to single gold nanorods (AuNRs). The AuNRs utilized in this study were prepared via chemical reactions, and the hybrid system was constructed using a simple and economical spin-assisted layer-by-layer technique. Enhancement of fluorescence brightness of up to 240-fold was observed, accompanied by a 109-fold decrease in the average (amplitude-weighted) fluorescence lifetime from approximately 3.5 ns down to 32 ps, corresponding to an excitation enhancement of 63-fold and emission enhancement of up to 3.8-fold. This large enhancement is due to the strong spectral overlap of the longitudinal localized surface plasmon resonance of the utilized AuNRs and the absorption or emission bands of LHCII. This study provides an inexpensive strategy to explore the fluorescence dynamics of weakly emitting photosynthetic light-harvesting complexes at the single molecule level.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures, 2 supplementary figures, and supplementary equation

    Dynamically controlled toroidal and ring-shaped magnetic traps

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    We present traps with toroidal (T2)(T^{2}) and ring-shaped topologies, based on adiabatic potentials for radio-frequency dressed Zeeman states in a ring-shaped magnetic quadrupole field. Simple adjustment of the radio-frequency fields provides versatile possibilities for dynamical parameter tuning, topology change, and controlled potential perturbation. We show how to induce toroidal and poloidal rotations, and demonstrate the feasibility of preparing degenerate quantum gases with reduced dimensionality and periodic boundary conditions. The great level of dynamical and even state dependent control is useful for atom interferometry.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Paragraphs on gravity compensation and expected trap lifetimes adde

    The influence of transformational policies on the operational competitiveness of South African businesses

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    Since the dawn of democracy in South Africa in 1994, transformational policies such as black economic empowerment (BEE) and affirmative action (AA) have increasingly and inextricably become part of the everyday political, economic and social life of its populace. As a result, South African businesses are subject to a whole array of mandatory regulations which ostensibly influence their operational capabilities to effectively and efficiently compete in national and global markets. In a survey of the largest 500 (including the top 100 JSE listed) companies in South Africa, it appears that transformational policies are positively supported and endorsed, although their impact on the operational competitiveness of these companies is largely unclear and unknown. A number of warning signs, however, are now being detected from reports in the popular media and in the academic literature about the possible negative consequences of such policies. BEE malpractices, which basically result in the continuation of past injustices against the majority of poor and unskilled people of the country, are becoming increasingly evident. Even more alarming is the fact that the corruption, nepotism and self-enrichment that accompany most BEE transactions are attributed to the ruling ANC political elite

    Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation and the restoration of symmetries within the three-level Lipkin model

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    We show that it is possible to restore the symmetry associated with the Goldstone mode within the Self Consistent Random Phase Approximation (SCRPA) applied to the three-level Lipkin model. We determine one and two-body densities as very convergent expansions in terms of the generators of the RPA basis. We show that SCRPA excitations correspond to the heads of some rotational bands in the exact spectrum. It turns out that the SCRPA eigenmodes for N=2 coincide with exact solutions, given by the diagonalisation procedure

    Modeling near-field radiative heat transfer from sharp objects using a general 3d numerical scattering technique

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    We examine the non-equilibrium radiative heat transfer between a plate and finite cylinders and cones, making the first accurate theoretical predictions for the total heat transfer and the spatial heat flux profile for three-dimensional compact objects including corners or tips. We find qualitatively different scaling laws for conical shapes at small separations, and in contrast to a flat/slightly-curved object, a sharp cone exhibits a local \emph{minimum} in the spatially resolved heat flux directly below the tip. The method we develop, in which a scattering-theory formulation of thermal transfer is combined with a boundary-element method for computing scattering matrices, can be applied to three-dimensional objects of arbitrary shape.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Corrected background information in the introduction, results and discussion unchange

    Spin Stiffness in the Hubbard model

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    The spin stiffness ρs\rho_{\rm s} of the repulsive Hubbard model that occurs in the hydrodynamic theory of antiferromagnetic spin waves is shown to be the same as the thermodynamically defined stiffness involved in twisting the order parameter. New expressions for ρs\rho_{\rm s} are derived, which enable easier interpretation, and connections with superconducting weight and gauge invariance are discussed.Comment: 21 Pages LaTeX2e, to be published in Journal of Physics

    Superfluid flow past an obstacle in annular Bose–Einstein condensates

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    We investigate the flow of a one-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger model with periodic boundary conditions past an obstacle, motivated by recent experiments with Bose–Einstein condensates in ring traps. Above certain rotation velocities, localized solutions with a nontrivial phase profile appear. In striking difference from the infinite domain, in this case there are many critical velocities. At each critical velocity, the steady flow solutions disappear in a saddle-center bifurcation. These interconnected branches of the bifurcation diagram lead to additions of circulation quanta to the phase of the associated solution. This, in turn, relates to the manifestation of persistent current in numerous recent experimental and theoretical works, the connections to which we touch upon. The complex dynamics of the identified waveforms and the instability of unstable solution branches are demonstrated
