2,067 research outputs found

    Produção de palha e forragem por espécies anuais e perenes em sucessão à soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produção de palha e de forragem por forrageiras anuais e perenes implantadas em sucessão à cultura da soja, e seus efeitos sobre a produtividade de grãos da cultura no próximo cultivo. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdivididas (crescimento livre e sob cortes sucessivos), com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas oito forrageiras em dois municípios de Mato Grosso do Sul. A produção de palha e forragem foi avaliada em 2005 e 2006, nas espécies Urochloa ruziziensis; U. decumbens; U. brizantha cv. Marandu e Xaraés; Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia e Mombaça, P. maximum x P. infestans cv. Massai; Pennisetum americanum cv. BRS 1501; e Sorghum bicolor cv. Santa Elisa. As forrageiras foram semeadas mecanicamente após a colheita da soja, em 1/4/2005 e 24/3/2006, em São Gabriel do Oeste, e em 20/3/2005 e 13/3/2006, em Dourados. Sorgo, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés e P. maximum cv. Tanzânia apresentaram características como elevada produtividade, alta qualidade da forragem e facilidade de controle, favoráveis para produção tanto de forragem quanto de palha. Urochloa ruziziensis e U. decumbens apresentaram melhor desempenho para a produção de palha. O cultivo das espécies forrageiras em sucessão à soja não afeta a produtividade da cultura.The objective of this work was to evaluate forage and straw production, of annual and perennial forage implanted in succession to soybean, and their effects on crop grain yield in the following season. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with four replicates, in a split-plot arrangement (free growth and successive cuts). Eight forages were evaluated in two municipalities of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Straw and forage production was evaluated in 2005 and 2006, in the following species: Urochloa ruziziensis, U. decumbens; U. brizantha cv. Marandu and Xaraés; Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia and Mombaça, P. maximum x P. infestans cv. Massai, Pennisetum americanum cv. BRS 1501, and Sorghum bicolor cv. Santa Elisa. Forages were planted mechanically, after the soybean crop harvest on 4/1/2005 and 3/24/2006, in São Gabriel do Oeste, and 3/20/2005 and 3/13/2006, in Dourados. Sorghum, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés and P. maximum cv. Tanzânia characteristics, such as high productivity, high forage quality and easiness in control, were favorable for production of both forage and straw. Urochloa ruziziensis and U. decumbens showed better performance for straw production. Forage cultivation in soybean succession does not affect crop yield

    On the Integrability and Chaos of an N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs Mechanical Model

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    We apply different integrability analysis procedures to a reduced (spatially homogeneous) mechanical system derived from an off-shell non-minimally coupled N=2 Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Higgs model that presents BPS topological vortex excitations, numerically obtained with an ansatz adopted in a special - critical coupling - parametric regime. As a counterpart of the regularity associated to the static soliton-like solution, we investigate the possibility of chaotic dynamics in the evolution of the spatially homogeneous reduced system, descendant from the full N=2 model under consideration. The originally rich content of symmetries and interactions, N=2 susy and non-minimal coupling, singles out the proposed model as an interesting framework for the investigation of the role played by (super-)symmetries and parametric domains in the triggering/control of chaotic behavior in gauge systems. After writing down effective Lagrangian and Hamiltonian functions, and establishing the corresponding canonical Hamilton equations, we apply global integrability Noether point symmetries and Painleveproperty criteria to both the general and the critical coupling regimes. As a non-integrable character is detected by the pair of analytical criteria applied, we perform suitable numerical simulations, as we seek for chaotic patterns in the system evolution. Finally, we present some Comments on the results and perspectives for further investigations and forthcoming communications.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Sorgo para pastejo/corte e cobertura do solo no período de outono/inverno (safrinha) em Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    Em Mato Grosso do Sul, as principais culturas utilizadas para cobertura de solo na safrinha são o milheto, a aveia e o nabo (Hernani et al., 1995; Machado, 2003). Para pastejo, também são utilizadas essas espécies, com exceção do nabo. Devido ao risco de geadas, as espécies adaptadas ao clima frio, como a aveia e o nabo, são mais utilizadas na região sul do Estado. Na região norte, o milheto e o sorgo são mais produtivos no período de outono, porque o clima, apesar de seco, é quente, favorecendo as espécies tropicais. Em regiões com esta condição, o sorgo é muito utilizado para a produção de grãos, sendo recente sua utilização para a produção de palha e forragem. Pela sua tolerância a déficit hídrico e a baixas temperaturas, a cultura vem ganhando importância econômica no Estado. Este estudo teve como objetivo selecionar genótipos de sorgo para pastejo na safra de outono/inverno, em sucessão a soja.bitstream/item/38771/1/BP-200416.pd

    Experimental Observation of Quantum Correlations in Modular Variables

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    We experimentally detect entanglement in modular position and momentum variables of photon pairs which have passed through DD-slit apertures. We first employ an entanglement criteria recently proposed in [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 106}, 210501 (2011)], using variances of the modular variables. We then propose an entanglement witness for modular variables based on the Shannon entropy, and test it experimentally. Finally, we derive criteria for Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Steering correlations using variances and entropy functions. In both cases, the entropic criteria are more successful at identifying quantum correlations in our data.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, comments welcom

    Banco de germoplasma de amendoim forrageiro: conservação e utilização.

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    A alternativa mais promissora para relacionar os recursos genéticos vegetais e os programas de melhoramento, e assim, aumentar a utilização dos acessos do Banco Ativo de Germoplasma (BAG), é a intensificação das atividades de pré-melhoramento. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar um levantamento dos estudos de caracterização e avaliação realizados no BAG de Amendoim Forrageiro, com ênfase em suas relações com o programa de melhoramento genético

    Heritability and variability of bromatological traits evaluated in Panicum maximum hybrids in the Western Amazon.

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    The knowledge of the genetic parameters of bromatological traits in forages is essential to support the selection of genotypes that will be released as new cultivars. The objectives of this study were to estimate the heritability coefficients and verify the existence of genetic variability of bromatological traits in Panicum maximum hybrids, evaluated in the Western Amazon in different harvests over the year

    Estimation of genetic parameters and selection of Coffea canephora progenies evaluated in Brazilian Western Amazon.

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    Coffee has emerged as an economic alternative culture in the State of Acre, Brazil, but without a clonal variety recommended for the state to overcome the unevenness presented by seed crops. Thus, in order to estimate genetic parameters and indicate progenies of Coffea canephora to compose a clonal variety for the State of Acre, yield, vegetative vigor and plant height were evaluated in five harvests of a randomized complete block experiment with 46 progenies, 4 repetitions and 10 plants per plot by mixed model methodology (REML/BLUP). The harvests were evaluated individually, by the model that considers one harvest, one location and the mean of progenies, and joint analysis (all harvests), by repeatability model with stability and temporal adaptability by the harmonic mean of relative performance of genotypic values method (MHPRVG), with genotypic values of progenies grouped by the Tocher method. There was variability, with possibility of selection, only for grain yield. The yield was strongly affected by production bienniality, with high environmental influence and harvests mean ranging from 14.13±4.60 to 46.20±14.94 bags ha-1 and individual heritabilities from 0.10 to 0.44. Sixteen ?Conilon? coffee progenies with selection gains above 23% were selected. The MHPRVG method allows the refinement of progeny selection throughout the harvests, identifying the most adapted and stable

    Characterization of mango germplasm in the brazilian semi-árid region.

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    This study had the objective of providing information about mango germplasm characteristics in the Brazilian semi-arid region, using data from the Germpalsm Bank of the Mandacaru Experimental Station, Embrapa Semi-Arid, Juazeiro-BA