270 research outputs found

    Gluttonic nomination in russian and British linguistic cultures

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    In the article universal and ethnocultural ways of the gluttonic nomination in Russian and British linguistic culture are described. Linguistic-cultural correlations of foodstuff names and national character are chosen as an object of research. national character is considered as set of the steadiest features of emotional sensory perception of world around and forms of reactions to it for this national community. It is confirmed that national character, being expressed in emotions, feelings, moods, is manifested in existing language formsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Bilingualism and biculturalism and teaching of modern languages: point of view of a teacher of french from Russia

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    More than 50% of the world's inhabitants are bilingual, and this percentage is expected to be increasing due to the increasing global mobility. Some people are bilingual because of the characteristics of their families, others because of migration, or because they live in a border area or a country that has several languages. Bilingualism is extremely widespread in Russia and in France. In this article, the actual and complex phenomenon of bilingualism in the contemporary cultural situation, in particular in the teaching of foreign languages, is considere

    Microstructure of Complex Silicon-containing Modifier

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    Various research methods show that the microstructure of the complex siliconcontaining modifier ”Insteel 7” consists of six phases: TiFeSi2, Ca1

    Effects of enzymatically depolymerised fucoidan on effector functions of innate and adaptive immunity cells

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    The use of sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidans) as active pharmaceutical ingredients or adjuvants poses the challenge of obtaining structurally characterised and homogeneous samples or their oligomeric fractions maintaining high biological activity. The authors obtained a highly purified enzymatic hydrolysate of fucoidan from the brown alga Fucus evanescens and compared its biological activity with that of a native sample. The aim of the study was to compare, in vitro and in vivo, the effects of depolymerised fucoidan from the brown alga F. evanescens and native fucoidan on the effector functions of innate and adaptive immunity cells loaded with ovalbumin (OVA). Materials and methods: the effects of the fucoidan samples (depolymerised and native) on the expression of the main immunophenotypic markers by innate and adaptive immunity cells (neutrophils, monocytes, natural killers, and lymphocytes) were studied in vitro using flow cytometry. The levels of serum OVA-specific antibodies (IgG, IgG1, IgG2а) and cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-10, IL-12) were studied in vivo using BALB/c mice immunised with OVA. The statistical analysis of the data obtained was performed using the Statistica 10 software package. Results: in vitro, both fucoidan samples altered the expression of the main immunophenotypic markers by innate and adaptive immunity cells, indicating their activation. In vivo, mice treated with the fucoidan samples demonstrated an increase in the levels of OVA-specific antibodies (IgG, IgG1 and IgG2a) and in the production of cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-10). Conclusions: the effects of enzymatically depolymerised fucoidan on functional activity of innate and adaptive immunity cells are comparable to those of native fucoidan. The findings indicate the possibility of using enzymatic hydrolysis products of fucoidan as adjuvants for a wide range of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines

    Клинико-лабораторные аспекты новой коронавирусной инфекции у новорожденных и детей грудного возраста

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    Purpose: to identify clinical and laboratory aspects of a new coronavirus infection in newborns and infants. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis of 131 observations of newborns and infants infected with SARS-CoV-2 treated in children's infectious diseases departments of Izhevsk was carried out. Results. The course of coronavirus infection in newborns and infants who became ill on an outpatient basis and were hospitalized did not have significant specific clinical and laboratory features and was similar to the symptoms of major respiratory infections. Among the hospitalized, 80.9% of children had a mild severity of coronavirus infection, the rest of the children had a moderate course. The clinical picture was dominated by cough (86.3%), nasal congestion (74%) and fever (71.8%). Significant clinical differences were obtained in newborns in the form of predominance of nasal obstruction, and in infants in the predominance of fever and dry cough. Pneumonia was diagnosed in 19.1% in the form of a mild, mainly bilateral lesion.Цель: выявление клинических и лабораторных аспектов новой коронавирусной инфекции у новорожденных и детей грудного возраста. Материалы и методы: проведен ретроспективный анализ 131 наблюдения новорожденных и детей грудного возраста, инфицированных SARS-CoV-2, получавших лечение в детских инфекционных отделениях г. Ижевска. Результаты. Течение коронавирусной инфекции у новорожденных и детей грудного возраста, заболевших в амбулаторных условиях и госпитализированных, не имело значимых специфических клинических и лабораторных особенностей и было схоже с симптомами основных респираторных инфекций. Среди госпитализированных у 80,9% детей преобладала легкая степень тяжести коронавирусной инфекции, у остальных детей отмечалось среднетяжелое течение. В клинической картине преобладал кашель (86,3%), заложенность носа (74%) и лихорадка (71,8%). Получены достоверные клинические различия у новорожденных в виде преобладания обструкции носовых ходов, а у грудных детей в превалировании лихорадки и сухого кашля. Пневмония была диагностирована в 19,1% случаев в виде нетяжелого, преимущественно двустороннего, поражения