390 research outputs found

    Location of the Lee-Yang zeros and absence of phase transitions in some Ising spin systems

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    We consider a class of Ising spin systems on a set \Lambda of sites. The sites are grouped into units with the property that each site belongs to either one or two units, and the total internal energy of the system is the sum of the energies of the individual units, which in turn depend only on the number of up spins in the unit. We show that under suitable conditions on these interactions none of the |\Lambda| Lee-Yang zeros in the complex z = exp{2\beta h} plane, where \beta is the inverse temperature and h the uniform magnetic field, touch the positive real axis, at least for large values of \beta. In some cases one obtains, in an appropriately taken \beta to infinity limit, a gas of hard objects on a set \Lambda'; the fugacity for the limiting system is a rescaling of z and the Lee-Yang zeros of the new partition function also avoid the positive real axis. For certain forms of the energies of the individual units the Lee-Yang zeros of both the finite- and zero-temperature systems lie on the negative real axis for all \beta. One zero-temperature limit of this type, for example, is a monomer-dimer system; our results thus generalize, to finite \beta, a well-known result of Heilmann and Lieb that the Lee-Yang zeros of monomer-dimer systems are real and negative.Comment: Plain TeX. Seventeen pages, five figures from .eps files. Version 2 corrects minor errors in version

    A New Class of Non-Linear Stability Preserving Operators

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    We extend Br\"and\'en's recent proof of a conjecture of Stanley and describe a new class of non-linear operators that preserve weak Hurwitz stability and the Laguerre-P\'olya class.Comment: Fixed typos, spelling, and updated links in reference

    Sums of magnetic eigenvalues are maximal on rotationally symmetric domains

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    The sum of the first n energy levels of the planar Laplacian with constant magnetic field of given total flux is shown to be maximal among triangles for the equilateral triangle, under normalization of the ratio (moment of inertia)/(area)^3 on the domain. The result holds for both Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions, with an analogue for Robin (or de Gennes) boundary conditions too. The square similarly maximizes the eigenvalue sum among parallelograms, and the disk maximizes among ellipses. More generally, a domain with rotational symmetry will maximize the magnetic eigenvalue sum among all linear images of that domain. These results are new even for the ground state energy (n=1).Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    A magabiztosság-krízis skála alkalmazása idegen nyelvű megnyilatkozásoknál

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    Tanulmányunkban korábbi kutatásaink eredményeit kívánjuk megvizsgálni idegen nyelvű megnyilatkozásokon. 2011-ben bemutatásra került a Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencián az az új narratív pszichológiai eljárás, amelyben összekapcsoltuk a narratív pszichológiai tartalomelemzést és a vokális mintázatok pszichológiai „tartalomelemzését” [12]. Ennek az eljárásnak a részeként mutattuk be a magabiztosság-krízis indexet, amely a megnyilatkozás nyelvi, tartalmi elemeit és az elhangzottak fonetikai struktúráját vizsgálva von le következtetéseket a közlő lelkiállapotára vonatkozóan. Azt a feltételezésünket igyekeztünk adatokkal is alátámasztva igazolni, hogy a krízishelyzet nyelvi-fonetikai mintázata jól körülhatárolható, és ezen jegyek alapján a közlő lelkiállapotára vonatkozóan pszichológiailag értékelhető megállapítások tehetők. Vizsgálatunk nyelvi anyagát akkor Shakespeare Lear királya első és utolsó monológjának magyar nyelvű változata alkotta. 2014-ben a Magyar Számítógépes Nyelvészeti Konferencián mutattuk be a magabiztosság-krízis skála spontán megnyilatkozásokon történő alkalmazását [11]. A mostani kutatásunk a 2011-ben elhangzott előadáshoz kíván visszanyúlni, hasznosítva az időközben szerzett tapasztalatokat, egy olasz nyelvű Lear király megnyilatkozásával gazdagítva a korábbi kutatások eredményeit

    Bias reduction in traceroute sampling: towards a more accurate map of the Internet

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    Traceroute sampling is an important technique in exploring the internet router graph and the autonomous system graph. Although it is one of the primary techniques used in calculating statistics about the internet, it can introduce bias that corrupts these estimates. This paper reports on a theoretical and experimental investigation of a new technique to reduce the bias of traceroute sampling when estimating the degree distribution. We develop a new estimator for the degree of a node in a traceroute-sampled graph; validate the estimator theoretically in Erdos-Renyi graphs and, through computer experiments, for a wider range of graphs; and apply it to produce a new picture of the degree distribution of the autonomous system graph.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Escape rate and Hausdorff measure for entire functions

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    The escaping set of an entire function is the set of points that tend to infinity under iteration. We consider subsets of the escaping set defined in terms of escape rates and obtain upper and lower bounds for the Hausdorff measure of these sets with respect to certain gauge functions.Comment: 24 pages; some errors corrected, proof of Theorem 2 shortene

    Upper bounds for the eigenvalues of Hessian equations

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    We prove some upper bounds for the Dirichlet eigenvalues of a class of fully nonlinear elliptic equations, namely the Hessian equationsComment: 15 pages, 1 figur

    On the topological classification of binary trees using the Horton-Strahler index

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    The Horton-Strahler (HS) index r=max(i,j)+δi,jr=\max{(i,j)}+\delta_{i,j} has been shown to be relevant to a number of physical (such at diffusion limited aggregation) geological (river networks), biological (pulmonary arteries, blood vessels, various species of trees) and computational (use of registers) applications. Here we revisit the enumeration problem of the HS index on the rooted, unlabeled, plane binary set of trees, and enumerate the same index on the ambilateral set of rooted, plane binary set of trees of nn leaves. The ambilateral set is a set of trees whose elements cannot be obtained from each other via an arbitrary number of reflections with respect to vertical axes passing through any of the nodes on the tree. For the unlabeled set we give an alternate derivation to the existing exact solution. Extending this technique for the ambilateral set, which is described by an infinite series of non-linear functional equations, we are able to give a double-exponentially converging approximant to the generating functions in a neighborhood of their convergence circle, and derive an explicit asymptotic form for the number of such trees.Comment: 14 pages, 7 embedded postscript figures, some minor changes and typos correcte

    Spatial Degrees of Freedom in Everett Quantum Mechanics

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    Stapp claims that, when spatial degrees of freedom are taken into account, Everett quantum mechanics is ambiguous due to a "core basis problem." To examine an aspect of this claim I generalize the ideal measurement model to include translational degrees of freedom for both the measured system and the measuring apparatus. Analysis of this generalized model using the Everett interpretation in the Heisenberg picture shows that it makes unambiguous predictions for the possible results of measurements and their respective probabilities. The presence of translational degrees of freedom for the measuring apparatus affects the probabilities of measurement outcomes in the same way that a mixed state for the measured system would. Examination of a measurement scenario involving several observers illustrates the consistency of the model with perceived spatial localization of the measuring apparatus.Comment: 34 pp., no figs. Introduction, discussion revised. Material tangential to main point remove

    Staircase polygons: moments of diagonal lengths and column heights

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    We consider staircase polygons, counted by perimeter and sums of k-th powers of their diagonal lengths, k being a positive integer. We derive limit distributions for these parameters in the limit of large perimeter and compare the results to Monte-Carlo simulations of self-avoiding polygons. We also analyse staircase polygons, counted by width and sums of powers of their column heights, and we apply our methods to related models of directed walks.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures; to appear in proceedings of Counting Complexity: An International Workshop On Statistical Mechanics And Combinatorics, 10-15 July 2005, Queensland, Australi