197 research outputs found

    Chaotic dynamics in a quantum Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem

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    We investigate the emergence of chaotic dynamics in a quantum Fermi - Pasta - Ulam problem for anharmonic vibrations in atomic chains applying semi-quantitative analysis of resonant interactions complemented by exact diagonalization numerical studies. The crossover energy separating chaotic high energy phase and localized (integrable) low energy phase is estimated. It decreases inversely proportionally to the number of atoms until approaching the quantum regime where this dependence saturates. The chaotic behavior appears at lower energies in systems with free or fixed ends boundary conditions compared to periodic systems. The applications of the theory to realistic molecules are discussed.Comment: Submitted to Entrop

    Реконструкція садиби Ходкевичів під готельно-ресторанний комплекс

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    In the article the problem of reconstruction of cultural heritage. Analysis reconstruction Laura locks in hotel and restaurant. Methods and means Reconstruction estates Chodkiewicz for its preservation as cultural heritage and attract tourists. Adding it to the tourist map of Ukraine.В статье рассмотрена проблема реконструкции объектов культурного наследия. Проведен анализ реконструкции замков Лауры под гостинично-ресторанный комплекс. Предложены методы и средства реконструкции усадьбы Ходкевичей, для ее сохранения как объекта культурного наследия и привлечения туристов. Внесение ее в туристическую карту Украины.У статті розглянуто проблему реконструкції об’єктів культурної спадщини. Проведено аналіз реконструкції замків Луари під готельно-ресторанні комплекси. Запропоновано методи та засоби реконструкції садиби Ходкевичів, для її збереження, як об’єкта культурної спадщини та залучення туристів, нанесення її на туристичну карту України

    Етнодизайн в інтер’єрі готельно-ресторанних комплексів

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    In the article the problem of using ethnic design in hotel and restaurant complex. Examples interior with ethnic design Research this topic can reveal characteristics of ethnic identity. The features use of ethnic design in hotel and restaurant complex.В статье рассмотрена проблема использования этнодизайна в гостинично-ресторанных комплексах. Приведены примеры интерьеров с использованием этнодизайна Исследование данной темы позволяет раскрыть характерные особенности этнического стиля. Выявлены особенности использования этнодизайна в готлельно-ресторанных комплексах.У статті розглянуто питання використання етнодизайну в готельно-ресторанних комплексах. Наведено приклади інтер'єрів з використанням етнодизайну. Дослідження даної теми дозволяє розкрити характерні особливості етнічного стилю. Виявлено особливості використання етнодизайну в готельно-ресторанних комплексах

    Sterilization of sugar beet plant material, depending on the type of sterilizer, concentration and exposure of sterilization in vitro

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    The thesis being presented are results of researches regarding the selection of sterilizer, exposure of sterilization and its concentration in sugar beet hybrids when injected into the culture in vitro. The most effective sterilizing agent to enter micro engraftments in isolated culture is defined 0.1% matched aqueous solution of dichloride mercury exposure for 15 minutes is established. The exit of sterile viable explants from which soon evolved the plants-regenerates is amounted up to 96%. It should be noted that the best sterilizer was the five percent solution of Septodor-forte, for which the increasing of exposure the sterilization from 10 to 20 minutes is obtained the exit of sterile material at 50-90% level

    Критеріальне моделювання якості функціонування розподільних мереж

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    У статті проводиться аналіз параметрів, які мають враховуватись у критерії якості функціонування розподільних мереж. Пропонується метод його визначення, який ґрунтується на поєднанні теорії марковських процесів та критеріального методу.In the article the analysis of properties to be considered in criterion of function quality of distribution networks is carried out. The method of its determination which is based on integration of Markov processes theory and criterial method is offered

    Polymorphism of the second type angiotensin II receptor’s gene in women with essential hypertension and the corresponding features of structural and functional parameters of myocardium

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    Abstract Objective. To improve the diagnosis of predisposition to Essential arterial hypertension (EH) and Chronic heart failure (CHF) in postmenopausal age’s women by determining the polymorphic genotypes of the first type angiotensin II receptor’s gene (AT1-R) and the corresponding structural and functional state of myocardium. Materials and methods. The study involved 180 women of postmenopausal age, they were residents of Podillya Region of Ukraine. 80 women without signs of cardiovascular diseases were the control group, 100 women with EH included the main study’s group. Genotyping of AT1-R was carried out using the polymerase chain reaction. The distribution of the frequencies of genotypes AT1-R was checked in accordance with the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium law. The structural and functional parameters of myocardium were evaluated using an echocardiography. The left ventricular’s systolic function was preserved in cases where the left ventricular’s ejection fraction was more than 40 %. Mathematical processing was performed using the standard statistic package Statistica 6.0. Results. In patients with EH genotype AC was detected most often (49 %), AA and AC genotypes weer determined in 40 % and 11 % of patients (РАА-СС≤ 0.05, РАС-СС≤ 0.05) respectively. Carrying allele C of the AT1-P gene was associated with a higher probability of future occurrence of CHF in patients with EH, more significant structural disorders of myocardium and disturbances of systolic and diastolic functions of left ventricle (LV) such as pseudonormal and restrictive types. Conclusions. Allele C associates with the presence of EH and a greater probability of occurrence of CHF in postmenopausal women, residents of Podillya Region, more pronounced disturbances in the structure of myocardium, with diastolic and systolic dysfunctions of LV. Developed mathematical models help to determine approximately the structure of AT1-R according to the parameters of cardiac hemodynamics in the case of impossibility of laboratory investigation

    Salmonella-induced changes of the rat intestinal microbiota

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    The gut microbiome profoundly affects the body functioning: it participates in host protection against pathogenic microorganisms, metabolic events, inhibition of inflammatory responses, formation of innate and adaptive immune response in the intestinal mucosa. One of the causes altering microbiota community is due to antibiotics. Therefore, the processes of antibiotics interaction together with Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium with representatives of normal intestinal microflora are of particular interest. Materials and methods. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of the wall microbiota composition in rats was evaluated by bacteriological method, the statistical data analysis was performed using the software StatSoft Statistica v.12. Results and discussion. Inoculation of vancomycin and S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium in groups II, III, IV resulted in quantitatively decreased E. coli level by 10-, 7- and 110-fold, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The count of P. aeruginosa decreased markedly only in the group III (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Bacteroides spp. members was profoundly decreased by several thousand times (group II) as well as 70- and 87-fold (groups III and IV), respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The count of E. faecalis and E. faecium decreased by 861-, 6- and several thousand times (groups II, III, IV), respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Proteus spp. markedly decreased in group II by 27-fold and rapidly increased in group IV (p ≤ 0.05). Group III revealed a sharp decline in level of Enterobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. by 847- and 150-fold, whereas in group II they were increased by 7- and 46-fold, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Staphylococcus spp. decreased by 10-fold only in group II. The level of Clostridium spp. decreased by several thousand times (group II) and by 5,500 times (group IV) (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Lactobacillus spp. decreased by several thousand times (group II). The count of Bifidobacterium spp. members significantly decreased by 10.9-fold and by several thousand times (groups III, IV). The level of Peptostreptococcus anaerobius profoundly decreased in all three study groups (p ≤ 0.05). The level of Salmonella spp. increased in group II by 49 times, but markedly increased in groups III and IV (p ≤ 0.05). Inoculation of Salmonella after vancomycin pretreatment caused dramatic change in the microbiota composition in groups V and VI, namely: increased count of E. coli by 65- and 105-fold, markedly increased level of P. aeruginosa in group V and VI — by 3-fold. In addition, these groups also showed decreased level of Bacteroides spp. by 9- and 10-fold (p ≤ 0.05). The count of E. faecalis and E. faecium decreased dramatically only in group V (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Proteus spp. decreased by 17 times in group V as well as in group VI (p ≤ 0.05). A sharp increase in level of Enterobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. members was observed in groups V and VI (p ≤ 0.05). However, representatives of Peptostreptococcus anaerobius in groups V and VI decreased by 20 and 9 times, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). The count of Salmonella spp. decreased only in group V by 7 times (p ≤ 0,05). Inoculating experimental animals with B. fragilis conditioned with S. enteritidis, S. typhimurium and pretreated with vancomycin resulted in markedly decreased level of E. coli in group VII and VIII by 538 times (p ≤ 0.05). The count of P. aeruginosa in groups VII and VIII decreased profoundly, whereas level of Bacteroides spp. members was reciprocally increased (p ≤ 0.05). The level of Lactobacillus spp. decreased by 10.3 times only in group VI. The count of E. faecalis and E. faecium increased by 10 and 19 times in groups VII and VIII, respectively, whereas level of Proteus spp. decreased only in group VII by 322 times (p ≤ 0.05). In addition, a sharp decrease in level of Enterobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. members (p ≤ 0.05) was found in groups VII and VIII. The count of Peptostreptococcus anaerobius and Lactobacillus spp. members was markedly increased by 7-, 12-, several thousand-fold and 40 times (groups VII and VIII, respectively) (p ≤ 0.05). The count of S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium in groups VII and VIII decreased rapidly (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusion. Inoculation of B. fragilis can be used in treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases or disorders with impaired gut barrier function

    Structural and Physico-Chemical Interpretation (SPCI) of QSAR Models and Its Comparison with Matched Molecular Pair Analysis

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    © 2016 American Chemical Society.This paper describes the Structural and Physico-Chemical Interpretation (SPCI) approach, which is an extension of a recently reported method for interpretation of quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) models. This approach can efficiently be used to reveal structural motifs and the major physicochemical factors affecting the investigated properties. Its efficacy was demonstrated both on the classical Free-Wilson data set and on several data sets with different end points (permeability of the blood-brain barrier, fibrinogen receptor antagonists, acute oral toxicity). Structure-activity patterns extracted from QSAR models with SPCI were in good correspondence with experimentally observed relationships and molecular docking, regardless of the machine learning method used. Comparison of SPCI with the matched molecular pair (MMP) method clearly shows an advantage of our approach over MMP, especially for small or structurally diverse data sets. The developed approach has been implemented in the SPCI software tool with a graphical user interface, which is publicly available at http://qsar4u.com/pages/sirms-qsar.php


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     Relevance of the topic. In recent years, irrigation management practices have faced new challenges related to climate change and the increase in the frequency and intensity of droughts in the southern regions. In addition, the latest technical and technological capabilities have emerged in irrigated agriculture to more effectively manage technological processes. All these processes occurring in real production and in the market of scientific and technical products, have determined the possibility and necessity of studying the influence of natural and agricultural conditions on the processes of energymass transfer in the "soil-plant-atmosphere" environment to improve management methods in modern irrigation conditions. Purpose of research is to investigate the features of formation of crop thermal regime in the conditions of air and soil drought manifestation under irrigation during 2018-2019. Research object. The research was carried out at the production fields of the farm  “Freedom Farm International” in the Kakhovsky district of Kherson region during 2018-2019. Two experimental sites were equipped to carry out experimental studies on the crop rotation of "Gornostayevske -2". Methodology and Research methods. The methodology for the conduct of thermal water balance and phenological observations on the growth and development of crops at the experimental sites was applied. Standard field research techniques were used. Analytical, field, simulation modeling, mathematical statistics, geoinformation technologies (GIS), remote sensing of the Earth (RS) methods were used. Research results. As a result of the research in 2018-2019 a database of farm fields (crops, sowing dates, soil conditions, initial moisture reserves, irrigation machines and their characteristics) was created; phenological observations of plant growth and development were performed, heat and water balance calculations were made. It was established that to ensure optimal conditions for the use of thermal energy in different drought conditions, it is necessary to improve models and algorithms for operational planning of crop irrigation. Thus, to mitigate the influence of atmospheric drought, it is recommended to conduct refreshing irrigation, the timing of which can be determined on the basis of monitoring the temperature of the vegetation surface, using the data from the space images or ground-based observations. In addition, under drought conditions, in the case of applying water-balance methods used in irrigation management, it is necessary to adjust the biological coefficients of water consumption by crops, based on modeling the production process using the WOFOST model and identifying its parameters with the help of space images. The obtained new knowledge is aimed at improving irrigation management methods in modern conditions.Представлено результати експериментальних досліджень, проведених протягом 2018-2019 років на дослідних полях господарства Каховського району Херсонської області з визначення особливостей формування теплового режиму посівів в умовах прояву атмосферної та ґрунтової посух при зрошенні. Обґрунтовано параметри моделей волого-теплопереносу в приземному шарі повітря та в ґрунті, визначено параметри моделі продукційного процесу з метою уточнення розрахунків водоспоживання сільськогосподарських культур та відповідно удосконалення управління поливами для забезпечення більшої продуктивності сільськогосподарських культур. Розрахунки та аналіз енергетичного балансу дослідних полів показав суттєвий вплив посухи на продуктивність використання сонячної енергії. Результатами проведених досліджень у 2018-2019 рр. підтверджено найсильніше цей вплив проявляється при сумісній дії атмосферної та ґрунтової посух. Встановлено, що за таких умов основними факторами, що впливають на процеси  в середовищі «ґрунт-рослина–атмосфера» та уповільнюють продукційний процес рослин є: дефіцит активних вологозапасів у ґрунті при відхиленні термінів поливів більше ніж на три дні від рекомендованих; тривалі періоди з високими денними температурами повітря (більше 30 °С), що збільшують температуру підстилаючої поверхні та відповідно збільшують відношення між непродуктивною частиною теплової енергії, що йде на турбулентний обмін повітря у посівах, та продуктивною її складовою, що йде на випаровування та продукційний процес (число Боуена). Кількісна  характеристика даних впливів залежить від інтенсивності та тривалості атмосферної посухи та якості оперативного управління поливами. Тому для планування поливів в умовах атмосферної посухи важливо зменшити тривалість періодів перевищення максимально допустимих температур підстилаючої поверхні ґрунту, при яких число Боуена коливається в межах 1,2–1,5, за рахунок проведення освіжаючих поливів. Якщо внаслідок різних причин при управлінні поливами все ж таки не вдається повністю уникнути прояву посухи, необхідним є коригування біокліматичних коефіцієнтів сумарного випаровування для врахування редукції випаровування в цих умовах


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    Under climate change it is necessary to review existing approaches to irrigation planning based on the criterion of humidity in the active soil layer in the optimal range and to take into account the regularities of energy-mass exchange processes both in soil and in crops for controlling the microclimate. In order to achieve this goal, special integrated research was conducted. Two study polygons with a total area of 1012.5 hectares were arranged in the farm in the Kakhovka district of the Kherson region. Polygon №1 - traditional irrigation planning with soil moisture regulation in the range of 75-80-75% FC and 13 waterings with the rate 200-400 m3/ha. Polygon №2 - intensive irrigation with 36 waterings at a rate of 100-200 m3/ha with soil moisture keeping at the level of 80-90% FC. As a result of research, the following indicators were assessed: weather conditions; microclimatic effect of irrigation; the effect of irrigation on the components of the thermal balance (radiation of the earth's surface, radiation balance of the earth's surface); the dynamics of total evaporation; the dynamics of soil moisture, the state of development of agricultural crops; efficiency of irrigation water use. The following results were obtained: - in conditions of prolonged drought at maximum daily air temperatures of 28-36 ° C, the use of an intensive irrigation management scenario provides a more  favorable microclimatic effect on crops; - under intensive irrigation, the humidity  of the active soil layer decreases and fluctuates in the range of 82-100% FC. The plant roots absorb moisture mainly to a depth up to 50-centimeter soil; - regardless of the irrigation management scenario an increase is observed  in the absorption of solar energy by the earth's surface and vegetation. It can be explained by the decrease of the soil albedo and the increase in the heat capacity of the soil after watering; - as a result of irrigation, additional heat flux reaches the earth's surface in the form of effective atmosphere radiation  - at the first study polygon up to 13%, at the second – up  to 14% of incoming radiation; - frequent irrigation with small watering rates under intensive irrigation management scenarios contributes to increase the productivity of irrigation water, which is due to the creation of optimal conditions for water use and heat resources.У статті наведено результати експериментальних досліджень зміни мікроклімату, розрахунків теплового та радіаційного балансу на зрошуваних полях при  вирощуванні сої пізньостиглої. Для проведення досліджень було облаштовано два експериментальні полігони загальною площею 1012,5 га, на яких встановлено автоматизовані метеостанції та виконували спостереження за станом та розвитком сільськогосподарських культур  на фоні двох сценаріїв планування зрошення – традиційного з регулюванням  вологості ґрунту у діапазоні 75-80-75%НВ та інтенсивного з підтриманням вологості  активного шару ґрунту в діапазоні 80-90%НВ. Встановлено, що інтенсивне зрошення (часті поливи невеликими нормами) сприяє покращенню мікроклімату у посівах  за рахунок більш ефективного поглинання теплової енергії та забезпечує більш високу продуктивність використання зрошувальної води