324 research outputs found

    Molecular cloning and expression pattern of rpr-1, a resiniferatoxin-binding, phosphotriesterase-related protein, expressed in rat kidney tubules1The sequence of rpr-1 has the EMBL accession number X99477.1

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    AbstractBacterial phosphotriesterases are enzymes that hydrolyse phosphotriester-containing organophosphate pesticides. Resiniferatoxin is a vanilloid that desensitises nociceptive neurons. By screening a rat cDNA library with labelled resiniferatoxin, we unexpectedly isolated a novel rat phosphotriesterase homologue, here named rpr-1, that encodes a 349 amino acid, 39 kDa protein (confirmed by in vitro translation). Northern blotting and in situ hybridisation show expression primarily in proximal tubules of the kidney, in which rpr-1 distribution correlates with resiniferatoxin-binding activity. These results suggest an unsuspected link between the phosphotriesterase enzyme family and resiniferatoxin toxicity and pharmacology

    Russian University Teachers’ Ethical Culture Regulation

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    Based on a review of publications of Russian and foreign researchers, the authors highlight the most significant topics on the deontology of university life. The article presents the results of an analysis of the texts of ethical codes of some leading universities in Russia (National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, Kazan Federal University, Ural Federal University), as well as the results of an online survey (N = 297) of teachers of these universities. The survey was conducted to study the attitude of the teaching staff towards the tools for standardizing the moral culture of universities and the implementation of the values enshrined in the ethical standards of universities and ideals of academic community. Conclusions are made about the ethical attitudes of teachers and the effectiveness of moral regulation, as well as proposals for improving the ethical codes of universities are made

    Problems of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the pre-polar region - Karelian Pomorie

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    Karelian Pomorie is part of the historical and geographical province of Pomorie in the North-West of Russia, stretching along the coast of the White Sea within the modern polar regions of the Russian Federation: Karelia, Murmansk and Arkhangelsk oblast. The object of our research is the part of Pomorie area within the borders of the Republic of Karelia. On the scheme of historical and geographical zoning of Karelia, the territory received the name of the Pomorie province. The isolation of the province is associated with special landscapes - the White Sea-based basement and marine accumulative northern taiga lowlands, which determined the nature of the use of natural resources and the specialization of the economy, which have repeatedly changed in historical time. The main approach in conducting the study is historical and geographical, allowing for a retrospective analysis of changes in the natural environment and to trace the stages of interaction between the landscape and ethnic group. The nature of the region has many specific features: the landscapes of the Karelian Pomorie, due to their mobility and dynamism associated with the youthful formation, require special attention and protection. Landscapes of Pomorie possess a specific set of natural resources, determine the special nature use in the marginal coastal zone, where the seaside nature use prevailed. The landscapes of Pomorie repeatedly became tribal, accommodating for several ethnic groups (Saami, Karelian, Russian Pomorie). The interaction of the landscape and ethnos is in particular, in the specific historical nature management of each local ethnic group left traces in the form of historical and cultural monuments. Some of these objects were identified, substantiated and received a certain well-deserved status of a protected area. The problem under consideration aims to “add” the region of Karelian Pomorie to the World Map. It is necessary to show the uniqueness of the landscapes of the region, to indicate the change of ethnic groups and the specifics of their interaction with the natural environment. It is very important to assess the current state of the regional network of specially protected natural territories: to identify unresolved problems with a clearly insufficient number of specially protected natural territories, to offer solutions to this issue. The results of the interaction of ethnos and landscape are the new types of environmental management, many left "traces" of each ethnic group in the northern landscapes in the form of historical monuments of cultural heritage, including the stratigraphy of toponymic names - that were the object of studying regional geographical terminology

    The analysis of the existing techniques of the ecological and geographical assessment of the regions

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    The modern historical geography plays an important part in the complex historical and geographical study of a region and creation of the techniques of the ecological and geographical assessment of its landscapes. The retrospective analysis of the evolution of the definition of the concept of the "ecological and geographical assessment" in the works of the leading Russian geographers showed the dependence of its treatment on the applied approaches, i.e. historical-landscape, comprehensive physical-geographical, socio-geoecological, etc. The distinction between the approaches to the ecological-geographical assessment of various Russian scientific schools is shown through practical examples. The analysis of the structure of the criteria and the set of the indicators of the ecological-geographical assessment is carried out in the paper. The potential of the stability of the landscapes, included by many authors along with the ecological and resource potentials into the structure of the ecological-geographical assessment, is important. The landscape potential assessment (ecological, natural-resource) is carried out within natural and administrative boarders. The paper considers the approaches to the integral assessment of the landscape potential based on the analysis of the duration and intensity of the territory’s development at a regional level


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    The paper determines the structural formula and quantum chemical characteristics of the most energetically probable, stable conformation of the bioreagent molecule formed during the oxidation of iron (II) ions by the autotrophic mesophilic iron-oxidizing bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in a solution of sulfuric acid consisting of iron (III) ion and three acid residues of glucuronic acid.The bioreagent oxidant is widely used in the industry for leaching metals from non-ferrous sulfide ores and enrichment concentrates.The quantum chemical characteristics of the bioreagent molecule are analyzed in comparison with the characteristics of anhydrous iron (III) sulphate, also used in hydrometallurgy as an oxidizer. The structure and quantum-chemical characteristics are studied using the method of molecular computer simulation, the theory of boundary molecular orbitals, and the Pearson principle. It has been established that the most energetically probable, stable conformation of the bioreagent molecule contains the acid residues of glucuronic acid of a non-cyclic structure. According to the research results, the bioreagent refers to the more rigid Lewis acid – electron acceptor – than iron (III) sulphate. The bioreagent molecule is less polarized, characterized by lower absolute electronegativity and 2 times larger volume. A theoretical substantiation of the greater persistence of primary sulphides – pyrite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, relative to the secondary minerals – pyrrhotine, chalcocite and covellite is proposed based on the calculated values of the boundary molecular orbitals, absolute stiffness and electronegativity of iron, copper and nickel sulfides. The bioreagent characteristics that determine the interaction efficiency – volume, heat of formation, steric energy and its components, total energy, etc. are many times greater than for Fe2(SO4)3. The high oxidative activity of the bioreagent relative to Fe2(SO4)3 can be justified by the higher partial charge of the iron atom, the greater length of bonds between atoms, the lower energy of the lower free molecular orbitals and the greater degree of charge transfer during the interaction of the bioreagent with the sulfide minerals.Определены структурная формула и квантово-химические характеристики наиболее энергетически вероятной, устойчивой конформации молекулы биореагента, образуемого при окислении ионов железа (II) автотрофными мезофильными железоокисляющими бактериями Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans в растворе серной кислоты, состоящего из иона железа (III) и трех кислотных остатков глюкуроновой кислоты. Биореагент-окислитель широко применяется в промышленности для выщелачивания металлов из сульфидных руд цветных металлов и концентратов обогащения. Проведен анализ квантово-химических характеристик молекулы биореагента в сравнении с безводным сульфатом железа (III), также используемым в качестве окислителя в гидрометаллургии. Для исследования структуры и квантово-химических характеристик использовались метод молекулярного компьютерного моделирования, теория граничных молекулярных орбиталей и принцип Пирсона. Установлено, что наиболее энергетически вероятная, устойчивая конформация молекулы биореагента содержит кислотные остатки глюкуроновой кислоты нециклической структуры. Согласно результатам исследований биореагент относится к более жесткой кислоте Льюиса (акцептору электронов), чем Fe2(SO4)3. Молекула биореагента менее поляризована и характеризуется меньшей абсолютной электроотрицательностью и в 2 раза бóльшим объемом.По рассчитанным значениям граничных молекулярных орбиталей, абсолютной жесткости и электроотрицательности сульфидов железа, меди и никеля предложено теоретическое обоснование большей упорности первичных сульфидов (пирита, пентландита, халькопирита) относительно вторичных минералов (пирротина, халькозина и ковеллина). Определяющие эффективность взаимодействия характеристики (объем, теплота образования, стерическая энергия и ее составляющие, общая энергия и др.) биореагента во много раз выше, чем у Fe2(SO4)3. Большая окислительная активность биореагента относительно Fe2(SO4)3 может обосновываться бóльшими частичным зарядом атома железа и длиной связей между атомами, меньшей энергией низшей свободной молекулярной орбитали, а также повышенной степенью переноса заряда при взаимодействии биореагента с сульфидными минералами


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    The aim of the study was the development of a cell biosensor system based on the fact that AR activator stimuli lead to redistribution of AR from cytoplasm to the nucleus. These changes could be measured and used for the diagnostics and personalized treatment of prostate cancer patient. The stably transfected cell lines with fluorescently tagged AR were generated. For the stable cell expression the non AR expressing HeLa cell line was used. The constructs of chimeric fluorescent proteins wild type AR or mutant ART877A were used for the transfection. The changes of the CFP-AR-YFP and CFP-ART877A-YFP proteins in the nucleus of HeLa cells under different concentrations steroids treatment was investigated. Moreover, the quantity of activated receptor in the nucleus was carried

    Poloxomer 188 Has a Deleterious Effect on Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle Function

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked, fatal muscle wasting disease for which there is currently no cure and limited palliative treatments. Poloxomer 188 (P188) is a tri-block copolymer that has been proposed as a potential treatment for cardiomyopathy in DMD patients. Despite the reported beneficial effects of P188 on dystrophic cardiac muscle function, the effects of P188 on dystrophic skeletal muscle function are relatively unknown. Mdx mice were injected intraperitoneally with 460 mg/kg or 30 mg/kg P188 dissolved in saline, or saline alone (control). The effect of single-dose and 2-week daily treatment was assessed using a muscle function test on the Tibialis Anterior (TA) muscle in situ in anaesthetised mice. The test comprises a warm up, measurement of the force-frequency relationship and a series of eccentric contractions with a 10% stretch that have previously been shown to cause a drop in maximum force in mdx mice. After 2 weeks of P188 treatment at either 30 or 460 mg/kg/day the drop in maximum force produced following eccentric contractions was significantly greater than that seen in saline treated control mice (P = 0.0001). Two week P188 treatment at either dose did not significantly change the force-frequency relationship or maximum isometric specific force produced by the TA muscle. In conclusion P188 treatment increases susceptibility to contraction-induced injury following eccentric contractions in dystrophic skeletal muscle and hence its suitability as a potential therapeutic for DMD should be reconsidered

    Thermal effects of carbonated hydroxyapatite modified by glycine and albumin

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    In this work calcium phosphate powders were obtained by precipitation method from simulated solutions of synovial fluid containing glycine and albumin. X-ray diffraction and IR spectroscopy determined that all samples are single-phase and are presented by carbonate containing hydroxyapatite (CHA). The thermograms of solid phases of CHA were obtained and analyzed; five stages of transformation in the temperature range of 25-1000°C were marked. It is shown that in this temperature range dehydration, decarboxylation and thermal degradation of amino acid and protein connected to the surface of solid phase occur. The tendency of temperature lowering of the decomposition of powders synthesized from a medium containing organic substances was determined. Results demonstrate a direct dependence between the concentration of the amino acid in a model solution and its content in the solid phase

    Peculiarities of fluoride metabolism and health of infants

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    Comprehensive diagnostic of infant's fluoride metabolism was executed in a group of 95 infants and young children depend in type of feeding and health conditions of infants, in addition diagnostic was made in 10 pairs of mom and child, lived in the city of Yekaterinburg. Non-depend feeding type fluoride gap of infants was found. Majority of diagnosed children (67,1 %) were with low fluoride level compare with it's urinal excretion, that is the risk factor for skeleton formation. Main risk factors of fluoride gap was detected during research. Shown necessity of development comprehensive actions for preventing fluoride gap conditions of infants and young children.Проведена комплексная оценка состояния обмена фтора у 95 детей грудного и раннего возраста в зависимости от вида вскармливания и состояния здоровья, и 10 пар «мать-дитя», проживающих в городе Екатеринбурге. Установлено, что вне зависимости от вида вскармливания у обследованных детей были выявлены признаки дефицита фтора. У большинства детей выявлена низкая обеспеченность фтором (67,1 %) по уровню его экскреции с мочой, что является фактором риска формирования нарушений со стороны костной системы. Установлены ведущие факторы риска развития фтор-дефицитного состояния. Показана необходимость в разработке комплексных мероприятий по профилактике фтор-дефицитного состояния у детей грудного и раннего возраста

    The modern scientific substantiation of the method of correction of fluoride deficiency in children

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    The article presents results of a study level security fluoride, in interrelation with essential macro- and microelements, in infants and young children, depending on the type of feeding. We proved the need of developing medical and social interventions for the prevention fluoridedeficiency in infants. The authors propose the innovating method of effective prevention and correction of fluoride deficiency, starting from the one-month of age.В статье отражены результаты исследования уровня обеспеченности фтором, во взаимосвязи с эссенциальными макро- и микроэлементами, у детей грудного и раннего возраста, в зависимости от вида вскармливания. Доказана необходимость разработки медико-социальных мероприятий по профилактике фтордефицитных состояний у детей. Авторами предложен инновационный способ эффективной профилактики и коррекции фтордефицитных состояний, начиная с месячного возраста