21,710 research outputs found

    Changing Attitudes Toward Property Ownership and Mortgage Finance

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    Idag lever vi lite grann pĂ„ var sitt hĂ„ll i Sverige. Var generation för sig. Platserna dĂ€r barn, vuxna och pensionĂ€rer umgĂ„s Ă€r fĂ„. Förebilder och nĂ€rstĂ„ende Ă€r begrĂ€nsat av kĂ€rnfamilj och karriĂ€r. Barnen fĂ„r husera i baracker omgĂ€rdade av stĂ€ngsel, medan förĂ€ldrarna arbetar heltid pĂ„ annat hĂ„ll.   I det hĂ€r projektet kombineras en förskolas program med danslokaler, restaurang och ett publikt torg.   Danslokaler dĂ€rför att det har med pedagogik, tradition, sjĂ€lvkĂ€nsla och identitet att göra och utgör tillsammans med musik nĂ„gra av de viktigare pedagogiska verktygen pĂ„ förskolan. Restaurang för att höja standarden pĂ„ barnens mat och locka andra generationer till förskolan. Publikt torg för att skapa en mötesplats generationerna emellan omgĂ€rdade av barnens vĂ€rld istĂ€llet för tvĂ€rtom, vilket oftast Ă€r fallet.   Ambitionen med det hĂ€r projektet har varit att genom olika arkitektoniska grepp höja statusen pĂ„ barnens rum, barnens plats i staden, och med det, förstĂ€rka deras kontakt med omvĂ€rlden. Att efterstrĂ€va en arkitektur som hjĂ€lper barn/mĂ€nniskor att bli nyfikna, kontaktsökande och trygga, snarare Ă€n isolerade, misstĂ€nksamma och ensamma.Today the different generations in Sweden live their lives very much apart. Places where children, grown-ups and elderly get to know each other are few. The children’s’ role models and kin are restricted by that of their parents pursue of career and their aim to live their lives as a nuclear family. The young ones are left to depriving environments constituted of makeshift preschools. Often built out of building barracks, enclosed by fences or in other cases crammed in to the dark of the ground floor of the more congested parts of Stockholm. Not somewhere you choose to spend your time in. If you get to choose. This project combines the programme of a preschool with that of dance studios, a restaurant and a public square. The focus is on how to achieve an environment where the generations can meet, without risking the children’s security. On how to create spaces that subjects the adults to that of the conditions of the children. Where the extra programmes fit because they could encourage this, or at least bridge the gap between some of those generations by their acts of conduct. The aim has been:  to use architecture in order to heighten the status of the preschool. To engage more role models for the children. To strive towards curiosity, forwardness and security instead of the direction the society is heading towards today, where fear, isolation and suspicion inhibit our children’s ability to grow
