9,547 research outputs found

    Addressing Problems in Evaluating Health-Relevant Programs through Systematic Planning and Evaluation

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    The authors argue that inconsistent terminology is often a hindrance in assessing health program implementation, effectiveness and efficiency. Attending closely to this, they propose a model scheme for conducting such evaluations

    Levy-Nearest-Neighbors Bak-Sneppen Model

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    We study a random neighbor version of the Bak-Sneppen model, where "nearest neighbors" are chosen according to a probability distribution decaying as a power-law of the distance from the active site, P(x) \sim |x-x_{ac }|^{-\omega}. All the exponents characterizing the self-organized critical state of this model depend on the exponent \omega. As \omega tends to 1 we recover the usual random nearest neighbor version of the model. The pattern of results obtained for a range of values of \omega is also compatible with the results of simulations of the original BS model in high dimensions. Moreover, our results suggest a critical dimension d_c=6 for the Bak-Sneppen model, in contrast with previous claims.Comment: To appear on Phys. Rev. E, Rapid Communication

    A high-field adiabatic fast passage ultracold neutron spin flipper for the UCNA experiment

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    The UCNA collaboration is making a precision measurement of the β asymmetry (A) in free neutron decay using polarized ultracold neutrons (UCN). A critical component of this experiment is an adiabatic fast passage neutron spin flipper capable of efficient operation in ambient magnetic fields on the order of 1 T. The requirement that it operate in a high field necessitated the construction of a free neutron spin flipper based, for the first time, on a birdcage resonator. The design, construction, and initial testing of this spin flipper prior to its use in the first measurement of A with UCN during the 2007 run cycle of the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center's 800 MeV proton accelerator is detailed. These studies determined the flipping efficiency of the device, averaged over the UCN spectrum present at the location of the spin flipper, to be ϵ(overbar) = 0.9985(4)

    Vascular Biology of Superoxide-Generating NADPH Oxidase 5—Implications in Hypertension and Cardiovascular Disease

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    Significance: NADPH oxidases (Noxs), of which there are seven isoforms (Nox1–5, Duox1/Duox2), are professional oxidases functioning as reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating enzymes. ROS are signaling molecules important in physiological processes. Increased ROS production and altered redox signaling in the vascular system have been implicated in the pathophysiology of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, and have been attributed, in part, to increased Nox activity. Recent Advances: Nox1, Nox2, Nox4, and Nox5 are expressed and functionally active in human vascular cells. While Nox1, Nox2, and Nox4 have been well characterized in models of cardiovascular disease, little is known about Nox5. This may relate to the lack of experimental models because rodents lack NOX5. However, recent studies have advanced the field by (i) elucidating mechanisms of Nox5 regulation, (ii) identifying Nox5 variants, (iii) characterizing Nox5 expression, and (iv) discovering the Nox5 crystal structure. Moreover, studies in human Nox5-expressing mice have highlighted a putative role for Nox5 in cardiovascular disease. Critical Issues: Although growing evidence indicates a role for Nox-derived ROS in cardiovascular (patho)physiology, the exact function of each isoform remains unclear. This is especially true for Nox5. Future Directions: Future directions should focus on clinically relevant studies to discover the functional significance of Noxs, and Nox5 in particular, in human health and disease. Two important recent studies will impact future directions. First, Nox5 is the first Nox to be crystallized. Second, a genome-wide association study identified Nox5 as a novel blood pressure-associated gene. These discoveries, together with advancements in Nox5 biology and biochemistry, will facilitate discovery of drugs that selectively target Noxs to interfere in uncontrolled ROS generation

    Logarithmic periodicities in the bifurcations of type-I intermittent chaos

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    The critical relations for statistical properties on saddle-node bifurcations are shown to display undulating fine structure, in addition to their known smooth dependence on the control parameter. A piecewise linear map with the type-I intermittency is studied and a log-periodic dependence is numerically obtained for the average time between laminar events, the Lyapunov exponent and attractor moments. The origin of the oscillations is built in the natural probabilistic measure of the map and can be traced back to the existence of logarithmically distributed discrete values of the control parameter giving Markov partition. Reinjection and noise effect dependences are discussed and indications are given on how the oscillations are potentially applicable to complement predictions made with the usual critical exponents, taken from data in critical phenomena.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PRL (2004

    Impacto do Diâmetro do Nervo Óptico na Amplitude de Pulso Ocular no Glaucoma Primário de Ângulo Aberto

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    Introdução: A pressão intra-craniana (PIC) tem sido descrita como estando envolvida no glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA). A sua avaliação está contudo limitada pela necessidade de métodos invasivos, como a punção lombar. A ecografia ocular permite uma avaliação indirecta da PIC através da medição do diâmetro da bainha do nervo óptico (NO). Desconhece-se se esta nova variável tem capacidade de modular factores de risco normalmente investigados em doentes com GPAA. Objectivo: Avaliar o impacto do diâmetro da bainha do NO na pressão intra-ocular (PIO) e na amplitude de pulso ocular (OPA) de doentes com GPAA. Métodos: Quinze doentes com GPAA foram submetidos a medição da PIO por tonometria de contorno dinâmico, avaliação topográfica do disco óptico e ecografia ocular modo B com sonda doppler. Apenas o olho com maior dano glaucomatoso foi seleccionado por doente. Resultados: A média do diâmetro da bainha do NO foi de 5,6±0,67mm, a PIO média de 17,8±2,2mmHg e a OPA de 3,1±1,7mmHg. O diâmetro da bainha do NO correlacionou-se negativamente a OPA (r=-0.54, p=0.05), não tendo influenciado a PIO (r=-0,25, p=0,41). Da avaliação hemodinâmica, apenas o índice de resistência da artéria central da retina (CRA) foi influenciado pelo diâmetro da bainha do NO (r=-0.52, p=0.04). Conclusão: O diâmetro da bainha do NO correlaciona-se negativamente com a OPA. Este efeito poderá ser explicado pela alteração da resistência vascular da artéria que atravessa este espaço subaracnoideu, a CRA. O estudo da região retrobulbar e do balanço entre as pressões aí exercidas é assim um campo cuja importância será crescente na avaliação do doente com GPAA

    Síndrome de Hanhart – caso clínico

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    Introdução: Em 1950 Hanhart descreveu três casos de aglossia e deformidades dos membros. A associação de malformações oromandibulares e dos membros é rara, veriÞcando -se grande variabilidade fenotípica entre os casos descritos. Caso Clínico: Gravidez com diagnóstico pré -natal ecográ-Þ co (24 semanas) de agenesia do pé direito, ausência do primeiro dedo do pé esquerdo e presença apenas da primeira falange do primeiro e quinto dedos da mão esquerda. Às 38 semanas de gestação nasce um recém -nascido, sexo masculino, com hipotonia generalizada e diÞ culdade respiratória com necessidade de manobras de reanimação. Ao exame físico destacava -se a presença de microretrognatia, microstomia e várias malformações ósseas a nível das mãos e pés. Desde as primeiras horas de vida que apresentou quadro de apneias com dessaturações recorrentes vindo a falecer na decorrência de um desses episódios. Discussão: A associação de microstomia, microretrognatia, hipoglossia, malformações dos membros e atingimento dos pares cranianos, permite -nos estabelecer o diagnóstico clínico de Síndrome de Hanhart. O seu diagnóstico nem sempre é fácil,dada a grande variabilidade fenotípica
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