731 research outputs found

    Antiproton-Hydrogen annihilation at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    The main properties of the interaction of ultra low-energy antiprotons (E106% E\le10^{-6} a.u.) with atomic hydrogen are established. They include the elastic and inelastic cross sections and Protonium (Pn) formation spectrum. The inverse Auger process (Pn+eH+pˉPn+e \to H+\bar{p}) is taken into account in the framework of an unitary coupled-channels model. The annihilation cross-section is found to be several times smaller than the predictions made by the black sphere absorption models. A family of pˉH\bar{p}H nearthreshold metastable states is predicited. The dependence of Protonium formation probability on the position of such nearthreshold S-matrix singularities is analysed. An estimation for the HHˉH\bar{H} annihilation cross section is obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Low-energy Antiproton Interaction with Helium

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    An ab initio potential for the interaction of the neutral helium atom with antiprotons and protons is calculated using the Born-Oppenheimer approximation. Using this potential, the annihilation cross section for antiprotons in the energy range 0.01 microvolt to 1 eV is calculated.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, LaTe

    SUSY approach to Pauli Hamiltonians with an axial symmetry

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    A two-dimensional Pauli Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a neutral spin-1/2 particle with a magnetic field having axial and second order symmetries, is considered. After separation of variables, the one-dimensional matrix Hamiltonian is analyzed from the point of view of supersymmetric quantum mechanics. Attention is paid to the discrete symmetries of the Hamiltonian and also to the Hamiltonian hierarchies generated by intertwining operators. The spectrum is studied by means of the associated matrix shape-invariance. The relation between the intertwining operators and the second order symmetries is established and the full set of ladder operators that complete the dynamical algebra is constructed.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Socio-psychological risks of different generations in the digitalisation of society

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    Due to the development of digital technologies and the accelerated digitalisation of society, problems of a socio-psychological nature are emerging. The essence, characteristic features and reaction of each generation to modern trends are considered. The risk factors of global digitalisation for all generations of modern society are identified. The ways of minimising the consequences of socio-psychological risks for each generation of modern society are proposed. The main trends of accelerated digitalisation of society and their impact on the socio-psychological aspects of personality, the structure of cognitive processes and its cognitive components are considered. The essence of each of the five generations is analysed, starting from the older generation of Baby boomers and ending with the new generation of Alpha, their distinctive features, risk factors and value orientations. The authors propose possible ways to minimise the consequences of socio-psychological risks for each generation. The purpose and objective of the study: using the example of the considered five generations to show the socio-psychological risks to which modern society is exposed and to determine ways to minimise them. Research methods: comparative and socio-cultural analysis. Research tools – the theory of generations. As a result of the conducted research, socio-psychological problems were identified and options for their minimisation with the help of scientific knowledge achievements were proposed. Organisational, economic and socio-psychological mechanisms make it possible to reduce risks with the intensive development of the digitalisation of society and maintain a harmonious relationship between different generations

    GRANIT project: a trap for gravitational quantum states of UCN

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    Previous studies of gravitationally bound states of ultracold neutrons showed the quantization of energy levels, and confirmed quantum mechanical predictions for the average size of the two lowest energy states wave functions. Improvements in position-like measurements can increase the accuracy by an order of magnitude only. We therefore develop another approach, consisting in accurate measurements of the energy levels. The GRANIT experiment is devoted to the study of resonant transitions between quantum states induced by an oscillating perturbation. According to Heisenberg's uncertainty relations, the accuracy of measurement of the energy levels is limited by the time available to perform the transitions. Thus, trapping quantum states will be necessary, and each source of losses has to be controlled in order to maximize the lifetime of the states. We discuss the general principles of transitions between quantum states, and consider the main systematical losses of neutrons in a trap.Comment: presented in ISINN 15 seminar, Dubn

    Centrifugal quantum states of neutrons

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    We propose a method for observation of the quasi-stationary states of neutrons, localized near the curved mirror surface. The bounding effective well is formed by the centrifugal potential and the mirror Fermi-potential. This phenomenon is an example of an exactly solvable "quantum bouncer" problem that could be studied experimentally. It could provide a promising tool for studying fundamental neutron-matter interactions, as well as quantum neutron optics and surface physics effects. We develop formalism, which describes quantitatively the neutron motion near the mirror surface. The effects of mirror roughness are taken into account.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Innovation Development of an Enterprise: Modeling Dynamics

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    At the present stage of economic development, the leading role in ensuring the competitiveness of both an singular enterprise and the country as a whole, as well as in creating conditions for the transition to sustainable development, is played by the successful implementation of the latest scientific developments in production processes, comprehensive support for the strategy of innovative development. The development and implementation of innovations is a complex dynamic process that requires the use of special research methods. Such a method is system dynamics, which makes it possible to take into account the nonlinearity of the impact of innovation on the state of the economy. The paper considers the methodology for building a model for managing innovation processes, taking into account the self-organization of the logistic type. The main danger that can accompany the evolution of innovation processes is the emergence of unacceptable dynamic modes, so one of the tasks of the study was to determine the conditions capable of ensuring the stability of equilibrium states of a complex dynamic system according to the proposed models. The object of research is a complex dynamic system, between the elements of which there is both positive and negative feedback. To build a model of the dynamics of innovation processes, the mathematical apparatus of the theory of differential equations was applied, which made it possible to consider the development of the innovation process in continuous time. With the help of the instrumentarium of nonlinear dynamics, a study of the stability of diffusion of innovations depending on the parameters of the control influence was carried out. The conditions for the transition of the system to a critical state, which may be accompanied by the occurrence of bifurcations and chaos, have been determined. Particular attention was paid to determining the structural stability of the regulated innovation process in the case when both equilibrium positions are close in terms of parameter values. It is expedient to apply the proposed model to solve the problem of innovation management both at the State level and at the level of an individual industry or an individual enterprise. The obtained theoretical conclusions were confirmed through the use of simulation modeling


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    Aim – review the pharmacological properties and principles for the use of enterosorbents based on high disperse nanoscale silica (nanosilica) reviewed. From the analysis of literature data it has been concluded that the most effective application of enterosorbtion should be in case of infectious diseases because they are characterized by a high level of intoxication. It has been shown that nanoscale silica is characterized by the highest sorption activity against proteins, so it is the most promising material for creation new sorption drugs.Materials based on high disperse nanoscale silica has been described for intracorporal detoxication in the form of an aqueous dispersion entitled as «gel sorbent» and «gel sorbent of lipophilic complex of flax seeds».Conclusion. The offered sorbents save all the positive properties of silica enterosorbent in powder form, but at the same time, they are characterized by new additional properties. They do not raise dust, they can be easily dosed out. Besides, the presence of additional oil flax in the second sample excludes practically the possibility of the formation of constipation due to use of the enterosorbent.Розглянуто фармакологічні властивості і принципи застосування ентеросорбентів на основі високодисперсного нанорозмірного кремнезему. З аналізу літератури зроблено висновок, що найбільш ефективним застосування ентеросорбції буде у випадку інфекційних захворювань, оскільки вони характеризуються високим рівнем інтоксикації. Показано, що нанорозмірний кремнезем характеризується найбільшою сорбційною активністю щодо білків, тому він є найбільш перспективною речовиною для створення нових сорбційних препаратів. Описано створені на основі високодисперсного нанорозмірного кремнезему засоби для інтакорпоральної детоксикації організму у формі водної дисперсії "Гель-сорбент" і "Гель-сорбент з ліпофільним комплексом насіння льону". Відмічено, що вони зберігають всі позитивні властивості кремнеземного ентеросорбенту у порошковій формі, але одночасно вони характеризуються новими додатковими властивостями. Зокрема, вони не пилять, їх можно легко дозувати. Крім того, наявність додатково олії льону у другому зразку практично виключає можливість закрепів при використанні ентеросорбенту.

    Guiding Neutral Atoms with a Wire

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    We demonstrate guiding of cold neutral atoms along a current carrying wire. Atoms either move in Kepler-like orbits around the wire or are guided in a potential tube on the side of the wire which is created by applying an additional homogeneous bias field. These atom guides are very versatile and promising for applications in atom optics.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR