774 research outputs found

    Nodule d’Endométriose pariétale sur cicatrice abdominale : à propos d’un cas rare et revue de la littérature: Endometiosis nodule on abdominal scar: about a rare case and review of the literature

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    L’endométriose cicatricielle de la paroiabdominale est une entité rare. Elle survient leplus souvent sur cicatrice de césarienne chezune femme en activité génitale. Saphysiopathologie reste imprécise et il sembleque l’hypothèse d’une greffe cellulaire in situlors de l’ouverture des espaces musculoaponévrotiquesaprès hystérotomie est la plusadmise. L’association d’une masse cicatricielleplus ou moins algique avec des douleurscycliques est évocatrice du diagnostic. Laconfirmation ne peut être qu’histologique et lemeilleur traitement est chirurgical. Nousrapportons un cas d’endométriose pariétalesurvenues sur cicatrice de laparotomie médianesous ombilicale pour césarienne. Le diagnosticétait fortement évoqué par l’examen clinique etconfirmé par l’examen anatomopathologique.L’exérèse large de la lésion pariétale a permisune guérison sans récidive Abdominal wall endometriosis is a rarecondition. It occurs in most of the cases inWomen of reproductive age with a history ofcesarean section. The pathophysiology of thescar Endometriosis is unknown but a directimplantation of the endometrial tissue in scarsoriginated At operation is the most likelymechanism underlying its development. Ifsymptoms are a mass Located in scar areaassociated with cyclic pain, scar edometriosisshould be considered. Histopathologicalexamination revealed diagnosis ofendometriosis and surgical excision is thechoice treatment. We report a case of parietalendometriosis occurring on midline laparotomyscar under umbilical for caesarean section. Thediagnosis was strongly suggested by the clinicalexamination and confirmed by theanatomopathological examination. Wideexcision of the parietal lesion allowed healingwithout recurrenc

    Tumeur phyllode géante chez une jeune femme: à propos d’un cas : Giant phyllodes tumor in a young woman: a case report

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    Les tumeurs phyllodes sont rares, il faut ypenser devant un nodule tissulaire enaccroissement rapide. L’imagerie n’est passpécifique. Les micro-biopsies permettent deposer un diagnostic histologique pré-opératoire.Les tumeurs phyllodes, comme lesadénofibromes, sont des tumeurs fibroépithéliales,c’est-à-dire, des tumeurs à doubleprolifération, à la fois épithéliale glandulaire etconjonctive. L’intérêt de ce cas clinique est derappeler les caractéristiques cliniques etradiologiques ainsi les indicationsthérapeutiques de ce type de tumeurs à traversune observation clinique Phyllodes tumors are rare, you have to thinkabout it before a rapidly growing tissue nodule.Imaging is not specific. Micro-biopsies make itpossible to make a pre-operative histologicaldiagnosis. Phyllodes tumors, likeadenofibromas, are fibro-epithelial tumors, thatis, tumors with double proliferation, bothglandular epithelial and conjunctiva. Theinterest of this clinical case is to recall theclinical and radiological characteristics as wellas the therapeutic indications of this type oftumors through clinical observation

    Modelling preparation and consumption of pork products

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    This poster describes the retail and consumer phase of the EFSA Salmonella in Pork Quantitative Microbiological Risk Assessment (QMRA), which was funded under an Article 36 grant to support the scientific opinion required by the EC from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and andopted by the BIOHAZ panel

    Seasonal changes in brain serotonin transporter binding in short 5-HTTLPR-allele carriers but not in long-allele homozygotes

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    Several findings suggest seasonal variations in the serotonin (5-HT) system. We sought evidence for seasonal variation in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT). We found that length of daylight time in minutes correlates negatively with 5-HTT binding in the putamen and the caudate, with a similar tendency in the thalamus, but no such association in the midbrain. In the putamen, an anatomical region with a dense serotonin innervation that is implicated in processing of aversive stimuli, we found a significant gene*daylight effect with a negative correlation between the 5-HTT binding and daylight time in carriers of the short 5-HTTLPR allele, but not in carriers of the long allele. The neurobiological endophenotype identified here directly links activation studies, showing responses on the neural circuit level, with dynamic changes in transporter expression measured in vivo

    Sein surnuméraire axillaire : à propos d’un cas: Supernumerary axillary breast: A case report

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    RésuméNous rapportons l’observation d'un cas de localisation axillaire de sein surnuméraire chez une femme âgée 25 ans. Chez qui une masse axillaire droite a été diagnostiquée pour la première fois comme un lipome à examen clinique et échographique. Ce travail explique la possible de confusion entre un sein surnuméraire et un lipome. L’objectif est de préciser les caractéristiques cliniques et échographiques voir mammographiques;une masse axillaire qui orientent vers un sein surnuméraire. Exérèse chirurgicale et étude histologique ont permis de confirmer le diagnostic de sein surnuméraire. We report the case of a case of axillary localization of supernumerary breast in a 25-year-old woman. In whom a right axillary mass was first diagnosed as alipoma on clinical and ultrasound examination. This work explains the possible confusion between a supernumerary breast and a lipoma. Theobjective is to specify the clinical and ultrasound or even mammographic characteristics of an axillary mass which point to a supernumerary breast. Surgicalexcision and histological study confirmed the diagnosis of supernumerary breast

    Oxidation and Cross-Linking in the Curing of Air-Drying Artists' Oil Paints

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    In this study, the chemistry of air-drying artist's oil paint curing and aging up to 24 months was studied. The objective is to improve our molecular understating of the processes that lead to the conversion of the fluid binder into a dry film and how this evolves with time, which is at the base of a better comprehension of degradation phenomena of oil paintings and relevant to the artists' paint manufacturing industry. To this aim, a methodological approach based on thermogravimetric (TG) analysis, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and analytical pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) was implemented. Model paintings based on linseed oil and safflower oil (a drying and a semidrying oil, respectively) mixed with two historically relevant pigments - lead white (a through drier) and synthetic ultramarine blue (a pigment often encountered in degraded painting layers) - were investigated. The oil curing under accelerated conditions (80 °C under air flow) was followed by isothermal TG analysis. The oxygen uptake profiles were fit by a semiempiric equation that allowed to study the kinetics of the oil oxidation and estimate oxidative degradation. The DSC signal due to hydroperoxide decomposition and radical recombination was used to monitor the radical activity over time and to evaluate the stability of peroxides formed in the paint layers. GC-MS was performed at 7 and 24 months of natural aging to investigate the noncovalently cross-linked fractions and Py-GC-MS to characterize the whole organic fraction of the model paintings, including the cross-linked network. We show that the oil-pigment combination may have a strong influence on the relative degree of oxidation of the films formed with respect to its degree of cross-linking, which may be correlated with the literature on the stability of painting layers. Undocumented pathways of oxidation are also highlighted

    The Healthy Start project: a randomized, controlled intervention to prevent overweight among normal weight, preschool children at high risk of future overweight

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    BACKGROUND: Research shows that obesity prevention has to start early. Targeting interventions towards subgroups of individuals who are predisposed, but yet normal weight, may prove more effective in preventing overweight than interventions towards unselected normal weight subsets. Finally, interventions focused on other factors than diet and activity are lacking. The objectives were to perform a randomized, controlled intervention aiming at preventing overweight in children aged 2–6 years, who are yet normal weight, but have high predisposition for future overweight, and to intervene not only by improving diet and physical activity, but also reduce stress and improve sleep quality and quantity. METHODS/DESIGN: Based on information from the Danish National Birth Registry and administrative birth forms, children were selected based on having either a high birth weight, a mother who was overweight prior to pregnancy, or a familial low socioeconomic status. Selected children (n = 5,902) were randomized into three groups; an intervention group, a shadow control group followed in registers exclusively, and a control group examined at the beginning and at the end of the intervention. Approximately 21% agreed to participate. Children who presented as overweight prior to the intervention were excluded from this study (n = 92). In the intervention group, 271 children were included, and in the control group 272 were included. Information obtained from the shadow control group is on-going, but it is estimated that 394 children will be included. The intervention took place over on average 1½ year between 2009 and 2011, and consisted of optional individual guidance in optimizing diet and physical activity habits, reducing chronic stress and stressful events and improving sleep quality and quantity. The intervention also included participation in cooking classes and play arrangements. Information on dietary intake, meal habits, physical activity, sleep habits, and overall stress level was obtained by 4–7 day questionnaire diaries and objective measurements. DISCUSSION: If the Healthy Start project is effective in preventing excessive weight gain, it will provide valuable information on new determinants of obesity which should be considered in future interventions, and on new strategies to prevent development of overweight and obesity at an early age. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov, ID NCT01583335

    Gas phase production of NHD2 in L134N

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    We show analytically that large abundances of NH2D and NHD2 can be produced by gas phase chemistry in the interiors of cold dense clouds. The calculated fractionation ratios are in good agreement with the values that have been previously determined in L134N and suggest that triply-deuterated ammonia could be detectable in dark clouds. Grain surface reactions may lead to similar NH2D and NHD2 enhancements but, we argue, are unlikely to contribute to the deuteration observed in L134N.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, uses psfig.sty and emulateapj.sty, to appear in Astrophysical Journal, vol 55
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