51 research outputs found

    The dayside high-latitude trough under quiet geomagnetic conditions: Radio tomography and the CTIP model

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    The dayside high-latitude trough is a persistent feature of the post-noon wintertime auroral ionosphere. Radio tomography observations have been used to map its location and latitudinal structure under quiet geomagnetic conditions (<i>K<sub>p</sub></i>≤2) near winter solstice. The trough is also a clear feature in the ion density distribution of the Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere model (CTIP) under similar geophysical conditions. Comparisons of the measured and modelled distributions show that the plasma production equatorward of the trough is mainly controlled by solar radiation, but there are also other processes maintaining the equatorward trough-wall that are open to debate. The poleward trough-wall is produced by particle precipitation, but the densities are significantly overestimated by the model. At the trough minimum the observed densities are consistent with low nighttime densities convecting sunward to displace the higher daytime densities, but this is not borne out by the CTIP model. The study shows the potential of combining radio tomography and modelling to interpret the balance of the physical processes responsible for large-scale structuring of the high-latitude ionosphere, and highlights the role of tomographic imaging in validating and developing physical models

    Boredom proneness in a psychiatric inpatient population

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    Background: Boredom has been reported as a common experience for service users of acute psychiatric wards. It has been associated with negative mental and physical health. Research has yet to show what factors are associated with boredom proneness within the acute psychiatric population. Aims: (1) To investigate the distribution of boredom proneness in a population of mentally ill inpatients according to age, gender, diagnosis, Mental Health Act status and length of stay in hospital. (2) To test the hypothesis that boredom proneness is negatively correlated with autonomous activity levels. Method: Two self-report questionnaires were used with 55 inpatients of acute psychiatric wards: the Boredom Proneness Scale (Farmer & Sundberg, 1986) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). Questions were also asked about individuals’ activity engagement during their current admission. Data on age, gender, diagnosis, ethnicity, Mental Health Act status and length of stay were collected from case notes. Results and conclusions: The highest incidence of boredom proneness was in participants with depression. Those detained under the Mental Health Act appeared less boredom prone than those admitted voluntarily. Boredom proneness was not associated with age, gender or length of stay. There was an association between engagement in more autonomous activities and lower boredom proneness