615 research outputs found

    Age-Old Path of Russian Terminology

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    An overview of trends in the development of Russian terminology is provided in the article. The issues of the historical roots and stages of development of Russian terminology, the peculiarities of the formation of this science are highlighted, and also the evolution of its main concept “term” is revealed. It is shown that the emergence of terminology as a science correlates with the era of great Russian natural science discoveries, characterized by social challenges. It is noted that one of the prerequisites for the formation of the theory of the term is the Russian philosophical thought of the early twentieth century. An overview of terminological concepts and views is built taking into account the principle of integrity and continuity of the main stages in the development of terminology. The object and subject of terminology in dynamics are shown with an emphasis on the specifics of the development of the term science within the framework of Russian philological science. Particular attention is paid to the description of models of terminological activity in different aspects. It is pointed out that the modern stage of terminology is in the development stage. The main conclusions of the study are formulated and the prospects for the further development of Russian terminology as a science are considered. A long way of development of Russian terminology is presented, demonstrating sufficient grounds for considering it as one of the leading directions of Russian linguistic science

    Relaxation of superflow in a network: an application to the dislocation model of supersolidity of helium crystals

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    We have considered the dislocation network model for the supersolid state in He-4 crystals. In difference with uniform 2D and 3D systems, the temperature of superfluid transition T_c in the network is much smaller than the degeneracy temperature T_d. It is shown that a crossover into a quasi superfluid state occurs in the temperature interval between T_c and T_d. Below the crossover temperature the time of decay of the flow increases exponentially under decrease of the temperature. The crossover has a continuous character and the crossover temperature does not depend on the density of dislocations.Comment: Corrected typo

    Mobility of Contemporary Terminology

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    The subject of this research is the justification of the category of “terminology mobility”. The question arises about the need to study the mobility of terminology, which has not been previously analyzed. The authors focus on the characteristics of terminology mobility based on theoretical assumptions related to the concept of knowledge transfer and the dynamic nature of terminology. The authors consider mobility as a complex evolutionary process, which, unlike dynamics comparable to movement or simple replacement of linguistic units, serves as a source of terminology renewal in language. A review of modern terminological studies is carried out in order to identify the theoretical foundations and prerequisites for the formation of the new concept of “terminology mobility”. A significant role is given to discourse and social (extralinguistic) factors. We see a unique cycle of terminology mobility, starting with the identification of a term as a linguistic sign and ending with a metaterm. It is asserted that terminology mobility goes through five stages of development. The multi-stage structure of terminology mobility is manifested in the transition to a more complex sphere (domain) of functioning: from a unit of specialized knowledge, through a specialized form of their organization — a terminological system, through a specialized text, communicative situation, professional activity to the tasks and needs of society

    К 120-летию Н. П. Герасимова

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    Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor Gerasimov N.P. served as Head of the Department of Historical Geology and Paleontology in the Perm State University from 1938 until 1952. A brief information on his educational, scientific, industrial, organizational and pedagogical activity is given.Приведены краткие сведения об учебно-научной и производственноорганизационной и педагогической деятельности доктора геолого-минералогических наук, профессора Н.П. Герасимова, заведующего кафедрой исторической геологии и палеонтологии Пермского госуниверситета в 1938-1952 гг


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    Summary. The study highlights a method of treatment extracorporeal circuit with «adaptation composition» (AdC) for the reduction of negative impact on state of erythrocytes. Materials and methods. A total of 90 patients were enrolled, they were divided into two groups. The group 1 (45 patients, 39/6 male/female) included patients who underwent surgical procedures without treatment of an extracorporeal circuit with AdC. The group 2 (45 patients, 39/6 male/female) included patients who underwent surgery with the treatment of an extracorporeal circuit with AdC. According to the study protocol, patient blood was sampling for complete blood cell count (CBC) and erythrocyte morphology at 4 stages of surgery: before surgery, at 10 min. CPB-time, at 60 min. CPB-time and after separation from CPB. Results. The albumin of AdC creates a protective nanolayer on the surface of the oxygenator membrane and tubes. There were no statistically significant differences of parameters in the groups before CPB. Level of Ht 2 (group 2) at 60 min CPB-time and after CPB, were lower than Ht 1 (group 1) (p=0.021 and p=0.035 correspondingly) because MCV1 was higher (р=0.025 and p<0.0001 correspondingly). The increase MCHC in groups at 10 min. CPB-time relatives with the decrease in MCV at 10 min CPB-time. At 60 min, there are changes of RDWa2 76.05 ± 5.46 and RDWa1 72.35 ± 7.26, p<0.000. After CPB higher content of reticulocytes (р <0.0001), echinocytes (р <0.0001) and spherocytes (р <0.0001) is observed in group 1. The lowering of mechanical resistance (р = 0.04) and increasing membrane permeability for urea were in group 1. After CPB the best aсid hemolysis resistance was in group 2 (р = 0.05), erythrocytes were more resistant to hypoosmotic factor (р = 0.01) in group 2. Conclusion. The treatment of oxygenator with AdC reduces the negative influence СРВ on state of RBC. Membranes of erythrocytes were more resistant to traumatic factors in the group with AdC.В роботі висвітлюється метод обробки экстракорпорального контура оксигенатора «адаптуючою композицією» (adaptation composition – AdC) для зменшення негативного впливу штучного кровообігу на стан еритроцитів. Матеріали і методи. В дослідження було включено 90 пациентов, які були розподілені на дві групи. Пацієнтам першої групи (45 хворих, 39/6 чол./жін.) оперативні втручання виконували без обробки контуру оксигенатору адаптуючою композицією (AdC). Оперативні втручання у пацієнтів другої групи (45 пацієнтів - 36/9 чол./жін.) проводились з обробкою AdC. Згідно протоколу дослідження, у пацієнтів набирали кров для загального аналізу крові та морфологічного дослідження еритроцитів на 4 етапах оперативного втручання: до початку операції, на 10 хв. ШК, на 60 хв. ШК та в кінці операції. Результати та їх обговорення. Альбумін в складі AdС створює наношар на поверхні магистралей та мембрани оксигенатора. Між групами до ШК не було статистично значущої різниці у показниках. Рівень Ht 2 (група 2) на 60 хв. ШК ти після ШК був нижче, ніж Ht 1 (група 1) (p=0,021 і p=0,035 відповідно) через зібльшення MCV 1 (р=0,025 і p <0,0001 відповідно). На 10 хв. ШК підвищення МСНС в групах пов'язано зі зниженням MCV на 10 хв. ШК. На 60 хв. від початку ШК відбувається зміна в RDWа2 76,05 ± 5,46 і RDWа1 72,35 ± 7,26, р <0,0001. Після ШК в групі 1 визначається більш високий вміст ретикулоцитів (р <0,0001), ехіноцитів (р <0,0001) і сфероцитів (р <0,0001). В групі 1 після ШК відбувається зниження механічної стійкості еритроцитів (р = 0,04) та підвищена проникність мембрани еритроцитів для сечовини. Після ШК більша резистентність еритроцитів до кислотного гемолізу була в групі 2 (р = 0,05), також в групі 2 еритроцити були більш стійкими до гіпоосмотичному фактору (р = 0,01). Висновки. Обробка оксигенатора адаптуючою композицією призводить до зменшення негативного впливу ШК на стан еритроцитів. Мембрани еритроцитів були більш резистентні до дії факторів що ушкоджують в групі з використанням AdC

    Association of the rs2167270 polymorphism of the leptin gene (LEP) with the intensity of pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee

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    Background: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a significant social problem as it is the most common disease of the joints. OA is a multifactorial disease in which great attention is paid to hereditary factors. Recently, a number of studies have demonstrated the contribution of a number of genes to the subjective assessment of pain in OA, which is the main symptom of this disease. The association of P2X7, TRPV1 and TACR1 genes and some others with pain sensitivity has been shown. One of the risk factors of pain among many others, is the increased weight. Abdominal adipose tissue is a source of release of pro-inflammatory adipokines that cause systemic inflammation associated with damage to many tissues, including subchondral bone, synovial membrane. Leptin is an endogenous hormone from the adipokine family encoded by the obesity gene leptin (LEP) and which is synthesized primarily in adipocytes.Aims: To investigate the possible association of rs2167270 (A19G) polymorphism of the LEP gene with pain intensity in ­patients with knee OA.Materials and methods: The study was conducted among women diagnosed with OA. Using the VAS scale (Visual analog scale), patients with mild knee pain — group 1 (VAS ≤ 40 mm) and patients with moderate or severe pain — group 2 (VAS>40 mm) were selected for pain assessment. Genetic variants of A19G leptin gene polymorphism were studied by polymerase chain reaction followed by restriction fragment length analysis (PCR-RFLP) method.Results: In the group of patients with moderate or severe pain intensity (group 2, n=61), a statistically significant association was shown with a higher body mass index (p=0.006) and an increased frequency of carriers of the 19GG genotype (p=0,051) compared to group 1 (n=36). Carriers of the 19GG genotype statistically significantly had a higher rate of knee pain and an early age of OA debut compared to carriers of the 19AA genotype (p=0,035 and p=0,015, respectively).Conclusions: The findings open up new possibilities for predicting pain symptoms in patients with knee OA by genetic testing of A19G polymorphic variants of the leptin gene

    Pain as one of the risk factors for progression of knee osteoarthrosis

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    Objective: to study the impact of pain intensity on the progression of knee osteoarthrosis (OA). Subjects and methods. One hundred and ten patients with knee OA were examined at a 5-year interval. All the patients underwent a questionnaire survey and knee joint pain assessment using a visual analog scale (VAS) and standard radiography. Results. After 5-year follow-up, radiographic OA progression was seen in 40 patients (Group 2); its stage remained the same in 70 patients (Group 1). In both groups, the patients were matched for age (59.2+9.5 and 59.0+8.1 years) and disease duration (11.1+10.6 and 13.7+9.9 years). During the first examination, pain on walking was more severe in Group 1 than in Group 2: 57.8+16.6 and 48.7+13.3 mm by VAS (р=0.002), as well as severe joint pain was predominant in these patients: 22.5 and 11.4%, respectively. Over the 5-year period, there was an increase in pain intensity. At the end of the follow-up, the patients with progressive OA rated their knee joint pain as severe in 35% of cases whereas in this index the non-progression group was only 12.9 (p = 0.012). Conclusion. In the OA progression group, pain intensity was initially statistically higher than that in the non-progression group. During 5-year follow-up, Group 1 showed an increase in knee joint pain intensity on walking, which can be considered as one of the predictors of gonarthrosis progression

    Change in the Structure and Tribotechnical Properties of Steels as a Result of Activation of the Nitriding Process

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    Представлены результаты исследования структуры, износостойкости, контактной долговечности и контактной выносливости теплостойкой стали 16Х2Н3МФБАЮ-Ш (ВКС-7). Показано повышение триботехнических свойств стали путем применения комплексной технологии термической, деформационной и химико-термической обработки, основанной на создании мелкодисперсной структуры и активизации процесса диффузионного насыщения при ионно-плазменном азотировании.The results of a study of the structure, wear resistance, contact durability and the limit of contact fatigue of heat-resistant steel 16Kh2N3MFBAU-Sh (VKS-7) are presented. An increase in the characteristics of the tribotechnical properties of steel has been achieved through the use of an integrated technology of thermal, deformation and thermochemical treatment based on the creation of a fine-dispersed structure and activation of the process of diffusion saturation during ion-plasma nitriding