120 research outputs found

    An optical study of interdiffusion in ZnSe/ZnCdSe

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    Copyright 1996 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Applied Physics Letters 69, 1579 (1996) and may be found at

    Osservazioni sulla mortalita di ircinia spinosula (schmidt) ed ircinia sp. (porifera, demospongiae) nell’insenatura della strea di porto cesareo

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    EnA long-term investigation (1994-1996) was carried out on two species of Ircinia, I. spinosula and Ircinia sp., coexisting in a Mediterranean coastal basin (Porto Cesareo, South-Western Apulia). During 1994 both species were affected by a disease which caused a decrease of their density. In I. spinosula the maximum decrement was observed in January 1996 (about 27%), while, in the same period Ircinia sp. was almost completely disappeared from the investigated area. In July1996 a successive slow restarting of the two species was observed. SEM observations of the skeleton of damaged specimens showed a decay of spongine fibres. Even though these ones were frequently broken, they did not show grooves in their external surface, nor they seemed excavated inside. Tissue reparation processes were observed; they seemed to consist in the isolation of affected areas, permitting a recovery and regeneration of many specimens.ItE’ stato condotto un monitoraggio temporale (1994-1996) su due specie del genere Ircinia, I. spinosula e Ircinia sp,, coesistenti in un bacino costiero mediterraneo (Porto Cesareo, Puglia Sud-Occidentale). Ne1 1994 entrambe le specie sono state colpite da una malattia che ha provocato un decremento della loro densita. In I. spinosula il decremento massimo è stato osservato in gennaio 1996 (circa il27%), mentre nello stesso periodo Ircinia sp è quasi del tutto scomparsa dall’area d’indagine. Nel luglio 1996 è stata osservata una successiva e lenta ripresa delle due specie. Le indagini ultrastrutturali (SEM) hanno permesso di osservare che in entrambe le specie lo scheletro degli esemplari danneggiati presentava una trama discontinua con le fibre di spongina frequentemente spezzate. Sebbene tali fibre risultassero sfaldate non apparivano mai erose al loro interno. Sono stati osservati, inoltre, probabili meccanismi di riparo dei tessuti; tali meccanismi, consistenti nell'isolamento delle aree affette da malattia, sono probabilmente alla base dei processi di ripresa e di rigenerazione di molti esemplari

    Virtual Reality and Spatial Augmented Reality for Social Inclusion: The “Includiamoci” Project

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    Extended Reality (XR) technology represents an innovative tool to address the challenges of the present, as it allows for experimentation with new solutions in terms of content creation and its fruition by different types of users. The potential to modulate the experience based on the target audience’s needs and the project’s objectives makes XR suitable for creating new accessibility solutions. The “Includiamoci” project was carried out with the aim of creating workshops on social inclusion through the combination of art and technology. Specifically, the experimentation involved ten young people between the ages of 28 and 50, with cognitive disabilities, who participated in Extended Reality workshops and Art Therapy workshops. In the course of these activities, the outputs obtained were two: a virtual museum, populated by the participants’ works, and a digital set design for a theatrical performance. Through two tests, one on user experience (UX) and one on the degree of well-being, the effectiveness of the entire project was evaluated. In conclusion, the project demonstrated how the adopted solutions were appropriate to the objectives, increasing our knowledge of UX for a target audience with specific user needs and using XR in the context of social inclusion