10,718 research outputs found

    Claudia Muzio (1889-1936), her life and career : a thesis in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy, Massey University Conservatorium of Music, College of Fine Arts, Design and Music, Wellington, New Zealand

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    The Italian soprano Claudia Muzio was, in the course of her short career (1910-1935) hailed as one of the world's great singers. There is a great deal of evidence, in the form of reviews and testimonials by her contemporaries, that Claudia became famous amongst critics and audiences alike for her dedication, histrionic ability and the beauty and intelligence of her singing. Claudia was what we would call today a role model. There was a dedicated following of young girls and women, the Muzio Fan Club, which started in Chicago and soon had members throughout the United States. Only one other soprano of the day had such a following, Geraldine Farrar, whose 'gerryflapper' following was more impressive, though not so much devoted to the singing of their idol as to her style Both genetically and environmentally, conditions were ideal for Claudia to become what she did. Her parents, though at the time Claudia was born to them they were still unmarried, were both musicians Carlo Muzio, though, soon turned his attention to stage directing. Giovanna Gavirati, his mistress and Claudia's natural, and later legal, mother, was a singer and had a sister who was a professional singer as well. Added to those already favourable conditions was the constant backstage environment in which Claudia spent her childhood, "at work" with her parents who doted on her and were reluctant to leave her behind when they travelled between several of the major opera houses of the world – Covent Garden in London, The Metropolitan in New York, the San Carlo in Naples and others.[from Introduction

    CD8+ T-cell responses in vaccination: Reconsidering targets and function in the context of chronic antigen stimulation

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    Cytotoxic CD8 T cells play important roles in eliminating infected and transformed cells. Owing to their potential for therapeutic applications, significant efforts are dedicated toward developing CD8 T cell-based vaccines. Thus far, CD8 T-cell vaccination strategies have had limited success therapeutically in contrast to those targeting antibody-based immunity. However, if the current challenges and gaps in the understanding of T-cell biology are overcome, the full potential of rational CD8 T-cell vaccine design might be realized. Here, we review recent progress in this direction, focusing on target selection and maintenance of function in the settings of chronic infections and cancers

    Diablo Canyon power plant site ecological study Quarterly Report no. 17: July 1 - September 30, 1977

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    During the quarter a total of 38 random 30-m2 and 152 random 1/4-m2 subtidal stations were surveyed. Red abalone, Haliotis rufescens, densities remained very low. There was a continued decline in densities of giant red sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, in Diablo Cove as well as the North Control area. The annual shore census of bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana, revealed the lowest number of plants in the surface canopy in Diablo Cove since 1973. The subtidal station data supported this observation. Sea otter, Enhydra lutris, observations were continued. A small group of otters continued to raft in the Cove east of Lion Rock. Some of these otters probably forage as far south as South Cove. The survey of 11 random intertidal stations completed our Upwelling sampling effort. (16pp.

    Investigation of Super*Zip separation joint

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    An investigation to determine the most likely cause of two failures of five tests on 79 inch diameter Lockheed Super*Zip spacecraft separation joints being used for the development of a Shuttle/Centaur propulsion system. This joint utilizes an explosively expanded tube to fracture surrounding prenotched aluminum plates to achieve planar separation. A test method was developed and more than 300 tests firings were made to provide an understanding of severance mechanisms and the functional performance effects of system variables. An approach for defining functional margin was developed, and specific recommendations were made for improving existing and future systems

    Accuracy assessment, using stratified plurality sampling, of portions of a LANDSAT classification of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Coastal Plain

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    An application of a classification accuracy assessment procedure is described for a vegetation and land cover map prepared by digital image processing of LANDSAT multispectral scanner data. A statistical sampling procedure called Stratified Plurality Sampling was used to assess the accuracy of portions of a map of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge coastal plain. Results are tabulated as percent correct classification overall as well as per category with associated confidence intervals. Although values of percent correct were disappointingly low for most categories, the study was useful in highlighting sources of classification error and demonstrating shortcomings of the plurality sampling method

    Determination of pyrotechnic functional margin

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    Following the failure of a previously qualified pyrotechnically actuated pin puller design, an investigation led to a redesign and requalification. The emphasis of the second qualification was placed on determining the functional margin of the pin puller by comparing the energy deliverable by the pyrotechnic cartridge to the energy required to accomplish the function. Also determined were the effects of functional variables. This paper describes the failure investigation, the test methods employed and the results of the evaluation, and provides a recommended approach to assure the successful functioning of pyrotechnic devices

    Diablo Canyon power plant site ecological study Annual Report July 1, 1976 - June 30, 1977 and Quarterly Report no. 16 April 1, 1977 - June 30, 1977

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    More stations were surveyed during this report period than during any previous period. A total of 818 mandays was spent surveying 18 permanent and 67 random subtidal stations, 19 permanent and 50 random intertidal stations, and 64 sportfish catch-per-unit-of-effort stations, as well as conducting corollary laboratory work. In the subtidal areas, Laminaria dentigera and Pterygophora californica, both important subsurface kelp species, increased in their combined total numbers from the 1976 survey. However, Nereocystis luetkeana, the bull kelp, declined substantially in all study areas. Population trends of many of the dominant subtidal macro-invertebrates have varied depending on the species and on the type of method utilized. Regression analyses have been performed on selected species for numbers versus depth. Red algal abundance and diversity appear to have increased in both subtidal study areas. Of the three observation areas, sea otters were observed least frequently in Diablo Cove. However, there continues to be fresh evidence of otter foraging within Diablo Cove. Several seasons' data for intertidal algae and invertebrates have been summarized for one study area. While the algae biomass shows a fairly clear seasonality of abundance, the trends in numbers of the six invertebrate species considered are not as well defined. Because of high variability in the data, the sportfish catch-per-unit-of-effort and hook-and-line study was cancelled in December. Populations of intertidal red and black abalones, Haliotis rufescens and H. cracherodii, respectively, appear to have remained fairly stable during the 1976-77 period. Two other ancillary studies were also terminated during this period: interviews of commercial abalone and urchin fishermen, and observations of foam in Diablo Cove. (107pp.

    Ignitability test method and apparatus

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    An apparatus for testing ignitability of an initiator includes a body having a central cavity, an initiator holder for holding the initiator over the central cavity of the body, an ignition material holder disposed in the central cavity of the body and having a cavity facing the initiator holder which receives a measured quantity of ignition material to be ignited by the initiator. It contains a chamber in communication with the cavity of the ignition material and the central cavity of the body, and a measuring system for analyzing pressure characteristics generated by ignition of the ignition material by the initiator. The measuring system includes at least one transducer coupled with an oscillograph for recording pressure traces generated by ignition

    Diablo Canyon power plant site ecological study Quarterly Report no. 6; October 1 - December 31, 1974

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    During the period October 1 - December 31, 1974, a total of six permanent subtidal stations and ten random intertidal stations were surveyed. Red tides and rough seas limited both the commerical abalone and sea urchin fishery activities. Most activity was concentrated between Diablo Cove and Pecho Rock. Divers, however, did work urchin beds as far north as Lion Rock. Sea otter counts have remained relatively stable with almost all individuals being observed north of Lion Rock. Fourteen random fishing stations were completed. Low catch rates reflected fishing success in areas with a heavy brown algae surface canopy. (12pp.
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