293 research outputs found

    Phase equilibria and thermodynamic properties of oxide systems on the basis of rare earth, alkaline earth and 3d-transition (Mn, Fe, Co) metals. A short overview of

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    Review is dedicated studies of phase equilibria in the systems based on rare earth elements and 3d transition metals. It’s highlighted several structural families of these compounds and is shown that many were found interesting properties for practical application, such as high conductivity up to the superconducting state, magnetic properties, catalytic activity of the processes of afterburning of exhaust gases, the high mobility in the oxygen sublattice and more

    Tactical Techniques in the Production of Interrogation

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    Based on traditional and modern studies of forensic scientists and specialists in the field of legal procedures, regulatory sources; the practice of investigating criminal cases in the article covers both the general provisions of the interrogation tactics and the individual tactical and psychological methods of conducting an investigative action, as applied to a specific investigative situation. Some aspects of traditional and non-traditional methods and methods of interrogation are investigated, recommendations on their use are given. The article explores the use of tactics when interrogating minors. In order to optimize the activities of the investigator at the preparatory and working stages of interrogation of minors, a list of tactics has been formulated, the use of which is advisable regardless of the procedural status occupied. Considers the use of video during interrogation, as well as the conditions for the adoption of such a decision by the investigator

    Phase equilibria, crystal structure and oxygen content of intermediate phases in the Y-Ba-Co-O system

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    The phase equilibria in the Y-Ba-Co-O system were systematically studied at 1373 K in air. The intermediate phases formed in the Y-Ba-Co-O system at 1373 K in air were: YBaCo2O5+δ, YBaCo4O 7 and BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42). It was shown that YBaCo2O5+δ possesses tetragonal structure with the 3ap×3a p×2ap superstructure (sp. gr. P4/mmm). High-temperature X-ray diffraction analysis of the YBaCo2O 5+δ in the temperature range from 298 K up to 1073 K under Po2=0.21 atm has not shown any phase transformations. The value of oxygen content for the YBaCo2O5+δ at room temperature was estimated as 5.40 and at 1323 K it was equal to 5.04. Thermal expansion of sample shows a linear characteristics and the average thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) is about 13.8×10-6, K-1 in the temperature range 298-1273 K. The homogeneity range and crystal structure of the BaCo1-yYyO3-δ (0.09≤y≤0.42) solid solutions were determined by X-ray diffraction of quenched samples. All BaCo1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions were found to have cubic structure (sp. gr. Pm3m). The unit cell parameters were refined using Rietveld full-profile analysis. Oxygen nonstoichiometry of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ solid solutions with 0.1≤y≤0.4 was measured by means of thermogravimetric technique within the temperature range 298-1373 K in air. Thermal expansion of BaCo 1-yYyO3-δ (y=0.0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3) samples was studied within the temperature range 298-1200 K in air. The projection of isothermal-isobaric phase diagram for the Y-Ba-Co-O system to the compositional triangle of metallic components was presented. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    The socio-economic and demographic factors of online activity among right-wing radicals

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    This paper presents the results of a study on socio-economic and demographic factors thataffect the intensity of right-wing radicals’ activity in the framework of the Russian-basedsocial network VKontakte. Right-wing radical ideas expressed within the VKontakte network are most actively supported by the population of the regional centres (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar Krai) and areas around these centres, which are defined as the semi-periphery in the core-periphery model. The intensity of the online activity of right-wing radicals is mostly influenced by demographic factors, including the average age of the population, the net migration rate coefficient; however, it is not affected by the indicators of economic wellbeing. The authors hypothesise that support for right-wing radical ideology on social media is determined not by the objective characteristics of the social and economic well-being of the population, but by subjective emotional factors (irritation, feelings of social injustice)

    Investigation of Prince M. P. Gagarin’s Case in Context of Development of State Control System in First Quarter of 18th Century

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    The article investigates the activities of Prince Matvey Petrovich Gagarin as the first governor of Siberia. The materials of his investigation case are examined in the context of the development of the state control system over the actions of government authorities during the reign of Peter I. The process of creating legislation and special controlling and judicial bodies aimed at regulating the limits of powers of civil servants, identifying and preventing their violations, is characterized. The study is based on the analysis of legislative sources regulating the organization of new administrative-territorial divisions. A number of documentary sources from the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts are analyzed, including cases from the Siberian Office, orders from Governor M. P. Gagarin, reports from commanders of Siberian cities, petitions from various individuals, and other materials. It is shown that the organization of investigative measures and the criminal case process against Prince M. P. Gagarin were under the personal control of Peter I. The conclusion is drawn that Prince M. P. Gagarin was an active participant in many reforms initiated by the reformist tsar. At the same time, it is demonstrated that Prince Gagarin’s biography is a vivid example of the collision between the widespread practice of enrichment by aristocratic clans and Peter I’s principles and views on the essence and place of official service in his “regular” police state

    Establishment of educational electronic publications as one of the strategic directions of improving the quality of training graduates

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    Качество обучения зависит от совершенства учебного материала, формы его представления и организации учебного процесса. В традиционной схеме обучения возникает множество проблем, связанных с постоянно возрастающим потоком информации, усложнением знаний, отсутствием иллюстрационного материала. Внедрение компьютера в учебный процесс дает возможность создать богатый справочный и иллюстративный материал в самом разнообразном виде.The quality of training depends on the excellence of educational material, its presentation and organization of educational process. In the traditional scheme of education face many challenges with a constantly increasing flow of information, complexity of knowledge, lack of illustrative material. The introduction of the computer in the learning process makes it possible to create a rich background and illustrative material in the most diverse form

    Preparation, crystal structure and properties of HoBaCo 2-xFexO5+δ

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    A series of samples of overall composition HoBaCo2-xFe xO5+δ with 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8 were prepared by glycerin nitrate technique in air and in pure oxygen. Irrespective of atmosphere used the homogeneity range of single phase iron substituted holmium barium cobaltate was proved to exist within the range 0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4. All samples prepared in air and samples within the compositional range 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 0.4 obtained in oxygen possess tetragonal ap × ap × 2ap (sp. gr. 4/mmm) structure. HoBaCo2O 5+δ and HoBaCo1.9Fe0.1O 5+δ synthesized in oxygen crystallized in orthorhombic a p × 2ap × 2ap (sp. gr. mmm) structure. The structural parameters were refined by the Rietveld analysis. It was shown that parameter a remains practically constant while parameter c gradually increases with the increase of iron content. The changes of oxygen content in HoBaCo2-xFexO5+δ (x = 0, 0.2, 0.4) were measured by TGA within the temperature range 25-1100 °C in air. The absolute value of oxygen content was determined by the reduction of the samples in hydrogen flow. The influence of oxygen and iron content on the crystal structure has been discussed. The chemical stability of HoBaCo 2-xFexO5+δ in contact with the solid electrolyte materials Ce0.8Sm0.2O2 and Zr 0.85Y0.15O2 was examined. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Parameters of blood pressure during stress test in young elite athletes

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    It is known that in children at rest, BP values depend on height, but this aspect is not taken into account when analyzing the maximum BP during exercise.Objective: to determine the maximum value of BP in young elite athletes, depending on height and gender.Materials and methods: 2313 (age 15.5 ± 1.4 years, 45% of young men) young elite athletes, members of national teams of the Russian Federation in 40 sports, were examined. All subjects underwent bicycle ergometry according to the PWC170 protocol, blood pressure was measured manually at each stage of the load, and its maximum values were determined during the entire test.Results: The maximum BP values in boys were higher than in girls: systolic blood pressure (SBP) 195 ± 25 vs 175 ± 20 mmHg, p < 0.001, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 80 ± 11 vs 80 ± 10 mm Hg, p < 0.05. A relationship was found between the maximum value of blood pressure on load and growth (r = 0.55; p < 0.001). Normative tables are proposed for assessing the maximum values of SBP and load, depending on growth.Conclusion: In young elite athletes, the maximum BP value during VEM according to the PWC170 protocol depends not only on gender, but also on height. The maximum values of SBP during exercise in tall young elite athletes can reach 250 mm Hg in boys and 210 mm Hg in girls

    Modern trends in diagnostics and prediction of results of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy of pigment epithelial detachment in neovascular agerelated macular degeneration using deep machine learning method (literature review)

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    Detachment of the pigment epithelium is the separation of the basement membrane of the retinal pigment epithelium from the inner collagen layer of Bruch’s membrane, which occurs in 80 % of cases in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. The outcome of anti-VEGF therapy for pigment epithelial detachment may be adherence of the pigment epithelium, the formation of pigment epithelium tear, or preservation of the detachment. The pigment epithelium tear of 3–4th degrees can lead to a sharp decrease in visual acuity.Most retrospective studies confi rm the absence of a proven correlation between anatomical and functional outcomes in the treatment of pigment epithelial detachment in cases of maintaining the integrity of the pigment epithelium monolayer, and therefore the main attention of researchers is focused on studying the morphological features of pigment epithelial detachment during therapy with angiogenesis inhibitors. Modern technologies of spectral optical coherence tomography make it possible to evaluate detailed quantitative parameters of pigment epithelium detachment, such as height, width, maximum linear diameter, area, volume and refl ectivity within the detachment.Groups of Russian and foreign authors identify various biomarkers recorded on optical coherence tomography images. Dynamic registration of such biomarkers expands the ability of clinicians to predict morphological changes in pigment epithelial detachment during anti-VEGF therapy, as well as to optimize treatment regimens to prevent complications in the form of pigment epithelium tear leading to a decrease in visual acuity.Modern methods of deep machine learning and the use of neural networks allow achieving higher accuracy in diff erentiating the types of retinal fluids and automating the quantitative determination of fl uid under the pigment epithelium. These technologies allow achieving a high level of compliance with manual expert assessment and increasing the accuracy and speed of predicting morphological results of treatment of pigment epithelium detachments