354 research outputs found

    Heavy-Light Meson Decay Constants on the Lattice

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    We present a high statistics study of the D- and B-meson decay constants. The results were obtained by using the Clover and Wilson lattice actions at β=6.0\beta=6.0 and 6.2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 ps figures; Talk presented at LATTICE '9

    Quarkonium mass splittings in three-flavor lattice QCD

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    We report on calculations of the charmonium and bottomonium spectrum in lattice QCD. We use ensembles of gauge fields with three flavors of sea quarks, simulated with the asqtad improved action for staggered fermions. For the heavy quarks we employ the Fermilab interpretation of the clover action for Wilson fermions. These calculations provide a test of lattice QCD, including the theory of discretization errors for heavy quarks. We provide, therefore, a careful discussion of the results in light of the heavy-quark effective Lagrangian. By and large, we find that the computed results are in agreement with experiment, once parametric and discretization errors are taken into account.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure

    The Semileptonic Decays B→πlνB\to\pi l\nu and D→πlνD\to\pi l\nu from Lattice QCD

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    We present a lattice QCD calculation of the form factors and differential decay rates for semileptonic decays of the heavy-light mesons BB and DD to the final state πlν\pi l\nu. The results are obtained with three methodological improvements over previous lattice calculations: a matching procedure that reduces heavy-quark lattice artifacts, the first study of lattice-spacing dependence, and the introduction of kinematic cuts to reduce model dependence. We show that the main systematics are controllable (within the quenched approximation) and outline how the calculations could be improved to aid current experiments in the determination of~∣Vub∣|V_{ub}| and~∣Vcd∣|V_{cd}|.Comment: 35 pp, 12 fig

    Hadron Mass Predictions of the Valence Approximation to Lattice QCD

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    We evaluate the infinite volume, continuum limits of eight hadron mass ratios predicted by lattice QCD with Wilson quarks in the valence (quenched) approximation. Each predicted ratio differs from the corresponding observed value by less than 6\%.Comment: 13 pages of Latex + 2 PostScript files attached, IBM/HET 92-

    Lattice QCD calculation of Bˉ→Dlνˉ\bar{B}\to Dl\bar{\nu} decay form factors at zero recoil

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    A lattice QCD calculation of the Bˉ→Dlνˉ\bar{B}\to Dl\bar{\nu} decay form factors is presented. We obtain the value of the form factor h+(w)h_+(w) at the zero-recoil limit w=1w=1 with high precision by considering a ratio of correlation functions in which the bulk of the uncertainties cancels. The other form factor h−(w)h_-(w) is calculated, for small recoil momenta, from a similar ratio. In both cases, the heavy quark mass dependence is observed through direct calculations with several combinations of initial and final heavy quark masses. Our results are h+(1)=1.007(6)(2)(3)h_+(1) = 1.007(6)(2)(3) and h−(1)=−0.107(28)(04)(3010)h_-(1)=-0.107(28)(04)(^{10}_{30}). For both the first error is statistical, the second stems from the uncertainty in adjusting the heavy quark masses, and the last from omitted radiative corrections. Combining these results, we obtain a precise determination of the physical combination FB→D(1)=1.058(1720)F_{B\to D}(1)=1.058(^{20}_{17}), where the mentioned systematic errors are added in quadrature. The dependence on lattice spacing and the effect of quenching are not yet included, but with our method they should be a fraction of FB→D−1F_{B\to D}-1.Comment: 32 pp, 10 figs; final, published versio

    Precision Charmonium Spectroscopy From Lattice QCD

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    We present results for Charmonium spectroscopy using Non-Relativistic QCD (NRQCD). For the NRQCD action the leading order spin-dependent and next to leading order spin-independent interactions have been included with tadpole-improved coefficients. We use multi-exponential fits to multiple correlation functions to extract ground and excited SS states. Splittings between the lowest SS, PP and DD states are given and we have accurate values for the SS state hyperfine splitting and the χc\chi_c fine structure. Agreement with experiment is good - the remaining systematic errors are discussed.Comment: 23 pages uuencoded latex file. Contains figures in late
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