1,370,829 research outputs found

    SOX17 regulates cholangiocyte differentiation and acts as a tumor suppressor in cholangiocarcinoma

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    none25partially_openMerino-Azpitarte M.; Lozano E.; Perugorria M.J.; Esparza-Baquer A.; Erice O.; Santos-Laso A.; O'Rourke C.J.; Andersen J.B.; Jimenez-Aguero R.; Lacasta A.; D'Amato M.; Briz O.; Jalan-Sakrikar N.; Huebert R.C.; Thelen K.M.; Gradilone S.A.; Aransay A.M.; Lavin J.L.; Fernandez-Barrena M.G.; Matheu A.; Marzioni M.; Gores G.J.; Bujanda L.; Marin J.J.G.; Banales J.M.Merino-Azpitarte, M.; Lozano, E.; Perugorria, M. J.; Esparza-Baquer, A.; Erice, O.; Santos-Laso, A.; O'Rourke, C. J.; Andersen, J. B.; Jimenez-Aguero, R.; Lacasta, A.; D'Amato, Monica; Briz, O.; Jalan-Sakrikar, N.; Huebert, R. C.; Thelen, K. M.; Gradilone, S. A.; Aransay, A. M.; Lavin, J. L.; Fernandez-Barrena, M. G.; Matheu, A.; Marzioni, M.; Gores, G. J.; Bujanda, L.; Marin, J. J. G.; Banales, J. M

    Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida : situação em Portugal em 31 de Dezembro de 1989

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    Documento da responsabilidade do Grupo de Trabalho da SIDA: L. Ayres, J. Bandeira Costa, J. Champalimaud, A. Carvalho Santos, J. Machado Caetano

    ENRIQUECIMENTO nutricional da farinha de mandioca com proteína de soja.

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    bitstream/item/65370/1/CTAA-DOCUMENTOS-6-ENRIQUECIMENTO-NUTRICIONAL-DA-FARINHA-DE-MANDIOCA-COM-PROTEINA-DE-SOJA-FL-06789.pdfChefe da Pesquisa: MORS, W. B.; Técnicos Participantes: NOBRE, A.; ORLANDO, J. C.; PAPE, G.; LEME, M. J. P. Colaboradores: REGO, M. M. do; JÓIA, J.; FIGUEIREDO, A. de A.; GUIMARÃES, M. L.; SOUZA, W. S. de; FERNANDES, J. M.; SANTOS, J. M. dos; GOMIDE, M. L

    Patients with Cholangiocarcinoma Present Specific RNA Profiles in Serum and Urine Extracellular Vesicles Mirroring the Tumor Expression: Novel Liquid Biopsy Biomarkers for Disease Diagnosis

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    none26: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) comprises a group of heterogeneous biliary cancers with dismal prognosis. The etiologies of most CCAs are unknown, but primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a risk factor. Non-invasive diagnosis of CCA is challenging and accurate biomarkers are lacking. We aimed to characterize the transcriptomic profile of serum and urine extracellular vesicles (EVs) from patients with CCA, PSC, ulcerative colitis (UC), and healthy individuals. Serum and urine EVs were isolated by serial ultracentrifugations and characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and immunoblotting. EVs transcriptome was determined by Illumina gene expression array [messenger RNAs (mRNA) and non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs)]. Differential RNA profiles were found in serum and urine EVs from patients with CCA compared to control groups (disease and healthy), showing high diagnostic capacity. The comparison of the mRNA profiles of serum or urine EVs from patients with CCA with the transcriptome of tumor tissues from two cohorts of patients, CCA cells in vitro, and CCA cells-derived EVs, identified 105 and 39 commonly-altered transcripts, respectively. Gene ontology analysis indicated that most commonly-altered mRNAs participate in carcinogenic steps. Overall, patients with CCA present specific RNA profiles in EVs mirroring the tumor, and constituting novel promising liquid biopsy biomarkers.openLapitz A.; Arbelaiz A.; O'Rourke C.J.; Lavin J.L.; Casta A.; Ibarra C.; Jimeno J.P.; Santos-Laso A.; Izquierdo-Sanchez L.; Krawczyk M.; Perugorria M.J.; Jimenez-Aguero R.; Sanchez-Campos A.; Riano I.; Gonzalez E.; Lammert F.; Marzioni M.; Macias R.I.R.; Marin J.J.G.; Karlsen T.H.; Bujanda L.; Falcon-Perez J.M.; Andersen J.B.; Aransay A.M.; Rodrigues P.M.; Banales J.M.Lapitz, A.; Arbelaiz, A.; O'Rourke, C. J.; Lavin, J. L.; Casta, A.; Ibarra, C.; Jimeno, J. P.; Santos-Laso, A.; Izquierdo-Sanchez, L.; Krawczyk, M.; Perugorria, M. J.; Jimenez-Aguero, R.; Sanchez-Campos, A.; Riano, I.; Gonzalez, E.; Lammert, F.; Marzioni, M.; Macias, R. I. R.; Marin, J. J. G.; Karlsen, T. H.; Bujanda, L.; Falcon-Perez, J. M.; Andersen, J. B.; Aransay, A. M.; Rodrigues, P. M.; Banales, J. M

    Comment on "Theory and computer simulation for the equation of state of additive hard-disk fluid mixtures"

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    A flaw in the comparison between two different theoretical equations of state for a binary mixture of additive hard disks and Monte Carlo results, as recently reported in C. Barrio and J. R. Solana, Phys. Rev. E 63, 011201 (2001), is pointed out. It is found that both proposals, which require the equation of state of the single component system as input, lead to comparable accuracy but the one advocated by us [A. Santos, S. B. Yuste, and M. L\'{o}pez de Haro, Mol. Phys. 96, 1 (1999)] is simpler and complies with the exact limit in which the small disks are point particles.Comment: 4 pages, including 1 figur

    Calcium channel antagonists: ω-conotoxin defines a new high affinity site

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    Journal ArticleThe ω-conotoxins, a class of Ca2+ channel antagonists from fish-hunting marine snails, have recently been described (Olivera, B. M., McIntosh, J. M., Zeikus, R., Gray, W. R., Varga, J., Rivier, J., de Santos, V., and Cruz, L. J. (1985) Science, 230, 1338-1343). One of these peptide neurotoxins, ω-conotoxin GVIA, was radiolabeled with iodine, and the 125I-labeled toxin was shown to bind specifically to high affinity sites on chick brain synaptosomes

    Cultura do guaranazeiro no Amazonas.

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    Propagação do guaranazeiro. Produção de mudas. Implantação. Tratos culturais. Podas. Colheita. Despolpamento. Torrefação. Comercialização. Usos.bitstream/CPAA-2009-09/14953/1/Sistema_Prod_Guarana.pdf4. ed.Autores: TAVARES, A. M.; ATROCH, A. L.; NASCIMENTO FILHO, F. J. do; PEREIRA, J. C. R.; ARAÚJO, J. C. A. de; MORAES, L. A. C.; SANTOS, L. P.; GARCIA, M. V. B.; ARRUDA, M. R. de; SOUSA, N. R.; ANGELO, P. C. da S

    FRAM telescopes and their measurements of aerosol content at the Pierre Auger Observatory and at future sites of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    open391siA FRAM (F/(Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor) telescope is a system of a robotic mount, a large-format CCD camera and a fast telephoto lens that can be used for atmospheric monitoring at any site when information about the atmospheric transparency is required with high spatial or temporal resolution and where continuous use of laser-based methods for this purpose would interfere with other observations. The original FRAM has been operated at the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina for more than a decade, while three more FRAMs are foreseen to be used by the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The CTA FRAMs are being deployed ahead of time to characterize the properties of the sites prior to the operation of the CTA telescopes; one FRAM has been running on the planned future CTA site in Chile for a year while two others are expected to become operational before the end of 2018. We report on the hardware and current status of operation and/or deployment of all the FRAM instruments in question as well as on some of the preliminary results of integral aerosol measurements by the FRAMs in Argentina and Chile.openJaneček, P.; Aab, A.; Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albuquerque, I.F.M.; Albury, J.M.; Allekotte, I.; Almela, A.; Alvarez Castillo, J.; Alvarez-Muñiz, J.; Anastasi, G.A.; Anchordoqui, L.; Andrada, B.; Andringa, S.; Aramo, C.; Asorey, H.; Assis, P.; Avila, G.; Badescu, A.M.; Balaceanu, A.; Barbato, F.; Barreira Luz, R.J.; Baur, S.; Becker, K.H.; Bellido, J.A.; Berat, C.; Bertaina, M.E.; Bertou, X.; Bierman, P.L.; Biteau, J.; Blaess, S.G.; Blanco, A.; Blazek, J.; Bleve, C.; Boháčová, M.; Bonifazi, C.; Borodai, N.; Botti, A.M.; Brac, J.; Bretz, T.; Bridgeman, A.; Briechle, F.L.; Buchholz, P.; Bueno, A.; Buitink, S.; Buscemi, M.; Caballero-Mora, K.S.; Caccianiga, L.; Calcagni, L.; Cancio, A.; Canfora, F.; Carceller, J.M.; Caruso, R.; Castellina, A.; Catalani, F.; Cataldi, G.; Cazon, L.; Chinellato, J.A.; Chudoba, J.; Chytka, L.; Clay, R.W.; Cobos Cerutti, A.C.; Colalillo, R.; Coleman, A.; Coluccia, M.R.; Conceição, R.; Consolati, G.; Contreras, F.; Cooper, M.J.; Coutu, S.; Covault, C.E.; Daniel, B.; Dasso, S.; Daumiller, K.; Dawson, B.R.; Day, J.A.; de Almeida, R.M.; de Jong, S.J.; De Mauro, G.; de Mello Neto, J.R.T.; De Mitri, I.; de Oliveira, J.; de Souza, V.; Debatin, J.; Deligny, O.; Dhital, N.; Díaz Castro, M.L.; Diogo, F.; Dobrigkeit, C.; D'Olivo, J.C.; Dorosti, Q.; dos Anjos, R.C.; Dova, M.T.; Dundovic, A.; Ebr, J.; Engel, R.; Erdmann, M.; Escoba, C.O.; Etchegoyen, A.; Falcke, H.; Farmer, J.; Farrar, G.; Fauth, A.C.; Fazzi, N.; Feldbusch, F.; Fenu, F.; Ferreyro, L.P.; Figueira, J.M.; Filipčič, A.; Freire, M.M.; Fujii, T.; Fuster, A.; García, B.; Gemmeke, H.; Gherghel-Lascu, A.; Ghia, P.L.; Giaccari, U.; Giammarchi, M.; Giller, M.; Głas, D.; Glombitza, J.; Golup, G.; Gómez Berisso, M.; Gómez Vitale, P.F.; González, N.; Goos, I.; Góra, D.; Gorgi, A.; Gottowik, M.; Grubb, T.D.; Guarino, F.; Guedes, G.P.; Guido, E.; Halliday, R.; Hampel, M.R.; Hansen, P.; Harari, D.; Harrison, T.A.; Harvey, V.M.; Haungs, A.; Hebbeker, T.; Heck, D.; Heimann, P.; Hill, G.C.; Hojvat, C.; Holt, E.M.; Homola, P.; Hörandel, J.R.; Horvath, P.; Hrabovský, M.; Huege, T.; Hulsman, J.; Insolia, A.; Isar, P.G.; Jandt, I.; Johnsen, J.A.; Josebachuili, M.; Jurysek, J.; Kääpä, A.; Kampert, K.H.; Keilhauer, B.; Kemmerich, N.; Kemp, J.; Klages, H.O.; Kleifges, M.; Kleinfeller, J.; Krause, R.; Kuempel, D.; Kukec Mezek, G.; Kuotb Awad, A.; Lago, B.L.; LaHurd, D.; Lang, R.G.; Legumina, R.; Leigui de Oliveira, M.A.; Lenok, V.; Letessier-Selvon, A.; Lhenry-Yvon, I.; Lo Presti, D.; Lopes, L.; López, R.; López Casado, A.; Lorek, R.; Luce, Q.; Lucero, A.; Malacari, M.; Mallamaci, M.; Mancarella, G.; Mandat, D.; Mantsc, P.; Mariazzi, A.G.; Mariş, I.C.; Marsella, G.; Martello, D.; Martinez, H.; Martínez Bravo, O.; Mathes, H.J.; Mathys, S.; Matthews, J.; Matthiae, G.; Mayotte, E.; Mazu, P.O.; Medina-Tanco, G.; Melo, D.; Menshikov, A.; Merenda, K.-D.; Michal, S.; Micheletti, M.I.; Middendorf, L.; Miramonti, L.; Mitrica, B.; Mockler, D.; Mollerach, S.; Montanet, F.; Morello, C.; Morlino, G.; Mostafá, M.; Müller, A.L.; Muller, M.A.; Müller, S.; Mussa, R.; Nellen, L.; Nguyen, P.H.; Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M.; Niechciol, M.; Nitz, D.; Nosek, D.; Novotny, V.; Nožka, L.; Nucita, A.; Núñez, L.A.; Olinto, A.; Palatka, M.; Pallotta, J.; Papenbreer, P.; Parente, G.; Parra, A.; Pech, M.; Pedreira, F.; Pękala, J.; Pelayo, R.; Peña-Rodriguez, J.; Pereira, L.A.S.; Perlin, M.; Perrone, L.; Peters, C.; Petrera, S.; Phuntsok, J.; Pierog, T.; Pimenta, M.; Pirronello, V.; Platino, M.; Poh, J.; Pont, B.; Porowski, C.; Prado, R.R.; Privitera, P.; Prouza, M.; Puyleart, A.; Querchfeld, S.; Quinn, S.; Ramos-Pollan, R.; Rautenberg, J.; Ravignani, D.; Reininghaus, M.; Ridky, J.; Riehn, F.; Risse, M.; Ristori, P.; Rizi, V.; Rodrigues de Carvalho, W.; Rodriguez Rojo, J.; Roncoroni, M.J.; Roth, M.; Roulet, E.; Rovero, A.C.; Ruehl, P.; Saffi, S.J.; Saftoiu, A.; Salamida, F.; Salazar, H.; Saleh, A.; Salina, G.; Sanabria Gomez, J.D.; Sánchez, F.; Santos, E.M.; Santos, E.; Sarazin, F.; Sarmento, R.; Sarmiento-Cano, C.; Sato, R.; Savina, P.; Schauer, M.; Scherini, V.; Schieler, H.; Schimassek, M.; Schimp, M.; Schmidt, D.; Scholten, O.; Schovánek, P.; Schröder, F.G.; Schröder, S.; Schumacher, J.; Sciutto, S.J.; Shellard, R.C.; Sigl, G.; Silli, G.; Sima, O.; Šmída, R.; Snow, G.R.; Sommers, P.; Soriano, J.F.; Souchard, J.; Squartini, R.; Stanca, D.; Stanič, S.; Stasielak, J.; Stassi, P.; Stolpovskiy, M.; Streich, A.; Suarez, F.; Suárez-Durán, M.; Sudholz, T.; Suomijärvi, T.; Supanitsky, A.D.; Šupík, J.; Szadkowski, Z.; Taboada, A.; Taborda, O.A.; Tapia, A.; Timmermans, C.; Todero Peixoto, C.J.; Tomé, B.; Torralba Elipe, G.; Travnicek, P.; Trini, M.; Tueros, M.; Ulrich, R.; Unger, M.; Urban, M.; Valdés Galicia, J.F.; Valiño, I.; Valore, L.; van Bodegom, P.; van den Berg, A.M.; van Vliet, A.; Varela, E.; Vargas Cárdenas, B.; Vázquez, R.A.; Veberič, D.; Ventura, C.; Vergara Quispe, I.D.; Verzi, V.; Vicha, J.; Villaseñor, L.; Vorobiov, S.; Wahlberg, H.; Wainberg, O.; Wat, A.A.; Weber, M.; Weindl, A.; Wiedeński, M.; Wiencke, L.; Wilczyński, H.; Winchen, T.; Wirtz, M.; Wittkowski, D.; Wundheiler, B.; Yang, L.; Yushkov, A.; Zas, E.; Zavrtanik, D.; Zavrtanik, M.; Zehrer, L.; Zepeda, A.; Zimmermann, B.; Ziolkowski, M.; Zong, Z.; Zuccarello, F.; Ebr, J.; Juryšek, J.; Prouza, M.; Blažek, Ji.; Trávníček, P.; Mandát, D.; Pech, M.; Karpov, S.; Cunniffe, R.; Mašek, M.; Jelínek, M.; Ebrová, I.Janeček, P.; Aab, A.; Abreu, P.; Aglietta, M.; Albuquerque, I. F. M.; Albury, J. M.; Allekotte, I.; Almela, A.; Alvarez Castillo, J.; Alvarez-Muñiz, J.; Anastasi, G. A.; Anchordoqui, L.; Andrada, B.; Andringa, S.; Aramo, C.; Asorey, H.; Assis, P.; Avila, G.; Badescu, A. M.; Balaceanu, A.; Barbato, F.; Barreira Luz, R. J.; Baur, S.; Becker, K. H.; Bellido, J. A.; Berat, C.; Bertaina, M. E.; Bertou, X.; Bierman, P. L.; Biteau, J.; Blaess, S. G.; Blanco, A.; Blazek, J.; Bleve, C.; Boháčová, M.; Bonifazi, C.; Borodai, N.; Botti, A. M.; Brac, J.; Bretz, T.; Bridgeman, A.; Briechle, F. L.; Buchholz, P.; Bueno, A.; Buitink, S.; Buscemi, M.; Caballero-Mora, K. S.; Caccianiga, L.; Calcagni, L.; Cancio, A.; Canfora, F.; Carceller, J. M.; Caruso, R.; Castellina, A.; Catalani, F.; Cataldi, G.; Cazon, L.; Chinellato, J. A.; Chudoba, J.; Chytka, L.; Clay, R. W.; Cobos Cerutti, A. C.; Colalillo, R.; Coleman, A.; Coluccia, M. R.; Conceição, R.; Consolati, G.; Contreras, F.; Cooper, M. J.; Coutu, S.; Covault, C. E.; Daniel, B.; Dasso, S.; Daumiller, K.; Dawson, B. R.; Day, J. A.; de Almeida, R. M.; de Jong, S. J.; De Mauro, G.; de Mello Neto, J. R. T.; De Mitri, I.; de Oliveira, J.; de Souza, V.; Debatin, J.; Deligny, O.; Dhital, N.; Díaz Castro, M. L.; Diogo, F.; Dobrigkeit, C.; D'Olivo, J. C.; Dorosti, Q.; dos Anjos, R. C.; Dova, M. T.; Dundovic, A.; Ebr, J.; Engel, R.; Erdmann, M.; Escoba, C. O.; Etchegoyen, A.; Falcke, H.; Farmer, J.; Farrar, G.; Fauth, A. C.; Fazzi, N.; Feldbusch, F.; Fenu, F.; Ferreyro, L. P.; Figueira, J. M.; Filipčič, A.; Freire, M. M.; Fujii, T.; Fuster, A.; García, B.; Gemmeke, H.; Gherghel-Lascu, A.; Ghia, P. L.; Giaccari, U.; Giammarchi, M.; Giller, M.; Głas, D.; Glombitza, J.; Golup, G.; Gómez Berisso, M.; Gómez Vitale, P. F.; González, N.; Goos, I.; Góra, D.; Gorgi, A.; Gottowik, M.; Grubb, T. D.; Guarino, F.; Guedes, G. P.; Guido, E.; Halliday, R.; Hampel, M. R.; Hansen, P.; Harari, D.; Harrison, T. A.; Harvey, V. M.; Haungs, A.; Hebbeker, T.; Heck, D.; Heimann, P.; Hill, G. C.; Hojvat, C.; Holt, E. M.; Homola, P.; Hörandel, J. R.; Horvath, P.; Hrabovský, M.; Huege, T.; Hulsman, J.; Insolia, A.; Isar, P. G.; Jandt, I.; Johnsen, J. A.; Josebachuili, M.; Jurysek, J.; Kääpä, A.; Kampert, K. H.; Keilhauer, B.; Kemmerich, N.; Kemp, J.; Klages, H. O.; Kleifges, M.; Kleinfeller, J.; Krause, R.; Kuempel, D.; Kukec Mezek, G.; Kuotb Awad, A.; Lago, B. L.; Lahurd, D.; Lang, R. G.; Legumina, R.; Leigui de Oliveira, M. A.; Lenok, V.; Letessier-Selvon, A.; Lhenry-Yvon, I.; Lo Presti, D.; Lopes, L.; López, R.; López Casado, A.; Lorek, R.; Luce, Q.; Lucero, A.; Malacari, M.; Mallamaci, M.; Mancarella, G.; Mandat, D.; Mantsc, P.; Mariazzi, A. G.; Mariş, I. C.; Marsella, G.; Martello, D.; Martinez, H.; Martínez Bravo, O.; Mathes, H. J.; Mathys, S.; Matthews, J.; Matthiae, G.; Mayotte, E.; Mazu, P. O.; Medina-Tanco, G.; Melo, D.; Menshikov, A.; Merenda, K. -D.; Michal, S.; Micheletti, M. I.; Middendorf, L.; Miramonti, L.; Mitrica, B.; Mockler, D.; Mollerach, S.; Montanet, F.; Morello, C.; Morlino, G.; Mostafá, M.; Müller, A. L.; Muller, M. A.; Müller, S.; Mussa, R.; Nellen, L.; Nguyen, P. H.; Niculescu-Oglinzanu, M.; Niechciol, M.; Nitz, D.; Nosek, D.; Novotny, V.; Nožka, L.; Nucita, A.; Núñez, L. A.; Olinto, A.; Palatka, M.; Pallotta, J.; Papenbreer, P.; Parente, G.; Parra, A.; Pech, M.; Pedreira, F.; Pękala, J.; Pelayo, R.; Peña-Rodriguez, J.; Pereira, L. A. S.; Perlin, M.; Perrone, L.; Peters, C.; Petrera, S.; Phuntsok, J.; Pierog, T.; Pimenta, M.; Pirronello, V.; Platino, M.; Poh, J.; Pont, B.; Porowski, C.; Prado, R. R.; Privitera, P.; Prouza, M.; Puyleart, A.; Querchfeld, S.; Quinn, S.; Ramos-Pollan, R.; Rautenberg, J.; Ravignani, D.; Reininghaus, M.; Ridky, J.; Riehn, F.; Risse, M.; Ristori, P.; Rizi, V.; Rodrigues de Carvalho, W.; Rodriguez Rojo, J.; Roncoroni, M. J.; Roth, M.; Roulet, E.; Rovero, A. C.; Ruehl, P.; Saffi, S. J.; Saftoiu, A.; Salamida, F.; Salazar, H.; Saleh, A.; Salina, G.; Sanabria Gomez, J. D.; Sánchez, F.; Santos, E. M.; Santos, E.; Sarazin, F.; Sarmento, R.; Sarmiento-Cano, C.; Sato, R.; Savina, P.; Schauer, M.; Scherini, V.; Schieler, H.; Schimassek, M.; Schimp, M.; Schmidt, D.; Scholten, O.; Schovánek, P.; Schröder, F. G.; Schröder, S.; Schumacher, J.; Sciutto, S. J.; Shellard, R. C.; Sigl, G.; Silli, G.; Sima, O.; Šmída, R.; Snow, G. R.; Sommers, P.; Soriano, J. F.; Souchard, J.; Squartini, R.; Stanca, D.; Stanič, S.; Stasielak, J.; Stassi, P.; Stolpovskiy, M.; Streich, A.; Suarez, F.; Suárez-Durán, M.; Sudholz, T.; Suomijärvi, T.; Supanitsky, A. D.; Šupík, J.; Szadkowski, Z.; Taboada, A.; Taborda, O. A.; Tapia, A.; Timmermans, C.; Todero Peixoto, C. J.; Tomé, B.; Torralba Elipe, G.; Travnicek, P.; Trini, M.; Tueros, M.; Ulrich, R.; Unger, M.; Urban, M.; Valdés Galicia, J. F.; Valiño, I.; Valore, L.; van Bodegom, P.; van den Berg, A. M.; van Vliet, A.; Varela, E.; Vargas Cárdenas, B.; Vázquez, R. A.; Veberič, D.; Ventura, C.; Vergara Quispe, I. D.; Verzi, V.; Vicha, J.; Villaseñor, L.; Vorobiov, S.; Wahlberg, H.; Wainberg, O.; Wat, A. A.; Weber, M.; Weindl, A.; Wiedeński, M.; Wiencke, L.; Wilczyński, H.; Winchen, T.; Wirtz, M.; Wittkowski, D.; Wundheiler, B.; Yang, L.; Yushkov, A.; Zas, E.; Zavrtanik, D.; Zavrtanik, M.; Zehrer, L.; Zepeda, A.; Zimmermann, B.; Ziolkowski, M.; Zong, Z.; Zuccarello, F.; Ebr, J.; Juryšek, J.; Prouza, M.; Blažek, Ji.; Trávníček, P.; Mandát, D.; Pech, M.; Karpov, S.; Cunniffe, R.; Mašek, M.; Jelínek, M.; Ebrová, I

    Brick polytopes, lattice quotients, and Hopf algebras

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    This paper is motivated by the interplay between the Tamari lattice, J.-L. Loday's realization of the associahedron, and J.-L. Loday and M. Ronco's Hopf algebra on binary trees. We show that these constructions extend in the world of acyclic kk-triangulations, which were already considered as the vertices of V. Pilaud and F. Santos' brick polytopes. We describe combinatorially a natural surjection from the permutations to the acyclic kk-triangulations. We show that the fibers of this surjection are the classes of the congruence k\equiv^k on Sn\mathfrak{S}_n defined as the transitive closure of the rewriting rule UacV1b1VkbkWkUcaV1b1VkbkWU ac V_1 b_1 \cdots V_k b_k W \equiv^k U ca V_1 b_1 \cdots V_k b_k W for letters a<b1,,bk<ca < b_1, \dots, b_k < c and words U,V1,,Vk,WU, V_1, \dots, V_k, W on [n][n]. We then show that the increasing flip order on kk-triangulations is the lattice quotient of the weak order by this congruence. Moreover, we use this surjection to define a Hopf subalgebra of C. Malvenuto and C. Reutenauer's Hopf algebra on permutations, indexed by acyclic kk-triangulations, and to describe the product and coproduct in this algebra and its dual in term of combinatorial operations on acyclic kk-triangulations. Finally, we extend our results in three directions, describing a Cambrian, a tuple, and a Schr\"oder version of these constructions.Comment: 59 pages, 32 figure

    Depletion potential in the infinite dilution limit

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    The depletion force and depletion potential between two in principle unequal "big" hard spheres embedded in a multicomponent mixture of "small" hard spheres are computed using the Rational Function Approximation method for the structural properties of hard-sphere mixtures [S. B. Yuste, A. Santos, and M. L\'opez de Haro, J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 108}, 3683 (1998)]. The cases of equal solute particles and of one big particle and a hard planar wall in a background monodisperse hard-sphere fluid are explicitly analyzed. An improvement over the performance of the Percus-Yevick theory and good agreement with available simulation results are foundComment: 10 pages, 5 figures; v2: few minor additions and reduction in the number of figures; v3: Fig. 2 corrected (see http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4874639