520 research outputs found

    Primary disability due to diseases of the digestive system in the Irkutsk region: Dynamics of 2009–2020 and its reasons

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    The aim. To study the dynamics of primary disability due to diseases of the digestive system (DDS) in the Irkutsk region for 2009–2020 in adults, its possible causes in comparison with the dynamics of morbidity and mortality of the population.Materials and methods. The database of persons recognized as disabled for the first time due to the DDS in the Irkutsk region were analyzed by the solid method. The share in percent and the level of primary disability per 10,000 of the adult population were calculated. DDS morbidity and mortality were analyzed according to the forms of state statistics, the indicators were calculated per 100,000 population. In addition, data on the analysis of the causes of death provided by medical organizations for each person who died from DDS was studied.Results. The number of people recognized as disabled for the first time due to DDS decreased by 2.2 times for the analyzed years, the level of primary disability for 2014–2020 – by 1.9 times. The main contribution to the primary disability due to DDS all the years was made by cirrhosis of the liver. Primary incidence of DDS in the Irkutsk region in the adult population for 2009–2019 increased by 1.5 times (the decline in 2020 was caused by the cessation of dispensary examinations due to the epidemic of a new coronavirus infection). Mortality due DDS increased from 2017 to 2020 by 1.3 times. The main contribution to mortality is made by alcoholic causes – primarily liver cirrhosis, acute pancreatitis.An analysis was made of changes in regulatory documents according to the criteria for establishing disability to clarify the reason for the decrease in disability rates due DDS at the same time with an increase in morbidity and mortality.Conclusion. It is not possible to explain the decrease in the proportion and level of primary disability due to DDS only by improving the quality of medical care with an increase in morbidity and mortality. A certain contribution to the reduction of disability rates was made by changes in the normative documents on the establishment of disability, starting from 2014

    Immunotropic effects of mesotherapy used for correction of age-related skin changes

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    Rapid progression of aesthetic medicine is a distinctive feature of present decade. In this area, leading position is taken by injection cosmetology, which is associated with an opportunity of pathogenetic approach to resolution of cosmetic problems primarily caused by skin aging. The most commonly used mesotherapy drugs, along with hyaluronic acid, are vitamins, amino acids, and microelements. Skin aging is associated with quantitative and functional changes in the local immune cell populations. In this case, it is rational to assume distinct effects of peptide complexes upon functional potential of immunocompetent cells. The aim of this study was to analyze time-dependent changes of some immune parameters after mesotherapy with a complex of hyaluronic acid and peptides. The observation group consisted of 26 women who received their course of mesotherapy for the first time. Objective instrumental evaluation of the effect with Aramo Smart Lite device showed that, after mesotherapy, the skin quality was significantly improving in comparison with pre-treatment conditions, due to decreased relief of skin creases and wrinkles, with a tendency for reduction of this effect six months later. When comparing the results of immunological testing in the patients after the course of treatment with the data before starting the therapy, we have found redistribution in the lymphoid cell populations, i.e., increased proportion of T-lymphocytes, decreased amounts of B cells, and CD16+ natural killers. Declined numbers of T-lymphocytes expressing early activation marker were associated with increased proportion of peripheral Treg lymphocytes. We have also detected activation of antibody production which manifested as increased levels of all major classes of serum immunoglobulins. Enhanced spontaneous oxidative activity of neutrophils was also noted. The results of immunological monitoring showed that, three months post-treatment, none of the quantitative and functional parameters of immunity was changed, as compared with the results obtained immediately after ending the mesotherapy. Six months later, however, all these indexes returned to their initial positions assessed before the cosmetic procedure. The changes in systemic immune response following mesotherapy with peptide complexes affect the mechanisms of both innate and acquired immunity, including differentiation of lymphocytes, their regulatory functions and activation potential, and provide modulation of effector reactions. Complete restoration of initial immune parameters is observed within six months


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    Purpose: The problem of the quality of education concerns not only Russia but also the entire world community. Many developed countries are concerned about the current state of education and are trying to improve their quality. One of the leading trends in the modernization of education in Russia is increasing attention to the problem of improving its quality, which requires the development of conceptual approaches to finding ways to solve it. Methodology: In pedagogical terms, the quality of education is considered from two positions: firstly, as the degree of compliance of the educational system with the established requirements and the quality of educational services provided by the educational institution; secondly, as the effectiveness of the educational process that meets the needs of social customers not only in terms of assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge by students, but also the development of their personality, cognitive and creative abilities. Result: The choice of an actual and effective educational program is interesting not only for the consumer but also for the educational organization (institution), as it is a quality program in many sectors of education that affects the competitiveness of the educational organization. Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of the Organization of Monitoring in the Quality Management System of the Educational Process when Training of Specialists is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner

    Mutations designed to modify the NS gene mRNA secondary structure affect influenza A pathogenicity in vivo

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    The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region.The influenza A virus genome consists of eight segments of negative-sense RNA that encode up to 18 proteins. During the process of viral replication, positive-sense (+)RNA (cRNA) or messenger RNA (mRNA) is synthesized. Today, there is only a partial understanding of the function of several secondary structures within vRNA and cRNA promoters, and splice sites in the M and NS genes. The most precise secondary structure of (+)RNA has been determined for the NS segment of influenza A virus.  The influenza A virus NS gene features two regions with a conserved mRNA secondary structure located near splice sites. Here, we compared 4 variants of the A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 strain featuring different combinations of secondary structures at the NS segment (+)RNA regions 82-148 and 497-564. We found that RNA structures did not affect viral replication in cell culture. However, one of the viruses demonstrated lower NS1 and NEP expression levels during early stage cell infection as well as reduced pathogenicity in mice compared to other variants. In particular, this virus is characterized by an RNA hairpin in the 82-148 region and a stable hairpin in the 497-564 region

    Discoordination of the processes of activation and suppression of immunocompetent cells during mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid

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    Objective. The study aimed to assess the dynamics of the systemic immune response in patients during mesotherapy with hyaluronic acid (HA).Materials and methods. The observation group included 26 women who received the first-time mesocorrection with drugs based on hyaluronic acid (HA). Injections of low molecular weight HA were carried out according to standard methods in a course of 5 procedures with an interval of 14 days. The parameters of the innate and adaptive immune response were studied before and two weeks after the end of the course. The skin condition was assessed by dermatoscopy (Aramo Smart Lite 300, Southern Korea).Results. The clinical effect of the course of procedures was reflected in the subjective improvement in the appearance. The improvement was confirmed by hardware analysis, which recorded an increase in hydration, a smoothing of the skin relief, and a decrease in the depth of wrinkles. At the end of the course, redistribution of lymphocyte populations towards natural killer cells and B-lymphocytes was revealed with a decrease in the total number of T cells. The antibody production of immunoglobulins of classes M and G was increased, the serum content of Ig A and IgE was reduced, the number of both T-effectors and T-lymphocytes with immunosuppressive activity increased. Changes in the neutrophil system were characterized by the inhibition of the production of reactive oxygen intermediates; the dynamics of the expression of Toll-like receptors by monocytes was ambiguous.Conclusion. The results of the study confirmed the active involvement of the factors of innate and adaptive systemic response in the cosmetic effect, which manifested itself immediately after mesotherapy as systemic dysregulatory immune changes

    Psychological and pedagogical support for the social workers professional development

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    The effectiveness of psychological andpedagogical support is determined by the following factors: self-determination and voluntary participation; activating education results; taking into account and developing social workers’ educational needs; the use of the dichotomic and humanistic approaches; social workers’ selfdetermination; interactive mode of cooperation, democratic style of communicatio

    Electron-Electron scattering and resistivity of ballistic multimode channels

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    We show that electron--electron scattering gives a positive contribution to the resistivity of ballistic multimode wires whose width is much smaller than their length. This contribution is not exponentially small at low temperatures and therefore may be experimentally observable. It scales with temperature as T2T^2 for three-dimensional channels and as T5/2T^{5/2} for two-dimensional ones.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; published versio


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    Materials and methods. The population-based cohort analysis was performed of the database of primary disabled in Irkutsk region due to the DDS for the period of 2013-2015. Morbidity rate of primary disablement was calculated for 10 000 of the population; nosology, age, gender specific structure of primary disablement was calculated in percentage. Results. The level of primary disablement due to DDs in the Irkutsk region was higher (2013, 2015 - 1.7; 2014 - 1.9) than in the Russian Federation (2013,2014 -1.2 per 10 000 of population). Working-age persons prevailed (in 2013, 2015 - 71.3 %, in 2014 - 73.9 %). The level was higher among the urban residents of the Irkutsk region (2015 - 1.8) than in rural areas (1.1 per 10 000 of people). In 2015, the share of men began to dominate (52.3 %, in 2013 - 45.4 %). Structure of primary disablement due to DDS deteriorated with increasing share of persons with the first and the second group disabilities - from 47.3 % in 2013 to 56.1 % in 2015. Liver cirrhosis is the most common cause for primary disability among DDS, its share increased from 66.8 % in 2013 to 75.2 % in 2015. The rate increased from 1.1 in 2013 to 1.3 per 10 000 people in 2015. Bowel disease has the second place with its share reduced from 23.0 % in 2013 to 12.3 % in 2015. The third place belongs to chronic pancreatitis

    Avaliação dos aspectos financeiros das pequenas e médias empresas: experiência russa

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    The aim of this study was to assess the key financials of an array of micro-sized businesses, small and medium-sized enterprises as grouped by industry. This article deals with the assessment results of such financials as the net financial result of enterprises, the proportion of profitable and loss-making enterprises, the profitability of manufactured and sold products, the current levels of profit and loss, respectively, per profitable and loss-making enterprise. The dynamics of such financials during the period from 2010 to 2014 was presented. Accounting and statistical reporting was used as the input data. In the course of this research it was proven that during that period the profitable enterprises accounted for about 80%. However, the level of profitability did not depend on the size of an enterprise. The largest proportion of profitable enterprises was noted in such sectors as education and commerce. The net financial result per employee in micro-enterprises was significantly higher than those for medium-sized enterprises and small enterprises. The results of this study may be used to validate business development plans and programs for various regions and sectors of the Russian economy. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las finanzas clave de una serie de pequeñas empresas, pequeñas y medianas empresas agrupadas por industria. Este artículo trata de los resultados de la evaluación de tales finanzas como el resultado financiero neto de las empresas, la proporción de empresas rentables y que generan pérdidas, la rentabilidad de los productos fabricados y vendidos, los niveles actuales de ganancias y pérdidas, respectivamente, por rentabilidad y pérdida empresa de creación. La dinámica de tales finanzas durante el período 2010-2014 se presentó. Los informes contables y estadísticos se usaron como datos de entrada. En el curso de esta investigación, se comprobó que durante ese período las empresas rentables representaron aproximadamente el 80%. Sin embargo, el nivel de rentabilidad no depende del tamaño de una empresa. La mayor proporción de empresas rentables se observó en sectores como la educación y el comercio. El resultado financiero neto por empleado en las microempresas fue significativamente mayor que el de las medianas y pequeñas empresas. Los resultados de este estudio pueden usarse para validar planes y programas de desarrollo comercial para diversas regiones y sectores de la economía rusa. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as principais finanças de uma série de microempresas, pequenas e médias empresas agrupadas por setor. Este artigo trata dos resultados da avaliação de tais finanças como o resultado financeiro líquido das empresas, a proporção de empresas lucrativas e deficitárias, a rentabilidade dos produtos fabricados e vendidos, os níveis atuais de lucros e perdas, respectivamente, por lucro e perda empresa de fabricação. A dinâmica de tais finanças durante o período de 2010 a 2014 foi apresentada. Relatórios contábeis e estatísticos foram usados como dados de entrada. No decorrer desta pesquisa, ficou provado que, durante esse período, as empresas lucrativas representavam cerca de 80%. No entanto, o nível de lucratividade não dependia do tamanho de uma empresa. A maior proporção de empresas lucrativas foi observada em setores como educação e comércio. O resultado financeiro líquido por empregado nas microempresas foi significativamente superior ao das médias empresas e pequenas empresas. Os resultados deste estudo podem ser usados para validar planos e programas de desenvolvimento de negócios para várias regiões e setores da economia russa

    Carácter económico de la competencia: enfoques metodológicos generales del problema

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    In the period of structural and qualitative changes in the Russian economy, the development of the labor market and the educational services market, the effectiveness of economic education is largely determined by the level of formation of economic competencies of students. The development of the diversification process required bringing the education system in line with the requirements of market relations, the principles of alternatives and variability, ensuring the quality of education, which is the most important condition for the specialist’s demand in the labor market. The target component of the model of formation of students’ economic competences by definition includes the goals and objectives of economic training. The increased demand for economic knowledge has led to new forms of economic education. The activity component in the model of formation of economic competencies focuses on the fact that in the domestic system of education in relation to the vocational school there was a long-term practice of compiling the qualification characteristics of a specialist, which fixed the requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of graduates of various specialties, where in addition to the knowledge paradigm there were the terms “readiness”, “ability”, “responsibility”, “understanding” and “worldview”, expanding the close framework of such a paradigm. The main idea of the activity approach in education is not connected with the activity itself, but with the activity as a means of formation and development of the student’s personality. The content component of the model involves the formation of students’ economic competencies in the form of key, professional and additional economic competencies at different levels of professional education, taking into account training in economic and non-economic specialties.En el período de cambios estructurales y cualitativos en la economía rusa, el desarrollo del mercado laboral y el mercado de servicios educativos, la efectividad de la educación económica está determinada en gran medida por el nivel de formación de competencias económicas de los estudiantes. El desarrollo del proceso de diversificación requirió alinear el sistema educativo con los requisitos de las relaciones de mercado, los principios de alternativas y variabilidad, asegurando la calidad de la educación, que es la condición más importante para la demanda del especialista en el mercado laboral. El componente objetivo del modelo de formación de las competencias económicas de los estudiantes, por definición, incluye las metas y objetivos de la formación económica. La mayor demanda de conocimiento económico ha llevado a nuevas formas de educación económica. El componente de actividad en el modelo de formación de competencias económicas se centra en el hecho de que en el sistema educativo interno en relación con la escuela vocacional había una práctica a largo plazo de recopilar las características de calificación de un especialista, que fijaba los requisitos de conocimiento, habilidades y destrezas de graduados de diversas especialidades, donde además del paradigma del conocimiento existían los términos “preparación”, “habilidad”, “responsabilidad”, “comprensión” y “visión del mundo”, ampliando el marco cercano de tal paradigma. La idea principal del enfoque de la actividad en la educación no está relacionada con la actividad en sí, sino con la actividad como un medio de formación y desarrollo de la personalidad del alumno. El componente de contenido del modelo implica la formación de competencias económicas de los estudiantes en forma de competencias económicas clave, profesionales y adicionales en diferentes niveles de educación profesional, teniendo en cuenta la capacitación en especialidades económicas y no económicas