18 research outputs found

    Use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in stable outpatients with coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation. International CLARIFY registry

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    Crisis challenges in societal development and the peculiarities of preparing preschool education specialists in these conditions

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    Objective:The objective of this study is to assess the principal features of professional and personal training for future preschool education specialists in crisis situations, outline the forms of training, and analyze the viewpoints of future specialists and their educators on the practical aspects of this issue.Theoretical framework:The study builds upon existing theoretical frameworks related to professional and personal training for educators, crisis situations in the field of education, and the specific context of preschool education.Method:The research employs methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization of information, and the analytical and bibliographic approach. An online survey is conducted to gather practical insights into the training of future preschool education specialists in crisis conditions. Results and conclusion:The findings of the research shed light on the principal features of professional and personal training for future preschool education specialists in crisis situations. The study highlights various forms of training that are effective in preparing specialists to navigate crises. The analysis of survey results provides valuable insights into the perspectives of future specialists and their educators regarding the most significant practical aspects of training in crisis conditions.Implications of the research:The study's findings have several implications for the field of preschool education. It emphasizes the importance of incorporating crisis preparedness and management into the training curriculum for future preschool education specialists. This can help them develop the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various crisis situations effectively. Originality/value:This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by specifically focusing on professional and personal training for future preschool education specialists in crisis situations. It offers insights into the practical aspects of training and provides valuable perspectives from both future specialists and their educators

    Subdomain IB Is the Third Major Drug Binding Region of Human Serum Albumin: Toward the Three-Sites Model.

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    According to the conventional view, noncovalent association of small molecules with human serum albumin (HSA) occurs principally at the so-called Sudlow's sites located in subdomain IIA and IIIA. By employing a circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic approach, it is shown that biliverdin is the specific CD label of an additional drug binding area in subdomain IB. CD competition experiments disclosed the entrapment of a diverse assortment of acidic, neutral, and basic molecules within subdomain IB including anticancer agents (camptothecin, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, teniposide, suramin, tyrosine kinase inhibitors), anticoagulants (dicoumarol), various steroids (bile acids, carbenoxolone), nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, natural substances (aristolochic acid, glycyrrhetinic acid), and synthetic dyes (methyl orange, azocarmine B). These finding imply that subdomain IB can be considered as the third major drug binding region of HSA featured with promiscuous ligand recognition ability. Additionally, subdomain IB is allosterically coupled with the Sudlow's sites, the ligand binding of which is shown to alter the HSA binding mode and affinity of biliverdin and hemin. Brief case studies are presented to illustrate how the evaluation of spectral changes of tetrapyrrole CD probes gains new insight into the HSA binding properties of endogenous as well as pharmaceutical compounds