1,133 research outputs found

    A decrease of calcitonin serum concentrations less than 50 percent 30 minutes after thyroid surgery suggests incomplete C-cell tumor tissue removal

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    The prognosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) depends on the completeness of the first surgical treatment. To date, it is not possible to predict whether the tumor has been completely removed after surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of an intraoperative calcitonin monitoring as a predictor of the final outcome after surgery in patients with MTC

    Proteomic approach for the detection of biomarkers ofexposure in mussels exposed to PCB

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    In the current study, a preliminary proteomic approach has been used in Mytilus galloprovincialis as a screening of changes in protein expression caused by a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), in order to characterize the effects of PCBs on the protein profile and to develop new molecular biomarkers, after identifying the proteins more drastically altered. Methods:Mussels were exposed for three weeks to three polychlorinated biphenyls under controlled conditions. The edible parts were homogenized and lyophilized. Extracted proteins were quantified and separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) in IPG strips (pH 3–10). The protein spots in gels were visualized by Coomassie Brilliant Blue staining. Gel images were obtained using a Image Scanner. Image analysis included spot detection, quantification and matching. The volume of each spot from each gel was normalized to the total gel spot volume in order to correct it for differences in gel staining. More than 500 spots were resolved and altered expression was qualitatively detected. Results and conclusions of the study: Our results showed a well conserved protein pattern regardless of the treatments, demonstrating that the exposition to the PCB mixture did not impair the normal physiological function of the mussels. However, the levels of a restricted number of proteins were clearly and reproducibly affected by the treatment; therefore, these polypeptides were considered promising biomarker candidates. In conclusion, even if further studies are needed to validate these findings, our data demonstrated that proteomic approach represents a valuable tool for identifying biomarkers of exposure to environmental contaminants

    Estudo da fenologia do Gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) cultivar CNPA G4.

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    Gergelim; Fenologia; CNPA G4; Sesamum indicumbitstream/CNPA/19712/1/BOLETIM54.pd

    Expressão sexual da mamoneira influenciada por adubação e cloreto de Mepiquat.

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    Protein Supplementation Is Vital for Beef Cattle Fed with Tropical Pasture

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    The production of beef on pasture is one of the potentials of Brazilian agriculture, mainly due to the territorial extension and climatic conditions. Therefore, the production of beef on tropical pastures mainly consists of the use of tropical forages; when correctly handled, forage plants show good productivity and improvement in the nutritive value. Among main factors that affect the performance of beef cattle fed on pastures, the availability and quality of the pasture stand first. In tropical regions, during the dry period of the year, the production of forage as well as its nutritive value is diminished. Hence, it is necessary to use protein supplements as a feed strategy to promote increased intake and improved nutrient utilization efficiency by animals. In view of this, by-products of biodiesel from oilseeds, such as peanuts, cottonseed and sunflower seeds, with high nutritional values can be used as an animal feed alternative to the protein sources commonly used for the formulation of supplements. Protein supplementation contributes to an increase in live weight gain as well as improvement in ruminal microbiota activity and, consequently, potentiates nutrient utilization efficiency in beef cattle fed with tropical pasture

    Molecular targets of developmental exposure to bisphenol A in diabesity: a focus on endoderm-derived organs

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    Several studies associate foetal human exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) to metabolic/endocrine diseases, mainly diabesity. They describe the role of BPA in the disruption of pancreatic beta cell, adipocyte and hepatocyte functions. Indeed, the complexity of the diabesity phenotype is due to the involvement of different endoderm-derived organs, all targets of BPA. Here, we analyse this point delineating a picture of different mechanisms of BPA toxicity in endoderm-derived organs leading to diabesity. Moving from epidemiological data, we summarize the in vivo experimental data of the BPA effects on endoderm-derived organs (thyroid, pancreas, liver, gut, prostate and lung) after prenatal exposure. Mainly, we gather molecular data evidencing harmful effects at low-dose exposure, pointing to the risk to human health. Although the fragmentation of molecular data does not allow a clear conclusion to be drawn, the present work indicates that the developmental exposure to BPA represents a risk for endoderm-derived organs development as it deregulates the gene expression from the earliest developmental stages. A more systematic analysis of BPA impact on the transcriptomes of endoderm-derived organs is still missing. Here, we suggest in vitro toxicogenomics approaches as a tool for the identification of common mechanisms of BPA toxicity leading to the diabesity in organs having the same developmental origin

    A Cultura da mamona no cerrado: riscos e oportunidades.

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    A cultura da mamona no cerrado; Exigências da cultura; Cerrado e seu potencial de produção de mamona; Sugestão de manejo tecnológico para a mamoneira no cerrado; data de plantio; Manejo do Solo; Plantio; Variedades e híbridos; Correção de acidez do solo; Nutrição mineral e adubação; Controle de plantas daninhas; Controle de pragas; Doenças; Colheitas; Armazenamento; Comercialização; Custo de produçãobitstream/CNPA/18324/1/DOC149.pd

    Bioprospecção de extratos vegetais ativos sobre larvas do carrapato Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus

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    Introdução: O carrapato bovino tem grande importância sanitária no Brasil, mas encontra-se muito resistente aos acaricidas sintéticos disponíveis [1]. Dessa forma, esse estudo teve por objetivo investigar a ação de extratos vegetais sobre larvas de R. microplus. Métodos: Envelopes de papel de filtro contendo ± 100 larvas e impregnados com os extratos foram incubados por 24h em B.O.D. ± 28°C e UR >80% [2]. Foram avaliados em 3 repetições: extrato metanólico da raiz de Curcuma longa (20 mg), extrato diclorometano das folhas de Hortia brasiliana (10 mg), extrato metanólico do tronco de Hortia superba (10 mg), extrato etanólico do caule (20 mg) e partição hexânica, dicloro, acetato de etila e etanólica das folhas de Euxylophora paraensis (15, 15, 17 e 20 mg), extrato hidrometanólico das cascas do fruto (253 mg) e etanólico de folhas e galhos de Trichilia elegans (20 mg); extrato hexânico da semente de Annona muricata, extrato etanólico da raiz de Zingiber oficinalle e de galhos de Uncaria tomentosa (20 mg). Testaram-se também os óleos brutos de Carapa guianensis e de Copaifera reticulata a 3%, 7,5% e 15%. Os extratos tiveram seus solventes evaporados e depois testados a 100%, 50% e 25% da massa inicial, adicionando-se água, ou etanol a 30% e/ou tween 80 a 2%. Os controles foram preparados com os mesmos solventes. Resultados e Discussão/ Conclusão: O extrato metanólico da raiz de C. longa causou lentidão no movimento das larvas nas concentrações de 100 e 50%. C. reticulata causou mortalidade de 4%, 18,6% e 28,3% nas concentrações de 3%, 7,5% e 15%, respectivamente. Portanto, as espécies vegetais não foram eficazes, ou economicamente viáveis no caso de C. reticulata, nas concentrações avaliadas. 1.Grisi, L. et al. (2002) A Hora Vet. 125: 8-10. 2.Fao Plant Protection Bulletin (1971) FAO method n.º7 19: 15-18
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