43 research outputs found

    Effects of curing on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of cement-bentonite mixtures for cut-off walls

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    Cement-bentonite cut-off walls are commonly employed in geoenvironmental applications to limit ground water flow and pollutant transport. The wide diffusion of this artificial material in the current practice is not only due to its low permeability, but also to its simplicity of use. In this paper, experimental evidences about the role of curing on the hydro-mechanical behaviour of cement-bentonite mixtures are presented. Different curing times and curing conditions (representative for either water saturated or hydrocarbon polluted soils) have been considered, and their effects on both hydraulic conductivity and mechanical response in oedometer and triaxial conditions have been assessed. A unified hydro-mechanical framework, accounting for the changes of material fabric occurring with curing time and environment, is formulated. The hydraulic conductivity is very well predicted by a Kozeny-Carman like equation, whereas the mechanical behaviour is finely reproduced via an enhanced elastic–plastic constitutive model

    Experimental tests on shallow foundations of onshore wind turbine towers

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    The current effort towards the progressive switch from carbon-based to renewable energy production is leading to a relevant spreading of both on- and off-shore wind turbine towers. Regarding reinforced concrete shallow foundations of onshore wind turbine steel towers, possible reductions of reinforcement may increase their sustainability, speed of erection, and competitiveness. The article presents the results of an experimental program carried out at Politecnico di Milano concerning both cyclic and monotonic loading, simulating extreme wind conditions on 1:15 scaled models of wind turbine steel towers connected by stud bolt adapters to reinforced concrete shallow foundations embedded in a sandy soil. Three couples of foundation specimens were tested with different reinforcement layouts: (a) similar to current praxis, (b) without shear reinforcement, and (c) without shear reinforcement and with 50% of ordinary steel rebars replaced by steel fibers. Additional vertical loads were added to the small-scale models in order to ensure similarity in terms of stresses. The test results allowed to (i) characterize the mechanical behavior of the foundation element considering soil-structure interaction under both service and ultimate load conditions, (ii) assess the foundation failure mode, (iii) highlight the role of each typology of reinforcing bars forming the cage, and (iv) provide hints for the optimization of these latter

    Rock glacier dynamics by a thermo-elastic-viscoplastic constitutive relationship

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    As a result of mountain permafrost creep, rock glaciers are common features in high-altitude periglacial areas. From a practical point of view, beyond their localization and inventorying, both the monitoring and prediction of their evolution due to climate changes are crucial. One of the effects of climate change is the thickening of the basal shear zone (the portion of the rock glacier where most deformations are localized), eventually leading to the development of unexpected and unprecedented (in terms of location, magnitude, frequency, and timing) instability phenomena. These phenomena bear consequences for the understanding of landscape evolution, natural hazards, and the safe and sustainable operation of high-mountain infrastructures. Most of the studies about active rock glaciers are focused on the analysis of monitoring data, while just a few studies are focused on modeling their behavior to understand their possible further evolution. The active rock glacier response is characterized by a viscous (rate-dependent) behavior, influenced by seasonal temperature oscillations, and characterized by a seasonal transition from slow to fast. In this work, a new thermo-mechanical model based on the delayed plasticity theory and calibrated on experimental results is proposed. The model is employed to evaluate the influence of geometry and forcing (air temperature) on a real rock glacier (Murtèl-Corvatsch rock glacier) creep behavio

    Numerical and theoretical analyses of settlements of strip shallow foundations on normally consolidated clays under partially drained conditions

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    In the geotechnical community, the macroelement approach nowadays is largely considered to be a successful theoretical tool for solving soil–structure interaction problems. This approach is based on the definition of a generalised constitutive law putting in relation a small number of suitably defined generalised stress/strain variables. The macroelement formulations proposed in the literature take into consideration either drained or undrained cases, but disregard the hydro-mechanical coupling. In this paper, the authors intend to generalise the theory by introducing a new formulation for shallow foundations overpassing this limitation and capable of accounting for the influence of loading rate on the system response. To conceive and to calibrate the model, the authors numerically analysed the case of a shallow foundation positioned on a normally consolidated clayey soil stratum whose mechanical behaviour is reproduced by means of the modified Cam Clay model. Finally, the approach is discussed critically from the perspective of its use as a design tool according to approaches based on the ultimate limit state and displacement