18 research outputs found


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    This paper presents results, which were obtained during investigation of 106 children with acute intestinal infections in order to determine the presence of cryptosporidia and to evaluate their intestinal microbial status. The cryptosporidia's oocysts were found in 31 of children (29,2 %) that were mainly under the 3 age old. At the same time the authors found the dysbacteriosis of the second and. third, degrees in 92,5 % of patients. Six patients (5,7 %) became cryptosporidium negative and improved their intestinal microbial status. The obtained results showed that lactobacterias containing probiotics are effective in treatment of children with acute intestinal infections for normalizing of intestinal biocenosis and. to eradicate cryptosporidia

    Absorption of Terahertz Radiation in Ge/Si(001) Heterostructures with Quantum Dots

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    The terahertz spectra of the dynamic conductivity and radiation absorption coefficient in germanium-silicon heterostructures with arrays of Ge hut clusters (quantum dots) have been measured for the first time in the frequency range of 0.3-1.2 THz at room temperature. It has been found that the effective dynamic conductivity and effective radiation absorption coefficient in the heterostructure due to the presence of germanium quantum dots in it are much larger than the respective quantities of both the bulk Ge single crystal and Ge/Si(001) without arrays of quantum dots. The possible microscopic mechanisms of the detected increase in the absorption in arrays of quantum dots have been discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures; typos correcte

    Частота выявляемости маркеров цитомегаловирусной инфекции у детей с рекуррентными респираторными заболеваниями, у больных с шига-токсин-ассоциированным гемолитико-уремическим синдромом (STEC-ГУС)

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    The paper presents data on the detection and role of cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI) in 146 children of certain groups aged from 3 months to 15 years who were hospitalized — frequently ill children with respiratory pathology, patients with shiga-toxin-associated hemolytic uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS) and schoolchildren with somatic diseases during rehabilitation in a sanatorium.The aim of the study was to determine the frequency of detection of CMVI in the presented groups, the originality of the main clinical manifestations in correlation with the markers of activity of herpesvirus type V infection. Clinical monitoring was carried out, oropharyngeal swabs, saliva,blood samples (serum and blood cells) were studied using a set of laboratory diagnostic methods:RCM (rapid culture method) on Vero- and M-19 cells, IIR (reaction of indirect immunofluorescence), ELISA to detect specific antigens and antibodies (IgM, IgG).The detection rate of CMV IgG in diagnostic values ranged from 6.4% in the group of frequently ill children with respiratory pathology to 31.7% in schoolchildren of the sanatorium, the acute course of infection was detected in3.2% and 6.4%, respectively, based on markers of acute infection (CMV IgM and cytomegalovirus antigen). In patients with STEC-HUS CMV IgG in diagnostic titers were recorded with the highest frequency — in 74.4% of patients. Представлены данные по выявлению и роли цитомегаловируснойинфекции (ЦМВИ) у 146 детей отдельных групп в возрасте от 3 мес. до 15 лет, находившихся на стационарном лечении — часто болеющие дети (ЧБД) с респираторной патологией, пациенты с шига-токсин-ассоциированным гемолитико-уремическим синдромом (STEC-ГУС) и школьники с соматическими заболеваниями при реабилитации в санатории.Целью исследования явилось определение частоты выявления ЦМВИ в представленных группах, своеобразия основных клинических проявлений в корреляции с маркерами активности герпесвирусной инфекции V типа. Проводилось клиническое мониторирование, исследовались ротоглоточные мазки, слюна, образцы крови (сыворотка и клетки крови) с применением комплекса лабораторных методов диагностики: БКМ на клетках Verо- и M-19, НРИФ, ИФА для выявления специфических антигенов и ан-тител (IgM, IgG).Частота обнаружения ЦМВ IgG в диагностических значениях колебалась от 6,4% в группе ЧБД с респираторной патологией до 31,7% — у школьников санатория, острое течение инфекции выявлено в 3,2% и 6,4% соответственно на основании марке-ров острой инфекции (ЦМВ IgM и АГ цитомегаловируса). У больных STEC-ГУС ЦМВ IgG в диагностических титрах регистрировались с наибольшей частотой — у 74,4% больных

    Выявление маркеров оппортунистических инфекций у часто болеющих детей Северо-Восточных регионов России

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    The study is devoted to the clinical examination of frequently ill children in the North-Eastern regions of Russia and the laboratory detection of markers of herpesvirus infections, as well as pneumocystosis and the establishment of the relationship with their immune status.62 children aged 8—15 years were examined. Samples of serum and blood cells, sputum on markers of herpesvirus infections and pneumocystosis by ELISA, indirect immunofluorescence reaction and rapid culture method were studied. Assessment of humoral immunity and determination of circulating immune complexes was performed by solid-phase enzyme immunoassay and immune turbodimetric analysis.The study shows the etiological role of herpesviruses. Active infection (acute, reactivation) was caused in 9.7% of cases of HSV-1,2, 12.9% — EBV, 6.5% — CMV, 19.4% — HHV-6. This is indicated by a large number of convalescents: with EBVI — 40.3%, HSVI — 27.4%, HHVI-6 — 8.1%, CMVI — 4.8%. Also, a significant number of children were found and latent form. The formation of the circulating immune complexes (CIC) is a physiological mechanism of protection of the body, and their excessive accumulation indicates the development of inflammatory processes and autoimmune diseases. In the increase in CIC observed mainly in individuals with latent infection: HSVI — 29.4%; HHVI-6 — 20.8%; CMVI — 16.7%, EBVI — 11.9%. It is important to note that in almost half of the cases the increase in CIC level occurred simultaneously with the increase in the concentration of total IgE. A survey of children on Pneumocystis showed that among them, dominated native — 11.3%, in which the sputum was identified pnevmotsisty. It should be noted that one child was found mixed infection with reactivated CMVI. Acute infection was diagnosed only in 6.4% of the patients.Исследование посвящено клиническому обследованию часто болеющих детей Северо-Восточных регионов России и лабораторному выявлению у них маркеров герпесвирусных инфекций, а также пневмоцистоза и установлению взаимосвязи с их иммунным статусом.Обследовано 62 ребенка в возрасте 8—15 лет. Были исследованы образцы сывороток и клеток крови, мокроты на маркеры герпесвирусных инфекций и пневмоцистоза методом ИФА, непрямой реакции иммунофлюоресценции и быстрым культуральным методом. Оценку состояния гуморального иммунитета и определение содержания циркулирующих иммунных комплексов проводили методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа и иммунного турбодиметрического анализа.В исследовании показана этиологическая роль герпесвирусов. Активная инфекция (острая, реактивация) была обусловлена в 9,7% случаев ВПГ-1,2, в 12,9% — ВЭБ, в 6,5% — ЦМВ, в 19,4% — ВГЧ-6. На это указывает и большое количество реконвалесцентов: с ВЭБИ — 40,3%, ВПГИ — 27,4%, ВГЧИ-6 — 8,1%, ЦМВИ — 4,8%. Также у значительного количества детей была обнаружена и латентная форма. Образование ЦИК является физиологическим механизмом защиты организма, а их избыточное накопление свидетельствует о развитии воспалительных процессов и аутоиммунных заболеваний. Повышение ЦИК отмечено преимущественно у лиц с латентной формой инфекции: при ВПГИ — 29,4%; ВГЧИ-6 — 20,8%; ЦМВИ — 16,7% и ВЭБИ — 11,9%. Важно отметить, что почти в половине случаев повышение уровня ЦИК происходило одновременно с увеличением концентрации общего IgE. Обследование детей на пневмоцистоз показало, что среди них преобладали носители — 11,3%, у которых в мокроте были выявлены пневмоцисты. Надо отметить, что у одного ребенка была обнаружена микст-инфекция с реактивированной ЦМВИ. Острая инфекция была диагностирована только у 6,4% обследованных


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    The article discusses the role of agents of opportunistic infections (OI) in the etiology of children’s infectious diseases illustrated by the long-subfebrilites and obstructivebronchitis. When children without expressed immunity disorders are infected with mixed infections OI have more pronounced manifestations, which requires appropriate treatment. At the same time, the similarity of the clinical manifestations does not mean that an etiological diagnosis can be determined without laboratory diagnostic methods. The importance of routine pediatrics monitoring of children with latent forms of OI is emphasized.Показана роль возбудителей оппортунистических инфекций (ОИ) в этиологии инфекционных заболеваний детей на примере длительных субфебрилитетов и обструктивных бронхитов. У детей без выраженных нарушений иммунитета при смешанном инфицировании ОИ протекают более манифестно, что требует назначения соответствующего лечения. В то же время схожесть клинических проявлений не позволяет установить этиологический диагноз заболевания без использования лабораторных методов диагностики. Показана необходимость систематического наблюдения педиатрами за детьми с латентными формами ОИ

    The Results of the Mass Immunization Program against Rotavirus Infection of Children of the First year of Life in a Separate Territory of the Moscow Region

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    Relevance. The rotavirus infection (RI) is one of the leading causative agent in the structure of acute enteric infections, established etiology. Long term epidemiological monitoring RI was shown that Podolsk-city in Moscow region was unfavorable place concerning prevalence of RI. Aims. Studying epidemiological efficiency and collective immunization safety of infancy children in Podolsk-city, Moscow region. Materials and methods. Registration rates of this morbidity and coverage of RI prophylactic immunization were analyzed on the basis of formal registration forms, epidemiological detection cards, out-patient cards for observation over a patients, medical reports, case register in policlinics and hospitals, vaccination documents (f. № 5, f. № 6, f. 025/a, f. 058/a, f. 060/a, f. 063/a, f. 064/a). RI data have been provided over a period of time from 2008 to 2018. Data coverage of vaccination have been given from 2015 to 2018. Used method is statistic observation. Results. Vaccination program concerning RI has been implemented in Podolsk-city from 2008 till 2018. Babies at breast in their first being were vaccinated. Live pentavalent was used for immunization. The coverage target contingent of vaccination reached 68%. This preparation was withstood by children well, unwanted effects and intestines invaginations during the vaccination were not registered. During vaccination, the number children gone to hospital with acute intestinal infections was decreasing annually. The number of children to hospital admissions at the age of one year decreased from 15.8 to 12.5%, at the age of 2–3 decreased from 43.8 to 36.3%, with small increase in specific weight of patients of an age group of 7–14 years from 7.70 to 11.2%, but at the reduced total number of inpatients of this age category. Reduction of RI morbidity marked as in target age group as in another groups which were not vaccinated. Thus, formation of population benefits was confirmed. Conclusion. Clinicoepidemiologic research paper was studied in 2014–2018 allowed to make a conclusion that the cohort immunization of infancy children with the rotavirus infection, contributes to decreasing rate morbidity in certain territory Moscow region which had surpassing factors of this infection in comparison with other cities. The number of covering collective immunization was not lower 60% of infancy children and assisted falling enteric infections in their 0–6 years, made a big impression on reducing of acute intestinal diseases among all age groups during immunization implementation company within three years

    Effectiveness of the probiotic B. bifidum 1 for the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections in children of 7–11 years old with functional and chronic disorders of gastrointestinal tract

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    Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are a significant public health problem worldwide due to their high incidence and lack of specific prevention for most of them. Previous systematic reviews have demonstrated the possibility to use probiotics to prevent ARI in children. The prophylactic efficacy of the B. bifidum 1 strain in patients with recurrent ARI has not been investigated specifically against the background of concomitant gastrointestinal disorders, which may affect the effectiveness of probiotic therapy.Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of the sorbed probiotic B. bifidum 1 for prevention of ARI in children of 7 to 11 years of age with functional intestinal disorders or gastritis / gastroduodenitis.Materials and methods: This prospective, randomized, open-label study was completed by 44 children divided into two parallel groups: with and without administration of the sorbed B. bifidum 1 at 5 × 107 CFU three times daily for 21 days as a component of a comprehensive sanatorium treatment for recurrent ARI. The children were followed up for three months after the end of the treatment in a winter season, with assessment of frequency, severity and duration of ARI episodes.Results: The use of B. bifidum 1 in children of 7–11 years old with functional and chronic gastrointestinal disorders reduced the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (relative risk reduction 0.48, 95% confidence interval 0.15–0.68) and mean duration of respiratory diseases by 2.26 days (95% confidence interval 0.23–4.27). It also reduced fever, frequency of cases with cough and the need in antibiotic therapy. The efficacy was related mainly to a decrease in the number of children with more than one ARI episode during the three months of the winter season.Conclusion: The results of probiotics use should be evaluated with consideration of underlying disease, which can more clearly indicate the size of their effect. The use of probiotics for prevention of infectious diseases, including respiratory infections, in children with functional and chronic gastrointestinal disorders can be promising in reduction of the overall morbidity and requires further studies

    Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Pneumocystis jirovecii and herpes infection in children with recurrent respiratory diseases

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    Rationale: Acute respiratory disorders (ARD) have the highest proportion among infectious disease in children. Despite the fact that serological diagnostics of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Pneumocystis jirovecii, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), human herpesvirus type 6 (HHV-6) has been available for many years, up to now some objective limitations exist that hinder reliable differentiation between the viral carriage, past or current infection. There are no widely accepted guidelines that would suggest unified strategies for diagnosis and what is of utmost importance, for therapeutic intervention on a  case-to-case basis. The rationale for this study was based on underestimation of the burden of these infections in children with prolonged periods of cough and recurrent ARDs, as well as the necessity to further develop diagnostic and management strategies.Aim: To determine causative role of M. pneumoniae, P. jirovecii, C. pneumoniae, HSV-1, -2, EBV, CMV, HHV-6 in children with recurrent ARDs hospitalized to an in-patient unit.Materials and methods: We examined 50 children with recurrent ARDs aged from 1 to 7 years who were hospitalized with an acute respiratory infection. Laboratory assessments included determination of the markers of infections caused by M. pneumoniae, P. jirovecii, C. pneumoniae, HSV- 1, -2, EBV, CMV, HHV-6 by means of polymerase chain reaction, immunoenzyme analysis, and indirect immunofluorescence reaction.Results: Markers of mycoplasma, chlamydial, pneumocystic infection, as well as HSV-1, -2, EBV, CMV, HHV-6 were found in 84% (42 / 50) cases. Active infection (acute or active persistent) was found in 38% (19 / 50) patients. The most prevalent was pneumocystic infection diagnosed in 12 (24%) patients; one fifth of all patients had mycoplasma (in 10 (20%) of cases), whereas herpetic and chlamydial infections were less frequent (4 (8%) and 1 (2%) of cases, respectively). Twelve (24%) patients had a single infection, while the others had mixed infections.Conclusion: We were able to confirm the possibility of combined M. pneumonia / P. jirovecii infection (8%) in children with recurrent ARDs and history of longstanding cough; this is important for an assessment of efficacy of causative treatment. Measurement of serum titers of specific immunoglobulins M and G along with DNA/antigens of potential causative organisms can be sufficient to choose specific antibacterial treatment of obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia in children with the history of longstanding cough and recurrent bronchial obstruction