14,439 research outputs found

    Novel SM-like Higgs decay into displaced heavy neutrino pairs in U(1)' models

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    We examine the observability of heavy neutrino (nu_h) signatures of a U(1)' enlarged Standard Model (SM) encompassing three heavy Majorana neutrinos alongside the known light neutrino states at the the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). We show that heavy neutrinos can be rather long-lived particles producing distinctive displaced vertices that can be accessed in the CERN LHC detectors. We concentrate here on the gluon fusion production mechanism gg -> H_{1,2} -> nu_h nu_h, where H_1 is the discovered SM-like Higgs and H_2 is a heavier state, yielding displaced leptons following nu_h decays into weak gauge bosons. Using data collected by the end of the LHC Run 2, these signatures would prove to be accessible with negligibly small background.Comment: 30 pages, journal versio

    On the existence of dyons and dyonic black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We study dyonic soliton and black hole solutions of the su(2){\mathfrak {su}}(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills equations in asymptotically anti-de Sitter space. We prove the existence of non-trivial dyonic soliton and black hole solutions in a neighbourhood of the trivial solution. For these solutions the magnetic gauge field function has no zeros and we conjecture that at least some of these non-trivial solutions will be stable. The global existence proof uses local existence results and a non-linear perturbation argument based on the (Banach space) implicit function theorem.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figures. Minor revisions; references adde

    VLBA Imaging of NGC 4261: Symmetric Parsec-scale Jets and the Inner Accretion Region

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    We observed the nuclear region of NGC 4261 (3C270) with the VLBA at two frequencies (1.6 and 8.4 GHz) simultaneously. We find that the position angle of the parsec-scale radio axis agrees, within the errors, with the position angle of the VLA-scale jet. Our observations also reveal basically symmetric radio structures at both 1.6 and 8.4 GHz. Analysis of these images shows that most of the central 10 pc of this source is not significantly affected by free-free absorption, even though HST images show that the nucleus contains a nearly edge-on disk of gas and dust on larger scales. Our highest angular resolution image shows a very narrow gap in emission, which we interpret as an absorption feature, just east of the radio core. This suggests that there may be a small, dense inner accretion disk whose width is less than 0.1 pc. If the inclination of this inner disk is close to that of the larger-scale HST disk it becomes optically thin to 8.4 GHz radiation at a deprojected radius of about 0.8 pc. The brightness of the pc-scale jets falls off very rapidly on both sides of the core, suggesting that the jets are rapidly expanding during the the first several pc of their travel. It appears that there is a small dense inner disk centered on the radio core (the base of the jets; less than 1 pc), a low density bubble filling most of the the inner several pc of the nucleus (within which the radio jets expand rapidly; ~10 pc), and a surrounding cool, higher density region (of which the HST absorption disk is part; tens to hundreds of pc) within which the transverse expansion of the radio jets, as implied by the rate of decrease in jet brightness, is nearly halted.Comment: Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Issues in the Design of a Pilot Concept-Based Query Interface for the Neuroinformatics Information Framework

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    This paper describes a pilot query interface that has been constructed to help us explore a "concept-based" approach for searching the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF). The query interface is concept-based in the sense that the search terms submitted through the interface are selected from a standardized vocabulary of terms (concepts) that are structured in the form of an ontology. The NIF contains three primary resources: the NIF Resource Registry, the NIF Document Archive, and the NIF Database Mediator. These NIF resources are very different in their nature and therefore pose challenges when designing a single interface from which searches can be automatically launched against all three resources simultaneously. The paper first discusses briefly several background issues involving the use of standardized biomedical vocabularies in biomedical information retrieval, and then presents a detailed example that illustrates how the pilot concept-based query interface operates. The paper concludes by discussing certain lessons learned in the development of the current version of the interface

    The NIF LinkOut Broker: A Web Resource to Facilitate Federated Data Integration using NCBI Identifiers

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    This paper describes the NIF LinkOut Broker (NLB) that has been built as part of the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) project. The NLB is designed to coordinate the assembly of links to neuroscience information items (e.g., experimental data, knowledge bases, and software tools) that are (1) accessible via the Web, and (2) related to entries in the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s (NCBI’s) Entrez system. The NLB collects these links from each resource and passes them to the NCBI which incorporates them into its Entrez LinkOut service. In this way, an Entrez user looking at a specific Entrez entry can LinkOut directly to related neuroscience information. The information stored in the NLB can also be utilized in other ways. A second approach, which is operational on a pilot basis, is for the NLB Web server to create dynamically its own Web page of LinkOut links for each NCBI identifier in the NLB database. This approach can allow other resources (in addition to the NCBI Entrez) to LinkOut to related neuroscience information. The paper describes the current NLB system and discusses certain design issues that arose during its implementation

    Gamification techniques for raising cyber security awareness

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    Due to the prevalence of online services in modern society, such as internet banking and social media, it is important for users to have an understanding of basic security measures in order to keep themselves safe online. However, users often do not know how to make their online interactions secure, which demonstrates an educational need in this area. Gamification has grown in popularity in recent years and has been used to teach people about a range of subjects. This paper presents an exploratory study investigating the use of gamification techniques to educate average users about password security, with the aim of raising overall security awareness. To explore the impact of such techniques, a role-playing quiz application (RPG) was developed for the Android platform to educate users about password security. Results gained from the work highlightedthat users enjoyed learning via the use of the password application, and felt they benefitted from the inclusion of gamification techniques. Future work seeks to expand the prototype into a full solution, covering a range of security awareness issues

    Hot surface ignition dynamics in premixed hydrogen–air near the lean flammability limit

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    The dynamics of ignition of premixed hydrogen–air from a hot glow plug were investigated in a combined experimental and numerical study. Surface temperatures during heating and at ignition were obtained from 2-color pyrometry, gas temperatures were measured by high-speed Mach–Zehnder interferometry, and far-field effects were captured by high-speed schlieren imaging. Numerical simulations considered detailed chemical kinetics and differential diffusion effects. In addition to the known cyclic (puffing) combustion phenomenon, singular ignition events (single puff) were observed near the lean flammability limit. Detailed analysis of the results of our numerical simulations reveal the existence of multiple combustion transients within the thermal boundary layer following the initial ignition event and, at late times, sustained chemical reaction within a thermal plume above the glow plug. The results have significant implications for ignition from hot surfaces within near-flammability limit mixtures, at the edge of plumes resulting from accidental release of hydrogen, or within the containments of nuclear power plants during severe accidents

    Characterization of gravity current formation for the use in detonation refraction experiments

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    Detonation propagation through an interface is being studied at Caltech. In these experiments, the interface shape is determined by the gravity currents. This report presents an experimental study of the formation and the development of these gravity currents by an analog system in a water channel using water and salt water to simulate the density differences in detonation experiments. The major parameters such as the Reynolds number and the density difference were matched in both experiments to be able to compare the gravity current in the water channel and the gravity current in the Galcit detonation tube. In the present study, the gravity current was generated by the removal of a plate, and was visualized by adding food dye. The results confirm previous studies; Keulegan demonstrated in 1957 that the velocity of the gravity current is a function of the square root of the density difference. The interface is affect by the retracting of the plate which creates the wake effects. The Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities on the upstream side of the gravity current create the visualized mixing zones. Finally, this study revealed how the gravity current interface into the Galcit detonation tube should develop and where the mixing zones should occur

    The molecular genetic analysis of the expanding pachyonychia congenita case collection

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    BACKGROUND: Pachyonychia congenita (PC) is a rare autosomal dominant keratinizing disorder characterized by severe, painful, palmoplantar keratoderma and nail dystrophy, often accompanied by oral leucokeratosis, cysts and follicular keratosis. It is caused by mutations in one of five keratin genes: KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16 or KRT17. OBJECTIVES: To identify mutations in 84 new families with a clinical diagnosis of PC, recruited by the International Pachyonychia Congenita Research Registry during the last few years. METHODS: Genomic DNA isolated from saliva or peripheral blood leucocytes was amplified using primers specific for the PC-associated keratin genes and polymerase chain reaction products were directly sequenced. RESULTS: Mutations were identified in 84 families in the PC-associated keratin genes, comprising 46 distinct keratin mutations. Fourteen were previously unreported mutations, bringing the total number of different keratin mutations associated with PC to 105. CONCLUSIONS: By identifying mutations in KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16 or KRT17, this study has confirmed, at the molecular level, the clinical diagnosis of PC in these families

    Results of 1/4-Scale Experiments. Vapor Simulant And Liquid Jet A Tests

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    A quarter-scale engineering model of the center wing tank (CWT) of a 747-100 was constructed. This engineering model replicated the compartmentalization, passageways, and venting to the atmosphere. The model was designed to scale the fluid dynamical and combustion aspects of the explosion, not the structural failure of the beams or spars. The effect of structural failure on combustion was examined by using model beams and spars with deliberately engineered weak connections to the main tank structure. The model was filled with a simulant fuel (a mixture of propane and hydrogen) and ignited with a hot wire. The simulant fuel was chosen on the basis of laboratory testing to model the combustion characteristics (pressure rise and flame speed) of Jet A vapor created by a Jet A liquid layer at 50C at an altitude of 13.8 kft. A series of experiments was carried out in this model in order to: (a) investigate combustion in a CWT geometry; and (b) provide guidance to the TWA 800 crash investigation. The results of the experiments were observed with high-speed film, video, and still cameras, fast and slow pressure sensors, thermocouples, photodetectors, and motion sensors. A special pseudo-schlieren system was used to visualize flame propagation within the tank. This report describes the test program, facility, instrumentation, the first 30 experiments, comparisons between experiments, and performance of the instrumentation; then examines the significance of these results to the TWA 800 crash investigation. The key results of this study are: Flame Motion: The motion of flame was dominated by the effects of turbulence created by jetting through the passageways and vent stringers. A very rapid combustion event (lasting 10 to 20 ms) occurred once the flame traveled outside of the ignition bay and interacted with the turbulent flow. Most of the gas within the tank was burned during this rapid event. Compartments: The combustion time decreased with an increasing number of compartments (bays) within the tank. With six bays, combustion took only 100 to 150 ms to be completed from the time of ignition until the end of the rapid combustion phase. The total combustion event was three to four times shorter with compartments than without. Venting: Venting to the outside of the tank through the model vent stringers had a negligible effect on the combustion progress or on the peak pressure reached at the end of the burn. Ignition Location: Variation of the ignition location produced distinctive pressure loads on the structural components. Liquid Fuel: Lofting of a cold liquid fuel layer was produced by the combustion-induced gas motion. Although this spray of liquid eventually ignited and burned, it did not contribute to the pressure loading. Structural Failure: Structural failure resulted in flame acceleration, decreasing the overall combustion time. TWA 800 Investigation: The pressure loads were sufficiently high, up to 4 bar, and the combustion events were sufficiently short, that the forward portion (spanwise beam 3, front spar) of the CWT structure would fail as a direct consequence of the explosion. A combination of pressure loads was produced in some tests consistent with the TWA 800 wreckage. Replica tests, structural modeling, and sensitivity studies on fuel concentration are needed before any conclusions can be drawn about probable ignition locations. Cargo Bay: Tests with a simplified model of a half-full cargo bay indicated that repeated pressure waves with an amplitude of 1 bar or less are produced when an explosion scenario similar to TWA 800 is tested. Future Testing: Future studies should include replica tests, tests with Jet A vapor and warm liquid Jet A layers, and sensitivity tests to examine ignition location, fuel concentration, and vent area perturbations. Summary: Explosion tests in a 747-100 CWT model reveal that a very complex pattern of combustion occurs due the interaction of the flame and the flow-generated turbulence. A wide range of structural load patterns occur, depending on the location of the ignition source. Some of these load patterns are consistent with damage believed to be associated with the initial explosion event in TWA 800. Sensitivity of the loading to the ignition location indicates that narrowing down the ignition location in TWA 800 may be possible. However, the complexity of the combustion and structural failure processes in the actual center wing tank mandates extremely careful consideration of the uncertainties that enter into this process
