139 research outputs found

    Dynamics of four-photon photoluminescence in gold nanoantennas

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    Two-pulse correlation is employed to investigate the temporal dynamics of both two-photon photoluminescence (2PPL) and four-photon photoluminescence (4PPL) in resonant and nonresonant nanoantennas excited at a wavelength of 800 nm. Our data are consistent with the same two-step model being the cause of both 4PPL and 2PPL, implying that the first excitation step in 4PPL is a three-photon sp->sp direct interband transition. Considering energy and parity conservation, we also explain why 4PPL behavior is favored over three-and five-photon photoluminescence in the power range below the damage threshold of our antennas. Since sizeable 4PPL requires larger peak intensities of the local field, we are able to select either 2PPL or 4PPL in the same gold nanoantennas by choosing a suitable laser pulse duration. We thus provide a first consistent model for the understanding of multiphoton photoluminescence generation in gold nanoantennas, opening new perspectives for applications ranging from the characterization of plasmonic resonances to biomedical imaging

    Surfactant-like Effect and Dissolution of Ultrathin Fe Films on Ag(001)

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    The phase immiscibility and the excellent matching between Ag(001) and Fe(001) unit cells (mismatch 0.8 %) make Fe/Ag growth attractive in the field of low dimensionality magnetic systems. Intermixing could be drastically limited at deposition temperatures as low as 140-150 K. The film structural evolution induced by post-growth annealing presents many interesting aspects involving activated atomic exchange processes and affecting magnetic properties. Previous experiments, of He and low energy ion scattering on films deposited at 150 K, indicated the formation of a segregated Ag layer upon annealing at 550 K. Higher temperatures led to the embedding of Fe into the Ag matrix. In those experiments, information on sub-surface layers was attained by techniques mainly sensitive to the topmost layer. Here, systematic PED measurements, providing chemical selectivity and structural information for a depth of several layers, have been accompanied with a few XRD rod scans, yielding a better sensitivity to the buried interface and to the film long range order. The results of this paper allow a comparison with recent models enlightening the dissolution paths of an ultra thin metal film into a different metal, when both subsurface migration of the deposit and phase separation between substrate and deposit are favoured. The occurrence of a surfactant-like stage, in which a single layer of Ag covers the Fe film is demonstrated for films of 4-6 ML heated at 500-550 K. Evidence of a stage characterized by the formation of two Ag capping layers is also reported. As the annealing temperature was increased beyond 700 K, the surface layers closely resembled the structure of bare Ag(001) with the residual presence of subsurface Fe aggregates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    martensitic transition during ni growth on fe 001 evidence of a precursor phase

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    We report evidence that the body-centered cubic (bcc)-face-centered cubic (fcc) transition that occurs during Ni film growth on a Fe(001) substrate is preceded by a pre-martensitic phase, as demonstrated by low-energy electron diffraction. The corresponding film superstructure is characterized by a displacement of Ni atoms along the main h100i crystallographic axes of iron, without any rotation of the unit cell with respect to the (001) plane, in contrast with the martensitic transition that shows four fcc Ni domains with the Nih211i crystallographic directions aligned with the Feh110i axes. In addition, the martensitic transition is detected not at 6ML, as previously believed, but above 20ML if the Ni sample is rigorously kept at room temperature. The surface morphology of the bcc-fcc transition is characterized by the development of Ni mounds oriented along the h110i directions, as shown by scanning tunneling microscopy

    Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation

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    Nanoantennas for visible and infrared radiation can strongly enhance the interaction of light with nanoscale matter by their ability to efficiently link propagating and spatially localized optical fields. This ability unlocks an enormous potential for applications ranging from nanoscale optical microscopy and spectroscopy over solar energy conversion, integrated optical nanocircuitry, opto-electronics and density-ofstates engineering to ultra-sensing as well as enhancement of optical nonlinearities. Here we review the current understanding of optical antennas based on the background of both well-developed radiowave antenna engineering and the emerging field of plasmonics. In particular, we address the plasmonic behavior that emerges due to the very high optical frequencies involved and the limitations in the choice of antenna materials and geometrical parameters imposed by nanofabrication. Finally, we give a brief account of the current status of the field and the major established and emerging lines of investigation in this vivid area of research.Comment: Review article with 76 pages, 21 figure

    Magnetic anisotropy at the buried CoO/Fe interface

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    Interfaces between antiferromagnetic CoO and ferromagnetic Fe are typically characterized by the development of Fe oxides. Recently, it was shown that the use of a proper ultra-thin Co buffer layer prevents the formation of Fe oxides [Brambilla et al., Appl. Surf. Sci. 362, 374 (2016)]. In the present work, we investigate the magnetic properties of such an interface, and we find evidence for an in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy, which is characterized by a multijump reversal behavior in the magnetization hysteresis loops. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and element-sensitive hysteresis loops reveal that the occurrence of such an anisotropy is a phenomenon developing at the very interface

    Ce-L3-XAS study of the temperature dependence of the 4f occupancy in the Kondo system Ce2Rh3Al9

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    We have used temperature dependent x-ray absorption at the Ce-L3 edge to investigate the recently discovered Kondo compound Ce2Rh3Al9. The systematic changes of the spectral lineshape with decreasing temperature are analyzed and found to be related to a change in the 4f4f occupation number, n_f, as the system undergoes a transition into a Kondo state. The temperature dependence of nfn_f indicates a characteristic temperature of 150K, which is clearly related with the high temperature anomaly observed in the magnetic susceptibility of the same system. The further anomaly observed in the resistivity of this system at low temperature (ca. 20K) has no effect on n_f and is thus not of Kondo origin.Comment: 7 pages, three figures, submitted to PR

    High-resolution Ce 3d-edge resonant photoemission study of CeNi_2

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    Resonant photoemission (RPES) at the Ce 3d -> 4f threshold has been performed for alpha-like compound CeNi_2 with extremely high energy resolution (full width at half maximum < 0.2 eV) to obtain bulk-sensitive 4f spectral weight. The on-resonance spectrum shows a sharp resolution-limited peak near the Fermi energy which can be assigned to the tail of the Kondo resonance. However, the spin-orbit side band around 0.3 eV binding energy corresponding to the f_{7/2} peak is washed out, in contrast to the RPES spectrum at the Ce 3d -> 4f RPES threshold. This is interpreted as due to the different surface sensitivity, and the bulk-sensitive Ce 3d -> 4f RPES spectra are found to be consistent with other electron spectroscopy and low energy properties for alpha-like Ce-transition metal compounds, thus resolves controversy on the interpretation of Ce compound photoemission. The 4f spectral weight over the whole valence band can also be fitted fairly well with the Gunnarsson-Schoenhammer calculation of the single impurity Anderson model, although the detailed features show some dependence on the hybridization band shape and (possibly) Ce 5d emissions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figur

    Exchange-induced frustration in Fe/NiO multilayers

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    Using spin-polarized low-energy electron microscopy to study magnetization in epitaxial layered systems, we found that the area vs perimeter relationship of magnetic domains in the top Fe layers of Fe/NiO/Fe(100) structures follows a power-law distribution, with very small magnetic domain cutoff radius (about 40 nm) and domain wall thickness. This unusual magnetic microstructure can be understood as resulting from the competition between antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic exchange interactions at the Fe/NiO interfaces, rather than from mechanisms involving the anisotropy and dipolar forces that govern length scales in conventional magnetic domain structures. Statistical analysis of our measurements validates a micromagnetic model that accounts for this interfacial exchange coupling.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Open string wavefunctions in flux compactifications

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    We consider compactifications of type I supergravity on manifolds with SU(3) structure, in the presence of RR fluxes and magnetized D9-branes, and analyze the generalized Dirac and Laplace-Beltrami operators associated to the D9-brane worldvolume fields. These compactifications are T-dual to standard type IIB toroidal orientifolds with NSNS and RR 3-form fluxes and D3/D7 branes. By using techniques of representation theory and harmonic analysis, the spectrum of open string wavefunctions can be computed for Lie groups and their quotients, as we illustrate with explicit twisted tori examples. We find a correspondence between irreducible unitary representations of the Kaloper-Myers algebra and families of Kaluza-Klein excitations. We perform the computation of 2- and 3-point couplings for matter fields in the above flux compactifications, and compare our results with those of 4d effective supergravity.Comment: 89 pages, 4 figures. v3: more typos corrected, version published in JHE

    Localized Character of 4f Electrons in CeRhx_x(x=2,3) and CeNix_x(x=2,5)

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    We have measured Ce 4f spectral weights of extremely α\alpha-like Ce-transition metal intermetallic compounds CeRhx_x (x=2,3) and CeNix_x (x=2,5) by using the {\it bulk-sensitive} resonant photoemission technique at the Ce M5M_5(3d5/2→4f3d_{5/2}\to4f)-edge. Unprecedentedly high energy resolution and longer escape depth of photoemitted electron at this photon energy enabled us to distinguish the sharp Kondo resonance tails at the Fermi level, which can be well described by the Gunnarsson-Sch\"onhammer(GS) calculation based on the Anderson Impurity Hamiltonian. On the other hand, the itinerant 4f band description shows big discrepancies, which implies that Ce 4f electrons retain localized characters even in extremely α\alpha-like compounds.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let
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